31 January, 2009
Alabaster crashes down
But it was important that I had people about me last nite. It was a great nite. i was often staring off into space - not the usual reason, for for that there was none reason - because I just kept replaying the incidents in my head.
However, what A nite. We eventually met @ Osteria Via Stato (about 600 N. State) @ 8.15, and y I was on time.
But first: After practice, even though I was 1/4 of a mile from where I would meet GF to carpool up to the North Loop, I had to drive to my house just so .......... I could have some motherly love from MOM. (Note to parents - please don't baby yr boys of they'll end as an embarrasing failure comme moi). But yeah - I wanted to see Mom. It was hard to leave too - "Bye Mom", i yelled out to the kitchen - but through the crack of the open door, i watched as MOM stuggled to eat, stand, drink, etc etc ... and I didn't want to leave. So I ran back in, decided if this was the last birthday I would even have w/ MOM, I should desperaley try to document it - so her, not understanding my deep distress, placated me by posing w/ her only still living son.
And then, bases in Mt. Greenwood released it's raiders - me in the Strasser* - to wreak havoc in the nite. The ride to collect my Love and then to eatery was well steamed, and I dropped of Gf and seeked a mooring shed. Oh, they were there. The Drawinas, the Patiences, the Shipleys, Liz Bustamante, Kahla no O, and old friend Sistuh (et mari), and latecomers the di Lammermores and - I didn't think y'd make it- Papaerplane. Others were there, but if y think I talked the these strangers, w/ Pearl Harbour breaking out in my head and me trying to raise steam on Neveda - well, let me hit y w/ 15 Vals, 15 Kates, one squadron of Zeros providing top cover and another squadron strafing the AA sites.
Dinner was as large as Bari is south. I knew I'd be eating, so I kinda starved meself. It was all great - meatball-itos, fancy onions, duck pasta, main course off a bone. I ate as much as I can, but since I'm basically an aneorexic (no, Im not- don't worry), I didn't eat way much.
Vito was a little woried in the run up to to-nite. He wanted to make sure that celebrating his bday on my bday was kool by me - of course. Our plan was to keep it secret so no one would know - but Gf had told shipley last week and then Shipley -not knowing it was a secret - blurted it out. no biggie. He wanted to get a correct restuaurent - shamedly, he was concerned about my cheapness and making sure I was kool w/ the $$. But it all went well. The place was perfect. Food was beyond perfect (but, again, I'm no food expert critic - yeah, Jackson?), people were happy (Even this temporary Captain of the Neveda was happy enough), and it was fun.
And more. Vito and Rocky haven't gotten along in years, but they were to-gether this nite again. Fact is, there were four of the six Sisters there last nite - one is 500m south in a border state (c. 1860) and the other was ...... where? Where was he? Since Rocky and Vito have mellowed their friendship - well, started to- the Sixth
Aloft went NS1 again, rising into the atmosphere for a cruise to base. On returning to The Exchange, Gf and I watched this mini lapin bounce about concrete city sniffing this or that past midnight on a below zero degree nite. how do these rabbits live? Or the birds?
And I worry about..... wait, what I worry about is real. Fuck the lilies and the sparrows!
*=sometimes the NS1 Peter Strasser is a WW1 naval ship - ususally a capital ship - and others it is a Zepplin. My call, always - ya just gotta deal, yeah?
Football au Printemps : on failing and losing all confidence,
There were two 'incidents' @ practice. One was a disagreement w/ one of the captains about conditioning. @ Led and @ Nek, we had the kids going in the gyms all winter playing soccer on BBall courts for hours. But these girls - they actually wanna RUN instead of play indoor. Their argument is is that we already know how to play - we've (Varsity) been playing all winter - but we need to run to get into better shape for the season. I counter argued my usual argument - i've been coaching before you were alive, I've coached @ Led and Nek, I know what i'm doing - but sometime between the early AM and the afternoon, it was like a sneak attack by he Japanese inside my head, and the disagreement w/ one of my captains rocked me badly. This is my first time running a program, and usually I'm so confident. Disagree w/ me, kids? But look @ all the work I have done for you, starting our conditioning TWO FUCKING MONTHS ahead of last year, getting FIVE EXTRA GAMES FOR YOU TO FUCKING PLAY IN - not the goddamed seven of last year.
And, again, I realised that= I have to listen more and learn more and get better all the time.
I took two of my favourite varsity players aside and asked them what they wanted - and they instantly responded RUNNING!!
Disabused. They want to run on Monday? I will have to change practice for them. There is a delicate balance between running the team but also listening to yr charges. There is also the very noted (books and book and books) difference betwixt coaching boys (jus' scream @ them) and girls (Now, girls - are we all agreed? We're all in this decision to-gether? We can move forward ?)
I have to remember to learn as well.
The second incident was terrible. Last year I coached the JV @ this school. It was, w/out a doubt, my favourite coaching experience ever. Ever. i did well, and it inspired tall confidence in me that can do something in this world instead of just collecting Love, I can help create the condition for it to be manufactured (it's really fun to be part of a team - really fun). I loved - loved that experience (read last Avril and Mai's posts on the team). Deeply moving for me. That last game against the Premier League Champion in the city quarterfinals when my star put us up 1-0 in the second minute? Wow!
And one of my precious players - and remember I'll never have children, so this is as close as I will ever get - was deeply upset w/ me after practice. She asked to speak w/ me. She'd been hurt by an off remark that'd said yesterday. I was totally caught off guard by her being so upset - she not only being a great kids who I loved on last years team, but who I also teached for two months last year when I subbed for her teacher.
What she was mad @:
2d coach is unfamiliar w/ the players, so he was asking me whose on V. (mine) and who were to be on his (JV). When it came it the girl in question, I remarked something along the lines that she'll never make Varsity this year. This is what she got upset about. Now, understand: she hasn't a chance to break into the starting lineup this year. No way. She's not only gotta have an ENORMOUS amount more seasoning - BIG TIME seasoning- but also if she thinks she's gonna get anything more than 5 minutes a game on varsity - actually, if she thinks I will actually put her in any game that isn't a rout - she's pretty much mistaken. Our starting defenders are beasts, and I have full confidence in them. For her - I actually have A STARTING POSITION ON VARSITY waiting for her - but it's next year, after she has learned more - much more - on JV.
She's such a mild mannered kid - an honors student who is on time and works hard - that it was shocking hearing her explaining why she was upset w/ me. She thinks she deserves a spot - if she can win it - but I so want her on V next year -deeply need her - since everyone is graduating. So - this precious child, upset w/ me w/ how I assigned her to JV.
But she's gotta understand - I do have a plan. I've been working on it since last year.
However, I gotta understand, as well. They're just kids, and there are to be about 60 of them. They are all different - as am I - and I realise that there is so much more work I don't even know about still to be confronted. I want my program to steam towards open seas - and not get stuck in the channel.
30 January, 2009
The Nevada's Run

I know we are not supposed to praise war and all that - but we have our interests - and we are not supposed to praise falsely the greatness of America (an
d all nations): but whatever jingoism that was bred in me when I was six somewhat remains in picked places* still. The very idea that in the complete cacophony of sound and vision violence and disbelief that morning - and w/ Kates and Vals suddenly attracted to a MOVING target - the image of the this lone battleship, put - put - ting to sea while all around is madness - has stayed with me.

fear was that the Japanese would be able to sink Nevada in that narrow channel. If this happened, Pearl Harbour itslf would be useless for along time i
n terms of shipping - it would take weeks or months to raise th battleship out of the channel to re-allow shipping to get back in. San Diego - San Diego, believe it or not - would have to base the Pacific fleet until Pearl could take shipping again. So - the decision was to beach the ship short of the channel.
But once again - that image - of disaster striking in the worst possible way, but something sailing for open water and out to fight. It reminds me of that scene in "The Sand Pebbles", when the flag is raised before battle and each of the crew looks @ it in their different way. So - even during disaster- "This is not a drill" - and the smoke and fire and death and disbelief of the day I would like to think I would be able to rally myself and those under me to try to make it to open waters - and , as the situatoion changed, that i would give the order to beach my ship for the betterment of the fleet. But so often....

*= I take no pride in , say, our attacking Mexico - Bush types are everywhere - for no reason and then cutting the country in half and taking it for ourselves. Again - for those of you who do not know - we attacked for no reason and then took half of Mexico - half of the fucking country - and incorporated it into our country. What - think Iraq was the first time? Shit - you all ave lived through Panama and Grenada - and that's not mentioning our funding of types like the terrorists who raped and murdered Roman Catholic nuns in Central America, Bin Laden in the 70's and 80's, and all the help to Iraq in making sure that in their war w/ Iran that they would have Weapons of mass destruction.
the way we are
So the word went out - the latest great from over there was playing the Metro - so, w/out knowing the bands name - or their music - we were there. Pretty sure this show - it is Oasis, of course, that I am writing about - was only half a dove - $10. Patience has remarked on this - she's not just a Brit, but a Britpopess - and I guess is really don't know completely our good fortune even then. But I realize now.
There were many other bands that the same mite be written about - but that Oasis show was phenominal. Out they walked, and the first song they played was "Rock and Roll Star". By now its a very old song - I can remember telling Q - in the refind period of a single summer - that this was the song that went through my mind when all was rite.
So, sorry. I know I can be a deep bit insufferable by sticking my deals in front of you all the time - but that's by and by a blog, yes?
So, for the last time this week - enjoy the lads. next week is "Hindu Times Week". Just kidding.
29 January, 2009
Footbal Au Printemps: Improvise
Of course, I'm writing about my new assistant. At first, I was kinda shocked that he wasn't all that into the - well, the amount of work that is involved in ....... well, my baby. When this first came to me - my first coaching job @ the high school - I also was deeply shocked @ the amount of deeply tiring work and time that is involved w/ coaching. That year, I only worked @ Saw HS for the first semester, so I only coached the boys team. But the combo of the workload on a teacher - those of y not in the gigg have no idea, although I'm sure many other jobs have tremendous loads as as well - and then the huge amount of time dedicated to coaching - it's an ordeal. Before this school, the two most touching coaching posts I had were @ Lit HS and Nek HS. @ Lit I was a classroom teacher - and the year was stunningly long death march between five classes and both Fall and Spring seasons - and twice a week off season conditioning sessions for 3 1/2 hours. It was murder. I had no life. Well, I developed a secret life, I guess - a decade gone - but it was a deep ordeal. @ Nek, the soccer got even more intense. Here I finally was a librarian - so no lesson plans, grades to do, papers to grade, etc etc etc - but @ Nek, there really wasn't an off season. So, although I didn't go lesson plans, during the season I still got up @ 5.20 AM and getting home on game days past 9pm. Basically, I couldn't even get a good nights sleep -like it was 1894 and I was fighting for the 11 hour day or whatever. When season ended - we actually did get some time off - two fucking weeks, before we started to go twice a week and then five days a week two weeks before Christmas.
But in both of these places I found a home. The teams were like little families. There were brothers and sisters, Love, laughter, and commitment. And I learned. I was going to retire from this school, and my name was to be added to the long list of coaches and players that played @ his school. And then I lost my job. But my involvement in the teams - the feeling and the experience - stayed w/me.
When I got to the school I am @ now, I didn't coach. I'll say it now - there is ZERO interest in the staff for soccer. Zero. I know i shouldn't write about work, but it does seems that no one cares. At least by the standards of the schools I was @. These were serious about soccer schools - well, among the soccer staff and students - and my school was a joke.
So, last year when I finally asked and said "HEY - I'M AN EXPERIENCED COACH - WANT ME?" - I was shocked @ this schools soccer program. Really shocked. Whereas I'm used to the coaches having filled schedules w/ opponents all around the area - bus trips to the North Side, the Suburbs, out West - this school, plays the bare minimum of seven conference games. Seven. And I knew that the boys side of things was equally in disarray. In all truth, I've been to the mountaintop - and was shocked by what I saw down below.
So- my aim is get this school's program to be one of its greatest assests. I love this school - I really love it - and I totally want the best for my kids. We all know the deep benefits of sports for kids - especially especially especially for girls - and I fully realise that one thing I can contribute to this world is this program for my kids. I want my school to have the same soccer rep as the top schools - so that when people think of girls soccer, it's not just the famous school that get all the ink. I smile thinking ahead to the future - 10 years, maybe - when I will be coaching this school deep into the state playoffs. I'm planning a run in state this year - but in ten years.....................
So - I know this is my trip. The assistant coach - a good kid - must really regret getting involved @ this point. He's suggested that maybe we have started too early - but I know for sure that Nek started rite after Thanksgiving (2m before us) and every other top school has as well. He wants to take Fridays off - shit, we were on the pitch every Friday of the OFF SEASON. But the deal is, after expecting to get another Pito or whatever to coach with, I got a young man shocked @ the amount of work that is involved in not just the working world - but in trying to change the world.
This is my aim. I'm understand that this is MY AIM, and not necessarily every ones - including my new assistant, a very good man. So, in trying to change the world, I will have to change myself and my expectations - otherwise it hurts the team.
The Gangs of the Second Floor / Aqua Man
We don't have a gang problem - but like every school, they are there. There are lunchrooms rite outside the media center, so the kids tend to congregate around the entrances to the lunch room and ..... hang. I don't have a terrible problem normally w/ kids going late to class - oh, unless they are so late and they are ignoring my yelling @ them to get to class - but with these kids I do.
Now, again, there usually no drama - the kids hang out, and since no adults roust them out, they stay. So, since it's outside the library - and I hate to see the gangs alowed to just hang - I always go out and get them to move. I'm never mean and treat them w/ respect, so they do move easily for me. But to get them to move, I have to basically go to each one, look directly into their eyes, get the recalcitrant ones 'k'mooon, ya gotta mooove' , and then go back again to the ones that only moved 15 feet or so. Again, they move for me, and I always thank them and called them men - they don't get violent or even start to talk back.
There have been fights over the years - not too many, but they happen. I stopped a huge action about 5 weeks ago. Again, the epicenter was rite outside the library, and this time it was 30 boys squaring off against another 30, and me in the middle w/ a crowd of 400 watching. I was able to halt whatever was going on long enough for my calls for the cops to get there. This earned me the laughing nickname of "Aqua Man" - ah, yet another nickname.
But there are times when I gotta rush somewhere and it's classtime change and they are all hanging out. Sometimes it's just too much tom spend 5m getting the kids to move. And I hate that these fucks get to wear their colors and just stand there. So, Im going to one of the AP's to-morrow to see if I can get some police up there during class change time. I hope i'm not stirring up stuff - but I'm tired of it.
As a last cavaet, the Ap (assistant Principal) I'm seeing is always the same one - even though in this case I should be reporting to another one. She's just easier to talk to.
28 January, 2009
Footbal au Printemps: In space and time
But - running today. Only 2m and some sprints.
From Rolling Stone

I still like it. I loved several writers who passed through - William Greider, Toure, and Pat O'Rourke (what's his name?). However, what got me into this post was my deep love of this photo of that famous Cub fan. Blaggy himself,Blaggy shitting, the shock on the faces of the asses behind him, the President and Rham's expression -and - finally - Roland Burris drinkingthe kool aid.
Story's not bad, either.
But that picture.......
27 January, 2009
26 January, 2009
pretty good
Too much, it seems. What we got was an awashed finish product - there was a soupy bottom to our creation. But it was, guess what, good. We did it. It wasn't quite the grand creation of chez gallos (w/ appropriate image of gallo w/ a pepper mill applying a smattering of specks across the steaming hot plate) = but we'll do it again.
We uped to Lanigan that nite, and sloshy me needed extras to fill out my churling stomach. It was to the carbonera I went again - and by that time, the liquid had been absorbed into the spaghetti. truely, it tasted even better the second time around. Finally, Carbonera met its waterloo on Sunday.
Football au Printemps: What you are now, I once was
So- in a lot of ways, I want to give him the freedom I recieved last year - but I also feel a real need to put my personal stam on the program. This is not an egotistical thing - it's a necessary thing. going back to my earlier idea of a dj having to be in control to make sure the party goes rite - since I - and I alone @ this school - am investing so much of my myself and my expertise into this program - where no one has before - then I want to make sure that it is done in a way that I feel comfortable with. Again, not egotistical - someone needs to do something w/ this program @ this school, and I have decided to do it.
And, for goddamn fucking fucks sake - I have to train another adult to fit what I want done with this program. He's good - but he's also gotta fit in. A lot of work.
25 January, 2009
Football au Printemps : volume and space and money and connexions and Travaille
I think, more than anywhere, it was dj'ing various 'shows' over the year that has led me to think that in certain contexts (et oui, context est tout) there should be a .... I hate to use the term, but....a "decider"*. My experience is that when I have been in that position, it really is a position of confidence in yrself - if you got a floor full, and you feel the next song will carry it on - then confidently spirit - if they hate it, then surely the next song will reintroduce moving female forms to the context. The person in charge really has to set the tone - and the millions of people asking for this song this song this song - sometimes, ya just gotta say no. A lot of times you have to say no to individuals for the greater whole. You know - do the rit thing, even if most aren't down w/ it.
So - officially practice can begin on 1 Mars. However, 'conditioning' is allowed in ff season, as long as I don't actually coach. I got us some small gym time @ a local park - not too much, but a bit of a God send - and the varisty had some of the JV have been showing up. Legally, I gotta take everyone who shows up (until 1 March - rite now, it's billed as 'open gym') - so alongside some of my magnificent V. players, I have some 14 yo never played soccer before punters....err, pikers.... This is totally fine, but I kinda feel bad if these girls keep showing up to "open gym" and when proper cuts come- I will have to cut them.
However, they have been doing the rite thing - in all truth, if one of these girls who are no classically athletic shows up all the time - i'm gonna know her name and she will have an 'up' on other girls.
But still. Necessary cuts loom.
It's even more serious beginning Monday. For the next month, we will be going M-W-F, stepping up conditioning from 2m/sprints this week to 3m/sp and then 4m/sp in the next month. (By then, we should get a gym space in the school proper - the magic date is when the girls BBall team loses in the state playoffs. Their season ends - we get their space inside. I'm monitoring the situation).
I have done well to get us some gym time, but we face a huge hurdle when it comes to 1 march - the park we play @ will not allow us to pay on their grass - because they get a tonne of money from baseball leagues, and they are afraid our girls will tear up the field. So - we get screwed. Real big. And this is a major issue for m. We have a giant park rite outside the school, but in spring - it's all dedicated to baseball/softball. So - two huge parks for us to pay in - but we are not allowed. It seem that instead of making the girls soccer team walk to a park 3/4 of a mile away from school to practice in a aark that is dedicated to baseball - well, what about making the baseball/softball teams to make the trek. Shit- there are soccer fields and goals set up outside the school after all.
And I will say now - when i make a real success of this team - when I have raised the visibility of this team to equal that of the boys basketball team (well, I bet we won;t have as many games televised games as them....) and have amassed capital enough for a next step - then I will suggest.
But the program has to roll .... and it's all my responsibility. Good. I am ready and it is supposed to be me here in this position. I have learned from those I deeply respect - and I need to apply those things. Wait - I am doing that. And I need to continue.
Out of order in context of time, but in order in terms of subject - after practice...... conditioning..... I went to see several people on business. the first was the parks manager. He'd given me a form for the principal to sign giving permission that this is an official school thing going on. GREAT, I felt last month when he first gave it to me. The Principal will never sign this, and our space will be limited. However, he gave the form to get signed again (I conveniently lost it last month) - no way out. Long story short, I went into school after conditioning and sheepishly asked one of the 2 AP's that are really really really easy to talk to (Always i go to them for everything - run it by them and get their reaction. They are very very approachable and it makes it easier for me). Front office, and one of the basketball coaches was there. I always talk to him on coaching matters - he is a sounding board for my ideas and such - and when I asked him if he'd ever seen the form, he said -"Oh, yeah, it's yr lucky day - we have to fill these out too - and wow - you got time @ that gym? - hey, that's tough". Easy matter for the AP to sign it too - I love our principal, but for whatever matter- I was very happy to get that done so easily.
The other space matter regards an empty lot across the street from this park. Not a lot, but a shuttered business.... that also has a baseball field on it's property. The meeting w/ the park manager alerted me to the fact that the park is trying to get the property for it's use. immediately, action went through my mind. I'd seen this park on Google earth or whatever when I realised that we couldn't play until April on our field. Needing an alternative for that month, I look'd about for available space. The park director told me that they use it for baseball in the summer - but I wonder two things:
1)can we use it in March for soccer?
2)can I start a long term political harangue to get that property bought by the city and dedicated to soccer?
Immediately, issues such as education, opportunities for girls/women, and discrimination on sex and racial lines immediately came up. Listen.... we need and reserve a fucking field to play on. America and the world depends on the 50 girls that are going to be playing for us (and if you don't believe that, move back to russia you nazi) - they are too important to the world. And if I keep pumping out good things for the school and program, maybe we can do something for the youth of the 'hood. Well, the soccer playing girls of the hood.
So - this may lead me into , well, community organizing. I may have to reclaim being a Democratic Party person again, as well. I'm not so sure a Green representative will go to far in that fucking city ward. But I also know that I can be a force in these issues because of... well, sometimes I can argue well and persuade, and now here seems an real issue I care about and is deeply deeply important in many areas. Maybe not as much as , say, forcing GE to clean the Hudson fully, but very important for my girls and the future of girls in my school and city.
Eventually, Chicagoans reading, you will be asked to help. I helped you do whatever, rite?
Connexions and Money
After practice - yes, I'll handle that last - I went to Lek Hs to firm up our match for the first week of the season. This program is a famous one for both boys and girls soccer - and luckily, I know the coach and arranged for a game last fall. Is topped in, and we decided on the 19 March @ the turf field @ Marquette Park. It's great we have a match w/ a Premier League team (we are a step below in the First Division) - our other games rite now are the seven conference games (w/in the First Div.) and three games I got w/ Second Division schools. So - to schedule a premier school is really kool. However, my deep excitement on discovering that in certain contexts we can save $$ by agreeing to use a student as ref - not everyone wants that. Lek's coach said - no, wanna ref, and there was no way to get around it. No way I'm telling this guy - one of the famous and well known coaches in our system who we treasure - that I was gonna argue. So - that game will be expensive for us - the field is free, but we have to get a bus and then $97 for one of the two refs = that's about $250 from us tiny kitty. That's a lot, since I want to avoid, a.m.a.p., paying for the team out of my own pocket.
The coach also gave me some numbers, showed me a 'contract' for most games, walked me through other procedures, etc etc etc... I never coached w/ him when I worked @ that school, but knew him well and used to go to the games - even travelling way far my RTA when they made it to the final 16 in the state one year (YES!!). he also called Marquette and reserved the t field for another game for me - that opening game I'm trying to nail down w/ Lit HS. I'd coached there 10 ya and wanted to pay them again - but the team has fallen on hard times. It used to be one of the citys best ( I was a wee junior coach back then and had nothing a'tall to do w/ the programs prominence) but now only has one team - the varsity - where we used to have two. So, our opening game - either 16 or 17 Mars, hopefully @ Marquette. But again - gotta nail it down. But -as I get my hands dirty in all the scheduling and money and all that - its ok, and I'm getting more ideas, and.....
Conditioning went well. There were little problems - well, only that out two central creative players have not yet shown up - one a dainty but deeply skilled girl - the other a BULL, and my central player last year who I really really really want to see perform on this higher level. But, again, the curtain went up, V. and JV tams basically separated, and the kids just sweat for 2h. Jesus such peace comes over me in such times. there is a role, and here I am to fill it. Maybe even fill it better - in context .... ok, I'll stop self aggrandizing for a bit to get back to the team.
Pract..... conditioning was great. V. girls just need to be yelled @ once - "C"MON, LETS GO - WE ONLY GOT 2H HERE!" to get them organized and rolling. What will eventually make up the JV and FR/SO were on th other side of the curtain and still needed a bit ok 'lets get going' to organize up.
There are two V. -v-JV issues. One is the problem that I will have next year - the V. are practically all seniors and will be gone next year. So this years JV - with, maybe--4 holdovers - will have to make up the team next year. So, I have been taking some of the girls from JV and shuttling them into the V. games to get them several things-
one, that they are part of the team as a whole, and by extension, the V. is part of them. e are all on the same team.
two, to expose them to the faster game of the older girls so I can blackmail them later in the year to "WORK HARD", because next year you will be @ this level and you better be up to it"
three, to make sure that the term "Varsity" mans a great deal @ my school. It is a level not to be given out - but rather deserved. One makes the Varsity, and that is a great honour.
The other big deal is what to do w/ other two freshie hopefuls, #99 and #5. Both are great, ad yes I do weep for thanks that we got some gamers coming in. Thank you, Jesus. They are really good, and the very question of either V. or JV as the proper place for them is up in the air. Dunno rite now where they will fit. Will watch for the next month, and maybe decide then. For now, I am having them play the first bit w/ the JV, then after a bit putting them w/ the V. They are both really skilled - but i am not sure simply that there is any space for them on V. As it stands, I will carry maybe 17 girls on the roster - I can promote girls from JV in the morning of a game, so I have flexibility in case of an injury. And I'm sure about, say 13-14. Many of my JV players from last year - especially the seniors - want to be on varsity - but I really need to take only those who will be best for the team. So, for now, I will continue to showcase newer players and older players w/ time on V. - but will try to be fair and let many of these picked players have a taste of the V. Truth be told - #5 and #99 skills in practice should be showcased versus the varsity - Their skills are way above the JV players and need to be honed against those players larger and better than them - but if during the season they will just sit on the bench during games while the V. players eat up most of the playing time minutes - then maybe it'd be better for them to grow a year on JV. Trust me - both will be HUGE factors on varsity next year.
So, as I shuttled girls back and forth - every ten minutes I would rotate a JV girl from last year over to play in the V. sector of the gym. W/ # 99 and #5, I had them in the JV section till about 45m passed, then shuttled them permanently over to the V. side of the gym.
I have asked patience from the girls. I have explained that this is my call and the way i want it to go. You see, in this context, someone needs to decide. And my V. girls - so important to win over, esp. for a new coach - have allowed me to decide. They trust me because they have seen me in action. That's a good thing. I know I have them, and by their actions, they know they have me.
*= and true, I kinda feel unclean using that term. I remember The Guitars used it on an email when we were all dithering about where to go that particular Friday/ Saturday nite (god, remember those days? Every weekend the emails would...... ok, that's for a fullpost, so.......
Come see how a Marshal of France dies
24 January, 2009
It's a great moment - you can ACTUALLY UNDERSTAND, FOR A BIT, WHAT'S GOING ON - but it also links all the many mnay many sharacters for the briefest moment in the book. The passage of the carriage is seen or heard by the various characters as they move about the city - afixing for the readers the whreabouts of everyone important - yes yes yes Bloom amd Stephen, but also the little people- for the briefest of moments.
Sorry - it's not an explaination or whatever that you wanna hear - but it's the movement on my shoulder that tries to explain this:
Para bailar La Bamba
Para bailar La Bamba
Se necessita una poca de gracia
Una poca de gracia
Para mi, para ti, ay arriba, ay arriba
Ay, arriba arriba
Por ti sere, por ti sere, por ti sere
Yo no soy marinero
Yo no soy marinero, soy capitan
Soy capitan, soy capitan
Bamba, bamba
Bamba, bamba
Bamba, bamba, bam
Para bailar La Bamba
Para bailar La Bamba
Se necessita una poca de gracia
Una poca de gracia
Para mi, para ti, ay arriba, ay arriba
(Guitar solo - Richie & instrumental)
Para bailar La Bamba
Para bailar La Bamba
Se necessita una poca de gracia
Una poca de gracia
Para mi, para ti, ay arriba, ay arriba
Ay, arriba arriba
Por ti sere, por ti sere, por ti sere
Bamba, bamba
Bamba, bamba
It's middle of Englewood, it's 8.20 @ nite, i'm on a lonely sidestreet - and 50 young men screaming @ me from behind
This means that, say, on a given week i mite hit west side school Crane on Monday, see Farragut the next afternoon and then take the El out to Oak Park to see Fenwick that nite, maybe no game Wednesday but a Westinghouse game on Thursday, then another Farragut and Fewick day on Friday, and then - if there was some special 'game day' on a weekend @ say DePaul or Northwestern that had a few hoop games - shit I'd make that. I had all the games schedules, bus, El, Metra schedules to near schools, the special tournaments over Thanksgiving and Christmas break, etc etc etc. I knew them all, and since I didn't have too much to hold me (and I was young - in my 20's) - I experienced it all. Again - for four years, I went to about 60-70 games a year. A few a week, sometimes 3-4 a day if there was an all day tournament going on. I dragged my frenz to games - I remember Depaul games w/ Farragut where Jackson and Gallo and some others were @. Dragon was dragged to a Carver game in the middle of Altgeld Gardens - the housing project itself is so isolated and @ the end of a long bus ride (it's in the city but really sequestered like solo style away from everything else except access roads) and we saw Farragut beat New Trier in the middle of Wilmette, JLaw, in from San Francisco, was dragged out to Hillside (via Suburban buses)to watch a mornings quartet of games, and there was that Thanksgiving tournament @ that tiny African American Southside Catholic HS w/ Jacob when the kids next to us - in control of the sound system - started jamming Wu Tang (the instant it hit, I turned to the kid as was like "What THE FUCK is THIS?!?!". Well, it was a kid. I didn't swear. But, y know. And then, that one nite..... that one nite where.... that one nite where Jacob, Spanky, and I had an...'agreement' , and Jacob decided to sleep @ Jacksons and Spanky and I decided to sleep @ Jacobs= that whole nite was kicked off in the afternoon by a Farragut playoff win in the afternoon and then a Fenwick win over Oak Park @ sold out Fenwick. For me, at least, many things stayed w/ me though that experience - and a huge one was the Farragut bands playing of "Go/go/go/ go you mighty Admirals"
So - Every week, during those years, I'd be one the bus or El, in every neighbourhood, to get my games in. There was just no possible way that f one of my teams were playing - and it was physically possible - i was gonna be there. i guess it really was like a bit of an addiction - the possibility of missing one of my teams -and some years I was following 2-3 teams - was too much.
So - again - every neighbourhood. No matter how shitty - and many were shitty ones- i was there is my team was there. I stuck out a lot - but i never remember being hassled. Again - i was in the worst of neighbourhoods, on side streets crazy by most standards, and me -waiting for the bus, nipping off for a leak in the alley if I had to, etc etc etc. I always...basically felt safe, no matter where I was.
SO - my glory years of HS hoops suddenly ended in the Spring of 1998. I was hired to be nailed to a cross and crucified - no, no, no, wait - i was hired to teach @ Lit HS - on second though, that nailed to a cross description mite be more apt to describe... But after being fulltimed both as a teacher and as a soccer coach - and the graduation of Cory Magatte, Micheal Wright, Frankie Williams, Chris Williams, Queitin Richardson, et al - suddenly I stepped off the court and rarely went to games I'd invested so much time the previous four years going - and then suddenly.....gone......
I'd go, for sure, to my own schools games. I've written about this before - for me, I want t be seen @ the kids games so, well, THEY SEE YOU THERE. it really helps when they know you take that extra step.
My new Obsessione
And, me, here @ my school - i'm now really taking that extra step - because once again, Hilts has a team to follow: and to make it even more delicious- it's my own school that's got me. Last year it started. I'd stop in justa bit to catch a quarter....then a half..... then, near the playoffs, i started to plan...... and even revisited my old policy of going to road games. Again - that bottomless thrill of 4 eight minute quarters, of kids screaming and pounding the stands w/ their legs, and of kids from my school - some I am very familiar w/ - playing real fucking hard feet in front of me.
Addiction has set in again, y'all. Maybe just for this team - our kids - but suddenly, that hoops calender has reemerged. My daily planner - it had game days pencilled in for months. I always check w/ one of the coaches - "Hey- varsity still on for 5.30 coach?". I won't go into this team here - dcs awaits - but I'll say it: we need....... well, we need that magic thing @ the HS level.... we need some height. Next year looks like The Year - but my school is doing well, and will make some noise in the city and state playoffs.
So, tough guy Hilts, w/ all that backdrop, now gets to the point:
The Tenor of the Times
There has been a LOT of shit going on in Chicago high school hoops these days: shootings and fight. The last two weeks, serious seriously fucked up shit has been going on. There was the shooting of fiv @ a Dunbar game. N. Lawndale star was shot in the leg. There was another shooting. And finally, a brawl Thursday nite. All @ city schools. All huge news - I even caught the Dunbar shootings as the LEAD ITEM on the BBC. The games above were all in the inner city - all on neighbourhood streets, all ganged up areas. So crazy - and the last two weeks have been just terrible. Here is some print:
Yesterdays big Sun Times Article on 'the problem'
Sun Times on Ban
and the Trib
(there is also a video from CLTV in the Trib article)
And, finally - this whole exercise wasn't just to name drop Jamal Rome's name, now, rite? Nope. Just wanted to say that me myself almost also made it into the news paper articles for getting beaten up. mita happened. people who know know i am @ home in all sorts of strange parts of the city. But that fucking air of violence that's visited the hoops sence almost got me as well.
8.20, darkened side street, Englewood
So - I travelled to see my school play on Wednesday. In Englewood. In a very very old school that's built rite in the middle of the neighbourhood. This means that unlike like more modern schools (mine)that are large building mainly on main Streets - this schools cross streets are side streets. The game was slated for 5.30, but that's when the J-V game started. Varsity started after, so by the time I got out, it was 8.20 @ nite. It was a long game - two games - and I was smack dab in the middle of the other teams fans. For the J-V game, there were a few of our schools girl players there. Of course, boys from their school tried to hit on them. A curious thing about todays youth - you wouldn't think that the way to a girls heart is to dis their school, dis their team, dis them, dis dis dis.... but that's how courtship is done these days. true, guys. I was sitting there the whole time. And the 'courtship' lasted for the whole game.
The girls left me awash in the crowd after the J-V game. I know the girls and was talking to them during the first game, and when they switched seats for the V. game, the kids switched their interest to me. Since i was white, the first question always is :
Who you scouting for?
No no, this is my school, just coming out to see the kids play.
But, buy myself, the good natured taunts evenually turned to - in the fourth quarter and my school taking it to the home team - hey, you better watch it ... and ... get the white guy ..... and hey, hey, c'mon lets get'm... and the like. Great. Took a piss, and then walked throught the exiting rowdy as hell crowd towards my car.
Ah, it couldn't be that easy, huh? Stupidly, I had parked @ one end of the building and around the corner - it was a very long and cold walk - one and a half city blocks - around the corner. It was even more long and cold - and very lonely - because the exiting shouting crowd decided to follow me down the block screaming and yelling @ me.
I got into character. The slight scowl to try to pretend I was a tough guy. The posture suddenly erect and like i don't care. The head tilted back. Ready to protect myself from the first few blows and to sprint to the car. Finally, the 'i'm in control' shuffle towards my car - 1.5/8ths of a mile away. I understand that to many readers, thia is an alien wrld to them. But not to me, over the years. So, I was going to bluff my way to safety - but understand - I was outnumbered 50-1 , and I fully knew that w/ the air of things going on @ games these days, the fact that I was still a ways away from my car and sudennly had a wicked tail of shouting - that I could very easily be jumped, the hell beaten out of me for the 30-40-50 seconds it would take to alert security in the building, and maybe worse.
But -@ that moment - one of the parents driving their kid (one of our players) from game stopped his car, yelled out "HEY!! YOU ALL RIGHT?!?" I yelled back that there was my car, still a block away, and he yelled back "I'LL WAIT!!". The kid had recognized me and told their Dad "Hey, that's the librarian @ school". Since the kids know I follow them - there is no one else that travels for them on staff besides me - they have appreciation for me. That's nice*. I jogged the block over to the car and he slowly drove the van up the block to provide cover for me. It was a good thing, too. Usually I don't feel nervous in these situations. (And yes, I've been in this sorta situation - basically exactly - maybe 100 times. Too reckless, too reckless, and I'm too old for this nowadays. but, like a 100 time.). But, I'll say it - it was an uncomfortable situation, given whats going on, and I was glad of the help. I ran into the parent @ a girls game the next day and he told me that that was him. Handshakes, thank you, I didn't feel good out there, please always be looking for me next time, make sure, bless you man, seriously....
So - the shootings have lead to certain restrictions in city games. It's basically the end of the season - we have only one conference game left - and I have to miss is. I'm conditioning the girls on Monday, and normally i'd finish by 5pm and then Strasser it to this school. but the new City rules in regards to hoops is that varsity begins @ 4pm. So - Monday, dammit, i gotta do my responsibilities and miss my hoops.
*= people like being liked.... and, of course, I like everyone.
23 January, 2009
22 January, 2009
21 January, 2009
Football Au Printmps : Moral Force, Youth, and Money
Moral Force
On Wednesday it was about soccer. we had a half day, and since I am a sub only, I was in the library Dept meeting but excused myself early. I've arraigned a nearby park to have their gym held for us on these days - about every other week these days happen. So, I know that I have been pushing the varsity a bit for all of us to get more professional - and on this day I realised that they accept my authority fully - they'd been under another coach for three years - and that they like the fact that I am pushing them. I was a bit hesitant to ask the girls Hey, lets start our season about 1 1/2 m early, and lets get you guys running several miles in circles around the gym building! YAYYYYYY!!!
They are a unit - the varsity- that are about all upperclasswoman - and they have that moral fiber to not let the other girls down. It's lovely to watch this unit that I inherited in that regard - they show up and do the work. My captain (I have two, but one I tend to go to more for now)- the one I'm running most stuff through - is a very quiet leader w/ tremendous moral force amongst the others. I like to go to her and say these are the plans, is what we're trying to do, whatta you think?, and ok then, lets get it done. If she's into it, its easy shorthand to know they'll all know what they are expected to do.
And I need the varsity girls to also demonstrate that to the younger ones - both the junior varsity and those girls who'll be on our freshman team. It's deeply needed - next year, all those upperclasswoman will be in university, and our team mainly will be the younger ones. the younger girls need to grow up - but luckily we still have a year to rough 'm up enough so that they're ready. Still - we'll need help.
And... help is arriving. Oh the laughs - just the gidded laughs - when a city girls soccer coach has reason to exclaim - we gott'a freshman! So, deeply giddy for us: so far, there are two girls who have shown up who have made me deeply hopeful. They may actually make varsity, but I'll put that decision off for a bit - maybe 1 March. The smaller of the two is fierce - skilled, ball control, nice shot, a battler. The entire varsity snickered when she and another fierce battler - a senior - went to the wall battling for control of the ball. Funny that, too - as thinking evolves w/ actually watching the girls play, it seems that possibly she will eventually play the same position - pesky forward - @ least for her first two years here or so. Unless I leave her on J-V.
Our other, bigger freshman , also causes great movements of hope. Now, it took her , say, a minute to announce herself to us - the first girl it took only maybe 3-4 seconds (honestly, too - her team kicked off). But- great hope. Like the other girl, she plays in club teams, and her skill is apparent. Plus - she (#5) has more of a physical presence than the first girl (#99). It's a big deal -you wanna have girls who have that presence - soccer is a very physical game.
And then there is the problem of where to put these girls. On Wednesday, we had the luxury in the one hour @ the gym to halve the court bisecting it into two manageable fields. Since we had an over flow crowd of girls - not just the V., but six of last years JV and maybe 10 new girls (Godd showing) I separated the V. from the JV and let V. start them selves up (A simple gruff c'moonnnn usually suffices to motivate this group). The JV and new girls I had to divide up and push them the way forward. Soon enough, #99 and #5 's game became apparent. I sent #99 over 15m in, and then I sent over #5 after a bit. But the very real question arises when the season progresses: V or JV? The V.'s starting squad is very set - these girls would get minutes - but is it better to keep them as starters on JV so they can play most of the game? I dunno.
And all the other girls! Some who had shown up earlier showed up again - this is great and shows the glimmer of dedication. There was another girl who showed some skill - noticeable, but not blazing as the other two - who I can tell rite now will factor in the JV. And the rest? We'll see.
We played an hour. We had two games going on @ the same time until about 10m left when I opened the curtain and opened the entire gym for one game. I believe it's a good thing for the JV to be exposed to the suprior skills, hustle, and presence of the V. girls. They need to see how it's 'supposed' to be done so they can emulate.
Went really well. There was that problem with too many boys escorting their girlfriends to the gym and then hanging out - too many - but elsewise, it was kinda great.
Went to Nek HS to talk to those guys. I went up to see the coaches, and caught them luckily - they were waiting around to take their girls to an indoor game on Ashland. They'd gotten 15 of the girls into a team - cost each girl $50. I wish I'd been able to duplicate the effort for us- but maybe next year.
We also firmed up a date for our game. In order to spend as little as possible, I wanted the game played over spring break and @ that school - it's in a near neighbourhood and it's easy enough to get the field. This means we do not need to hire a bus. And then I also discovered that we mite not even have to pay for a referee. As it was explainned to me, as long as both coaches work for the school and both agree that they can use - say, a student or a coach - to ref the game, it IS OFFICIAL. Oh, lovely. Refs can cost us, say $100 for both games. A bus would be.... $150-175. That's a glorious savings, and I'd love to explore it. So - in the game w/ Nek, it'll cost very little.
Money is such a concern. I'll need all cyclinders for fund raising - buses, refs, a training goal to shoot @.....
But, a dedicated varsity, a couple of arresting freshmen, rememnants of last years deeply loved by me JV, and the promise of savings stewed up such a streching day before me.
On eggs and pasta
As in ALL portions of my life, laze has raised itself over action, and that law of inertia rules reigns heavy ov'r me these days - it's great when someone says 'come over and eat' or "i got these tite tix to the Bulls game" or even simply "This is where we're going on Saturday show up" or "El Grecos and JJK are here -when will this happen again in our lives, and yr only 4 blocks away!?!". When it's presented not so much as a choice but more of a plan - then often I can finally get my columns moving towards the front again. So, last weeks plashed* plans segwayed easily into "...next Sunday".
Supper was brilliant. I'd retired for a spell into the VIP section in the back of Chez Gallos when Gallo himself parafrased to me "Hey - y wanna watch - its easy?". Since this is not a blog comme some which list off their recipes - a good idea that I'm not mocking - I'm'a not'a gonna' do it either. But it was easy as hell - pasta, c'mon...........then fry up bacon....again, cmon....... and then whip up parma and eggs. The idea is to pour the sauce into the pasta and let the heat of th pasta cook up the sauce. Not too much, owever, or y have scrambled eggs - I assume that to successfully get this recipe done, one has to have just a touch. I can say that the first tme we will try this recipe (Yes, it was easy, but as Gf and I discussed in the Strasser on the homeward tilt that "they make everything look easy ", so...) we'll probably get something more akin to a pasta breakfast. It was beautiful, and sorta like Helen, I have a feeling that this meal's beauty will eventually launch a thousand meals.
Funny. The only meal I am actually a master @ is that Irish Breakfast. Years of handling and loving The Fry. but when I go to Winstons and get the fry, I gladly hand it over to Gallo or Crankface. Yes, as i am lazy- yes, cause they are swell chefs -but yes mainly, because they get a much bigger kick out of the process than me.
*=who says I can't mint - err, print - my own new words? this is Hilts writing....
20 January, 2009
A "Personal Information" section on Facebook
Personal Information
advancing under fire
fire, advancing
Favorite Music:
advancing fire
Favorite TV Shows:
advancing under fire
Favorite Movies:
underfire advancers
Favorite Books:
underfire advancers, advancing under fire
Favorite Quotations:
About Me:
I advance under fire
from......... um......vito?
19 January, 2009

**= not a picture from the movie - that's Rachael Leigh Cook, w/ a QUOTE from th book/movie. After some moments of contemplation.... i used it. Why? Well ....
Then again, when I was 16, I was vomiting on my carpet after a bout of whisky drinking w/ Drinker Dan and Drinker John.
Canadian Mist, A terrible hangover, and dried mac and cheese vomited onto my carpet - ah what a beautiful morning for me more than a score ago.
However.... I am watching...
Football au Printemps : a pitch/ a pitch/ my Champions League trophy for an indoor pitch
Getting back to that this is the fourth high school Ive coached at/but first as head coach thing. @ Saw H.S., our field was rite in back of the school. Huge open park. @ Lit, our field was a bit of a walk away - maybe 6 blocks, and through a very segregated and rough part of Chicago. but we were never hassled, so again - nice open field to play on. My last HS team was the big one: Nek. And again - we had a huge park in back and always a place to play. In the off season, we also had places to play. @ Lit, we had a small basketball court where we played we and Friday from 3-6 after school when we were not inseason. @ Nek, we ran in the halls and used the gyms when the other teams in season left (so, f.ex, when the basketball team ended it's workouts, we'd take over the gym.
But here: we are a step child. My school has a big park in back of the school - but it's totally earmarked for baseball and softball in the spring. Since we are such a large school - we also have tonnes of teams for every sport. And space - fuck what a premium.
Indoor Conditioning / gym
When we start - now - we use gyms a lot until - well, you know, until it's not January and we can take on the Continental winter taking us on - but our gym space is severely limited. So - i've had to be creative. There are three main gyms here - two small, one expansive. When the girls basketball team ends - here's wishing them best of luck as I know lots of the girls and of course I wish the best for them - we get one of the little gyms. Seeing the State playoffs schedule, I see that we (girls BBall) will play in first round through the week of the 16-20 Feb. If the team is ousted in the playoffs, then we get the gym then. But that's a bit away.
So, for rite now, we are restricted to two places. The first is the park where we practice outdoors @. They have a small field house w/ a gym, and because I have been respectful, the park manager has opened it up to us when they can. They are socked u w/ programs for kids and seniors in the afternoons - but since we get a lot of 1/2 days and off days, I asked the park district if on those days we could get some space. So - every other Wednesday here is a 1/2 day for the kids. Since I am still a sub, I can kinda k out and watch the girls play for the 1.5 h we can squeeze in. Friday is a day no kids come in either - nor do subs. So, again, this Friday we got the gym from 10-noon.
It's important to maintain a good relationship w/ the park manager. We also play outdoor in his park (but more on that later- much more). When I first approacahed him about some indoor gym time, he was very hesitant. This problem and that thing. He let us in once, told me these rules etc etc etc.. and after the second time we conditioned** - when he saw me in control, barking and directing, he opened the doors to us. He knew we were serious, and responded in kind. A big deal w/ girls soccer is that all the boys hang out. The park manager was very certain about this - no boys except for a helper or 2. Our soccer boys are beyond great, however - they see the need for the girls to have playing time, and they are totally on board with me in trying our best for the girls. When the manager saw the boys all in the stands and not fucking around (100% not fucking around - these boys really will be a help to me this season in a number of ways). After the season, if things remain as they are, I will make sure the whole team will thank him in .... so we get treated rite next winter as well. I'm so glad he's working with us - we really need it.
Indoor conditioning/ the halls
Oh shit- the Halls? Simply put, soccer players have an enormous need for being in shape. Yes, these are 17 and 18 year old girls I am coaching. I don'y think they smoke. They should be in shape to run to the top,of Everest or Denali and back in 45m flat. They are young. But the fact is, they are going up against other 17-18 yo girls WHO ARE IN SHAPE. I can fucking say for sure that the gils @ Uoy, Nik, etc etc are all running queens who will be able to go for the entire 80m game. And we need our girls to have that same training. Our girls are just as important as any other program - and we need to be in shape.
That means we have 'track' practice in the halls in the gym building. My plan is to use the park gym next Wednesday and Friday, but the week after that, we will run 2m (maybe 3m) on M-W-F for 2 weeks, then 3m the next week, then 4m th week after, By then - we should have an indoor gym. So- lots of running around the gym building to build up stamina. In 2 weeks - M-F. Boring.
But, if we want to beat........
Indoor conditioning/ the red gym
The red gym is a third option we will use. it's rally not a gym - think in terms of a weightlifting area. Lots of padding, however, and enough space where i think we can get some use out if it as well. It's too small to play a proper game of soccer - but I can use it - my thinking takes me rite now - for two purposes. One is to train the goalies. Simply put, I am to try to create an atmosphere where the goalies will get maybe specialized training twice a week. In the red gym, I can have the 2-4 kids we earmark for goal to have reaction practice etc using those small, size 2 or 3 balls they are smaller than regulation balls (they look like toy soccer balls, but are actually great for training). And, finally, I hope to use the size 2-3 balls so the girls can use them a bit in the red gym for ball handling purposes.
I'll have to test the viability of these options for the red gym. We have never used it before.
* continued, more or less, from this post