03 January, 2010

New Years Eve

Good time. So terrible to drag myself into shower and force some sorta eating on myself, and then to northhikeit to kat and gunners crib for the annual drink and celebrate date. new years eve. Two things noticeable. One, of course, was the dansing. At a certain point, people played that music and rumbled about the room for a half hour plus. iwas glad. But didnt danse. too off this morning after a middling fire raid the nite before. The usual amount of square acreage burnt and aircraft shot down. The other was the presence of a single single girl. friend of lover of william randolph, who forever is dating new girls new girls (internet is a wonderful thing). Girl crazy, me. her mere pesence would later drive my 'magination towards terrible things to inflict on her. never spoke to her or acknowledged her existence. Such is the fate of the bomber pilot.

Chartman - finally flicked on that when he gets really loaded, he turns into "Violent Chartman". Sheesh, he's gotta calm it. Unemployed since Mars. Snowden and wifetobe. Guitars. Good talx w. Joker. Wife. Gozza and wife. Vamire and Sunshine were dansing. No Little Sister of Sunshine - missed. Missed also were Smokey Treats and wife- left early w. their 3m old. Dragon went out as I walked in for the jesus Lizard show.

Didnt drink - long ride home w. lots of drunks out. So, top ofmy abilities did I want in myself as a driver. 4am left.

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