20 April, 2009

River Weddding

Enjoyed my cousins wedding on Friday. Was good. Poeple in from all over - you know, Ireland, Norther Ireland, England, Wales - no Scotland - and even a visitor from Montana (That'd be MA my cousin). The wedding itself had a little bit of a back story - apparently she was to marry somene elsse - I got the preinvite two years ago - but @ the more or less last minute (or 'last month' 'd be e better tag) she backed out - and I think it was for this gent. Small scandel, and hopefully she got it right.

I had a soccer scrimmage w/ the girls- I had so much fun playing I never wanted to quit - and arrived a bit late to Gf's to collect her. Hustled downtown, Gf of course nervous as she is before any sort of social gathering, and parked in a parking garage. A first for me. I thought the price'd be $23, but punchpleased that it was actually only $8.

Unfortunatley I was I shutdown mode - I wasn't jaggered out, but was in a 'mood'. Actually, I'm normally in a 'mood'. So, lots of lots of familt smateredd all about - and here I am shuttered down. Lots of family, kool family, and I barely talked to anyone besides basics. Everyone was happy. Except some...

My sister.4.... who recently departed w/ her boyfriend (i think), couldn't figger out how to get to the city center unnervously - so she took a flyer. She should have gone, and the whole weeked @ my house had to deal w/ her distemper @ missing her boyfriend/wedding.

Gf....as she was w/ moody me.

The original groom ... but thats only guessing.

Dansed? Yes. Not enough, but a bit. It was Gf who got me into Lady Ga G - but when "Pokerface " was played, she sat. Too tired.

Saw especially close cousin MA and less close cousin "MyName".

Went home late. Was originally gonna stay @ BCD's condo in adjoining building - but Gf didn't want to 'ruff' it so we went all the way home.

A fun nite, but I dragged it too much. I wish I had been more communitive. Such a fun wedding. If I couod do it again ......

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