13 August, 2008

secret man

There is some sort of party of a secret comng up, and last nite some of the secret preps were aided by me.

Somone who will remain nameless is celebrating something soon (and no, it ain't you if you are a regular reader of the blog)and the call for old material - foto's in particular - went out. I thought I had tonnes, but it turned out this man was a underfoto'd person. I only had four, but two are total classics ("_ _ 's Slaves" and "The Beatles". Wait - then there s the "F.B.I. foto".)

But i'd gotten out my old foto Albums from the late 1980's and yes - deeply horridly shocking about all those very young people I used to hang out with. And their clothes!! The person I was wkg with _ _ _ , made reference that some of the chicks in the foto's were dressed like it was "Breakfast Club" - and yeah, kinda looked like it. Another particular foto of someone who is a now a history PhD in the Midwest (yeah yeah, you slept with her - it's Cult Woman y'all, to use her histroical nickname) got the comment that her style was coming back again.
But I also got a taste of the power of the scanner. Again, I have so much shit on 'old technology' - new Association songs, L5 powerplays, pictures, trinkets etc etc etc that it is very necessary for me to get it rolling digatal. As it is, I got Processed processing some stuff for me, but I will go on record as saying that a lyt of the stuff I got is so so so so outthere, that I cannot allow it to fall into anyone's hands that sn't one of The Five. So, what I gotta do just so I release it is to transfer some of the great stuff to a cassette and allow Processed to redo it. For now. I followed his instructions and it turned out not good - maybe I need new wires etc etc etc.
we'll see.

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