09 July, 2009

small sleep

Woken up, too early for any sorta comfort or any sorta fort whatsoever, and to school for a spot of soccer in the park. drive in on off day trying to get kids organized for next year. gambld for both boys and girls to be out there - but instead it was a tonne of boys and one girl. since i am mainly th girls coach, i was pleased that she was agressive and loving to play. played 8 -v-8, me only as a ref. chiva, goalie fromlast years girls varsity, played first half -she is a brand new fresjwoamn @ U.I.C., and was walking for the El home when she saw us playing - cheerfull child, but also a deeply willfully sullen streak. realised that my leggs can really no longer take part in active soccer - last sunday, when i played last, i feared for my knees - @ every point, they seemed to want to twist in several dirctions, hospitilising me for sure. avoid that, or postpone it, by not playing. played two 20m halves, w/ goals and switching of sides each half. It ended 1-1. rest of day was mess- snatched a bit of cinema via th home -watched the die hard 4 - awful - and sports - both a Whitesoxwinner and USA all overagain - and Strasser to Keegans for some drinks to take the place. was supposed to grill - but instead sallied for meatball sandwiches. and amazed that once again i have to construct calenders and arches and deadlines in order to try and best the Mittropa.

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