29 October, 2009
the inglorius bitches
The excuse for this years badly coached team? Easy - there are many coaches, and since I got into this 1/2 way thru the season (Officially only 8w ago), i am but one of four. They had another nexus of attention before I got here fully, and as Ive discovered in teaching, filmmaking, songmaking, etc: one has to fully grasp the reins to have control. Since there are 4 coachs on this team, i never really fully had the reins. So, what I get is a lot of bitching by these bitches. Bitches!!
And today finally we get to play the best team in the league - undeafeated and already having beaten the team I now coach - and its the team that i helped coach @ the beginning of the year. We had this match switched from the weekend a few weeks ago and both teams have been waiting for it. I have a real fear that my team will lose - but in all honesty, they have just as much talent. If I had been a better coach these last two months .... and seriously ....
So, the season ends this Saturday. Everyday (except no Sundays and a few days off) since 5 August - and Ill amidt Im ready. This week we've just scrimmages the team - no drills, short games, conditioning, etc. We've put the Sophmore first team against a combo of 2d stringewrs, JV, Varsity and girl players hanging around.
And all these bitches do is complain. Tell them to pass to me. PLay me here because he sucks. etc etc etc .... And now my disfunctional boys play the undeafeated top team. It'll be fun.
27 October, 2009
26 October, 2009
Best of all, Im a responsible adult w. dental insurance again, so on Friday I just went in and had the offender ripped from my mouth. Im really beginning to resemble the old world peoople w. no teeth in my mouth - my molars are almost totally gone. And Im an American living in 2009.
But, again, what horrid pain. and now gone. Helped by the meds thta I am taking. Ive never been a huge pharmaceutical dude - i always laugh when frenz can rattle off the drugs for thisa and that - but thye had me on the Tylonol 3 and antibiotics. Ive been messed up since Fridays cutting day.
And yesterday @ mass I really went off. Went to the 5pm Sunday and since I'd have to sit next to someone, i decided to stand - a ususal thing. However, rite before communion, I got really really confused - really! Felt weak and worried if this was the stroke coming on. Sweat like hell. Dark. I immediately was proactive, and walked to a chair to sit dowen. And sweat. And agonize. I alsmost got astranger to fetch my sister who was also @ the same mass, but didn't.
It passed. 10m of real worry. But I knew the culprit. Id forgotten to eat the and the incindent was just before 6pm- Id been up since eight and had 4-5 cups of cafe and - but not a bite to eat. Shoved grub when ome. Raised myself immed. Feel good now.
25 October, 2009
21 October, 2009
15 October, 2009
On the defiles of Western Avenue
The horn had gone nuts the week previously - it sounded by itself just whenever, and I had to punch the steering wheel again and again to stop it from blaring full blast as i drove down the street. Horrible. Each morning, each evening, my drives involved this again and again - punch, punch, punch, ever punching the steering wheel to stop th goddamn blaring. Eventually i just took out the connexion in the car - now no horn @ all.
Then there was the accindent when i rear-ended a Mercedes and scratched it - and im sure my scratch will coast me $500 @ least.
And then the lastest disaster. Went heavy over some potholes (I assume) and got my tailpipe fucked - $500. For a few days before I got it fixed, it was a shaking loud ride as I had no muffler and no RPM's. It was a nightmare.
But, as we write, Strasser is drivable - but still lacks a driver side lite and turning signal. I should be thnking of a new car...
Long fucking time to get to school. Took about 25m the last 5.5 years to get to school in one or the other school iwas @ - but now it take the 45m id been late a few times to start theyars, and swiched routes to drain out the bst times. However, it turns out 45m is about time. Seriously thinkin bout moving into an appartment in Buckton - seriouly, now - to save time and ....... well, lets just make it clear - to grow up. I probly wont - I really need to stay @ home and help mom (ive got the fuking cash to mve anywhere now, and Im not so chap - the Mom excuse is now a reality - as Disco Banny B exclaimed 2 years ago "But yr Mom really needs you now!" - and he was right then and he's rite now. But I now do dream of living back on th North side, in my own place sharing it w. no one, just chilli'n.
My route is to get to Western and go north. There are some serious defiles - the 49th street El station on Western, the railroad underpass south of Archer, Archer itself, and near Pilsen. Sometimesthese places are ok, and sometimes they are packed - one never knows. But it is a longtime to school and back, and boy that 3 mile bike ride form Division and Ashland would do me right. Im thinking about it - maybe I could split time betwixt apt and home ...
J and B : Megadeath
J&B represented by: Chmical Man, Stix, Hilts (arrived in time for Final Question), and Lazers
The competition: Window Lickers, Team America, and Three’s Company (a late entry). The cute brunette who liked to yell out answers never joined the game.
First half: Sports Nicknames/Old Cartoons/2000s Metal Grammys
I had hoped for some good cartoon questions. Instead, we received Benkowski doing imitations of Popeye (actually not bad) as well as both Rocky and Bullwinkle (actually…not good). Plus, other questions allowed Benkowski to hum the theme music to “Pink Panther” and “Inspector Gadget”. Talk about a category with potential spinning out of control.
The Metal Grammys category was one incorrect answer after another. Megadeth became the default answer for J&B, and other teams sometimes jumped on that bandwagon (even for other categories). Bill: “Good thing we’ve got a music guy on our team.”
For a long-distance throw involving a football, even though Chemical Man won the points for J&B, it must be pointed out that the girl from Three’s Company threw a much prettier spiral.
XFL player “He Hate Me”?
NHL goalie nicknamed “Chicoutimi Cucumber”?
Scores at the half: J&B 1250 Lickers 870 America 780 Company 570
Player from Window Lickers: “Is there a final question tonight, Pat?”
Girl from Three’s Company: “No, because J&B is just going to blow everybody out.”
Second half: 90s TV/Celebrity Year of Birth/Kathy Griffin
Yep- Kathy Griffin
YOB- Jennifer Aniston?
Who did Kathy Griffin play in “Pulp Fiction”?
2000s era show on Oxygen channel- “50 Funniest Women”- where did Kathy Griffin rank?
YOB- Kathy Griffin?
Three’s Company girl: “Peg Bundy is hot on ‘Sons of Anarchy’.”
Stix (after yelling the answer “Clarissa Explains It All” even though another team got the points via a trick): “I want my gay points.”
Scores after two halves: J&B 2320 America 2240 Company 1410 Lickers 1390
Choice of Final Category: Conan O’Brien, U2/B52s, or White Sox of the 80s
J&B selects White Sox and wagers the classic (2161).
White Sox:
First Sox player to win a Gold Glove during the 80s?
Sportsphone Sox Poster Night- who was on the 1980 poster?
Stadium where Tom Seaver won his 300th career game?
’78- This B52s single gave them so much success they got gigs in New York and London from it?
’05- U2 helped musicians who lost instruments in Hurricane Katrina by raising money with a song performed with what other band?
The B52s performed the theme song to what Nickelodeon show (show started ’93)?
Nobody selected the Conan category, and J&B did not think to ask about the prior trivia night’s “Hottest Chicks in Sports Movies” questions.
Game on….
J&B guesses Mike Squires, Chet Lemon and Yankee Stadium.
First half answers:
Rod Smart
George Vezina (whom Benkowski called the “Cy Young of the NHL” and said, like Lou Gehrig, he died young. Shouldn’t he then be the “Lou Gehrig of the NHL”?)
Second half answers:
Kathy Griffin played “Kathy Griffin”
Griffin ranked 17th (which apparently means there are only 16 women to whom the word “funniest” can be applied)
1960 (Three’s Company guessed 1955. Benkowski: “She must look like shit to you.”
Stix: “She does.”)
Final Question:
Window Lickers- 1390- White Sox- guess Carlton Fisk (no), Tony LaRussa (no), and Yankee Stadium (correct)- only one correct- wagered 1390- thanks for playing.
Three’s Company- 1410- Music- guess Love Shack (no), Pearl Jam (no), and Tiny Toon Adventures (no)- none correct- wagered 1405- could their 5 points hold up?
Team America- 2240- Music- guess Rock Lobster (correct), Green Day (correct), and SpongeBob SquarePants (no)- two correct- wagered 2240- up to 4480 and the lead.
J&B- 2320- White Sox- guess Mike Squires (correct), Chet Lemon (no), and Yankee Stadium (correct)- two correct- wagered 2161- up to 4481 and a “classic” victory.
Missing answers:
White Sox poster- Harry Caray
B-52s cartoon theme- Rocko’s Modern Life
***Benkowski Alert***
Per IMDb: Kate Pierson and Fred Schneider, of the band the B52s, perform vocals for the second season opening theme. I don’t know if that is the same as saying the B52s performed the theme song.
Trivia Futures:
Stix is to look into some other trivia option (I don’t recall which).
Moho is to look into a Downers Grove area trivia option.
Dirty Sock- probably remains a decent option for once or twice a month, as long as the Bears aren’t the Sunday night game- can be competitive, and tonight’s bartender had a nice little figure on her.
The Castle- probably less competitive than a good Dirty Sock mix, but still an option on occasion.
Trivia Championship:
Benkowski hasn’t determined if it will be Saturday, December 26th or Saturday,
January 2nd. J&B should make sure it stays active so that we don’t get left out of the mix.
Hamdard is a kool ass social services program that provides services to (generally) woman and children. The main focus is for immigrants, especially from Muslim areas, that are generally ignored by other services. Jacksons parents saw the need 15 years ago for this and it grows every year. It is especially needed as immigrants in this country - especially woman and children - really need these specific services and may be too unfamiliar w. other options. Hamdard provides services a safe place for them.
Many killers there. B-Ball. Bonnaix. Book'm. Me. Jackson. Jackson's Dad. New crush on one of the ladies there.
I like being associated w. Hamdard. Its a kool deal that does well. I should do more my part, tell you the truth. After last year, i wracked my brains trying to figger out a way to more participate. Now that I no longer have a summer vacation of 3m plans o soccer leagues or whatever have passed. But...
Food incredible. As always.
On the Dead Boys being back In

The genesis was that DBM was running the Chicago marathon this Oct wkd, so Dead Boy Rob and wife Yancy planned up a reunion of sorts for the weekend. More than anyone, it was Yancy and DBR who made it happen. Good. Months in the planning for a chill wkd. College.
I've written before about a squad of Loyola Men who through the eyars have kept in touch. neice.1 mentioned the niceness of college buds holding on to-gether. "The Sisters", I grandiosely called them (part of the larger, also grandiosely called, "Middle Guard"), numbers six; Vito, Jackson, Blackie, Crankface, Rocky, and me. All were freshman that year, 'cepting old man senior me. I was always older. In 2009, to varying degrees, we are still a bit of a unit. But that unit - before it was called the Sisters - used to be much larger. The Dead Boys, f.ex., and what about Bam Bam (Drippy Bog guitarist)? Others as well. There used also to be tonnes of chix - Cult Woman and little Nick Rhodes. Everyone hung, and it was kool to be a part of the 'scenes'.
There was a lot of talk during the reunion about music. The group all had kool musical tastes, and people traded influences w. each other. The Dead Boys talked about how the group brought those guys up to punk rock speed and away from their classic rock beginnings. I was totally into punk rock - and classic rock - @ the time, but my tastes were all English and Irish - punk rockers from America? What a laugh.
There was the women, of course. For me, suddenly I was hanging out w. tonnes of trendy chix, and it was somewhat easy. I loved this new scene, and it was a kool thing for me - and others. It had the walloping impact not just on me - tonnes of writings have been done on this period, and ... a movie is said to be in the initial stages. We'll see.
Next year, as I went off to grad school, the group expanded again - lots of new freshman expanded the ranks of my Middle Guard - Dragon, KH (not K), Balz, Fitz, Grimmeracy, etc etc etc. Influence, friendship, fun.
But over the years, many dropped out - except for the Six. The Dead Boys, such staunch soldiers, drifted away in the latter stages of their sophomore year from the remaining Sisters. Funny - while the Sisters formed and solidified their own group - the Dead Boys also were the nucleus of their own group. So, in August after the first year, parties and hangouts were still going on pan-groups. But by the end of the year - two groups had formed, and less and less communication as time went by.
Happy me that I was a conduit for getting some people to-gether. I enjoy Facebook - first it was to spy on my neices and nephews, but its worth is pretty aparent as a reunion deal (um, spying on the hotties i'm 'frenz' also). Even in the Sisters, over the years, people have wavered in the active membership of the group. W. the single exception of me, everyone has a reduced role at one time or another. Rocky and Vito being in Cali w. their differing deals. Crankface for a long while was someone I would hear about from Jackson and Blackie. Blackienews from me to the others. And dontyget me wrong - i have disappeared for small times - one thinks of the vast amount of troubles I would habitually get myself into in the late 90's and early 2000's. Everyone had trouble. But, I will freely amidt that I always loved being the person people would ask "Hey, how's Vito?" It was great that it was to me (and also Processed) Rocky came to first to try and reconnect w. Chicago frenz. Patience going after me to reconnect Crankface w. the nicer points of Chicago. Point of small pride, swellish pride when it's noted. I may have not much except my lovely mother, neices and nephews., and the fact Im a Sox fan, but i do love my frenz - an aspect of my life or something. But i worked @ it - when the girlfrenz became wives and then children appeared, i continued to do my heavy lifting. It's only in the last 5-6 years I've finally slowed down. I got my excuses as well.
But, this grand group - to me @ least - had its divergance my second year of grad study. Me - 8h of reading and writing a day about English farms in the 17th century and Q took their toll, and that strech Iw asnt full on task as member of the group. It was in this period that the grand divergence took place - the Dead Boys, full memebers fell away, and the remaining group basically centered about The Sisters. Didnt know it @ the time, but the divergence lasted longtemps. Long time. dead Boys entered themselves on the year younger crowd, and the Sisters also gathered up some youngers to puffy up the group. But it was strange, looking back - we were all just in each others business so heavy the yar before - and then ... some decades pass...
So, id - love that word grandiously after Hornby's use of it (Frustrated grandeur to describe United fans)- grandiously told the Dead boys i could 'deliver' many of the Sisters for the reunion -and was greatly relieved when Crankface and Curtis then Rocky showed up. Suddenly, like i do, I could geneally stop talking and just listen. And it was good. We met @ Brunos, a place across from Loyola that was an old mans bar and a pachaged goods place. Id been on the bar side maybe once in my life - to atch the end of some Hawks playoff game or other i was listening to on radio as I passed - but these guys evidently hung out there a lot. To me it was aplace where Q and I got champaigne - remember when it was the only thing I could drink?
Lots of reminicing, and stories corrected or retold. A few drinx (beer - ug). What happened to that guy? Slapout to Rockys voiture. Old sex stories hinted @ but not fully expanded on. Apperances of Jepordy. CIA stories.And there was more. Way back when it was Madonna being my special lady there was another kool girl - her roomate @ the time ee. ee and i got along real well back then- no, it wasnt like that, but we got along real well. I can remember that she use to have to get up real early, and since I was still ususally up @ 7am back in those days, id call her up to talk to her a lot. Even breakfast to-gether if I got a student id from my cousin and ate in th cafeteria for free. Well, she was there, and after a very short hello, she talked to her people @ one side of the bar. There would be time to talk to her, of course. But there wasn't. She looked great. I shoulda talked to hr. Many years ago we enjoyd each others company - looked forward to seeing each other. And boy was she just a good thing that nite. wanted to talk to her bad to see how she was now. Wanted to see f she had grown up and was mature. but didnt talk to her.
The postscript of the coward reads : Friended her on fb after waiting a few days (didn't want to appear too ... ) and ... She looked great.
After hanging out @ Bruno's for a long spell, we all went to Oasis for the capstick. ee left, so I was not totally happy - I woulda talked to her (i would have since eveyone was bunched up a lot) but no chance. Rocky hung for a bit, but because of soccer game early next day, I had to take the long run home.
Ok - ive told everyone how cool i am because of my frenz. Confessed my crush on ee. Snaps of Rocky, Cranky, me and ee included (sorry Z and the Dead Boys). Avoided writing about secret lives and destructive battles into thin air and about how terrible overall the wknd went although both Dead boys and Hamdard portions were totall success.
Womb Weary?
I rest. I have travelled.
J and B: The Gooey Substance on Art’s Cardoor Handles
Instead of the usual, higher-priced two-half game sets, tonight was played out as a regular full round of trivia.
J&B represented by: Chemical Man, Stix, Dragon, Trivia and Lazers
The competition: Save the Ta-Ta’s, Castle Trash, and Lindsay’s Ex-Boyfriends
First half: 90s TV/Musical Birth/October 4th Sports Section
On “The Drew Carey Show”, the gang hung out at a bar with the same name as a European capital?
Year of birth: Little Richard?
Not a whole lot of entertaining questions in the first half. Scores: Trash 950 Ex-Boyfriends 930 J&B 840 Ta-Ta’s 600
Second half: Charlie Sheen/Meg Ryan/NFL Week 4
Sheen played Charlie Crawford on what TV show?
Martin and Charlie Sheen came up with the stage name “Sheen” after whom?
2003- Meg Ryan appears naked in this erotic thriller?
In “Major League”, Sheen played the Wild Thing- what was the character’s real name?
1993 movie- Meg Ryan nominated for a Golden Globe- Best Actress- for what movie?
Sheen has been in sequels to what 3 movies?
***Benkowski Alert*** I find 4, including the one currently filming that Benkowski did include amongst his three.
Stix (on Hilt's absence): “I’m sorta missing the Nazi gear at the table.”
Scores after two halves of play: J&B 2310 Trash 1600 Ta-Ta’s 1350 Ex-Boyfriends 1300
Choice of Final Category: Celebrity Year of Birth, Tom Petty, or Hottest Chicks in Sports Movies
J&B wagers the classic and selects Tom Petty
Celebrity Year of Birth:
Hilary Swank?
Brook Shields?
Howard Stern?
Tom Petty:
1994- Top 20 hit for Petty?
In the 2000s- Petty played the voice of Lucky on what cartoon?
1979- Petty hit with 5-word title?
Hottest Chicks in Sports Movies:
Unfortunately, nobody selected this category. I’m intrigued!
Prior to sending all of you back to your seats to work on the quiz: J&B (the trivia version of CC Sabathia, as they are) continues to play on short rest by planning to attend trivia at The Dirty Sock this Sunday, October 11th. From discussion with Benkowski, it appears the trivia has not been greatly affected by the football games (plus the Bears are on their bye week). Trivia should start around 6:00.
And now…. gentlemen?
J&B very much mulls over the first Petty question, finally settling on “You Don’t Know How It Feels”. Guesses for the other two: King of the Hill, and “Don’t Do Me Like That”. J&B is confident in winning at least its wager.
First half answers:
Second half answers:
Spin City
Bishop Sheen
In The Cut (Benkowski: “J&B, alias Mr. Skins. They know their naked women.”)
Ricky Vaughn
Sleepless In Seattle
Benkowski answers: Wall Street 2: Money Never Sleeps (currently filming), Major League II, and Scary Movie (3 and 4). And, as discussed at the J&B table, Hot Shots! Part Deux.
Benkowski’s incomplete answer wasn’t the only controversy surrounding the sequel question, as some guy on one of the other teams thought Benkowski was looking for sequels to Wall Street- “Major League isn’t a sequel to Wall Street!”
Final Question-
Lindsay’s Ex-Boyfriends- 1300- Celebrity Year of Birth- guesses Swank 1972 (close enough), Shields 1965 (correct), and Stern 1954 (correct)- wagered 1300 plus 3000 bonus for a total of 5600.
Save the Ta-Ta’s- 1350- Celebrity Year of Birth- guesses Swank 1974 (correct), Shields 1964 (close enough), and Stern 1957 (no)- wagered 1350- up to 2700.
Castle Trash- 1600- Celebrity Year of Birth- guesses Swank 1971 (no), Shields 1964 (close enough), and Stern 1949 (no)- wagered 1600- thanks for playing.
J&B figures that if Benkowski starts our answers with the second one, we lose.
J&B- 2310- Tom Petty- guesses “You Don’t Know How It Feels”- (at this point, there is a huge pause as Benkowski stares dumbfounded at his pile of notes…the drama wasn’t thick enough to cut with anything…then Benkowski: “There are two correct answers for the first Tom Petty question.”)- (correct), King of the Hill (correct), and “Don’t Do Me Like That” (correct)- wagered 891 plus 3000 bonus for a total of 6201 and the victory!
Benkowski originally was looking for “Mary Jane’s Last Dance” for the first answer.
As for the much discussed Meg Ryan movie “Addicted To Love”- Good-natured astronomer Sam is devastated when the love of his life, Linda, leaves him for a suave Frenchman named Anton. He therefore does what every other normal dumpee would do; go to New York and set up home in the abandoned building opposite his ex-girlfriend's apartment, intent on winning her back and waiting until she decides to leave her current lover. What Sam does not count on is being joined several weeks later by ultra hip tomboy Maggie, a photographer and motorcyclist who is determined to get revenge on Anton, her ex-fiancé. Hostile at first, the two of them eventually join forces in an attempt to separate the couple, and ruin Anton's life. However, complications ensue when Sam and Maggie start falling for each other.
Good ole’ Meg plays Maggie. Boy, I didn’t see that plot twist in the last sentence coming!
07 October, 2009
Liberal Radio
However, every morning and evening rush - when I'm captaining Strasser N by NE or S by SW to or fro: i love it*. Discovered it by cghance - the FM station it is on now used to be 99.9FM 'we play anything' type of deal thta wa sone of the presets in Strasser - however, chancing myself for some old school disco or some "Beautiful Stranger", i instead got liberal radio. Good break pour moi. I listen in the morning and afternoon rush, and now sometimes even listen ..... @ home.
My other favourite is Thom Hartman. He's real impassioned when he gets going - but @ other times he's a very gentle host. He tends to repeat his arguments - but then again, his arguments are always great, so I don't mind. More than any others, I like to listen to his show.
Finally, Ron Reagan. Son of the old president. He's also really good - four good hosts on the same station. He 's on to 8pm, so I've been of late switching on the small radio downstairs to listen - moreso since basball season ended on Sunday (well, I amidt to listennin to innings 8-12 in yesterdays thrilling one game playoff betwist Detroit and Minny). He will handle issues that are not openly political - but mainly its politics. Yesterday was the firt time someone on the show actually referenced his dad in a bad lite.
It's good to hear what the other side is thinking too. Stephanie will play contradictions or foolish sayings from the Right - Ron will have point by point counter arguments. And its also good to gather up ideas and ways to argue for America's future. Like it a lot.
06 October, 2009
05 October, 2009
j and b in action saturday the last.
J&B sat in the corner at Table 1 (these LaGrange planners know what they are doing) and was represented by Moho, Chemical Man, Hilts, Stix, Nitenurse, Dragon and Lazers. Pulling no punches, J&B also was represented by the Mindworm and fighter plane talismans. There were around 15-20 tables of teams.
Similar to last year, the contest was split into several legs of 12 questions each mixed with handwritten answers to brain teasers, state capitals, matching (pro sports coaches with their teams), fill in the blank rhymes, and a tougher matching (Presidents/First Ladies to their Secret Service nicknames- cripes).
Perhaps new to this year’s contest was an opportunity to purchase answers- $5 for first round, $10 for second, and $15 for third. J&B refuses to involve itself with such prostitution.
Fortunately, the LaGrange trivia was only a sidebar to win chocolate bars. Not surprisingly, J&B does not win any chocolate bars.
First Round Questions:
What was the name of the pig leader in “Animal Farm”?
In which country was gunpowder invented?
Binney & Smith” manufactures what child product?
Marilyn Monroe married what playwright?
How many International Time Zones are there?
What does “giga” stand for?
How many numbered segments are on a dartboard?
What three letters are on the number 6 on a telephone?
What is a baby kangaroo called?
What are the holes in Swiss cheese called?
What 60s TV show began: “Your mission, should you decide to accept it…”?
What singer/songwriter’s birth name is Barry Alan Pincus?
J&B had 9 correct (missing “Binney & Smith”, “giga”, and Swiss cheese) and was not in the top four teams.
Second Round Questions:
Who dubbed the voice of Darth Vader?
Where is the Van Gogh Museum located?
What is Donald Duck’s middle name?
How many games did Walter Payton miss during his NFL career?
What musical group sang “Light My Fire”?
For over 50 years, Ann Turner Cook’s portrait was used for what food product?
What 4 states make up the “Four Corners” of the United States?
What is the largest denomination bill in Monopoly?
What does “Nasdaq” stand for?
What breed of dog is identified with Hush Puppy shoes?
What is the square root of 121?
What were the names of the 3 girls on “Petticoat Junction”?
J&B again has 9 correct (missing Donald Duck, Ann Turner Cook, and Nasdaq) but moves into a tie for 3rd place after two rounds (and two sets of brainteasers, etc).
Final Round Questions:
What instrument measures humidity?
What is the name of the first James Bond film?
What is the northernmost Canadian province?
What was the first US city to host the Olympics?
What is Dr Seuss’ real name?
What is an angle more than 90 degrees but less than 180 degrees called?
What does the word “pizza” mean in Italian?
What is Lt Colombo’s first name?
What female suspect in the game “Clue” is single?
In music, a whole note is held for how many beats?
For what crime was someone first convicted on February 10, 1966?
How many fingers are on Mickey Mouse’s right hand?
J&B has only 8 correct in this round (missing the Canadian province, Lt Colombo, the 1966 conviction, and Mickey Mouse’s hand).
J&B plans to move back into action at Benkowski trivia this Wednesday, October 7th, at The Castle (5700 W 79th Street- just west of Central). Start time of 7:00 pm. (Note: Benkowski website not updated for October dates yet, but Castle schedule should have trivia on the 7th). I’m “in”.
Results to follow in separate email.
04 October, 2009
Here is blackstar again, the original blogger, the ur bloggest, back yet again, black yet again, blog yet again, no not pictures of the Lake, no not lack of the pictures , but words again- words we all want to read, we miss both the author 'imself and his words themslves, but @ least yet again we can liesurly follow his story yet again blogstyle, styling.
hunnish wreck
I remember going to an interview @ some real heavy school - as in 'do i really want to take this job?' several years ago in the summer. Driving I refused the jam @ the intersection of of 67th and Kedzie by swinging to starboard into the alley to sail east for a block before rejoining a proper street (67th). But before that 1/2 block of alley was finished, I spotted a dude w. a running hose doing some work or other in the alley. Thirsty me stopped the car, got out, and indicated (by hand signals since the music was blaring) if it was ok for me to take a sip (Of couse ok). As I thanked him (prob thumbs up) and got back into the Strasser (for it was the strasser), the grizzled old man suddenly turned the music lower and shouted out:
"Hey, who is this?".
I called out "The Pretenders".
He retorted "Whats her name?"
"Chrissy Hynde"
Both big smils,him back to his alley work w. a hose and me to an interview @ a school i didnt want to work @. luckinly I didnt gt the job.
Pizza pick up near 63d and Cicero pizzeria, and danm the lot was packed. Real packed. When I went back tot he Strasser w. double heavy pies, there was no ay to get out. However, two of us saw the solution: if the gangbanger in the car next to mine waited just a bit, I could back out easystyle. Again, hand signals - my finger pointed @ me w. a "me first" signal and a nod - and the banger nodded. It reminded me of something Blackie had said about visiting the State of Texas when he was a dating Tejas - certain aspects of driving there is done w. nods and waves and you go ahead forst and thn me ... type deals.
01 October, 2009
the matrix
movie seen to get away
BTW, Jennifer Aniston is hot as hell.
The Rules of the Game by Andrew Gordon (2d review)

Two great things - the author is not only a great historian - he was also a sailor. So - his use of materials was just fucking masterful - quite typical of great historians .... well, because he is. Much of the official material on the battle - like every battle, basically, I've ever read about - never jibes. This battle in particular, because of its importance - and the importance of the participants reputations - particularly lends itself to competing views of participants. The battle - so looked forward to by both sides - turned out to be nitemares for all involved.
So - using charts, time lines, statements, radio logs, signal logs, biographies, and out and out logic - Gordon goes sussing out movements, exact times, the timing of the turns, which ship was firing on which ship (important), and other huge points. Although this battle was in 1916, its still being deciphered these days. And good. So, personal favourites of mine included the 5th Battle Squadrons near the end of the Run to the South. It's been written in all books - and the naval charts - that when Beattys battle cruisers turned north away from the upcoming main German battle fleet they put themselves on the engaged side of the 5th BS - they didnt duck behind their support ships to avoid german fire. But cobbled sources definitely put Beatty's harried battle cruisers on the disengaged side of the 5th BS. Another point is when the 5th BS actually did turn, the Malaya shortened its turn to avoid the concentration of German fire on the turning point of the ships that proceeded it. Beautiful. There's also good stuff about german targeting during the Run to the North. Also Beautiful. Amidttly, Although these are small points: I absolutely love how Gordon uses the information and logic to arrive @ truths about the battle. What an historian.
And then comes that nitemarish 250 midsection of the book - basically the point of the book, really. In no way is this a true complete history of the battle - its got lots of good overall stuff, but the battle is the lessor of the points. The main point was the battle over initiative in the Royal Navy. There had been a terrible collision in the Med in the late 1800's by two battleships in the RN. Huge scandel, especially since the orders that the admiral in one of the ships were obviously known to be decificient in one drill. The "bad" orders were followed lemminglike, which resulted in: collision and lots of death when HMS Victoria sank.
From this incident came the huge battle over initiative - some though that captains should have more freedom to move their ships, while others thought that orders should be followed 101% and dammed be y if y dont follow orders correctly. So, 250 pages of this 'diversion' in the book leaves us w. deep anticipation of 'getting back in' after 'it' - but also w. a deeper knowledge of 'initiave' and - write it - a deeper knowledge of Jutland. So, glorious knowledge flows thru my soul, sweat breaks the closer the 5th BS reaches south intot he jawa of the main german fleet - and the whywhywhy dont you turn North?is even more nerve wracking than when I first encountered it in 1984. What a book - even those rather dull 250 midsection pages. The whole "follow signals or move by self" argument highlites the rust that crept into the Royal Navy between 1815 and 1914. It ruled the world that period of human history(like the US Navy today, every other nation would have to gang up on it just to equal the dominant navies. Wait - the USN these days would have to be cut in half to equal the rest of the worls navies ... ), but it had its problems. It got rusty. A hundred years of peace had led it to lose its militarism and gotten rusty- a bad thing for a fighting force.
The 'initive' deal led to a long 'battle' between the two major English figures of the battle - who also were on opposite ends of the 'initive' battle. Jellicoe was in overall command of the english fleet - and was a proponent of signals. Beatty, 'dashing' commander of the 'dashing' battlecruiser fleet, was a nonsignals guy. So, looking back to the 5th BS and the Run to the South and Run to the North, the 5th BS was racing full on south following the battlecruisers and Beatty, all towards the main strength of the Germans. When the main German fleet was sighted, the battlcruisers turned around and away, but Beatty (who commanded all ships in this little detached fleet) really didnt signal to the following 5th BS to turn around as well. Since the 5th BS didnt get orders, they continued to careen towards the German main fleet w. no backup. Eventually, sense prevailed and the 5th BS did the 180 degree turn to the north - but the four ships were almost lost. Why didnt th 5th BS turn earlier? Evans -Thomas was an "orders guy" but Beatty thought that Eavns would turn and not wait for orders to do so.
And there was Beatty's refusal to signal to the main fleet what was going on. Beatty's main job was to scout for the main fleet under Jellicoe and bring elements of the enemies fleet to his mainfleet. This he did. But Jellicoe had little intel. from Beatty as to where the german fleet was, speed, direction, composition - beatty blew it big time. But Beatty actully did in other ways what he was supposed to do - bring the german fleet to the English main fleet. The whole initiave thing once again - althought Beatty didnt send clear signals to keep Jellicoe informed - he DID bring the German fleet to the doorstep of destruction @ the guns of Jellicoes fleet. Agin, its maddning to read and put yrself in Jellicoes shoes racing towards the Germans all the while waiting and expecting Beatty to actually report to him.
Close to 'orders' could be the Battle Fleet Instructions - a huge raft of instructions and "do this but not that" type of deals. Jellicoe wrote them all up (w. help) and followed them meticiously. Many felt that they had to be followed 101% or elae doom would fall onto the English fleet. When the Run to the North ended and the battle turned into the Main fleet Engagement phase, there came a point where the English basically had the Germans dead to rites - yet Jellicoe, nodding to the Battle Fleet Instructions, turned away from a feared German torpedo attack --- and away from the German fleet. Beatty felt that rite when the German fleet should be dealt w. totally, Jellicoe let them slip away only because of his too strict adherance to the 'rules of the game'.
Long after the battle came the battle after the battle betwixt Beatty and Jellicoe and their supporters. I will amidt that I was ever a Jellicoe man. Still am, i again amidt. But the very idea that Beatty actually did fight his ships south, located the main German fleet, and ran it north to dump the Germans in front of Jellicoe - this means much more to me these days. Beatty did that. But he also didnt signal - as well as being a deeply stuck up shithead.
Is that last sentance the real reason I'm a Jellicoe man rather than a Beatty man? Dunno.
Last idea - that 250p middle section was kinda hard to get through. But just magine my excotement when I got through it and debouched intot he valley of the last part of the battle. Glorious.