21 March, 2010

on getting old

in my more militant days im sure i would have opposed today's health care vote. No, i'd vote yes today. and ill be happy enough when it passes. by ever mans and measure, a Medicare for Everyone style of health care is the smart, efficient, and best way to insure the welfare of America. W/o that, then at leat a very strong public option.

but the profit dudes are too powerful, and we get a weak compromise deal that shaves off the excesses of the sleazy corporations while allowing the for profit system to continue. that the system continues as is (amended, only) in a profit mode isn't the only worst thing about this law, however - equally worst is that people are required by law to own health insurance now. very bad!

but in spite of all the danger, i feel that if the law dont become, then the republicans will get to run rushhod over the democrats in the year to come and do all sorts of evil to our country. so, for that reason at last, and we deep reservations, i suport this bill to law.

old man compromiser.

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