27 August, 2008

an exciting bird

Finally, a return visit - an exciting bird - of the hummingbird to the yard. Funny - great excitment when the cardnials, woodpeckers, goldfinches, blue jays, and hawks come - all deeply favoured frenz. but the ruby throated hummingbird? Damn rare. But it's twice now this summer, and this time the bird really stayed and drank a lot from the flowers of my trumpt vines.

But one of my aims was to make my yard a place of birds attrated to the plants (well, except stay away from the garden). Hence the plethora of sunflowers, and the vague attempts to grow other plant species. I'd had trumpet vines up for four years in varying states of growth. They are pretty envasive plants that have been growing about the yard. I knew they were invasive (they sprad real real quick), so I tried to be careful - but one plant has taken over the side of the garage. It would eventually destroy the garage if left to it's own devices - but since we are tearing down the garage this fall, i left it grow this summer.

This year, finally, it flowered. I thinks it's in it's fifth year. Lots of orange flowers the hummingbirds like. Earlier this year one popped in, checked out the flowers in the vines and a few others, and left. Now - about 2m later, one came and really poked it's nose about the place. This leads me to believe it will be back.

1 comment:

Dread Pirate Jessica said...

Leave it to you to not notice I veered back to birds.