01 August, 2008

Comic Book Guy says…

Written by Lazers
Names edited by Hilts

Crowded night at TC Pub as six teams would battle for the night’s trivia crown. Tonight’s twist on tricks: each team gets three throws, no Hangman, and one option of a “Ladies Only” challenge of their choice.

The competition: Bar, Comfortably Dumb, Trio, Morning Wood, and Bearded Clams

That’s right- the game featured both Morning Wood and Bearded Clams

J&B represented by: Chemical Man, Hilts, Stix, Dragon, Gf, Sue, Mo, Coles and

First Half: Music/Catholic Parishes/Baseball

Randy Johnson’s best single-season record as a Mariner (24 decisions)?
Daryle Ward’s first MLB team?
Kenny Lofton’s first MLB team?

Early commentary from Benkowski: “It could be a stunning upset- the Clams are out in front!”

“Ladies Only” challenges picked by teams tonight:
Longest Hair
Closest in age to 50 (used multiple times!)

Lazers: “With three Ladies, we should concoct a challenge that uses three Ladies at once.”
Coles: “A threesome?”

Bad math by Lazers- J&B had four Ladies tonight.

Scores at the half: Dumb 860 Wood 800 J&B 780 Trio 670 Clams 540 Bar 400

Second Half: Know America/Fresh Celebrity Year of Birth/Chicago

Largest city in Missouri?
(Note: with 3 current or former Missouri employees on the night’s roster, J&B still manages to get this one wrong)
In 2007, three of the fastest growing cities are in this state?
Largest city in Ohio?
Its original location was 29 E Ohio in Chicago?

The Clams select the Ladies Choice Challenge…and then tries to talk the ladies sitting next to them into taking part. Benkowski starts counting down from 15, and the crowd starts to get rowdy. None of the ladies moves, and they are roundly booed at the end of the countdown. Mo was particularly vociferous in her booing and receives a dirty look from one of the ladies.

One player each from Morning Wood and Trio somehow manage to get into what became a short but very heated argument about Nick Swisher’s career fielding percentage as a first baseman. It wouldn’t have surprised me if it turned physical. To repeat: this argument was about Nick Swisher’s career fielding percentage as a first baseman.

J&B was one of the teams to pick “Ladies Only- Closest to 50 Years Old” as a challenge and wins when Dumb makes absolutely no effort to find a lady to play for them.

“Drink Faster” challenge pits the very large leader of Bearded Clams against Dumb. The Clam pounds his drink (beer) and slams the cup down onto the table. Benkowski calls for the DQ, as the instructions clearly state that the empty cup must be placed in Benkowski’s hand. Someone yells “gay”. Benkowski: “It’s not gay to put something in someone’s hand.”

Benkowski: “I want to tell all the teams, especially the Clams, that there are 3000 bonus points available on the final question…so don’t show the Paul Konerko body language yet.”

A Lady finally agrees to take part in a challenge on behalf of the Bearded Clams. Benkowski: “Thank you, young clam.”

Scores after two halves: J&B 2030 Dumb 1600 Trio 1350 Wood 1330 Clams 880 Bar 760

Choice of Final Category- 2000s Music or 1980s Entertainment

J&B selects 80s Entertainment and wagers the classic.

2 of 3 wins wager. All 3 wins 3000 bonus points.

00s Music:
Outkast’s biggest hit?
Week of July 14th- Top Ten hit “Forever”- artist?
Week of July 14th- Top Ten hit “Viva La Vida”- artist?

80s Entertainment:
In the 80s, Benkowski was in bed with his wife. She moves out of the way, and what female radio announcer was in the bed on the other side of her?
In the 80s, Benkowski had a bar appearance with a famous White Sox pitcher. However, the bar owner locked the bar because his girlfriend had a toothache. Benkowski and the Sox pitcher then signed autographs in the parking lot (or at least the Sox pitcher did). Who was that White Sox pitcher?
In 1987, as part of “Bowling with the Stars”, Benkowski beat this NHL Hall of Famer by 80 pins?

…”Worst Final Question Ever!”

Part II

Perplexed, J&B guesses Karen Hand, Tom Seaver, and Tony Esposito.

First half answers:
Houston Astros
Houston Astros

Second half answers:
Kansas City
Pizzeria Uno

Final Question:

Bar- 760- Music- guesses “Hey Ya” (correct), Chris Brown (correct), and Coldplay (correct)- wagered 760- plus bonus- score of 4520.

Bearded Clams- 880- Music- guessed “Hey Ya” (correct), Chris Brown (correct), and Coldplay (correct)- wagered 880 plus bonus- score of 4760.

Morning Wood- 1330- Music- guesses “Hey Ya” (correct), Chris Brown (correct) and Coldplay (correct)- wagered 1330 plus bonus- score of 5660.

Trio- 1350- Entertainment- guesses Katherine Johns (no), Ed Farmer (no), and Stan Mikita (no)- wagered 950- down to 400. (Side note: after the Katherine Johns guess, Benkowski: “I knew her. She propositioned me once. But it’s not her.”)

Comfortably Dumb- 1600- Entertainment- guesses Yvonne Daniels (no- and this guess elicits a large laugh from Benkowski), Ed Farmer (no), and Tony Esposito (correct)- wagered 1600- thanks for playing.

J&B- 2030- Entertainment- guesses Karen Hand (no), Tom Seaver (no), and Tony Esposito (correct)- wagered 1171- down to 859.

Morning Wood wins with 5660 points with the benefit of selecting the category whose questions didn’t suck. At least they had some cute girls.

Missing answers: Beth Kay and Lamar Hoyt.

Next trivia night: Two weeks on August 14th. I expect to be “in”.


Anonymous said...

Not that those Final questions deserve an answer, but I will guess Richard Dotson and Tony Esposito.

Biggeg question from a Monday morning QB: With Stix there, why not choose music?

Anonymous said...

Moho, I'll speak for myself, that I had a concern there would be one of those famous Grammy or MTV award questions. With the larger team and the 40-something (and 50-something) makeup of the squad the 80s entertainment should have been a slam dunk...

Anonymous said...

Benkowski blocks the slam duck with his definition of "entertainment". I would have been very disapointed if you did not get Tony Esposito.

Anonymous said...

J&B also represented by Nitenurse's homemade sugar cookies.

The perfect scores on the final Q by all the music of 2000s clubs shows just how stupid the multiple final question format is.

Even Cola the J&B newbie mentioned that the large bonus on the final Q seems stupied. Oh well, time to prepare for the Ken Griffey era this evening....