13 August, 2008

hatred of youtube

Well, maybe just the fact that when I finally finish long episodes of 'filmmaking' - deep little bits of stuff cobbled to-gether, sweated and angered over- but finished - and then youtube cannot process it the first TEM TIMES I ty to download it.

It's my fault. I'm copping the web free via some lynksis system in a store nearby, and it don't always flow. So, Im gonna old school it and go the local library and use their much more pure and strong wifi system.

Till then, play rock / more Pavement, and curse myself for getting into them years after they broke up (A long a go playing of 'Yr killing me' by 'Yr Blackie-ing me' started that particular ball on a couch in an apartment on a street in a city @ a time.......

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