27 February, 2012


I figgered when i got a few frets of my own in my hands the original music would spill quite easily. I've got it all figgered out and dont bother me. I mean, I hear it all the time in my head, it's gotta be easy to translate that thru' instruments once mysteries and codes were cracked. It's one thing to be able to rock "Brimfull of Asha" on my guitar - but for somethig compelling to be created?

Voice and guitar are my instruments of semi proficiany, but a spare snare drum, an olde Irish tin whistle and harmonica from the New Association days of the late 70's, a washboard, several noise makers, a tambourine, a recorder willed to me from Rabbi Hecht, a piano, and ....a computer.

Doesn't really work that way, for me. Oh like lots of other rockers - i've got some riffs in me. Sure it's kool, and god what would this shit sound like fuzzed on an electric? But to create somthing compelling to listen to - well, first and foremost, something to danse to - es duro.

I'm still waylearning all this guitar stuff, so I'm mainly tied to choirds still- but wonderwonder of computer recording (w. excellent microphone - i love excellent microphone) I can easily lay down a backing track and fiddle w. leads over that. Very simple.

But again, what is not simple, is "would a person danse to this?".

And the process. Ive sytarted from riffs, Ive started from faux bass parts, Ive tried to lay down percussion - it's all too much, so to speak. I love the sound that comes out - but it is not the sound that I want to come out.

Worrynaught lovers, there is that one key to success that i do have - just keep pushing. Soccer season has aagin started, and the swirl of teen girls - all varying in sporting proficiency - are in need. Especially those that will be on my team - they need so much help in so many areas. But my constant refrain - This is what we want you to do in this exercise, these are the three things we want you to learn from what we are doing rite now, work on this skill, put the gard work in conditioning yourself - and trust me, young lady, keep pushing here and you will be just as good as any of the varsity girls when you are a senior. Trust me, I remember them when they were 14 as well.

So, Keep Pushing. It's there, just deeply tepid.

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