18 November, 2009

Day 1 of his new life

So, Bolo now has to be on a specfic spaced diet, stabbed twice daily, and have unique new pills on his docket 3x daily. But, he lives. We are happy.

For the rest of his life, we have to introduce a whole new way of eating for him. So, indstead of shoveling food again and again and again @ him all day - we now have to feed him but twice - and a strict small amount. Since he'd been on steroids for years - and they add mightly to his appetite - he has been over weigth for ever. To feed him but twice - a very difficult thiung. After we finally got started on his program yesterday, he starved till 6.60p - and then he ate his meal. But didnt you know it - both Sister and Mom both ewanted to feed the fucker more - after we had planned to kill him the day before. They felt guilty, but I will make sure the vet tells them how dangerous it is so they will stop it.

Stabbing him isnt the bad thing - its waking up, making sure he just ate, and then waiting 10m. I have to get up @ 7am every day now. 7 am every day. Not too bad, but it can be frustrating when he takes foreve to eat his breakfast - we must wait the 10m or so. So, seeding his feed w. a little bread (i shouldnt) in the AM leads to a hungry dog. Then wait and stab.

His new pills are to replace the steriods he is on. We are weaning him off as we speak - and are worried about his allergies taking ahold as we speak. What he got every day he now gets every two - and then next week every three days. AFter that .... nada. So, we are worried that the reasons for the sterods originally - his scratching - will come back. However, he has been pretty good so far - and there is the hope that he will outgrow them.

LAst little nugget - his piss. For the next 2-3 weeks, the vet wants us to get a sample of his urine twice a day and test it w. a little strip of paper to see if the dangerous levels of "Key____" (?) have returned. I must amidt that standing in the rain in the backyard @ 7am got old fast - and I skipped this part od the dogs recovery.

The maddening need to see the dog continues. He has responded to us all so far, and knows he is being worried over. Which is good.


Dread Pirate Jessica said...

I've heard adding a very small amount of apple vinegar to your dog's water or food helps with diabetes, incontinence and allergies (the animal's, not yours).

Possibly absolute bullshit but also possibly something to look into or run by the vet.

Hilts said...

i will

John said...

Can you give him benadryl? Sometimes that helps with allergies.

Hilts said...

i will thanks both.