15 October, 2009

On the defiles of Western Avenue

The further dedgradition of the Strasser continued

The horn had gone nuts the week previously
- it sounded by itself just whenever, and I had to punch the steering wheel again and again to stop it from blaring full blast as i drove down the street. Horrible. Each morning, each evening, my drives involved this again and again - punch, punch, punch, ever punching the steering wheel to stop th goddamn blaring. Eventually i just took out the connexion in the car - now no horn @ all.

Then there was the accindent when i rear-ended a Mercedes and scratched it - and im sure my scratch will coast me $500 @ least.

And then the lastest disaster. Went heavy over some potholes (I assume) and got my tailpipe fucked - $500. For a few days before I got it fixed, it was a shaking loud ride as I had no muffler and no RPM's. It was a nightmare.

But, as we write, Strasser is drivable - but still lacks a driver side lite and turning signal. I should be thnking of a new car...

The defiles of Western Avenue

Long fucking time to get to school. Took about 25m the last 5.5 years to get to school in one or the other school iwas @ - but now it take the 45m id been late a few times to start theyars, and swiched routes to drain out the bst times. However, it turns out 45m is about time. Seriously thinkin bout moving into an appartment in Buckton - seriouly, now - to save time and ....... well, lets just make it clear - to grow up. I probly wont - I really need to stay @ home and help mom (ive got the fuking cash to mve anywhere now, and Im not so chap - the Mom excuse is now a reality - as Disco Banny B exclaimed 2 years ago "But yr Mom really needs you now!" - and he was right then and he's rite now. But I now do dream of living back on th North side, in my own place sharing it w. no one, just chilli'n.

My route is to get to Western and go north. There are some serious defiles - the 49th street El station on Western, the railroad underpass south of Archer, Archer itself, and near Pilsen. Sometimesthese places are ok, and sometimes they are packed - one never knows. But it is a longtime to school and back, and boy that 3 mile bike ride form Division and Ashland would do me right. Im thinking about it - maybe I could split time betwixt apt and home ...

1 comment:

Rocky said...

now this is my kind of post