29 March, 2011
Soccer coach
First Conference game, varsity wins big and my team as well - which means, as for now, we are @ least tied for first place. Had to show up early to "line the field" -which means help one of the other coaches put all of the lines you see on the field (like sidelines, 18 yard box, etc etc). Worries all day about the game, worries all the game, worries....but Exhausted, happy, and happy. And really exhausted.
Sunday Nite
To hang w. Gallo and Shipley and Rocky on a sunday nite. To learn badtidings. To eat some of the best poulet (ever) and greens. To be hungover and swear neve to drink aghain - but to have lots of drink before it was over. Breasts we've seen before in "Titanic" on the Telly The White Album. To R's, where I played the electric bass until 5am. To sneak out of R.'s onto the dangerous streets of Rogers Park by myself hauling the bass and an amp - plus a big empty beer bottle in my pocket to defend myself if I was attacked. Deeply worried as I drove the hour home - the deepness associated w. the malfunctioning of the lites on the Strasser and NOT FIXED YET- although as we type, it is in shop.
Benkowski’s New Sponsor
Written By Lazers Names edited by hilts Never has Benkowski been so giddy, at least not at trivia night. He unrolled a poster that had content that confused me. However, it soon was explained. It was a poster for Benkowski’s new sponsor: Shelton Fireworks in Porter, Indiana. Apparently, Benkowski is a huge fan of fireworks, and the excitement level wasn’t far from a little kid on Christmas Eve. I can already see “Ladies Only- Hold Lit Firecrackers the Longest” in the future.
J&B represented by: Chemical Man, MG, Hilts, Stix, Mothers and Lazersr The competition: Auntie J, Awesome, Peeps, Angry Birds, and Beauties and the Beast (that last team a new one talked into playing by Benkowski…it later was obvious they didn’t know what they were getting into.)
First half: NCAA 2011/Movies/PBS Music Special Mike Krzyzewski won his 900th career game as head coach this past season-at that point, how many had he lost? On the PBS special, David Foster said he felt he “made it” with this 5-word song he wrote for Earth Wind and Fire? Gene Pitney sang the title song to this 60s Kirk Douglas movie? Throughout the night, our waitress (name unknown) and active player for the Peeps did her best TC Pub-style smack talking to J&B (if not other teams), including a falsely sympathetic “good try” after Hilts missed on a throw. Quite the contrast to the usual Lady Byng-style of most Salerno’s players. Scores at the half: Birds 840 J&B 770 Awesome 720 Auntie J 710 B&B 460 Peeps 390 How’s that smack talk working, waitress?
Second half: Baseball Who’s Who 2011/Animation/Janet Jackson-Rolling Stones In “101 Dalmatians”- the names of Cruella de Vil’s henchmen? Bill Hall’s career home run total? From 95-97, Alfonso Soriano played baseball in what country? Johan Santana career win total? After some “Ladies Only” challenge pits Awesome against B&B, Benkowski comments that one of the ladies looks like Jennifer Beals while the other looks like Marisa Tomei. Maybe Benkowski should look into Lens Crafters as a new sponsor too. B&B was dying to leave during what was a particularly lengthy game, and they finally do so at the end of the third quarter. Chemical Man: “They said to give their points to J&B.” Benkowski: “They told me I should deduct their points from J&B’s score…I’ll just split the difference and keep things as they are.”
Scores after two halves: Birds 1690 J&B 1530 Auntie J 1420 Awesome 1390 Peeps 1310 B&B (quitters) Dang, this thing is closer than the NHL’s Western Conference.
Final category options: 70s Music- Three Dog Night; 80s Music- Madonna; 90s Music- Pearl Jam; 00s Music- Audioslave; Sports Celebrity Year of Birth; Bulls 2011; NCAA Tourney 2011-A; NCAA Tourney 2011-B. Selecting second, J&B picks 70s Music and wagers the second place classic.
80s Music (Peeps): From 1983-1989, Madonna had 7 songs with 3-word titles reach #1- name three of them.
2011 NCAA-B (Awesome): Only Sweet 16 team to have won a play-in game? Lowest seeded team in the Sweet 16? In SW bracket, the #2 seed was who and was knocked out by whom? 90s Music (Auntie J):
1999- Pearl Jam hits #2 on the charts with this song (2 words)? 1995- Pearl Jam hits #7 on the charts with this song (3 words)? 1994- Pearl Jam hit with 2-word title?
70s Music (J&B): Won’t be able to list the questions for this “Sing Along with Benkowski” category.
Sports Celebrity Year of Birth (Angry Birds): Shaquille O’Neal? Don Mattingly? Stan Mikita? Gentlemen?
J&B represented by: Chemical Man, MG, Hilts, Stix, Mothers and Lazersr The competition: Auntie J, Awesome, Peeps, Angry Birds, and Beauties and the Beast (that last team a new one talked into playing by Benkowski…it later was obvious they didn’t know what they were getting into.)
First half: NCAA 2011/Movies/PBS Music Special Mike Krzyzewski won his 900th career game as head coach this past season-at that point, how many had he lost? On the PBS special, David Foster said he felt he “made it” with this 5-word song he wrote for Earth Wind and Fire? Gene Pitney sang the title song to this 60s Kirk Douglas movie? Throughout the night, our waitress (name unknown) and active player for the Peeps did her best TC Pub-style smack talking to J&B (if not other teams), including a falsely sympathetic “good try” after Hilts missed on a throw. Quite the contrast to the usual Lady Byng-style of most Salerno’s players. Scores at the half: Birds 840 J&B 770 Awesome 720 Auntie J 710 B&B 460 Peeps 390 How’s that smack talk working, waitress?
Second half: Baseball Who’s Who 2011/Animation/Janet Jackson-Rolling Stones In “101 Dalmatians”- the names of Cruella de Vil’s henchmen? Bill Hall’s career home run total? From 95-97, Alfonso Soriano played baseball in what country? Johan Santana career win total? After some “Ladies Only” challenge pits Awesome against B&B, Benkowski comments that one of the ladies looks like Jennifer Beals while the other looks like Marisa Tomei. Maybe Benkowski should look into Lens Crafters as a new sponsor too. B&B was dying to leave during what was a particularly lengthy game, and they finally do so at the end of the third quarter. Chemical Man: “They said to give their points to J&B.” Benkowski: “They told me I should deduct their points from J&B’s score…I’ll just split the difference and keep things as they are.”
Scores after two halves: Birds 1690 J&B 1530 Auntie J 1420 Awesome 1390 Peeps 1310 B&B (quitters) Dang, this thing is closer than the NHL’s Western Conference.
Final category options: 70s Music- Three Dog Night; 80s Music- Madonna; 90s Music- Pearl Jam; 00s Music- Audioslave; Sports Celebrity Year of Birth; Bulls 2011; NCAA Tourney 2011-A; NCAA Tourney 2011-B. Selecting second, J&B picks 70s Music and wagers the second place classic.
80s Music (Peeps): From 1983-1989, Madonna had 7 songs with 3-word titles reach #1- name three of them.
2011 NCAA-B (Awesome): Only Sweet 16 team to have won a play-in game? Lowest seeded team in the Sweet 16? In SW bracket, the #2 seed was who and was knocked out by whom? 90s Music (Auntie J):
1999- Pearl Jam hits #2 on the charts with this song (2 words)? 1995- Pearl Jam hits #7 on the charts with this song (3 words)? 1994- Pearl Jam hit with 2-word title?
70s Music (J&B): Won’t be able to list the questions for this “Sing Along with Benkowski” category.
Sports Celebrity Year of Birth (Angry Birds): Shaquille O’Neal? Don Mattingly? Stan Mikita? Gentlemen?
24 March, 2011
Looking very bearded these days. Not as impressive as that one in sophmore year @ university - but its thick and Hasedic loking- the point.
Was walking down 111th St. Patricks Day and walked by a bar -- the whispers from the dude to the girl: "Yea, there are jews who live in the neighbourhood" Walked into Lanigans and St. Nick, the manager, immediately said - "Hey we're, celebrating a day for the Irish!!
Funny, funny.
But the deal is this - I have to write down lines, film them, and i have them all - for weeks now - but shit, stariing @ the wall and staing @ myself tends to take up so much of my time. There is music, not done by me except for the singing, there are lines, there are multiple parts .....
Was walking down 111th St. Patricks Day and walked by a bar -- the whispers from the dude to the girl: "Yea, there are jews who live in the neighbourhood" Walked into Lanigans and St. Nick, the manager, immediately said - "Hey we're, celebrating a day for the Irish!!
Funny, funny.
But the deal is this - I have to write down lines, film them, and i have them all - for weeks now - but shit, stariing @ the wall and staing @ myself tends to take up so much of my time. There is music, not done by me except for the singing, there are lines, there are multiple parts .....
And the key is this - I have a few options for work coming up - and interviews w. ahorridthick beard will just not do. SO, ass in gear.
Yes, I am on the Hasedic kick lately - but Lent, for me, finally began yea=sterday - 2weeks late. Last nite was very hard, but ............ per ususal , today seems bearable. To-morrow will be great, and then it passes from me for sevseral weeks - until I get get mad and want to thro a tantrum, and ............... But for now, @ 2 in the afternoon, ......is ok.
08 March, 2011
The Lead Guitarist.
Not wanting to wait, I actually wrote my first lead guitar bit. Just a riff - not chords, y'all, but an actual riff.
Junior simplistic childs play by those who are heavy in the fu=ield -but i saw what I had to do, based on my playing so far - realised that i had to just push myself to get one lead under y beal - and then the quest to better it wouyld take over and push me to do more and more. That's how it's been the past 14m, and i know now what it takes me to go on in guitar. So ....
Of copurse, my new lead is - has to be - alrerady written by someone esle. It's gotta be. Rite?
Junior simplistic childs play by those who are heavy in the fu=ield -but i saw what I had to do, based on my playing so far - realised that i had to just push myself to get one lead under y beal - and then the quest to better it wouyld take over and push me to do more and more. That's how it's been the past 14m, and i know now what it takes me to go on in guitar. So ....
Of copurse, my new lead is - has to be - alrerady written by someone esle. It's gotta be. Rite?
techinco directo
Decades' of preaching to boys and girls that soccer is all about being aggressive and int he other girls face - and , finally, soem,where the energy is returning so that I too, can ve an aggressive coach and in their faces.
My especiality is the girls who are just starting to play - and, especiaslly, theyr eally need coaching. Agressive and in your face - but also kind, funny, and instructive. To some people it's a natural thing, and to others it needs several years to get rite. Slowly - im not talking about that 2001 team I did so well with, both summer teamsd in 2005, or of course my favourite team of all - the playoff run in the City Playoffs in 2008 (seriously, to this day, I Remember....), my proudest moment of coaching
My especiality is the girls who are just starting to play - and, especiaslly, theyr eally need coaching. Agressive and in your face - but also kind, funny, and instructive. To some people it's a natural thing, and to others it needs several years to get rite. Slowly - im not talking about that 2001 team I did so well with, both summer teamsd in 2005, or of course my favourite team of all - the playoff run in the City Playoffs in 2008 (seriously, to this day, I Remember....), my proudest moment of coaching
- but slowly, slowly, slowly. This year it seems that my head is somehwerra round wher it shold be, and the knowledge that although i am not in a school actually working this year - there is a grand arena where 35-40 kids really need the help and appreciate you where you try. SO, kool. I understand that much of my energies, as of rite now, sjhopuld ritely be spent here.
I am witht hat. Lent is here as well, and I'm abstaining, so in truth, the energy I will be able to bring should - in all truth, again - dwarf my present wattage or horsepower or ....whatever .... It's ok.
02 March, 2011
Finally got the
for this summers
for this summers
Now, hopefully it's on.
And im as good a writer as I .....well, not think, but ... hope ....
it'll be fun
soccer season again
Just love it. Shure, lotsa times too flaked to have to direct 30-40 children - but the 3h a day of sayiong "No - this way!!" shure has it's millions rewards. Good soul food for the s..... well, you get the idea.
Need to get into better shape. So, today i fulled myself into many of the exercises. So damn out of shap. Embarrassing. Then again, my contempories are all 15-18 year old kids, so I shouldn't feel THAT BAD that I can no longer keep up withtnhem.
But / needs me / shape to be /in
Life on Mars
Did watch the American version:
loved it.
Now, onto the Englander version - after I drive to frankfurt in my faiil'n apart car, The Strasser
loved it.
Now, onto the Englander version - after I drive to frankfurt in my faiil'n apart car, The Strasser
01 March, 2011
St Bede’s- 2011 Championship
Written by Lazers
edited by Hilts
J&B settled in at Table 28 for the 2011 St Bede’s Trivia Championship Event. Early hopes for the question, “name a player whose number was the same as your table number, and list their longest consecutive games streak” never came to fruition. Upon learning that Steve Larmer wore number 28, the Hammer was ready to pounce on the 884.
Kearney Meats and Lawyer from the legendary team “The Bar” (TC Pub) are on one of the other teams. Is St Bede’s prepared to house J&B and The Bar under the Lord’s roof?
Against perhaps 30-35 other teams, J&B was looking to defend its 2010 victory at this same event:
2010- 1st place with 103 points
2009- 4th place with 89 points
2008- 1st place with 95 points
Indeed, some old guy stopped by during one of the intermissions and asked, “Aren’t you the guys that usually win this?” Apparently so.
J&B represented by: Moho, Chemical man, Stix, Nite Nurse, MG, ChemicalNeice, Peppys, Mothers, Hilts and Lazers
J&B decides to predict 96 points to act as its tiebreaker.
Round One: Chicago
What was the last Chicago pro team to win a championship?
Which Daley served as Mayor of Chicago longer: Richard J or Richard M?
What do the letters in “WGN” stand for?
What is the only Chicago street that can be North, South, East, or West?
On 11/29/1963, the City Council voted unanimously to change the name of the Northwest Expressway to what?
What is the name of Chicago’s longest street?
Trump Tower was built on the former home of what?
What was the first year of the Taste of Chicago?
Which famous downtown German restaurant was issued Chicago’s 1st liquor license?
What U of I and Chicago Bears running back was nicknamed “Galloping Ghost”?
J&B opens with 9 points, missing only what was a highly debated Taste of Chicago question. Good start.
Round Two: By The Numbers
How many US Presidents are still alive?
How many feet are in a mile?
Which amendment to the Constitution started Prohibition?
How many sides are there in a nonagon?
How many Superbowls have been played?
What did George Constanza want to name his child?
How many Wards make up the city of Chicago?
How many US Presidents were assassinated while in office?
How many red stripes are on the American flag?
Which mission was the first to land on the moon- Apollo __?
Another 8 points for J&B, missing the nonagon and Prohibition amendment questions.
Round Three: Fast Food SlogansEat Fresh
Think Outside the Bun
Where’s the Beef?
Have it Your Way
Finger Lickin’ Good
What You Crave
You Deserve a Break Today
All American Food
We Don’t Make It Until You Order It
Where the Food is the Star
J&B misses the final three Fast Food Slogans to total 7 points for that category. Questions seemed pretty easy overall in the first three rounds. J&B’s point total of 24 is not good enough to Place after the first quarter of play. Missing those last three questions hurt.
Round Four: Kings
Who is baseball’s hit king?
2008- Who sang “Use Somebody”?
Who is the “King of Queens”?
Who is the king of NASCAR?
Steve Martin sang that this guy had a “condo made of stone-a”?
Who is the king of the blues?
Who is the king of the jungle?
Who is the king of rock and roll?
This king wrote about an ill-tempered St Bernard?
Who was the only king to sit atop the Empire State Building?
Another 9 points for J&B, who didn’t think the jungle question through and, as a result, blow it.
Round Five: Music
KC and the ____________?
erwyn native Jim Peterik drove his “Vehicle” to form this musical group?
Broadway show “Jersey Boys” is based on the lives of this group?
2011 Grammy Award for Best Song went to this group?
In “Folsom Prison Blues”, Johnny Cash’s momma told him not to play with what?
Buddy Holly and the _________?
The theme to the Lone Ranger also is known as what?
Dion and the ___________?
Which of the following was a member of the Rat Pack: a) Tony Bennett b) Peter Lawford c) Al Martino
What is this called? (ok- I can't figure out how to paste it into an email- see attached)
J&B puts up its first perfect score of the game- all 10 correct.
Round Six: Television NeighborsMarcy D’Arcy
Winnie Cooper
Cosmo Kramer
Ned Flanders
Kimmy Gibler
Fred and Ethel Mertz
Gladys Kravitz
Steve Urkel
Ed and Trixie Norton
A second perfect round in a row. J&B is at 53 points out of 60 at the half, but that score is still two points out of placing in the top three. Concerns that the questions are overall way too easy continue.
Round Seven: Sidekicks
Batman and ?
Regis and ?
Lone Ranger and ?
Simon and ?
Johnny Carson and ?
Gumby and ?
Buzz and ?
Shrek and ?
Bonnie and ?
Brooks and ?
That’s three perfect rounds in a row for J&B!
Round Eight: Movies
Who played Julia Roberts husband in “Oceans 11”?
“You’re killin’ me, Smalls.”
In which movie did Marlon Brando play Stanley Kowalski?
Who played Ryan O’Neal’s love interest in “Love Story”?
Who is the voice of King Mufasa?
“You clowns have been put on double secret probation.”
Which movie featured the song “You Got a Friend in Me”?
“I’ll have what she’s having.”
Yes or No: did “Avatar” win the Academy Award for Best Picture?
Which is the only movie to win the Academy Award for Best Picture and also have its sequel win the Academy Award for Best Picture?
Four perfect rounds in a row. I don’t know if J&B is gaining any ground, but at least it isn’t losing any.
Round Nine: Potluck
How many books are in the Old Testament?
What does the “E” stand for in Mr. Guerin’s middle name?
Name the organization that was located on the SE corner across from St Bede’s?
Who won last year’s “American Idol”?
In “Cake Boss”- the bakery is located in what state?
How many Harry Potter books have been written?
What is pop singer Alecia Moore’s colorful stage name?
What is the date of Easter this year?
Name the sport in which neither the spectators nor participants know the score or leader until the contest ends?
Frank and Ethel Mars introduced this candy bar in 1929, named after the family horse?
J&B had only 6 correct in this round (stupid St Bede’s related questions were two of the incorrect ones)…initially. For the second time in our years playing in this trivia event, St Bede’s, a church, provided an incorrect answer to a religious question. That’s right- they had the Old Testament question wrong, showing an answer of 5 books. I guess they were too lazy or uninformed to come up with the correct answer, so each team was given a free point. J&B up to 7 for that round. Team score up to 80, but still 4 points behind the leader and not in the top three scores. J&B is stalking the pack, but it is highly concerned about the potential effect of the next category…
Round Ten: Soaps
What soap featured a gothic vampire story?
What is the longest running soap on NBC?
Which soap features the Martins, the Tylers, the Brents and of course, the Kanes?
Which box office star got her start as Jackie Templeton on “General Hospital”?
What actress played Karen Wolek on “One Life to Live” from 1977-1983?
What talk show hostess appeared on “All My Children” as Hayley Vaughan?
What CSI star began portraying Joshua Hall on “One Life to Live” at age 12?
What “General Hospital” spinoff spent two years telling a story about vampires?
He was the eldest son of one of the richest and most powerful oil families in Texas, and he was not afraid to cut a corner or two. Who did not even let an assassin’s bullet stop him?
Before he was on the USS Enterprise, what “Star Trek” officer played a shady dude known as Bernie the Pill Pusher on “General Hospital”?
All things considered, J&B is damn happy to pull 8 points out of its ass for that one.
Round Eleven: Geography
What is the largest continent?
Which is further north: Portland, Oregon or Toronto, Ontario?
True or False: Rome, Italy has the same latitude as Chicago, Illinois?
Do more people live in the Northern or Southern Hemisphere?
What is the largest lake in the US?
Russia is the largest country in the World (by area)- which is second?
Stockholm is the capital of which country?
What is the capital of Pennsylvania?
What is the tallest mountain in the US?
Vancouver is in which Canadian province?
Good time to be rolling- J&B puts up its fifth perfect round of the game.
Round Twelve: Dead or Alive
Elizabeth Taylor
Jack LaLanne
Leslie Nielsen
Tom Bosley
Barbara Billingsley
Betty Garrett
Len Lesser (Uncle Leo on “Seinfeld”)
Anne Francis
James Caan
Mel Brooks
A sixth and final perfect round for J&B…but will it be enough?
Kearney Meats and Lawyer from the legendary team “The Bar” (TC Pub) are on one of the other teams. Is St Bede’s prepared to house J&B and The Bar under the Lord’s roof?
Against perhaps 30-35 other teams, J&B was looking to defend its 2010 victory at this same event:
2010- 1st place with 103 points
2009- 4th place with 89 points
2008- 1st place with 95 points
Indeed, some old guy stopped by during one of the intermissions and asked, “Aren’t you the guys that usually win this?” Apparently so.
J&B represented by: Moho, Chemical man, Stix, Nite Nurse, MG, ChemicalNeice, Peppys, Mothers, Hilts and Lazers
J&B decides to predict 96 points to act as its tiebreaker.
Round One: Chicago
What was the last Chicago pro team to win a championship?
Which Daley served as Mayor of Chicago longer: Richard J or Richard M?
What do the letters in “WGN” stand for?
What is the only Chicago street that can be North, South, East, or West?
On 11/29/1963, the City Council voted unanimously to change the name of the Northwest Expressway to what?
What is the name of Chicago’s longest street?
Trump Tower was built on the former home of what?
What was the first year of the Taste of Chicago?
Which famous downtown German restaurant was issued Chicago’s 1st liquor license?
What U of I and Chicago Bears running back was nicknamed “Galloping Ghost”?
J&B opens with 9 points, missing only what was a highly debated Taste of Chicago question. Good start.
Round Two: By The Numbers
How many US Presidents are still alive?
How many feet are in a mile?
Which amendment to the Constitution started Prohibition?
How many sides are there in a nonagon?
How many Superbowls have been played?
What did George Constanza want to name his child?
How many Wards make up the city of Chicago?
How many US Presidents were assassinated while in office?
How many red stripes are on the American flag?
Which mission was the first to land on the moon- Apollo __?
Another 8 points for J&B, missing the nonagon and Prohibition amendment questions.
Round Three: Fast Food SlogansEat Fresh
Think Outside the Bun
Where’s the Beef?
Have it Your Way
Finger Lickin’ Good
What You Crave
You Deserve a Break Today
All American Food
We Don’t Make It Until You Order It
Where the Food is the Star
J&B misses the final three Fast Food Slogans to total 7 points for that category. Questions seemed pretty easy overall in the first three rounds. J&B’s point total of 24 is not good enough to Place after the first quarter of play. Missing those last three questions hurt.
Round Four: Kings
Who is baseball’s hit king?
2008- Who sang “Use Somebody”?
Who is the “King of Queens”?
Who is the king of NASCAR?
Steve Martin sang that this guy had a “condo made of stone-a”?
Who is the king of the blues?
Who is the king of the jungle?
Who is the king of rock and roll?
This king wrote about an ill-tempered St Bernard?
Who was the only king to sit atop the Empire State Building?
Another 9 points for J&B, who didn’t think the jungle question through and, as a result, blow it.
Round Five: Music
KC and the ____________?
erwyn native Jim Peterik drove his “Vehicle” to form this musical group?
Broadway show “Jersey Boys” is based on the lives of this group?
2011 Grammy Award for Best Song went to this group?
In “Folsom Prison Blues”, Johnny Cash’s momma told him not to play with what?
Buddy Holly and the _________?
The theme to the Lone Ranger also is known as what?
Dion and the ___________?
Which of the following was a member of the Rat Pack: a) Tony Bennett b) Peter Lawford c) Al Martino
What is this called? (ok- I can't figure out how to paste it into an email- see attached)
J&B puts up its first perfect score of the game- all 10 correct.
Round Six: Television NeighborsMarcy D’Arcy
Winnie Cooper
Cosmo Kramer
Ned Flanders
Kimmy Gibler
Fred and Ethel Mertz
Gladys Kravitz
Steve Urkel
Ed and Trixie Norton
A second perfect round in a row. J&B is at 53 points out of 60 at the half, but that score is still two points out of placing in the top three. Concerns that the questions are overall way too easy continue.
Round Seven: Sidekicks
Batman and ?
Regis and ?
Lone Ranger and ?
Simon and ?
Johnny Carson and ?
Gumby and ?
Buzz and ?
Shrek and ?
Bonnie and ?
Brooks and ?
That’s three perfect rounds in a row for J&B!
Round Eight: Movies
Who played Julia Roberts husband in “Oceans 11”?
“You’re killin’ me, Smalls.”
In which movie did Marlon Brando play Stanley Kowalski?
Who played Ryan O’Neal’s love interest in “Love Story”?
Who is the voice of King Mufasa?
“You clowns have been put on double secret probation.”
Which movie featured the song “You Got a Friend in Me”?
“I’ll have what she’s having.”
Yes or No: did “Avatar” win the Academy Award for Best Picture?
Which is the only movie to win the Academy Award for Best Picture and also have its sequel win the Academy Award for Best Picture?
Four perfect rounds in a row. I don’t know if J&B is gaining any ground, but at least it isn’t losing any.
Round Nine: Potluck
How many books are in the Old Testament?
What does the “E” stand for in Mr. Guerin’s middle name?
Name the organization that was located on the SE corner across from St Bede’s?
Who won last year’s “American Idol”?
In “Cake Boss”- the bakery is located in what state?
How many Harry Potter books have been written?
What is pop singer Alecia Moore’s colorful stage name?
What is the date of Easter this year?
Name the sport in which neither the spectators nor participants know the score or leader until the contest ends?
Frank and Ethel Mars introduced this candy bar in 1929, named after the family horse?
J&B had only 6 correct in this round (stupid St Bede’s related questions were two of the incorrect ones)…initially. For the second time in our years playing in this trivia event, St Bede’s, a church, provided an incorrect answer to a religious question. That’s right- they had the Old Testament question wrong, showing an answer of 5 books. I guess they were too lazy or uninformed to come up with the correct answer, so each team was given a free point. J&B up to 7 for that round. Team score up to 80, but still 4 points behind the leader and not in the top three scores. J&B is stalking the pack, but it is highly concerned about the potential effect of the next category…
Round Ten: Soaps
What soap featured a gothic vampire story?
What is the longest running soap on NBC?
Which soap features the Martins, the Tylers, the Brents and of course, the Kanes?
Which box office star got her start as Jackie Templeton on “General Hospital”?
What actress played Karen Wolek on “One Life to Live” from 1977-1983?
What talk show hostess appeared on “All My Children” as Hayley Vaughan?
What CSI star began portraying Joshua Hall on “One Life to Live” at age 12?
What “General Hospital” spinoff spent two years telling a story about vampires?
He was the eldest son of one of the richest and most powerful oil families in Texas, and he was not afraid to cut a corner or two. Who did not even let an assassin’s bullet stop him?
Before he was on the USS Enterprise, what “Star Trek” officer played a shady dude known as Bernie the Pill Pusher on “General Hospital”?
All things considered, J&B is damn happy to pull 8 points out of its ass for that one.
Round Eleven: Geography
What is the largest continent?
Which is further north: Portland, Oregon or Toronto, Ontario?
True or False: Rome, Italy has the same latitude as Chicago, Illinois?
Do more people live in the Northern or Southern Hemisphere?
What is the largest lake in the US?
Russia is the largest country in the World (by area)- which is second?
Stockholm is the capital of which country?
What is the capital of Pennsylvania?
What is the tallest mountain in the US?
Vancouver is in which Canadian province?
Good time to be rolling- J&B puts up its fifth perfect round of the game.
Round Twelve: Dead or Alive
Elizabeth Taylor
Jack LaLanne
Leslie Nielsen
Tom Bosley
Barbara Billingsley
Betty Garrett
Len Lesser (Uncle Leo on “Seinfeld”)
Anne Francis
James Caan
Mel Brooks
A sixth and final perfect round for J&B…but will it be enough?
Part II
The guy in the Charlestown Chiefs jersey takes the microphone to announce the winners. In 3rd place with 108 points and taking that slot via tiebreaker: J&B! The teams that took the top two slots each had 111 points. Close, but not close enough to figure out which of our incorrect answers screwed us the most. On the other hand, each and every correct answer was needed- good job, J&B.
Finishing 3rd was a break-even slot, but it still puts another cash finish on the J&B resume.
108 out of 120 possible points (really, 107 out of 119). The questions may have been just a little too easy this year. Of course, we didn’t see the rest of the scores, either.
J&B expected back in action at Salerno’s on Thursday, March 10th.
Round One: Chicago
What was the last Chicago pro team to win a championship? Chicago Blackhawks
Which Daley served as Mayor of Chicago longer: Richard J or Richard M? Richard M
What do the letters in “WGN” stand for? World’s Greatest Newspaper
What is the only Chicago street that can be North, South, East, or West? Wacker Drive
On 11/29/1963, the City Council voted unanimously to change the name of the Northwest Expressway to what? Kennedy Expressway
What is the name of Chicago’s longest street? Western Avenue
Trump Tower was built on the former home of what? Chicago Sun-Times
What was the first year of the Taste of Chicago? 1980 (J&B guess: 1981)
Which famous downtown German restaurant was issued Chicago’s 1st liquor license? Berghoff
What U of I and Chicago Bears running back was nicknamed “Galloping Ghost”? Red Grange
Round Two: By The Numbers
How many US Presidents are still alive? 5
How many feet are in a mile? 5,280
Which amendment to the Constitution started Prohibition? 18th (J&B guess: 19th)
How many sides are there in a nonagon? 9 (J&B guess: 0)
How many Superbowls have been played? 45
What did George Constanza want to name his child? 7
How many Wards make up the city of Chicago? 50
How many US Presidents were assassinated while in office? 4
How many red stripes are on the American flag? 7
Which mission was the first to land on the moon- Apollo __? 11
Round Three: Fast Food Slogans
Eat Fresh Subway
Think Outside the Bun Taco Bell
Where’s the Beef? Wendy’s
Have it Your Way Burger King
Finger Lickin’ Good Kentucky Fried Chicken
What You Crave White Castle
You Deserve a Break Today McDonald’s
All American Food A&W (J&B guess: Hardee’s)
We Don’t Make It Until You Order It Jack in the Box (J&B guess: Quizno’s)
Where the Food is the Star Hardee’s (J&B guess: Carl’s Jr)
Round Four: Kings
Who is baseball’s hit king? Pete Rose
2008- Who sang “Use Somebody”? Kings of Leon
Who is the “King of Queens”? Kevin James
Who is the king of NASCAR? Richard Petty
Steve Martin sang that this guy had a “condo made of stone-a”? King Tut
Who is the king of the blues? BB King
Who is the king of the jungle? The lion (J&B guess: Tarzan…if we lost by 1, I think this is the one we would have viewed as the killer)
Who is the king of rock and roll? Elvis Presley
This king wrote about an ill-tempered St Bernard? Stephen King
Who was the only king to sit atop the Empire State Building? King Kong
Round Five: Music
KC and the ____________? Sunshine Band
Berwyn native Jim Peterik drove his “Vehicle” to form this musical group? Ides of March
Broadway show “Jersey Boys” is based on the lives of this group? Frankie Valli and the Four Seasons
2011 Grammy Award for Best Song went to this group? Lady Antebellum
In “Folsom Prison Blues”, Johnny Cash’s momma told him not to play with what? Guns
Buddy Holly and the _________? Crickets
The theme to the Lone Ranger also is known as what? William Tell Overture
Dion and the ___________? Belmonts
Which of the following was a member of the Rat Pack: a) Tony Bennett b) Peter Lawford c) Al Martino b) Lawford
What is this called: Treble Clef (good job to whomever fought to keep “treble” as part of the J&B answer)
Round Six: Television Neighbors
Marcy D’Arcy Married with Children
Winnie Cooper The Wonder Years
Cosmo Kramer Seinfeld
Ned Flanders The Simpsons
Wilson Home Improvement
Kimmy Gibler Full House
Fred and Ethel Mertz I Love Lucy
Gladys Kravitz Bewitched
Steve Urkel Family Matters
Ed and Trixie Norton The Honeymooners
Round Seven: Sidekicks
Batman and ? Robin
Regis and ? Kelly
Lone Ranger and ? Tonto
Simon and ? Garfunkel
Johnny Carson and ? Ed McMahon
Gumby and ? Pokey
Buzz and ? Woody
Shrek and ? Donkey
Bonnie and ? Clyde
Brooks and ? Dunn
Round Eight: Movies
Who played Julia Roberts husband in “Oceans 11”? George Clooney
“You’re killin’ me, Smalls.” The Sandlot
In which movie did Marlon Brando play Stanley Kowalski? A Streetcar Named Desire
Who played Ryan O’Neal’s love interest in “Love Story”? Ali McGraw
Who is the voice of King Mufasa? James Earl Jones
“You clowns have been put on double secret probation.” Animal House
Which movie featured the song “You Got a Friend in Me”? Toy Story
“I’ll have what she’s having.” When Harry Met Sally
Yes or No: did “Avatar” win the Academy Award for Best Picture? No
Which is the only movie to win the Academy Award for Best Picture and also have its sequel win the Academy Award for Best Picture? The Godfather
Round Nine: Potluck
How many books are in the Old Testament? Correct answer never given (J&B guess: 23)
What does the “E” stand for in Mr. Guerin’s middle name? Emmitt (J&B guess: Edward)
Name the organization that was located on the SE corner across from St Bede’s? Sertoma (J&B guess: Knights of Columbus)
Who won last year’s “American Idol”? Lee De Wyze
In “Cake Boss”- the bakery is located in what state? New Jersey (J&B guess: Maryland)
How many Harry Potter books have been written? 7
What is pop singer Alecia Moore’s colorful stage name? Pink
What is the date of Easter this year? April 24, 2011
Name the sport in which neither the spectators nor participants know the score or leader until the contest ends? Boxing
Frank and Ethel Mars introduced this candy bar in 1929, named after the family horse? Snickers
Round Ten: Soaps
What soap featured a gothic vampire story? Dark Shadows
What is the longest running soap on NBC? Days of Our Lives
Which soap features the Martins, the Tylers, the Brents and of course, the Kanes? All My Children
Which box office star got her start as Jackie Templeton on “General Hospital”? Demi Moore
What actress played Karen Wolek on “One Life to Live” from 1977-1983? Judith Light
What talk show hostess appeared on “All My Children” as Hayley Vaughan? Kelly Ripa
What CSI star began portraying Joshua Hall on “One Life to Live” at age 12? Lawrence Fishburne (J&B guess: George Eads)
What “General Hospital” spinoff spent two years telling a story about vampires? Port Charles
He was the eldest son of one of the richest and most powerful oil families in Texas, and he was not afraid to cut a corner or two. Who did not even let an assassin’s bullet stop him? JR Ewing
Before he was on the USS Enterprise, what “Star Trek” officer played a shady dude known as Bernie the Pill Pusher on “General Hospital”? Leonard Nimoy (J&B guess: Jonathan Frankes)
Round Eleven: Geography
What is the largest continent? Asia
Which is further north: Portland, Oregon or Toronto, Ontario? Portland
True or False: Rome, Italy has the same latitude as Chicago, Illinois? True
Do more people live in the Northern or Southern Hemisphere? Northern
What is the largest lake in the US? Superior
Russia is the largest country in the World (by area)- which is second? Canada
Stockholm is the capital of which country? Sweden
What is the capital of Pennsylvania? Harrisburg
What is the tallest mountain in the US? Mt McKinley
Vancouver is in which Canadian province? British Columbia
Round Twelve: Dead or Alive
Elizabeth Taylor Alive
Jack LaLanne Dead
Leslie Nielsen Dead
Tom Bosley Dead
Barbara Billingsley Dead
Betty Garrett Dead
Len Lesser (Uncle Leo on “Seinfeld”) Dead
Anne Francis Dead
James Caan Alive
Mel Brooks Alive
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