One for the other thumb?
Written by D.L.
TC Pub was a bit crowded last night, and I figure the only possible draw was the chance to see J&B try to win its sixth straight trivia outing. Or perhaps they were expecting a brawl between J&B and the Bar (those fans would end up disappointed, as I don’t think there was any reference to the “booing” incident from the last trivia night).
J&B represented by: Chemical Man, Big Tit, Hilts and Donny Idol
TC Pub represented by: Glasses, given the new (temporary) nickname Zipper (Pat: “She’s very soft-looking tonight)
The competition: Bar, Firestone, M&M, and Douche Bags
First Half: Movies/Sports Birth Years/Chicago Area
Tonight’s game is being played under “Max 4 Correct Answers” rules.
What famous southside business is located at 7700 w. 89th Street?
On 63rd Street, just east of Sacramento, what Mexican restaurant?
Capital of Michigan?
(In this unfair world, J&B did not get a chance to answer either of those last two questions.)
Scores at the Half: M&M 890 Bar 870 Douche 660 J&B 640 Firestone 410
Second Half: Music Mix/Notes from the Sox Clubhouse/Who’s Their Daddy?
Relief pitcher who can be found starting a card game or in one 3 ½ hours before a game? (question noted because I know Hammer loves these kinds of questions)
What is apiphobia?
(Hilts’s guess: fear of Strat-O-Matic)
Big Tit catches well-deserved mockery for guessing Jose instead of Juan Uribe for a Sox answer.
One question went around without being correctly answered by any team. The Bar was the first to have a shot at that one, so control moved back to them after all of the incorrect answers. The next question was a “lose your turn” option. The Bar guy that isn’t Kearney Meats and isn’t Trophy started to gripe that they were somehow being screwed (I didn’t quite catch the gist of how) as control then moved to J&B. As the non-nicknamed Bar guy continued his inane argument, Pat suggests that he must be their team lawyer. New nickname proposal: Atticus.
A “Who’s Your Daddy?” question looks for the father of Jamie Lee Curtis. With M&M in control, some guy who had just entered the bar yells out the answer. After some delay, M&M then gives the same answer. Benkowski declines to accept the answer, saying that their 15 seconds had timed out, despite his not giving any sort of time warning (J&B apparently operates on a different shot clock). Benkowski then kills the question without allowing other teams a chance to guess. Oddly handled situation.
Father of Carrie Fisher?
Current Sox bullpen catcher, was with team in the Jim Fregosi era?
A “25 Cent Butt Race” pits J&B against the Bar. Racers would have to squeeze a quarter between their butt cheeks (outside of their pants, thank god), hop over to a dolly, and drop the quarter. Whichever team’s quarter ended up closest to the dolly would win the 200 points. J&B decided that if the Bar protested the challenge, we would also. However, the Bar did not protest, and their rep did a better job of dropping a coin out of his ass than Hilts did. The Bar is the “25 Cent Butt Race” champions!
Scores into Final Question: J&B 2180 Bar 2070 M&M 1120 Firestone 1070 Douche 900
Final Category: Selection between “80s Entertainment” or “World of Porn”
J&B selects “80s Entertainment”. Benkowski: “For the record, the team that requested ‘Porn’ for this location didn’t select it.”
Need 3 of 5 to win wager. All 5 wins 3000 bonus points. J&B wagers the classic (1961).
80s Entertainment:
Q101 overnight dj from 1983-1989…female…still on the air today?
WGN morning sports updates 1983-end of 80s…not in town anymore?
Marlee Matlin’s co-star from the movie in which she won her Oscar?
Character played by Katherine Hepburn in “On Golden Pond”?
Played the father on “Family Ties”?
World of Porn:
E! Channel did report on her life story…she kept getting out of porn but kept going back because she needed the money?
All of her tapes were pulled from the shelves when she was found to have made them while underage?
Started her career in 1993…many think she is the consummate adult star…many appearances as a guest on Howard Stern’s show?
The “Hedgehog”?
Canadian male star with various positive nicknames…five letters in both his first and last name?
Part II
J&B guesses: Catherine Johns, Chuck Swirsky, William Hurt, Eva Braun and Michael Gross. J&B is certain of only two of their answers being correct.
First half answers:
El Gallo de Oro
Second half answers:
Bobby Jenks
Fear of bees
Tony Curtis
Eddie Fisher
Mark Salas
Final Question:
Douche- 900- selects Porn- guesses Jenna Jameson (no), Traci Lords (yes), Savannah (no), Ron Jeremy (yes), Traci Lords (no)- wagered 900- thanks for playing.
Firestone- 1070- selected Entertainment- they wagered 1069 and are leaving the building- left with 1.
M&M- 1120- selected Entertainment- apparently responded “no idea”- wagered 1120- thanks for playing.
Bar- 2070- selected Entertainment- guesses Lisa Dent (no), Dave Ennett (no), William Hurt (yes), Marge (no), Michael Gross (yes)- wagered 1850- down to 220.
Due to the Bar’s wager, J&B will need at least 3 correct to win.
J&B- 2180- selected Entertainment- guesses Catherine Johns (no), Chuck Swirsky (yes), William Hurt (yes), Eva Braun (no), Michael Gross (yes)- wagered 1961- finish with 4141 and a 6th consecutive victory!
Entertainment: Carla Leonardo, Chuck Swirsky, William Hurt, Ethel Thayer, Michael Gross.
Porn: Ginger Lynn, Traci Lords, Jenna Jameson, Ron Jeremy, Peter North.
The Chuck Swirsky question stirred bad memories for Benkowski. He had applied for the job at WGN, and they had asked for his ideas. Benkowski said he wanted to come in for an interview and he’ll tell them. His idea was for WGN to have their sports updates before WBBM did their updates. WGN hired Swirsky and stole Benkowski’s plan, which apparently is in effect to this day. I hope Benkowski did a better job of keeping his MLB realignment plan under his vest when he met with Jerry Reinsdorf years later.
Another Swirsky stab: Benkowski was dating a girl who lived in Frankfort. He arrived at her house one night to find Chuck Swirsky leaving it. Fortunately, it turned out Swirsky was dating this girl’s sister (or so they said), who was a cheerleader for the Sting.
Some Zipper (aka Glasses) trivia: she attended the St Rita prom in 1996.
Next trivia night is April 26th. I am already “out” due to a trip to Cleveland.