10 June, 2009


Only today did it all fall apart. Finals were last week, and only the really geeky kids are coming in this week - and come they did until earlier today, when the year finally broke. Suddenly, kids could walk the halls. Teachers said "yeah whatever' to kids who said "Can I stay in that class this period since no one is here?". In years past, @ schools described as ghetto, the halls would be clear a week ago. This school is really nice, so kids came - of course, until today.

But again, today was the day - finally - that, in the "Titanic"* sense, things fell apart. So today has been an endless progression of walking through empty halls, having 2-3 kids in each class - shoot, it's 9th, and I want to take a walk to see the desolation....

The song that is going through my head is that old The Sound Of Philadelphia song "It's time to get down."

The good/bad news this summer is that I will NOT be a summer school teacher teaching english - although I willbe working. I'm gonna get maybe 12h/wk having fun - a summer intro program for new freshmen. There will be four soccer coaches on staff, so a real big deal for us is to try and get the good kids before anyone else does. Ergo, four of us out of maybe 15 teachers in the summer program. I will amidt that although I wanted to do the english thing this summer ....

pero tambien.

Used to be when Iw as a regular old classroom teacher i'd put up a sign on the door and tell the one kid whow as gonna show up to go to whatever room I was hanging out w/ my teacher frenz @.

*=In the movie - a fave of mine yes - one of the two bad guys, when the ship is sinking, tells the other that 'things are beginning to fall apart' on the ship and they better be prepared to leave. Stuck w/ me.

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