04 January, 2013

kip lives still!

We'd had the vet come over on that nite two weeks ago.  Although the slitest glimmer that 'this dog mite live to see the next day' was a possibility - it wasn't. 

But, then, we decided it wasn't the rite time yet to do it.  The vet gave us a few options for pain management for the dog - and we took it.

I was deeply relieved.  Thre have been many etars over ths dog, but when it went official last week that "Maybe we'll try some of these pills and shots for Kip" huge tears of releive.  Huge relief.

But, again, two weeks later, the question remains  - put him to sleep?  Mothers feels that he has suffered enough - and he has suffered.  Tonite is again a death watch for the Kip - except im much more energized to keep him going while Mothers feels the dogs been through enough.

I hope he sees tomorrow.


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