13 July, 2009

we are the piggs

Piggish day in evanston on a Saturday in July closest to Bastille Day. I'll cop to being down in spirits on this day - my usual summer wilt has raced through me good and better - paralysising these days. Sad 'cause no Gf - she is missed these days - but carry on I must. It's a long fucking ride up to Evanston - and I have to collect Neice.1 and Jacob on the way. Neice.1 is babysitting Blurry and Proud Gallo, and jacob was there to get himout of his SRO hovel. Neice.1 did well - she stayed later then me. jacob didn't - he left eary when I couldn't even see him leave.

So. I brought nothing, except some tea and sympathy for fellow travellors. And soccer balls so we could play. But mainly I just kinda hung on the perpherials, trying not to talk to anyone for too long, wandering off, wandering back, and again refusing talk.

Oh - im being a bit of a hypocrit - I did well and talked and talked and talked - but my main emphesis was the marathons of indecision and apathy and fear and loss running on the courses of my mind.

But - I felt good. I felt ok. I was surrounded by my frenz - lots of them - and a meandering talk to him and her and him and her was not taxing. It was made easy for me, and no one hassled me.

We ate. Again, i grought notheing except myself - no food, no drink. I ate and drank little, but it was all charity. I'm on summer appetite - meaning i eat about a half a meal a day (as opposed to three squares). No big deal, its all familier territory - but boy I got snagged on some latin styled chicken. Then, knowing I could pass it up, i bunned up some of Gallo's grillige and chewed that down (all that shit was SO GOOD - Sausage, chix, etc.... these fucks can grill)

And we played soccer. For the thrid year we got the ballgame going out inan outdoor patch of level ground. The last two years spirited games featuring tough play and lots of injuries took place -not this year! Lotsa kids played, and I think poeple were just scared off - lots of players from years past ignored the call up. Shit even I - 12,000,000 more athletic than 98% of the people there, think twice these days. (True - rarely do I really practice with the kids - usually old man off to the side ordering....).

Great showing. Not all went- most notably GF - but there were tonnes. I wont bother to list - check out Rocky's flxxy jixx. But there came the time when I just had to set sail and split - I had tixx to the fire game and wanted to make the match. Gallo called me out on this - what, I had to make every match? But on this nite I did. It sucked. I would hav eliked to stay. But I had to keep on keepin on. I had to go. I would be by myself for an hour drive to the Fire house. I would be able to go back to my crib - by myself - and prepare to go out again - by myself and sit - by myself and a book - @ Lanigans and have a few lonesome drinks.

But only two - hangover taught me well to watch.

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