28 September, 2007

I Want My J&B
BREAKING NEWS: Benkowski informs us that he recently found out that the liquor distributing entity owned by the Wirtz family has the exclusive local distribution rights to Jack Daniels. Benkowski is looking for a new shot. He also is debating how to handle the passing of one William Wirtz on his show- restraint or not.
The competition: Amigos, Senoritas, and Bar (minus Trophy, Lawyer and Kearney Meats)
J&B represented by: Stix and Lazers (donning the Chelios jersey, pulled out of mothballs in this dawning of a new era in Blackhawk hockey)
First Half: Bears/90s Music/Offbeat Oddities
Wore #13 for the 1997 Bears?
What does “regicide” mean?
Scores after a quiet first half: Senoritas 980 Amigos 960 J&B 870 Bar 820
Second Half: Sports Mix/Chicago & World/TV & Movies
What breed of horse is Mr. Ed?
In which country is Transylvania?
Since 1936, the only Cub with 200 or more hits 3 times?
Two players in the 2003 NL postseason hail from the Island of Curacao- one was the Cubs’ Randall Simon- who was the other?
1985 Oscar for Best Actor?
Currency of Panama, named after the explorer who discovered it?
Some second half controversy, as the Bar selects the Sports category, but Benkowski instead reads the next question for Chicago & World. The Bar had a legitimate gripe. Even without Lawyer, they’re a bunch of lawyers.
Scores into final question: J&B 2170 Bar 1990 Amigos 1630 Senoritas 1380
Choice of final category: MTV Videos or Playboy Joke Punchlines
All teams select MTV. Benkowski: “Only bar in history that rejected Playboy.”
2 of 3 wins wager. All 3 wins 3000 bonus points. J&B wagers the classic.
MTV Video of the Year for the following:
1996- Smashing Pumpkins
1998- Madonna
2000- Eminem
Anyone want to take a shot at that one?
Part II
J&B guesses 1969, Take a Bow, and My Name Is.
First half answers:
Rick Mirer
To kill a King or Queen
Second half answers:
Billy Williams
Andruw Jones
William Hurt
Final question:
Senoritas- 1380- guess Tonight Tonight (yes), Like A Prayer (no), Real Slim Shady (yes)- wagered 1100- up to 2480. Uh-oh.
Amigos- 1630- guess Tonight Tonight (yes), Ray of Light (yes), Real Slim Shady (yes)- wagered 1630 plus 3000 bonus- up to 6260.
Bar- 1990- guesses Tonight Tonight (yes), other answers not read, but both (no)- wagered 1500- down to 490.
J&B- 2170- guesses 1969 (no), Take A Bow (no), My Name Is (no)- wagered 1811- down to 359 and an end to the brief winning streak.
Well, with no money to collect and no babes to scope, J&B makes one of its earliest exits ever. Next trivia night in two weeks: Thursday, October 11th.
27 September, 2007
‘A People’s History of the Chicago Danse Floor: House Parties, 1980-2007’ part 4: The Summer of 1980
Our grammer school was special. Many my-memories are from that era, and I count myself lucky to have gone there. Some people have great h.s.'s, some great university time, but I think all who went to St. Rita grammer school back then felt special.
Two months later I was called out by an Irish lass who crossed the danse floor in my uncles village to ask me to danse -- and I.................
The other great dansing incident in the Summer of 1980 occured in Ireland. I went for a month from c. 25 July-25 Aug 1980 and had the time of my life. Summer of '80 was outstanding and I hated to miss what was going on in the heighbourhood (Great changes), but deeply exciting to go to ireland for the second time.
My mom's island is very small, so they had two danses a week there. One a Caeli (sp), which was traditional music played by-- ready-- an accordianist and a drummer - and that was it. And yes, some of the best music came out of those two instruments. The other was more regular rock and roll stuff.
The Irish danse was great fun and I've done plenty since. However, so young and sacred, and now here is a girl crossing the floor on "Girls choice" time. I had to get up, I had to go out, but screw me forever for not actually being able to danse. It was a very uncomfortable time- just a scared boy, nothing but funny to look back on now-- but again-- this wonderful piece of femininity (please don't take "piece of feminity' in a bad way- she wasn't a 'piece'- wait, she was a piece- but wait, I don't mean it that way......ah, whatever..... ) and I too scared.
City boy unable to handle country girl. And it wouldn't be the last time.
The Beckham/Hitler connexion
25 September, 2007
After all my drinking weekend
going to the moon
flying to the moon
captain five
begins his swoon
Many year after
events now seen
many years afters
every launch still clean
We're seeing this thursday I think.
Poster Children are playing a show! For free! In Chicago! In a tent!

Poster Children are seen enough playing a show! For We! In Chicago! In a case!
Sunday, October 7, 1963
Museum of Contemporary Thanks!
220 East Chicago Avenue, Chicago IL
The show goes from 1-6pm in front of the museum.
free play around 1:30pm.
Rose and Rick will be accompanying curator Dominic Molon on a tour of
"Sympathy for the Devil: Art and Roll and Rock Since 2007"- an
exhibit at the Museum of Contemporary Art- at Noon on Tuesday, October
2, 2007.
21 September, 2007
The Jam

shellac is playing at the hideout dec 13-19. 6shows. i'm sure you got to all 6 or none as your niece will have soccer games. i'm probably go to the friday one (2nd preformace) as albinis voice hasnt worn out yet.
what does Hilts write?
20 September, 2007
Moho's bachelor party

Tired, and stunningly so......

19 September, 2007
While were on Caesar/ ‘A People’s History of the Chicago Danse Floor: House Parties, 1980-2007’ part 3

Ex Spouse

Readings of a social and economic nature

Burleigh came heavily recommended, so I figgered it'd be a good time to jump back into Nazi history. It's very good. I found it strange to read...usually I read books from the left that are critical of the rite, but this book is somewhere in their middle= anti Nazi, but constantly calling the Communists, Christians, and Socialists idiots for the way they acted.
It's a pretty scholarly book, so there's lots of research quoted. However, it's never too scholarly. He is clear in pointing out that this book is not to be seen as new scholarship, but rather a synthesis of research done before. I'm only 200p in (750p total) and w/ my slow rate of read, I wont finish till late December 2007, but I like.
18 September, 2007
Reviews for the play we saw Sunday Nite
Sun Times
Security Out
Gf: "It seemed like that they put on this play only because they had to put on a play while most of the troup is putting on the much larger "Sparrow" @ the Apollo.
Latest from the Magnetic Field heads
17 September, 2007
The Daily Rumor
Wk-d unos goodbyes.1- Friday

People petered out bit by bit, some homing it, some concerting it (When we left, but now we read and find out...), and some falling asleep. I had a lot to drink- not drunk, but more than usual. Lots of funthings, either in the parking lot before going in, sitting on couches, the floor, from Viggo Mortenson, and finally, when it got down to Crank and I (our girls asleep on beds), out of nowhere Crankface style. It ended up w/ Face and I mumbling about things wanting to be kept secret, but I must admidt the 'secrets'* are things I love to SHOUT ABOUT - but I'll be good.
Noticed Gf racing out w/ the smokers to get that nicotine in her. It's kept in check, so I'm not worried. I like the smokeless Gf. Many things: she's good.
Here's are what others are saying. Thank you Rocky for the snapshot. say, I look good inone of Rocky's snaps. Follow those two linx in this para.
Wk-d unos goodbyes.3/sunday -The Plays the thing
14 September, 2007
go rita go

Chemical Man's Birthday Bash
J&B represented by: Chemical Man, Hilts, Stix, Dragon, Gf and Lazers
J&B talisman: the J&B desktop holder, plus Hilts was carting a small, empty wooden box
Competition: Bar, Nells, and Partridge Family
TC Pub: no waitress tonight, even though the crowd likely required one, and even though Glasses and Earth Mother were hanging around.
First Half: In the News/US Stuff/The Other Guy in Sports
1980 NL batting champ = Bill Buckner, AL batting champ = ?
1972 NL batting champ = Billy Williams, AL batting champ = ?
1993 AL Cy Young award = Jack McDowell, NL Cy Young = ?
1993 AL MVP = Frank Thomas, NL MVP = ?
1984 NL Cy Young award = Rick Sutcliffe, AL Cy Young = ?
1972 AL homer champ = Dick Allen, NL homer champ = ?
1983 AL Cy Young award = Lamar Hoyt, NL Cy Young = ?
1994 AL MVP = Frank Thomas, NL MVP = ?
1998 NL MVP = Sammy Sosa, AL MVP = ?
1943 AL batting champ = Luke Appling, NL batting champ = ?
2000 census: in US population, Chicago is followed by which city?
Scores at the half: Bar 1310 J&B 1000 Partridge Family 940 Nells 800
Second Half: Sports/Measurements/Celebrity Birth Years & Facts
Bulls’ top two scorers for 2006-2007 season?
Last year the Cleveland Browns won NFL championship?
Move action star whose real name is Carlos Ray (last name remained the same)?
Scores into final question: Bar 2660 Partridge Family 1880 J&B 1640 Nells 1420
Choice of final category: Languages of the world, or Cities of the world
All teams select “cities of the world”
Need 4 of 7 to win wager. All 7 correct wins 3000 bonus points.
J&B wagers 241 (enough to pass Partridge Family should they bet 0, and enough to beat the Bar if they bet to protect against Partridge Family and lose).
From 2000: 7 World Cities had 9,000,000 or more people (5 in Asia, 1 in South America).
Part II
J&B guesses Seoul, Shanghai, Tokyo, Bombay, New Delhi, Mexico City and Sao Paulo
First half answers:
’80 AL batting champ = George Brett
’72 AL batting champ = Rod Carew
’93 NL Cy Young = Greg Maddux
’93 NL MVP = Barry Bonds
’84 AL Cy Young = Willie Hernandez
’72 NL homer champ = Johnny Bench
’83 NL Cy Young = John Denny
’94 NL MVP = Jeff Bagwell
’98 AL MVP = Juan Gonzalez
’43 NL batting champ = Stan Musial
Census city behind Chicago: Houston
Second half answers:
Ben Gordon and Luol Deng
Chuck Norris
Final Question:
Nells- 1420- guess Tokyo (no), Mexico City (yes), Beijing (no), New Delhi (yes), Buenos Aires (no), Calcutta (no), New York (no), Kuala Lumpur (no)- only 2 correct even though they made 8 guesses instead of 7- wagered it all- thanks for playing.
J&B- 1640- guesses Seoul (yes), Shanghai (yes), Tokyo (no), Bombay (no), New Delhi (yes), Mexico City (yes), Sao Paulo (yes)- 5 correct- wagered 241- up to 1881.
Partridge Family- 1880- guesses Tokyo (no), Rio (no), New Delhi (yes), Moscow (no), Bombay (no)- at least one other “no” guess that I missed- only 1 correct- wagered 1878- down to 2.
Bar- 2660- guesses Manila (no), Shanghai (yes), Sao Paulo (yes), Tokyo (no), New Delhi (yes), Beijing (no), New York (no)- only 3 correct- wagered 1111- down to 1549.
J&B’s stellar wager leads to a second victory in a row!
The answers (and narrator comments):
New Delhi
Sao Paulo
Mexico City (note: when researching this morning, lists I saw do not have Mexico City with over 9 million in population while Moscow does have more than that).
Mumbai (note: formerly known as Bombay- I do not know if credit was not given for Bombay answers because of the name change, or because Benkowski isn’t aware that they are one and the same).
A handful of potential errors, but they don’t change the final result.
Next trivia night in two weeks (September 27th). Gf has promised tollhouse cookies….
13 September, 2007
Deux Jours dans Paris

12 September, 2007

For me, the hand signals really came 'handy' in training the dog. Winters, for example, is doing the classic "STAY, BOLO!" There is also the sit down (Snap, finger pointed down), the lie down (snap, finger down, hand down), roll over (pointing finger circled), stay with me (slap my hand on the side of my leg), and "PAW". It really helps, and doing the "stay" signal is a great way to reinforce "STAY" in ther dogs mind.
don't bother unless ya really wanna
Billy's Budds
Yr the one for me fatty
11 September, 2007

10 September, 2007

Special Education
Band of Brothers link

dcs blog annual staff dinner
Hamdard is a social service center focusing on mental health generally for various (generally Muslim, especially woman and children) immigrants. It's always a real fancy deal w/ heavy hitters and rich people. I always love going for a number of reasons. It's a good cause- the people the Hamdard center provides for really need this- often they have no place else to turn. I get to see a lot of frenz- it's been years since I've seen Baptiste (his bachelor party, i think). The food is always great- I made this remark before, but I've never tasted better Indian food. I understand there are probably many superfine food shacks for the Indian stuff, but this is my favourite.
It's always funny to see my frenz in this context- it's fun to see the "I'm on the board" side.
My friend the crack addict
06 September, 2007
"JET" by Paul Mcartney
That time you told me that
You were going to be marrying soon.
And jet, I thought the only
Lonely place was on the moon.
Jet! jet!
Jet! was your father as bold as a sergeant major?
How come he told you that
You were hardly old enough yet?
And jet, I thought the major
Was a lady suffragette.Jet! jet!
Ah, matter, want jet to always love me?
Ah, matter, want jet to always love me?
Ah, matter, much later.
Jet! with the wind in your hair of a thousand laces.
Climb on the back and well
Go for a ride in the sky.
And jet, I thought the major
Was a lady suffragette.
Jet! jet!
Something mumbled about context


A peculiar Hebrew concoction of Nazism, sex and violence
bless you Vito, you............you goy pervert
Blue Jean, forever

That baseball team was a fun team- we won the league that year ( one of four championship teams I have been on (-two Marquette Little League baseball champs and two St. Rita football championships in the SWCC- I like to mention this because until Wayne Gretzky won the first of his four Stanley Cups it was always pointed out that he had never won one, even on the pee wee level. Oh, and I coached three championship soccer teams, all @ Spry Academy.
05 September, 2007
Willfully blind