24 April, 2009

Yes the weather

So, we have makeup game @ Marquette Park today @ %pm, and it's 80 out. So, lots of watre for the girls. No shorts for me - just the blue blue jeans from levis - the one and only choise of kool guys (NOT GIRLS!!) for many a year.

Those girls?? I heard that they have different shaped bodies, and that those hips need different types of clothing to feel good. well, @ least a main mind maker for me in my life ==that's be Q== clued me into that. She also clued me into the "One day my prince will come" deal that is a womens fetter in life (one of, yes). And she also opened me up to many other things ... -yeah, that and .... that ... and ..... whatever else .... oh, yeah, her love of the Replacements made me also love, inparticular, 'valentine' and "alex chilton"

Because i remember that one nite, in her dorm, when we jaxxed it and thraxxed it and listen to tunes - only selfish me finally allowed her free and .... UNFETTERED control of the turntable - so she could play what she wanted.

No Stones, then. Though she liked the group a lot (and saw them, indeed). And my head in her lap - it felt fearful toi let her control, but also good. We were young and in Love. Where did that all go??

I guess it went the way of it all. Funnyfunny though about Das Afrika Korps girl - she of the breaking hilts heart variety - where did that all go. Months (MONTHS) of all that - but several years later, well, "I can smile about it now.....".

And so, here today is my favourite day of the year - not Good Friday, not Opening day, not the thursday of the NCAA's - but ..... well, they also are my favourite days of the eyar, but - that first warm day of the year, when the women dress up in their summer cloths.

I have to turn my head until the darkness goes......

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