30 June, 2008
27 June, 2008
Groggy wake up call, early AM<>
Glad that:
no major battles were fought last nite.
troops have been well rested
I am the reserves, marching into battle as of now, ready to ........................ (here the text was cut off)...
25 June, 2008
24 June, 2008
Remember what my garden grew like but three weeks ago my yard (as well as . To celebrate my finally tomatoinglimabeaning it), here are garden snaps and annotations. Above is from same perspective as three weeks ago snap.
Problem - I cant tell the difference yet, so i planted - I THINK- two of each. We'll see.
23 June, 2008
we need to work
Waken, sleep unglued from eyes, an online application for a catholic school, and they had this little essay to fill out.
I was amused by my snswers, quicked out to get it all done and hands washed of it, but.......here 'tis:
Please give a brief explanation below on why you chose education as a career and why you feel qualified to teach in a Catholic High School
There are many reason why I chose education as a career. A love of knowledge. An enjoyment of the process of training students. The sheer enjoyment of being in an atmosphere of learning. But most importantly, I consider it my duty to prepare the future generations for service to others - be it to their family, their country, and their world.
I am qualified to teach in catholic schools because as a 16 year student of Catholic schools and a life long practicing Catholic I believe I have well prepared for life as a There are many reason why I chose education as a career. A love of knowledge. An enjoyment of the process of training students. The sheer enjoyment of being in an atmosphere of learning. But most importantly, I consider it my duty to prepare the future generations for service to others - be it to their family, their country, and their world.
I am qualified to teach in Catholic schools for many reasons. I have 16 years experience as a student of Catholic schools and have taken my education seriously. I am a life long practicing Catholic who loves to hear the Word in mass (and reading on my own). But mainly because as a Catholic, I try to combine what I was taught in school, mass, and by my family to best prepare the youth for the future.
22 June, 2008
Venir-voir mourir un marechal de France
So, with the destruction underway all of the army ('cepting for certain units of the Old Guard) about them on this terrible field of collapse, Ney yells this out. But I have always wondered what the fuck he was saying. The meanings in my mind vary. More or less it's 'Come and see how a Marshal of France dies'.
Was he trying to tell the troops to buck up, form to-gether, and fight back - as in you cowards, let me show you how a brave man faces battle.
Or, was it a suicide wish, as in, well, it's all over, and you regulars on the field saty and fite for a bit, becaus eif you do, have you ever seen so one so esteemed as a Marshal of France dies on the battle field? Stay and fite and you will see this.
So, I dunno. Didn't stop me from writing this quote on a pair a raggy shorts I used to champion and used it to try and hit on a wonderously wonderous french girl who was staying @ the same hostel as I in London in 1999. She ended up not wanting to see a Marshal of America die or her battlefield.
Damn that shit was dope
Sir Gozzers BBQ. When woken, speed seemed the need of the day. Online checked, it was a 1700h start, so I could immediately relax and putz about and watch the Sox game.
Long drive, but not too far from Gf's. Easily found followed from handwritten map necessitated by a nonprinting laptop.
Good time. I went there for the people, of course, but found true love amongst the smoked ribbs and the smoked pork and the smoke. There were massive rolls of Webers and grill manns all working, smoking up their delight, tables of food, tubbs of drink, etc... Gozza love the BBQ - has some captains wings from the BBQ wars of past - but both of the above (pork and ribbs) were smoked smoked smoked. Loved it, and ate too few of it - i get stuffed so easily that when it came time to reeat - it was all gone.
But the fucking smoked aspect of it. Next year -earlier and hungrier.
Nice crowd. Gozza's got an in on that 'set combination' of frenz that I also hold in commen. So, frenz I pompously categorize in both the Middle and Young Guard - so does Gozza (though I'm sure he will not - again - pompously name sections of his frenz for Napoleanic army formation. S0 - the Middle Guard, who I met in university, has elements that went to Gozza' HS. Then, in the Young, elements from another university we went to. Love the connexions.
Long drive, but not too far from Gf's. Easily found followed from handwritten map necessitated by a nonprinting laptop.
Good time. I went there for the people, of course, but found true love amongst the smoked ribbs and the smoked pork and the smoke. There were massive rolls of Webers and grill manns all working, smoking up their delight, tables of food, tubbs of drink, etc... Gozza love the BBQ - has some captains wings from the BBQ wars of past - but both of the above (pork and ribbs) were smoked smoked smoked. Loved it, and ate too few of it - i get stuffed so easily that when it came time to reeat - it was all gone.
But the fucking smoked aspect of it. Next year -earlier and hungrier.
Nice crowd. Gozza's got an in on that 'set combination' of frenz that I also hold in commen. So, frenz I pompously categorize in both the Middle and Young Guard - so does Gozza (though I'm sure he will not - again - pompously name sections of his frenz for Napoleanic army formation. S0 - the Middle Guard, who I met in university, has elements that went to Gozza' HS. Then, in the Young, elements from another university we went to. Love the connexions.
And - the connexions grow. For example, Smokey Treats, fully in the Young, now works with Rocky - in the Middle. It was also good to ask about people past. The Parrot, for example. A successful artist who is in magazine adverts and shows the MCA and all that. Wasn't there, but one of his old Fag Hags was. Also, a flame from my past was here- Saur Kraut. I got into trouble a few weeks ago because an old kissy face was actually in the samw room as GF - not my fault, I blame Rocky - and I really worried this time. But it was for naught - Gf was fine, and Saur and I talked a lot. Easily and it was fun. Plus - this old cross necklace, that I lent her in say '93- for we were still kissy faceing @ that point- was promised back to me. So- good in multiple arenas, that.
Gozza nicknamed me twice. Drank a bit, and it was the halfs. He christined me "Fancy Pouring Dude" after watching me make a half-pouring drink over a spoon into a glass. Then, late, I became the named person when Gozza exclaimed, drunkly wobblinginly by this time of the nite "There's always an Eleven-thirty Brat Guy".
But shit, the brats were also so good that I was glad to fufill the scripture that read "There's always an Eleven-thirty Brat Guy". Hey - look in the bible - it's there somewhere.
Pics - the drunken, half focused late nite tries -will be pubb'ed here later. Thinking that Roxx got better snaps. processed had his gear going.
20 June, 2008

Had the unexpected joy to get a call from the school yesterday to come in and sub. I didn't think that I'd get much work this summer, but even a day a week would be great.
However, to this nite owl, it was rough to wake up. Frenz know I'm the ultimate nite owl, and the usual 'August's End' includes me waking up @ 2pm and going to sleep @ 7am. So, it was a stretch to wake up for school today. They say Churchill and Hitler were both late risers. And what about Jesus? It took him THREE days to rise (though his sleep was a bit more deep than mine).
Got in, said hello to friendly faces, and appreciated that I was here. However, summer school is a lot different. It consists of one long 4h period. I taught it as a sub many summers ago - one teacher missed a lot of time, and I was #1 sub - so I got into the rhythm of it. The kids have to take the class - 4h a day, 3 1/2 weeks - to make up for a whole semester credit (Or half credit -one semester is 1/2 a credit) during the regular year.
So- it's impossible to cover a whole regular semesters work in 3 1/2 weeks - so you concentrate. If I ever was able to be a regular teacher of summer school in History, I would be able to concentrate on a single subject - say, WW2 - and teach that silly for the 3 1/2 weeks. I'd love it. But, still ; gotta get hired by some school first.
Looked @ the open Library jobs as well. A special Ed school is advertising for one, and through I do not have a special ed licence, I will definitely apply.
Then, next year, the Rise and Fall of the Third Reich (with special emphasis on ground operations in the N.W European Theatre, naval battles of Guadalcanal, the bombing campaign, etc etc etc...) will be taught in the summer.
Today, summer school. To -morrow, the vorld.
J & B
Written by Hilts
In action last nite. Down a Lazermann, a Peppys, a Moho, etc, but up a BCD. We were repped also by Chemical Man, Stix, GF, BCD, and Hilts. Unlike last week, it was a sorta down nite; overflow of beauty and fragrant smells were lacking compared to last fortnights match.
Again, it was a nice field - seven teams. Da Bar and two Schockers (culled from one of the softball teams that are sponsored by T.C.'s) we waited a bit for triv to start, gossiping about lazermanns news from Vegas and whether the news that Canada was going to invade Montana to expand their living space. People made inappropriate come ons to Gf. And the Fire looked terrible -v- Chivas USA on the ESPN game on tv.
I can't remember any of the uestions - my notes are 'safely' and 'maddeningly' @ home - so I will 'wait for it' and see if Stix comes up w/ a more appropriate wrap up.
If not, to-nite, to-nite.
19 June, 2008
brennan on the moor
an afternoon out
a glorious drunk
sitting next to the window washer
clicking off to whoever was looking ov'r his shoulder
and next to
the nice Irish gent
who I have sorta 'known' for years
but rarely do i say 'hey'
and the old boys
talking of important people they know (i'm sure it's not talk)
and, of course the soccer couple-
no- do not look over! (trouble is in the looking)
they root for Portugal
and ignore the Sox
and me
an orange and a fourth a bowl of cereal
only this have i eaten
(worried) stuffeed by force
it's 2 pm and I haven't eaten yet
except for cafe
-and lots
seven by normal people standards
on the bar
half and a half and then a half
but not
an alley trip to boot
enough down
to teach me elsewise
if I wasn't working to-morrow
Sox and European Cup
styling nicely
So I stagger back
worried since there is a nite game J & B
stomachs and imbibbing, but:
may to-nite we be like Ballack
a glorious drunk
sitting next to the window washer
clicking off to whoever was looking ov'r his shoulder
and next to
the nice Irish gent
who I have sorta 'known' for years
but rarely do i say 'hey'
and the old boys
talking of important people they know (i'm sure it's not talk)
and, of course the soccer couple-
no- do not look over! (trouble is in the looking)
they root for Portugal
and ignore the Sox
and me
an orange and a fourth a bowl of cereal
only this have i eaten
(worried) stuffeed by force
it's 2 pm and I haven't eaten yet
except for cafe
-and lots
seven by normal people standards
on the bar
half and a half and then a half
but not
an alley trip to boot
enough down
to teach me elsewise
if I wasn't working to-morrow
Sox and European Cup
styling nicely
So I stagger back
worried since there is a nite game J & B
stomachs and imbibbing, but:
may to-nite we be like Ballack
Klas 2.0
Second edition for Klaus show, and I'm on the set. I'm doing an opening 10m or so, and I have totally scuppered plans for music. It'll be 10m of basically just me, doing a few skits. I have to move to totally write out the scripts and start practicing. I'll amidt that being in front of, say, 40 people- or three or four hundred -is totally natural for me - as long as it's in a school setting and the 400 are 16 yo. This performing in front of a crowd will need me to practice my piece w/out a hitch. Practice.
Three peopl.e will like it, and I bet only one of them will be there (Lazers, chemical Man, and Processed). Every one else willbe like "Huh?". I fear women will be disgusted (no sex in it), especially Gf.
But my innards are laughing their asses off that I'm actually gonna be able to inflict - for 10m - my inflictions on a crowd. Should be a lot of fun. But boy people are gonna not wanna talk to me after.
Then there is the name. rocky called and said "Band name needed now" and sleep made me sleepy headed. We agreed on Hilts 10m, then 30m of talking it over w/ Matt Jenke and he suggested "The Battle of the Denmark Strait". Now, readers will remember a time about 2-3m ago when I was bottomed out and the only thing I could come up with for this blog was changing the title and cover star from "Before the Denmark Strait" to "During the Denmark Strait" to "After the Denmark Strait" w/ appropriate pictures of Hood or Prinz Eugen etc etc etc... Strange -that's all I could do during that week or two - oh, I'm sure i have many posts in and some mite have made you smile or whatever - but for me, printin g picture after nuanced picture of that battle was my main point. So, I'm glad the change has been made.
Show should be good. I need to start winnowing my ideas down into three performable skits. LAzers, Chemical Man and Processed have to be made to laugh.
18 June, 2008
you know my love....
Sorry for all the stones stuff again. I blame it on thta tape that I finally found after 2y of searching. It has tonnes of old Stones boots -live and studio stuff - that i really feel inlove w/ a a teen. All thos old blues covers, Diddly and Berry,, and the early stuff thyw rote themselves. So, last wek I posted the Stones @ the NME awards in 1964. They did "Not Fade Away", "I just wanna make love to you", and "I'm Allright". That's Holly, Dixon, and Diddly. Reach back a week into S.O. and enjoy.
It's funny, because all of these songs are key in the bootleg stuff I have. And now there is the NME show in 1965. Same shit. Old songs that are all over the boot.
And the deal is? Fuck, the Stones sound stunningly hot in both appearaces. And note the role of Brian.
It's funny, because all of these songs are key in the bootleg stuff I have. And now there is the NME show in 1965. Same shit. Old songs that are all over the boot.
And the deal is? Fuck, the Stones sound stunningly hot in both appearaces. And note the role of Brian.
It's a bit bizarre that the Stones in 1965 are still doing coverheeavy sets on such a huge show.
My soccer coaching posts this season - very few, since I wasn't gonna post @ all on it - show an obvious love of that context by me. Something about 16 great kids looking up to me for leadership - demanding leadership - is food for my soul.
And - I GOT PAID!!
My cheque - for 1200+ American after taxes - represents the most $$ I've ever been reimbursed for. Now, understand - I've gone decades w/out being paid for coaching. Lots of grammar school seasons after grammar school seasons and summer leagues and hours and hours of high school. So this cheuque - a nice little sum, to be sure - is mighty welcome, if only for the stunning amount of hours we put in.
Two years ago was the most work ever. Our season lasted the entire year basically - 3 weeks before school started the boys were practicing, then two weeks after the boys season eded we went to 5 a weeks practice till 7 pm for the girls. Season ended for me -no more practices - w/ a month left in school. Really demanded dedication. $4.32/hour, not counting summer.
This season was so much less time effort. I bet I made, like, $8/h this year.
death and sex and life
A haircut that always draws my attention -especially when it tops off beauty - has been in the news this week. Well, maybe not in the news, but.................I've noticed.

First, sad. Cyd Chrisse has died. I'm not gonna say she's one of my most top actresses, but since high school I always had a serious crush on her. Any girl that danses, and especially any girl that danses that well...and looks like that......and, finally, that hair cut. Snap above from "Singing in the rain", flx below from "Band Wagon". I should have mentioned dansing in the title...................but I guess sex covers it.
Spliffe has many of the same thinkings towards this womenthat I have. Loved her post.
Our other special women this week in someone I have a serious ............................... interest in, Anne Hathaway. I've written before what this women does to my glad things, and now we get to see her in a Syd Charisse haircut to further inflame.

Of course, there has been so much death around me the last month or so, the realization that someday Anne Hathaway will be drooled about by some blogger in 60y when she dies.
17 June, 2008
hung out w/ jacob
Jacob was outta the house for the first time in 2m to come and visit. But every other sentence out of his mouth was "Der feurher WARNED me not to come."
Such slavery is scarey to watch ply out. Freaked out, he left @ 4am to catch the eraly bus to the station.
very sad, whatever the disfunction, to see a person ruled in such a manner
Such slavery is scarey to watch ply out. Freaked out, he left @ 4am to catch the eraly bus to the station.
very sad, whatever the disfunction, to see a person ruled in such a manner
Protestent Wake

Processed was sad. He's a soft spoken man, but sot this day was a wayunderstatement. They said the father was in shape -dying, but 'still himself' - up until a few days before. Similar things are always expressed such wakes/funerals. This waiting for a person to die - I've never been through it. When my dad died, it was a surprise to us all (he was very sickly, but not dying). So I always wonder what that feeling is like. It'll happen to me, and again and again and again- just not yet.
This wake was different - there was no coffin. Processed's father was cremated, and so instead of a huge elevated coffin there was a small -elevated- urn. A bit jarring on the walkinto the funeral home. Said my prayers. When we were leaving, a minister came in to lead some prayers. Although we were out the door, the call to prayers proved irresistible to me and Gf and I rejoined the group. Among the prayers, the minister read from the Gospel of John. This I took to be the right sign, since I had finished Luke that afternoon and had started John.
See this testimonial from Rocky.
Gf and I steamed our way to O. RaF's - well steamed- turned around the bow south again, and had a drink @ the always crowed Rainbo of the South Side, Skylark. Gf likes this place. No Half and half's for us: straight cider for me and some beer or other for her.
13 June, 2008
2008 Prop Bets

no editing
Lazers is in Las Vegas for the World Series of zPoker. Here is his "Odds"
I checked the line on the internet, and here are the current prop bets for trip #26:
World Series:
Odds I’m eliminated in the first hand of the tournament: 250-1
Odds that I last the whole first day: 9-1
Odds that I finish in the money: 25-1
Odds that I win the entire tournament: 10,000-1
Odds that at some point I’m berated by Phil Hellmuth: 35-1
Odds that I lose a big hand with pocket 9s: 4-1
Odds that I end up at the same table as Gavin Smith: 2-1
Odds that Sam Grizzle kicks my ass: 40-1
Odds there will be at least 1 hot cocktail waitress: 1-25
Odds that at some point I’ll see a woman sans clothing: 3-1
Odds that woman will be Asian or Polynesian: 1-95
Odds that woman is Evelyn Ng: 2,500-1
Over/under for total amount of sleep for the trip (5 nights): 22.5 hours
Over/under for time spent at the pool: 60 minutes
Odds I badly burn myself if I spend time at the pool: 1-1
Odds that I make and win a baseball wager: 10-1
Odds that I make and lose a baseball wager: 1-3
Odds that I eat at the Burger King in O’Sheas at least once: 3-2
Odds for most hotel time:
Imperial Palace (where I’m staying): 4-1
Rio (where the tournament is held): 10-1
Bellagio (home away from home): 3-1
The field: 7-1
Odds of a beetle crawling through my hair: 12-1
Odds of my being north of the Wynn at any point during the trip: 6-1
Odds of seeing a “Wanted” poster depicting Tom at the Mai Tai Lounge: 4-1
Odds Burt Young comes up: 5-2
Odds of seeing a celebrity lamer than any of the ones encountered on past trips (Mark Lynn Baker, Louie Anderson, Weird Al Yankovic, Jay Leno, Chris Noth): 125-1 (hard to get lamer than Mark Lynn Baker)
Odds I see my first Vegas stage show (not including free lounge shows): 250-1
World Series:
Odds I’m eliminated in the first hand of the tournament: 250-1
Odds that I last the whole first day: 9-1
Odds that I finish in the money: 25-1
Odds that I win the entire tournament: 10,000-1
Odds that at some point I’m berated by Phil Hellmuth: 35-1
Odds that I lose a big hand with pocket 9s: 4-1
Odds that I end up at the same table as Gavin Smith: 2-1
Odds that Sam Grizzle kicks my ass: 40-1
Odds there will be at least 1 hot cocktail waitress: 1-25
Odds that at some point I’ll see a woman sans clothing: 3-1
Odds that woman will be Asian or Polynesian: 1-95
Odds that woman is Evelyn Ng: 2,500-1
Over/under for total amount of sleep for the trip (5 nights): 22.5 hours
Over/under for time spent at the pool: 60 minutes
Odds I badly burn myself if I spend time at the pool: 1-1
Odds that I make and win a baseball wager: 10-1
Odds that I make and lose a baseball wager: 1-3
Odds that I eat at the Burger King in O’Sheas at least once: 3-2
Odds for most hotel time:
Imperial Palace (where I’m staying): 4-1
Rio (where the tournament is held): 10-1
Bellagio (home away from home): 3-1
The field: 7-1
Odds of a beetle crawling through my hair: 12-1
Odds of my being north of the Wynn at any point during the trip: 6-1
Odds of seeing a “Wanted” poster depicting Tom at the Mai Tai Lounge: 4-1
Odds Burt Young comes up: 5-2
Odds of seeing a celebrity lamer than any of the ones encountered on past trips (Mark Lynn Baker, Louie Anderson, Weird Al Yankovic, Jay Leno, Chris Noth): 125-1 (hard to get lamer than Mark Lynn Baker)
Odds I see my first Vegas stage show (not including free lounge shows): 250-1
12 June, 2008
The sounds of the NS 1 Peter Strasser - June, 2008
Brian Jones was once a member of the Rolling Stones
11 June, 2008
As I turn to go...
Sadness, as usual, as the year ends and the uncertainty as to my future employment continues. But - the last walk throuygh the halls, the last minutes w/ my colluges, the scatters of kids left, the media center -wasn't it just 2h ago I was actually looking for things in the stacks?- and I mite never enter this building ever again.
I'm a bit too much of a Romantic. Wasn't it Joker who told me I like my past too much?
However, if I DO come back here next year, I did do a bit of asking. I went to the poepl in chanrge and told therm if I be back next year, then I should be involved w/ the boys soccer team. If I'm back.
I fully know that if I am ever here full time, I will be all soccer before long, and try to install my reforms - or the refomrs from the last school I worked @. Girls will start in the Sptring, since I am now the guy there- if I'm back. But boys I will start as a lowly assistant.
I want to be back here real bad. I love the school, the media center, and I know that I have much work to do for the kids via soccer. But...
I'm a bit too much of a Romantic. Wasn't it Joker who told me I like my past too much?
However, if I DO come back here next year, I did do a bit of asking. I went to the poepl in chanrge and told therm if I be back next year, then I should be involved w/ the boys soccer team. If I'm back.
I fully know that if I am ever here full time, I will be all soccer before long, and try to install my reforms - or the refomrs from the last school I worked @. Girls will start in the Sptring, since I am now the guy there- if I'm back. But boys I will start as a lowly assistant.
I want to be back here real bad. I love the school, the media center, and I know that I have much work to do for the kids via soccer. But...

Hoe, as in farming implement. I was teaching the agricultural revolution a decade ago and remember how the class broke up whren I was stressing the importance of hoe's and other tools in this revolutuion. However, it was experience that has tought me the true, secret gnostic use of the hoe. No, just lying - it's not a secret- just felt 'gnostic' followed 'secret' best correctly, so I followed myself.
But -the hoe.
I always used it more as a rake, but yesterday I used it's side -a sharp point- to dig, and lo and behold a ditch appeared, and very simply. I'd always been a huge lover of the three pronger pitchfork (well, a pitchfork is more for throwing hay -this three pronged tool is for turning soil) and used it @ all attempts. before that, I was in love with the spade - my Uncle Pete, a farmer pure and simple and only stained by 10 years of city life in America- told me I was a good spade man when I whelped w/ the spuds on his farm.
But -the hoe.
I used it because w/ my fencing up, it's a pain to clamber over it to weed the garden. The hoe is attached to a long pole (well, like a broom pole) and makes it easy to reach over and chop @ the weeds. Then I realised that -shit -this really makes ridge making easy.
So - the hoe suddenly made my garden full of ridges and upraise parts - the better for the air to get into the siol, I believe.
Plus -makes it look better.
Picture to follow in a week or six.
It really carved up the soil
10 June, 2008
the collapse the school
Today is the pentumulate day for kids, and we as a staff - as we always do this late late late in the game -to stop yelling @ kids wandering the halls, to allow kids to read and generally fuck off inclass - as long as they are not destroying anything. I still am not allowing hats and earrings in class - never will - but I don't mind kids showing up and hangin in my class if they are @ lunch -stuff like that. The halls have appreciably thinned, kids not showing up @ the media center, etc...
This years end is rougher than last years end. Come to think of it, I actually missed the last two days of students last year, so I shouldn't inform you otherwise. But - I have noticed the real drop off in all things acedemic.
As a treacher, we love these days. No pressure. Kids kool. Chill.
09 June, 2008
08 June, 2008
Consisted of fucking around, more fucking around, close consultations w/ Matt Jenke on military issues, and the continuous updates on the tornado that struck south of Chicago.
Now, the tornado was pretty close to my area - 10m away - but GF was very close to it. They cut regular programming on some stations -who knew Fox TV was good for anything? - and the projected path was basically rite near her brothers house where she was @ (yes, correct english, i know). So, called her to make sure she knew, and of course they did. Turns out, the tornado's path was as predicted (radar predicted? oops, that's GErman WW2 antiarcraft speak -and Lord do I love that phrase. It had'to've been one of the slippy names that shot through the titles of the more arcanly named "Security Out" site on the web. This place.) and went to the north of Gf's area. They were prepared.
And finally a ride to see the Chicago Fire lose a soccer match to a team they should have beat. Fuxx. It was a risk, because w/ the atmosphere all jumbled up I mite have been going to the Fire House to sit in pouring rain - but it turned out to be perfect weather.
An alive Gf collected me @ the secret parking spot tht saves me $15 every game and we drove her semi blind brother back home from where they were. Again, he's the dude that lives up on Harlem and Belmont (Worked @ O'Hare is the explanation for himliving inthat area- but it's not that bad, cityspeaking wise. Harlem actually has a mini walking city feel up and over there. No Marquette Park with walls of three and four story buildings on the main drags like 63d or Kedzie or Western - but better than a desert. So, a long rdie to drop himoff - the 'secret parking space' is on the way for gf's driving oddessy from 197th south to 32d north. Dropoped him off - he really should get a car, or rather start the car that he has and drive himself - ahem - and we turned south.
Stopped by and I had two and she one @ James Joyce. Then home. And, for just the second time ever, it was both of us jangling it up. Really- just the second time. Dunno why last nite was picked by her. Then more fun.
06 June, 2008
The Myth of the Glorious Last Stand

Growing up interested in military history, I was also interested in Last Stands. Very early, growing up i the country and tie that I did, WW2's military history stood well above all other wars - even though my time actually touched the Vietnam War (Yes, I have clear memories of the helicopters being tossed from the decks of USN ships - I am older than you, remember). And my favourite Last Stand when I was growing up? Had to be Wake Island.
Wake was a small battle rite @ the beginning of the war when the Japanese - closely resembling the '84 Tigers - ran off victory after victory. Y'all know Pearl Harbor and the Bataan Death March, but there was also Singapore, Hong Kong, the Philippines, Java Sea, Guam, the Dutch East Indies, etc etc etc...
But Wake Island made the Japanese pause, if only for a bit. Wake was a coaling/seaplane little island way out into the Pacific. Went the Japanese went Tigers on everybody, Wake (totally isolated and out manned) was left to -well, 'fend' would not be the rite term- how about 'be swept under by the Japanese impetus'. But they would not give up. No navy to support them, a few Wildcat fighters that had to be progressively cannibalised to keep the remainder flying, only 3 inch guns to fite off the enemy fleet. The first time the Japease tried to storm the island, the Marines were actually able to beat off the invasion, and even (maybe -record till don't know) maybe sink one of the enemy ships w/ battery fire and the Wildcats, The Japanese were stunned, and cobbled to-gether a larger invasion force that now included some of the Pearl Harbor carriers. After a long fite, the Japese won the island.
In high school, I discovered the fall of the Roman Empire. No, not the one centered i Rome, but it rump of a rump of a rump in Constantinople in 1453. I was freaked out that the Roman Empire actually existed until 1453 - what a stunner. Again, the end of a civilisation, outnumbered and hopelessly situated, they fought for a long time against the Turks who were trying to conquer the city. 29 May, 1453, an open door was discovered in the walls, and in swept the enemy army. Long live Rome.
I remember first getting into this battle. In the neighbourhood library where I grew up in on 61st and Kedzie, they had a History of the Byzantine Empire (Roman Empire rump by another name)book. I happened to b pick it up and however I got to that section i dunno, but I rememeber standing in the stacks after I'd happened upon the book and finishing that chapter. I then went on an obsession about the fall of Constantinople. Last memory of Constantinople. We had a great freshman english teacher, and on days he didn't want to teach, he'd have us write a essay on whatever. I wrote a short story that involved me in the Battle of Constantinople, and lo and behold it went rather well. Mr. C would read out the best stories, and I will amidt to pride when the first line of my story was read out loud. And the fact that Mr. C read the whole story - including the two "Fucks" I'd written - was just perfect. Lazers was in that class.
Then there was the bunker in Berlin. Yes, Hitler was an evil dude, but he was also very interesting. Adn never more interesting than those last days, when the whole world was crashing down and the Soviets drew step by step closer. The story of the bunker, of the flites in, of the tank traps and Panthers dug up to their turrets and the French SS Charlemange Division, and the breakout attempts........ That film about Hitler - "Downfall". I knew the story so well, and the filmmakers tried to put historical words (what was written down)that the participants said- it was like watching a Passion Play. Knew all the words, the plot, and all. "Downfall" was great. I stared loving this story after I'd read C. Ryans The Last Battle.
And, finally, Waterloo. Past 7pm, the Guard attack on Wellingtons center cracked upon the Allied line, and the retreat - called The Catastrophe - started. Since he had thrown his last heavy reserves into the Guard attack for one last chance @ victory, threw as nothing left -except for one last small little Guards battalion. Napoleon had them form square (to better beat off any cavalry -well, of course, what other reason are squares formed?)and have them cover the terrible retreat from the battlefield. The famous stories that came out of this is the terrible punishment that was thrown on these soldiers as everyone else made best skedaddle off of the battlefield are two : called to surrender, their ranking officer, called Cambronne (?), said either "Merde" or "The Guard dies but does not surrender."
So. Die? Surrender? Sometimes either are no choice @ all. No choice @ all.
It's the Day of Days.
But Wake Island made the Japanese pause, if only for a bit. Wake was a coaling/seaplane little island way out into the Pacific. Went the Japanese went Tigers on everybody, Wake (totally isolated and out manned) was left to -well, 'fend' would not be the rite term- how about 'be swept under by the Japanese impetus'. But they would not give up. No navy to support them, a few Wildcat fighters that had to be progressively cannibalised to keep the remainder flying, only 3 inch guns to fite off the enemy fleet. The first time the Japease tried to storm the island, the Marines were actually able to beat off the invasion, and even (maybe -record till don't know) maybe sink one of the enemy ships w/ battery fire and the Wildcats, The Japanese were stunned, and cobbled to-gether a larger invasion force that now included some of the Pearl Harbor carriers. After a long fite, the Japese won the island.
In high school, I discovered the fall of the Roman Empire. No, not the one centered i Rome, but it rump of a rump of a rump in Constantinople in 1453. I was freaked out that the Roman Empire actually existed until 1453 - what a stunner. Again, the end of a civilisation, outnumbered and hopelessly situated, they fought for a long time against the Turks who were trying to conquer the city. 29 May, 1453, an open door was discovered in the walls, and in swept the enemy army. Long live Rome.
I remember first getting into this battle. In the neighbourhood library where I grew up in on 61st and Kedzie, they had a History of the Byzantine Empire (Roman Empire rump by another name)book. I happened to b pick it up and however I got to that section i dunno, but I rememeber standing in the stacks after I'd happened upon the book and finishing that chapter. I then went on an obsession about the fall of Constantinople. Last memory of Constantinople. We had a great freshman english teacher, and on days he didn't want to teach, he'd have us write a essay on whatever. I wrote a short story that involved me in the Battle of Constantinople, and lo and behold it went rather well. Mr. C would read out the best stories, and I will amidt to pride when the first line of my story was read out loud. And the fact that Mr. C read the whole story - including the two "Fucks" I'd written - was just perfect. Lazers was in that class.
Then there was the bunker in Berlin. Yes, Hitler was an evil dude, but he was also very interesting. Adn never more interesting than those last days, when the whole world was crashing down and the Soviets drew step by step closer. The story of the bunker, of the flites in, of the tank traps and Panthers dug up to their turrets and the French SS Charlemange Division, and the breakout attempts........ That film about Hitler - "Downfall". I knew the story so well, and the filmmakers tried to put historical words (what was written down)that the participants said- it was like watching a Passion Play. Knew all the words, the plot, and all. "Downfall" was great. I stared loving this story after I'd read C. Ryans The Last Battle.
And, finally, Waterloo. Past 7pm, the Guard attack on Wellingtons center cracked upon the Allied line, and the retreat - called The Catastrophe - started. Since he had thrown his last heavy reserves into the Guard attack for one last chance @ victory, threw as nothing left -except for one last small little Guards battalion. Napoleon had them form square (to better beat off any cavalry -well, of course, what other reason are squares formed?)and have them cover the terrible retreat from the battlefield. The famous stories that came out of this is the terrible punishment that was thrown on these soldiers as everyone else made best skedaddle off of the battlefield are two : called to surrender, their ranking officer, called Cambronne (?), said either "Merde" or "The Guard dies but does not surrender."
So. Die? Surrender? Sometimes either are no choice @ all. No choice @ all.
It's the Day of Days.
My brother

These types of masses are important for Catholics. The Faith has it that masses said for people's souls takes time off of the time they have to do in "Purgatory". Purgatory is an OK place -it means after you die, you ain't going to hell - you've been saved - but you still have to wait for a bit in purgatory to burn off some punishment for the sins that you did do.
My bro died when he was six. My Dad died @ 84. My bro obviously never sinned, but I still keep him in my prayers. My Dad / he was an adult, so I'm sure he did some fucked up stuff - but I have loads of faith in that guy, so i'm sure he's ok as well. Yes, I know that this is part of what Martin Luther raged against - paying the church to take time off of souls stays in purgatory - but...
Code name Paul asked me to keep his neice in my prayers. Also prayed for Mom and Gf, my nieces and nephews, sisters and husbands, frenz, the people I work with, my soccer girls and all the students @ my school, and for the souls of my ancestors. And Dad and Bro. And Sister, son, and 2 neices that were lost before they were ever born.
Other prayers? There is an old Catholic superstition that the first time you enter a church you have never been in, say 10 "Hail Mary's:" and ten "Our Fathers" and your wish will come true. I always do and and pray for .....well, generally, the list above.
By the way - I'm not some super religios guy. I'm really not. But, as you know, i'm enjoying the flow of it recently.
By the way - I'm not some super religios guy. I'm really not. But, as you know, i'm enjoying the flow of it recently.
And do take notice - you were included in the prayers this morning.
So, my New Testement in cassettes - ideal for the NS-1 Peter Strasser's audio system - finally came to the Chicago Public Library via interlib loan. I immdeiately hit that shit going home yesterday - from rocking 1963 Stones boots in the AM to listening to Mark in the afternoon.
Why? I realised that it's stupid for me to continue to read about the New Testemant w/out actually reading it. The car is a perfect place to do it - good dual use of time - driving whereever and also 'reading' a book.
Impressions so far? Mark is short - I was shocked it went so fast. And - it seems mark is a list of where jesus went and who Jesus healed. Not too much teaching - oh, a mustard seed and Moses and divorce make their appeareances ; but not too much.
It's fun. Matthew is next.
Why? I realised that it's stupid for me to continue to read about the New Testemant w/out actually reading it. The car is a perfect place to do it - good dual use of time - driving whereever and also 'reading' a book.
Impressions so far? Mark is short - I was shocked it went so fast. And - it seems mark is a list of where jesus went and who Jesus healed. Not too much teaching - oh, a mustard seed and Moses and divorce make their appeareances ; but not too much.
It's fun. Matthew is next.
J&B’s Special Little Girl
Slightly edited by Hilts
Still can’t believe that 7 teams engaged in last night’s trivia battle- when I first arrived at TC Pub, I’m not so sure there even were 7 other people, let alone groups of people. Fortunately, the lure of fresh beer, a smokeless facility, and Benkowski trivia was too strong to keep the masses away. Softball season may also have had something to do with it.
J&B represented by: Chemical Man, Stix, Hilts, Dragon, and Lazers. No Gf.
The competition: Bar, Morning Wood, Shockers, Porch People, Dangerous, and Comfortably Dumb
Dangerous represented by: cute girl I assume is named Maureen since she was called “Mo” by Theresa (Mo also works there). Before the evening was over, she became known as “special little girl”.
Rules of the day: 1 question max per team, with 4 throws and the return of Hangman
First Half: Locations & Bears/TV/White Sox
September 2007- Sox player hit 12 homers that month?
90s playoff game against New Orleans- he completed a pass left-handed?
September 2005- Sox pitcher won 6 games that month?
Led 1997 White Sox with 125 RBI?
August 2006- Sox player drove in 30 runs that month?
Since 1947- number of Chicago football championships (pro)?
TV show won “Best Drama” 4 times during the 1980s?
Wore #78 on the 1985 Superbowl Bears?
Led 1993 Sox with an ERA of 2.95?
2004 Sox- Opening Day- batted leadoff and played 2B?
Led 1987 White Sox with 94 RBI?
Ladies Only challenge: Firmest Handshake (!) pits Shockers against Morning Wood. Benkowski: “I have to judge by the pain factor, and there was slight pain for number one.”
Either Hilts (it was) or Stix: “That must be his current fetish.”
Ladies Only challenge for ladies 5’4” or shorter only. We’re stretching further and further to make this game evolve.
Scores at the half: J&B 850 Bar 740 Dangerous 700 Shockers 610 Porch People 500 Morning Wood 460 Comfortably Dumb 190
Second Half: Music/In the News- Wednesday/Celebrity Birth Years
Year of Birth: Gwen Stefani?
1995- sang “I Could Fall in Love”?
1990s- sang “I’ll Be There”?
(Art, after another team answered that one: “At least someone else was gay for one question.”)
(Guy on Dangerous, after the answer was given: “I hate that fuckin’ broad.”)
Long-Distance Roll pits Shockers against Morning Wood. The rolls are close, and while gathering his tape measure, Benkowski: “I will measure Morning Wood.”
After Morning Wood correctly answers a question involving Boy George’s band and receives taunts of “gay”- one of the Woodies loudly points out that “everybody in this bar knew the answer to that question!”
Choice of 4 categories: New York Yankee History, National Enquirer, Broadway Plays of the 1900s, MTV Music Awards of the 1990s
J&B selects NY Yankee History and wonders what the Bar’s response would have been if we selected the Broadway Plays category.
J&B wagers the classic (1031).
2 of 3 wins wager. All 3 wins 3000 bonus points.
New York Yankee History:
Of the 13 records published by the Yankees for position players, name either of the two single-season team records held by Alfonso Soriano?
What Yankee single-season team record is held by Lou Gehrig?
Which Yankee single-season team record was set in the 2000s?
National Enquirer:
Within 2 years, the age difference between Harrison Ford and Calista Flockhart?
Actress born in 1987- headline: “Drunk and Out of Control”?
Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie are arguing over where to give birth to their twins. Which two countries are involved in the argument?
Broadway Plays of the 1900s:
Still waiting for someone to select this category.
MTV Music Awards of the 1990s:
Won Best Hard Rock Group 1990-1991-1997-1998?
Best Male had repeats winners in 1996-1997 and 1998-1999- name either?
Video of the Years during the 90s was won 7 times by groups, 1 time by Madonna, and 2 times by other women. Name either of the other two women?
Some good baseball questions up there gang….
Part II
J&B guesses At Bats (Soriano), RBI (Gehrig) and Saves (2000s).
First half answers:
Jim Thome
Neal Anderson
Jose Contreras
Frank Thomas
Jermaine Dye
3 championships (’47 Cardinals, ’63 Bears, ’85 Bears)
Hill Street Blues
Keith Van Horne
Wilson Alvarez
Willie Harris
Greg Walker
Second half answers:
Mariah Carey
Final Question:
Comfortably Dumb- 750- MTV- guesses Aerosmith (correct), R Kelly (no), Mariah Carey (no)- wagered it all- thanks for playing. (Benkowski: “I will never have R Kelly as an answer because he’s a fucking pedophile.”)
Dangerous- 980- National Enquirer- guesses 23 years (close enough), Lindsay Lohan (no), France and United States (correct)- wagered 980- with 2 correct, up to 1960.
Shockers- 1000- MTV- guesses Metallica (no), Boys 2 Men (no), Mariah Carey (no)- wagered it all- thanks for playing.
Porch People- 1160- Yankees- guess Stolen Bases (no), RBI (yes), Saves (no)- wagered 590- only 1 correct- down to 570. J&B needs its Soriano answer to be correct, as well as no other team to win the bonus.
Morning Wood- 1270- MTV- guesses Red Hot Chili Peppers (no), Puff Daddy (no), Mariah Carey (no)- wagered 1269- left with only 1.
Bar- 1270- Yankees- guesses At Bats (correct), Doubles (no), Saves (no)- wagered it all- thanks for playing.
J&B- 1510- Yankees- no drama left- guesses At Bats (correct), RBI (correct), Saves (no)- wagered 1031- up to 2541 and its second consecutive victory. With the arrival of the warm weather comes the arrival of the big bats of J&B.
Answers- Yankees:
Soriano holds the single-season team records for At Bats and Strikeouts. J&B had ruled out the latter, assuming team records published by the team would all be positive records.
Gehrig holds the single-season team record for RBI.
Paul Quantrill set the single-season team record for Appearances (pitcher) with 86 in 2004. Side research indicates that Mariano Rivera set the single-season team record for Saves with 53 in 2004. Not that it matters, but J&B was robbed of its bonus points.
Answers- National Enquirer:
Ford is 22 years older than Flockhart.
Hillary Duff is out of control.
France and US are the options for the Bradgelina twins.
Answers- MTV:
Beck or Will Smith
Lauren Hill or Sinead O’Connor
Next trivia in two weeks- Thursday, June 19th. I am “out”. For those J&Bers who are “in”- don’t forget to double-check with Benkowski as to whether there will be trivia on July 3rd (early indication was that answer is “yes”).
05 June, 2008
Go? Go.

Voice #1 (questioning / Mick? Keith?) Go?
Voice #2 (authoritative / Mick? Keith?) Go.
Then, immed., the JJ Flash riff.
Mite seem like a litle thing if you are not a Stones fan.....
A Librarian in June
School is veritably ending soon, and I have professionally switched into a different mode. I basically did two things all day. One was scour the stacks seeking lost books after Phase One of our inventory.
We have about 35k books and materials in this school, and for the past three weeks we have been scanning each one's barcode into the central system. Long and boring job - one book after another pulled, scanned, and put back.
This was competed yesterday: and we now have a list of 2k books that needs to be made sure that they are not on the shelf. So, w/ the list of 300's and 400's, I went to those sections, found many not scanned, and did not find even more (stolen?). So, all day I went through the stacks, looking for books, and every 20 on the list or so I pulle done back. Person who scanned them originally messed up, or maybeit was the computer. Dunno.
It is also "Get back the books" time. So, during a class change, when the halls are crowded w/ kids crossing this way and that for class and lunch and social hour, and - just like the Monty Pythin "Bring out your dead" crier, I wander the locker sections shouting out "ANYONE GOT LIBRARY BOOKS THEY WANT TO RETURN? I'M RITE HERE, NO BIG DEAL, JUST HAND THEM TO ME". And, wouldn't you know it, suddenly I have kids running after me w/ books that were due 5m ago. One of my soccer girls? Don't worry, I'll take care of that fine."
Things haven't started to fall apart yet, even though there is now 4 days for the kids left.
04 June, 2008
Into the ground / pictures later
I cleared away all bits of other vegatation that grows the second you look elsewhere. I mixed it in all to-gether. I put up the chicken wire fences to keep out the rabbits. I like the rabbits,but I also do not want my pea plants to be totally devastated.
So: six green bean plants, 16 pea plants, and two cucumber plants. Tomatoes to follow later, as well as onions, brussel sprouts, etc... Not bad. Always looks good, with the black dirt, the nicely put up fencing, the straight lines of the boards for me to walk on, and all the promise of the beautiful harvest in the fall.
Sorta like dating a new girl, I guess.
Way back when I was in the milieu of the Rolling Stones writing - that Stones Week stuff from 6-8m ago - there was a Holy Grail. Years ago, when Round Records was going out of business, I was able to score for 1/2 price a 45 song Stones bootleg of lots of early boots and live stuff. Early demo's of 'Satisfaction' and 'JJ Flash', as well, as tonnes of obscure blues covers (Bo Diddly songs a LOT). I made a cassette and enjoyed the years away.
Lost the tape a first time. One day @ Dragons, and what was found in a dusty box of cassettes? Lost again, this time for several years. Since the NS-1 Strasser is cassette equipped only, I really wanted to find the ducking tape. 45 bootleg Stones songs!!
But just yesterday I finally found it. I put an unmarked tape into the player, and what came out? That early version of 'JJ Flash', with Mick in that English voice starting it with "Go!"
Into the Old Testment

Have finished the first and am into the second. Both of these books have introduced the thought that the Old Testment 's development can be as strange and interesting as the New Testement. The Spong wasn't anywhere as revelatory as the first Sponge I read, but it was good enough - and the O.T. stuff was thrilling. Armstrongs book was the next scheduled, but a big part of it has been the same subject - the development of the O.T. - so I am happy.
need a biblical book/ te keep me 'happy

St. Kilians Parish was one of those that experiences 'white flight' in the late 1960's. One year is was all white - and literally 12m later the neighbourhood was 80%. Capitalists took advantage of people weakness -in this case racism- and cleared out neighbourhoods so that they could make more sales. The movement to privatise social security? Also attempting to take advantage of peoples weaknesses - that time greed. Funny - if we had stayed, i'deve gone to Leo HS (probably- rite?) and been with out the magnificent 63d Street street scape - Marquette Park being a hugely built up area as opposed to 87th @ that point.
I've never been to mass @ Kilians, but I've been on the block many times after we moved out. Dad used to put roof's up on houses- a nice side job - and he had a couple of jobs on our old block. The most famous? The Sunday that Britt Burns battled the eventual World Champ Orioles into the 10th of the 1983 playoffs. I was on a roof working, and stole seconds off of the ladder to listen in on the car radio.
So - back to Father Pleger. Here are a few Sun Times pieces I liked.
my cousin who is beastly engaged
sorry for the joycian title to this, but it rythimed w/ the rest of it, so I put it on. My cousin MAC, who called me last Friday, was in town. Now, last Friday was one of those death marchs, so Friday and Saturday I was all out of commission. On Sunday, we went up to the Noth Pole -err, Greyslake.
This is another version of me being unable to face 'tough' situations'. I never called her last weekend, so i just avoided the situation. I'm a loser. She's one of my closest frenz, and still there is this disconnect between me and the adult world.
But we got a second chance. She's called Sunday saying she was leaving to-morrow (Monday) in the afternoon - so the plan was to meet for something on Sunday. BBQ made it easy - feed MOM, make GF happy, MAC's be straight wit it. So, BBQ.
Turned out well. MAC is a very outgoing women, and both of the most important women in my life enjoyed the BBQ. Actually, what I think they enjoyed was actually me getting off of my ass and actually doing something. I'd made the turkey burgers last week, and I grilled them and sausages. Whenever I actually do something,they are happy. Why didn't I only get the eccentricity from Father, and not any of the work ethic??
This is another version of me being unable to face 'tough' situations'. I never called her last weekend, so i just avoided the situation. I'm a loser. She's one of my closest frenz, and still there is this disconnect between me and the adult world.
But we got a second chance. She's called Sunday saying she was leaving to-morrow (Monday) in the afternoon - so the plan was to meet for something on Sunday. BBQ made it easy - feed MOM, make GF happy, MAC's be straight wit it. So, BBQ.
Turned out well. MAC is a very outgoing women, and both of the most important women in my life enjoyed the BBQ. Actually, what I think they enjoyed was actually me getting off of my ass and actually doing something. I'd made the turkey burgers last week, and I grilled them and sausages. Whenever I actually do something,they are happy. Why didn't I only get the eccentricity from Father, and not any of the work ethic??
Plans for MA's wedding were discussed. In the great state of Montana, sometime in September. I bet I'll have to miss a soccer game or two -fire and whatever school I'll be @ - then, but that's kool. However, since an old girl or two will be there as well, i bet; I wonder how tough that weekend will be*. It'll be a fucking nitemare.
*=see earlier writings
*=see earlier writings
HopRock / Hopleaf Saturday
Got there well late. Well late. Immediately, there is O.R.F., sating "they're all pissed @ you because you are late". Then Gallo, screaming @ me to kiss GF. Then, in a blast from the past, Anton grabs me and asks the usual questions :"So, hows it going? What are you doing in life?" etc... So, me looking for a seat in the back to gather myself, but Immediately I am assaulted all sides.
A Chair. A Chair. My kingdom for a chair.
First off - Anton. She was a girl back in the day. She dated Vito for a bit, and I must amidt that I kinda had a negative attitude about her back then. It wasn't a happy relationship, and they were young. I took Vito's side. Didn't hate her or anything, but..... So, it was great to see her nowadays - all that negative stuff - to my rendering - was gone. She was now an adult. The vibe she gave off was very good. Her interest in others was genuine. It's nice to see the positive aspects of adulthood. I liked talking to her and it was good to see the changes in her.
There was a girl I used to make kissyface w/ there as well -Sauerkraut. I'd been @ the same place w/ her last summer, and somehow didn't talk to her. This time - didn't talk to her again except for the absolute last moments before we left. But the next time ?? I dunno. I don't know if I want to undergo the punishment again that the terrible crime of dating a girl fifteen years ago brings upon a criminal. Though that sorta deal died w/ Q. Certainly sucks. So I guess it was nice to see her, if being in the same room w/ her wasn't as bad as the Holocaust. So, I guess, it really really sucked being in the same room with her. Not Saur Krauts fault. Not my fault. A real drag by now.
Man, Gallo was way out of control. He must have been drinking heavily by the time I got there- but he was in the 'Vincent' mode. It's always interesting when it come out. His great line from the nite was "Oh -I'm the bad guy? I'm the enemy?" Fantastic. ORF, not used to these outbreaks, tried to convince Gallo he'd defended someone for murder a few years back. ORF was sure, but Gallo hadn't. That lead to "I'm the enemy?" 10m later, in a totally unrelated incident, the line came up again "I'm the enemy?". Oh, I'm not complaining - it's interesting when iyt come out. Telling the different stories from that nite to Vito - I was interested in telling him about his old love and her changes - he rerelated another glorious 'Vincent' story. Funny.
Talk of Klaus. Processed was showing excitement @ the upcoming Klaus show, and I was roundabouting about one of my pieces I'm gonna do. But it was there. A serious artist saying "Dude - can't wait to see what you come up with" and I'm feeling the same. It'll be hard to put myself out there for the performance art piece I'll be doing, but it will be met w/ disgust and delight. I feel good about it. And then there is the music piece of my 10m or so. That's ahead. But, talking to Processed, the feeling of "Whatever - these are yr frenz - put up any sorta shit on stage - and mean it - and they'll dig it.
It was a real long ride home. I was a criminal. Didn't I know that I'm not to have ever dated anyone ever never never never never? I guess I am supposed to have known.
Well, I know now.
02 June, 2008
same place, a dozen of hours later
Was on Navy Pier twice in twice days this wkd. First was Prom. I always like the big danse to go to so I did - later than I'd wanted, and parkd way far away in a free and open zone. My parking space and the fact that prom was @ the outer edge of the pier meant that I mita walked - 3m round trip or so. Beats paying $23, I felt. Late, jaggered, juagernauted, stalemated, spaceless, space case, I finally walked into this scence - a giant ballroom (yes, yes, the lites in the ceiling), massive amounts of kids and tables and music and dansing - a nice scene. I was shy, like I can be, so I stood on the corners for a bit before finally locating teacher concentrations. I'd wanted to stay only a bit, but ended up 'closing' prom - midnite.
Funest? Of ourse, it was the young teachers dansing - lead steadfastedly by my fellow soccer coach. In a dress. She was pulling out others to danse. I liked that they were dansing, but i was sitting @ the older teachers table. Despite talk of shit back in the day out till 6am @ the club , when an old song was spun and movement was made to go on the floor, there was no movement. I finally felt it later, but not really. Not too many teachers again this year - should be more , but that's the deal. Some - -who were there last year didn't show up this year. But this years ball seemed a lot better. Last years was 2 the Museum of Science and Industry, and it was all spread out. This years was in a more proper ballroom - and a better enviroment for a party this big. It was fun, but I was glad when it ended - security (my buddies) had to go up on stage and turn off the dj's machine. just past the witching hour, me scrambling off that rock and wood structure 3/4 m out intot he lake. Winding corridors ending in carways and darkend places
Long walk back to the car.
detour'd long then rode long home.
Reading, Reggie Jaxx, Jagger, Jenke.
Eventual sleeping and eventual waking.
detour'd long then rode long home.
Reading, Reggie Jaxx, Jagger, Jenke.
Eventual sleeping and eventual waking.
And into Strasser for a return fucking trip to the almost exact edge of the exact same pier 10h after I left it last. Again, school related - this time a massive job fair, me loking for what I really would love - a job!! It was a late nite for me, and although I'd gotten enough sleep, I didn't trust myself to wanna interview @ all. These job fairs - there will be two more before next year -are sorta like those three minute blind dating events -instead of three minutes trying to impress a perspective date again and again and again for 2h, I stood in line trying to impress a perspective employer for three minutes again and again and again for 2h.
There are few jobs available for HS librarians each year. I have some leads from schools that we not @ the job fair already, and the fair added 5-6 more places I will send in my resume. All tough schools. The leads I had alrady were for really nice city schools. But I'll work anywhere.
There are two ways to get names from these job fairs. When you walk in, they have preprinted Excell type sheets that tell you what schools are looking for what positions. Since I was feeling grubby from the nite beforte, I had wanted to grab one of these sheets and split. But when I was in the fair, I figgered I'd sit down w/ four schools and say hello. Again, they were 2-3m mini interviews. I don't think I hurt myself, and I do hope I helped myself.
Long walk back to the subway. I's parked rite around 22d and the El stop, and figgered it'd be a quick walk to Navy pier in the morning. However, that subway tunnel was closed for the wkd for repairs, so my El train had to take the elevated line- meaning off @ Sate and Lake, and add 1/2 a mile to my walk. Worse things in life.
Another thing about in the heavolt tourist part of Chicago in the summer - I always like to see the visiter from Germany and Japan and elsewhere siteseeing. It's always funny, I guess, for people living in a tourist area. In London or Paris or the Aran Islands - touristfull areas - it must be much more of a site. I like tourists.
Long walk back to the subway. I's parked rite around 22d and the El stop, and figgered it'd be a quick walk to Navy pier in the morning. However, that subway tunnel was closed for the wkd for repairs, so my El train had to take the elevated line- meaning off @ Sate and Lake, and add 1/2 a mile to my walk. Worse things in life.
Another thing about in the heavolt tourist part of Chicago in the summer - I always like to see the visiter from Germany and Japan and elsewhere siteseeing. It's always funny, I guess, for people living in a tourist area. In London or Paris or the Aran Islands - touristfull areas - it must be much more of a site. I like tourists.
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