01 June, 2011


All four robin eggs hatched innthe enst nestled under a drainpipe on my house. Feel guilty checjing because the parents immediatelt start to agitate and swak and fly about - hate to freak them out, but I wanted to check. Part of the deal is that last year one of the eggs didn't hatch and it went bad - so the nest was invaded by tonnes of tiny minibeasts who flushed the prefledgling birds intot he jaws of a killer cat.

I'm particularily attracted to Robins this year because I witnessed the death of two - two males fighting for territory flew into the front of a speeding car in front of me. Horrified, i parked - both dead, but still warm. So sad. Therew as a cematary rite across from where they died, so to give'm a little dignity, I brought them in and placed them on a grave. Workers would know what to do with them.

And who made his appearance on the poarch?? Same kat, named Bamboo (from le film "The Regular Lovers". I'm not sure if it is the same parnets, but boy the appearance of Bamboo lent rightous swaqing commence. Dispite his murdous tendencies, i love Bamboo - tiny little young black - and regularily feed it dog treats. It has the run of ther neighbourhood.

Bamboo also met Rex - they were chill. Rex regularily (i know, 3d time) barks/whines his giant head off @ the cat, so Bamboo was a wee bit nervous - but they were fine.

1 comment:

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