Nice to be @ the Printers Row condo. First time I'd been there since the baby was born - one year ago. I just stopped by - proudly the words Jackson said of me in like 1993 - "who else but him just 'stops by' instead of calling before hand?". The place is very baby equpiied now - things changed about for the safety of the baby. Man, I doubt I could ever try that parenthood thing. Yet ....
And wanting to hang out more. It's been a long time, but Fridays now rerepresent an extreme danger for me. Too hard, these days, the old safety net of a day having too much stuff strewn on top. So I know I need to get out on these days. Easyouts are coming - that concert is coming up, and it seems California will take care of two more fridays. But now direct action by me - coastwatching - is needed again.
But back to Patiencefaces. As I statred earlier, its the first time Ive been there since the babay was born. That long. It's sad that I've 'sequestered' myself for so long: and I need to change that. Funny - interruptions in the Murmansk route means that I had to do w.o. : and that clarity for a day or two turns to deeper 'what the fuck am I doing?' turns into an attempted tactical offensive by me - in, now, it's 6th day (minus Sunday, where a minor battle was lost by me), or fourth day straight now. And it was just real good to sit and chill for 1.5h @ their crib. Safe place. Plans for the fry to be reuppped w. others. Need to keep on keepin' on.
And the Hawks game. Brilliant. Was w. Sister.1, and her husband - and someone delicious Sister.1 works w. (she had two extra tix, I took one) Had to sit away from her - two seats in betwixt - so of course never talked to her. But... I'm guessing @ some point I am going to have to think about things like that again ..... well, I HAVE been thinking about things like that, but... like its not rite or I shouldnt be doing this or ... some sorta feeling like that ...
Been a few years since Ive been to a Hawks game. Had been going 3-4 games a year, going w. Old Guard frenz, Balz, and the kids. Tix were very cheap in the years when the Hawks were an irrevelence in Chicago sporting scene - show up w. an school id (even an old one) and tix were $7. SEVEN!!. But they are so popular now (and good) that tix are ofetn sold out. But, for one nite, it was kool to go out.
Thank god you didn't notice the autoerotic asphyxiation stairmaster.
Thank god you didn't notice the autoerotic ashpyxiation stairmaster in the corner.
Thank god you didn't notice the leopard coat that reeked of farts hanging from my shoulder.
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