05 October, 2011

There is no Happiness on this day whatever it is...

They tried- they really did-
but somtimes the other team:
not warmed up and WE with the Immaculate Chance in the First Minute
(a Header off of The Bar
That would have made
a Stunning Statement):

possiblymaybecoulda been better

but months on end of
being to-gether
Believing -dont stop-


this day we face the End

And then
the professional kids
(Me with drink in me - nice drink, bar jenx-)
no individual test this time, rather a test horizonstyle barring me, for who knows how long and that is why I've said HELLO recently, d'accord)
have an un-opportune goal
sometime 70minutes in
seemingly too late to recover
a roaring barfull of dissapointment

But remember:
JV CityPlayoffs completed for us - but still there is sliteseason of friendlies left to practice and get better for as wella s next season for those who we coaches see varsity potential in
MLSCup Playoffs to qualify for and succeed

There is still Life ahead...

and it's a Double Loss of a Day

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