29 March, 2011

Sunday Nite

To hang w. Gallo and Shipley and Rocky on a sunday nite. To learn badtidings. To eat some of the best poulet (ever) and greens. To be hungover and swear neve to drink aghain - but to have lots of drink before it was over. Breasts we've seen before in "Titanic" on the Telly The White Album. To R's, where I played the electric bass until 5am. To sneak out of R.'s onto the dangerous streets of Rogers Park by myself hauling the bass and an amp - plus a big empty beer bottle in my pocket to defend myself if I was attacked. Deeply worried as I drove the hour home - the deepness associated w. the malfunctioning of the lites on the Strasser and NOT FIXED YET- although as we type, it is in shop.

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