But, we are losing her for six months, and that is a little hard to take. No - it's great to go to Rome, and I would be disappointed if she didn't go. But - it's still gonna be hard to miss her.
She leaves today. We have been busy celebrating her part in the family lately w/ a series of so-long soirees. Little dinners. On the first Saturday of the new year we had pizza for everyone except Sister.4 who had to work. I have written before about how much I enjoy having the kids over. Plus, I used two 2-1, so I got the pizza for 1/2 price. Nice.
She is one of the new staff members of dcs as well now - and she writes, unlike the rest of us slobs (i'll be doing more, soon - as soon as the movie s off my back - and yes, progress is noted by me). It's funny that rite when she starts writing, she goes - but that simply means we have a Rome correspondent now. and Good. I have thought up ideas for her to write on over there.
On Monday, we took her out again.. This time it was to 115 bourbon Street, a huge massive entertainment barn that is near my house. I'd been there the 19th December, but this time it was to eat w/ Gf, Niece.1, and Mom. It's a big deal to get Mom out of the house, so any time she agrees to go out is a big deal. She couldn't say no to 'so long to your oldest niece', so we struggled her into the car and back. The seat we sat @ was on a raised platform - this was also negotiated well.
And boy do I worry. When they were younger, the worry was getting hit by a car or something. Now the worries revolve around aggressive boys. When yr girls get old enough, you'll know. But, hey - I managed to fight of kidnappers - well, i didn't end up in whatever South American glue factory I was intended for - when I put up a magnificent defence in Market Garden 1.
Wait, shit - I lost that battle, and I lost it in spades. I worry for my girl. But, also, wish her Good Luck.
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