27 February, 2008

four eveh uh

Spirit Desire

The Battle Hymn of the Republic

Der Spliffe had a pst on Nader, and our ripostes back and forth (and some Rocketry) in the comments.


Have been waking up w/ the clock reading starting w/ a "Five" the last few days. Normally it would start w/ a "Seven". Dunno why, especially since I now have added several hours of running to my daily regimine (sic).

Also new the last two days - finally I am a full coach again. The last time I was on the sidelines screaming "Now ! Now!", "Him ! Him ! ", "Solo! Solo !" was in the State playoffs in the Fall of 2006. Since then - just a fan. But the team here - a 3000 strong student body, rife w/ soccer potential - needs coaches, so i was overjoyed to do it.

Meet Hilts H.S. 's new sophmore girls soccer coach = Coach Hilts.

Mein Gott, what a vastly different system they have here as opposed to the president's school I was last coaching @. I'm so used to the other coaches, having been in that program for two years, it will take a long time to get used to this system. however, I am determined to instill as much of that program - in degrees, and bit by bit - of my old program. Truly, although that system worked us coaches like doggs, I count it as one of the highlites of my life so far. And, please forgive me for writing this, but I know that this is one of the things that Chr........ eerrrr, something inside me - is saying I should do. In no way shape or form am I some Jacky Charlton, but I also know I have a part to play.

That said, to all I will be very busy these next three months. That's the way it goes. Gf and Mom will be effected most. Gf and I started up a summer I was coaching two different teams @ once and then immediately started in during the school year w/ two more - so our first 14m to-gether came w/ me being busy w/ the kids. Mom? This will be like ...... what, the fourtieth team I'm involved with, so she also knows.

For everyone else? Y'll have to get used to more soccer updates and a dearth of "What did he do last nite" type posts.

@ least it's not gonna be "Oh look @ how cute my ..." endlesses. I'll let you fill in the endlesses. And the bloggers I read don't do it.

But, i'm busy. learn to do w/out. It's Lent, after all.

It's so different.

26 February, 2008


I wasn't aware of this when it happened @ the time, but it's a stunner. As, of course, a raging anti communist when I was 12, I fully believed that any Soviet attempt to get @ our battle fleets had next to nil chance of success. Now it seems that not only have Chinese convential submarines have been able to shadow a carrier battle group undetected, but their fleet is expanding. Shocker. I guess this means we will have to pour trillions more into the department of defense. President Obama?

Funny - with all the press the U-boats of Nazi Germany got in ww2, it was the American fleet actually had the war winning role in choking Japan to death. I haven't studied either campaign too much - well, 10-15 books on the Atlantic battle. But I know that of all the posts one could get, probably the worst was to be serve on a German U Boat.

Who am I kidding? As our poor American children stuck in the Middle East will testify, virtually any service is "the worst".

Trivia Title for Sale

Written By Lazers
names edited by hilts

This past Saturday, J&B made its third foray into trivia battle at St Bede’s. A few years ago, J&B knocked on the door. Last year, J&B beat on the door. This year, J&B planned to kick the son-of-a-bitch in!

The competition: ballpark of around 45 teams total for the event.

J&B represented by: Moho, Chemical man, Peppys, Stix, Hilts, Dragon, Nitenurse, Gf, Lazermann, and Chemical Man's’s friend WhiteSoxMann.

An ugly twist was added to the fundraising event this year: people were allowed to purchase raffle tickets, and after each of the first three quarters, five individual winners were allowed to answer one question posed by a nun. For a correct answer, one point was added to that player’s team score. Don’t anyone mention this terrible wrinkle to Benkowski.

General play consisted of twelve rounds of ten questions each. The top three scores finish in the money. For tiebreaker purposes, each team had to select the number of the 120 total questions they felt they would answer correctly. J&B selects 90 as its tiebreaker.

Answers will appear at the end.


Who holds the MLB record for times stealing home?
What quarterback holds the record for passing yards in one Superbowl game?
Who was the first Bear to rush for over 1000 yards in one season?

Year of the Chicago fire?
Original name of O’Hare airport?

For a category expected to be a strength, J&B was off to a weak start with the sports category (only around 6 correct). However, the team greatly rebounded with strong showings in the second category (Famous Couples), as well as the third. The scoring update after one quarter placed J&B in first with 24 correct answers.


Clint Eastwood:
What actors played the “Good”, the “Bad”, and the “Ugly”?
1989 Eastwood movie had a bounty hunter team with a mother whose baby was kidnapped by neo-nazis?

The second quarter was off to a strong start with a TV Theme Songs category, and J&B put up an average score in the Clint Eastwood one. The final category of the quarter was Spelling, and a lowly 5 points or so was the result. After two quarters of play, J&B dipped to second place with 46 correct answers.


Academy Awards:
Who is the only Oscar winner whose parents both also won Oscars?
Who is the all-time leader in Oscars for acting categories?
What person won the most Oscars at a single ceremony?
Who has the most nominations but no wins for Best Actor?

In the show “Knight Rider”- what does KITT stand for?
What actor took over on “West Wing” after President Bartlett stepped down?
Name the monkey on “Friends”?
Name the first winner on “Dancing With the Stars”?

With the above categories mixed with a visual “Where Am I”, J&B moves back into the lead with 69 points after three quarters. The team is happy but mildly concerned by the potential questions in the categories for the final quarter. The lead was 2 points, but the raffle points were not yet added into the scores.


Who wrote the “Acts of the Apostles”?
Who wrote, “Breakfast at Tiffany’s”?
Who wrote the “Diary of Anne Frank”?

J&B was rankled after the Literature category, as one question asked teams to list three books written by John Steinbeck. When answers were later given, one of the J&B guesses (The Red Pony) was not listed amongst them. Since several members of J&B had to read “The Red Pony” during high school, the protest papers were prepared to be filed.

Regardless of whether or not J&B received its Steinbeck point, a good point total was attained in the Literature category. Next up was a pathetically easy Current Events category, and then the answer sheet was handed to Stix for the final Name That Tune by Decade category (during which song clips were played for each of the decades from 1910s through 2000s).

J&B finished with a flourish, but would it be enough to hold off the bonus points? J&B estimated it had 95 points and was certain to have finished in the money. Third place was determined by tiebreaker between two teams with 90, and I thought they said second place also had tiebreaker involved. However, no tiebreaker was involved for the victorious 95-point J&Bers, who skated their victory lap around the room while other teams conspired to keep us off the invite list for next year.


Sports- Ty Cobb, Kurt Warner, and Beattie Feathers
Chicago- 1871 and Orchard Field
Clint- Clint Eastwood (Good), Lee Van Cleef (Bad), Eli Wallach (Ugly), and “Pink Cadillac”
Oscars- Liza Minelli, Katherine Hepburn, James Cameron, Peter O’Toole
TV- Knight Industries Two Thousand, John Goodman, Marcel, Kelly Monaco
Literature- Luke, Truman Capote, Anne Frank

Next St Bede’s trivia- February 2009. Right now, I’m “in”.

Chems is currently looking into details regarding a trivia battle at another church, apparently April 19th. Details to come.

Ronnie O'Sullivan Love

25 February, 2008


Looked long and hard for this - told Vito about it a few years back and the frustrations of not being able to find it. But - to quote French Leuitenants Women : "She is found!". Thanks to Garry Wills.

Printed here in the full , but can be found this link. We have many reasons to celebrate today, n'est pas?? http://www.costanzo.org/understanding_leviticus.htm

Dear President Bush,

Thank you for doing so much to educate people regarding God's Law. I have learned a great deal from you and understand why you would propose and support a constitutional amendment banning same sex marriage. As you said "in the eyes of God marriage is based between a man a woman." I try to share that knowledge with as many people as I can. When someone tries to defend the homosexual lifestyle, for example, I simply remind them that Leviticus 18:22 clearly states it to be an abomination. End of debate. I do need some advice from you, however, regarding some other elements of God's Laws and how to follow them.

1. Leviticus 25:44 states that I may possess slaves, both male and female, provided they are purchased from neighboring nations. A friend of mine claims that this applies to Mexicans, but not Canadians. Can you clarify? Why can't I own Canadians?

2. I would like to sell my daughter into slavery, as sanctioned in Exodus 21:7. In this day and age, what do you think would be a fair price for her? (I'm pretty sure she's a virgin).

3. When I burn a bull on the altar as a sacrifice, I know it creates a pleasing odor for the Lord - Lev.1:9. The problem is, my neighbors. They claim the odor is not pleasing to them. Should I smite them?

4. I have a neighbor who insists on working on the Sabbath. Exodus 35:2. clearly states he should be put to death. Am I morally obligated to kill him myself, or should I ask the police to do it?

5. A friend of mine feels that even though eating shellfish is an abomination - Lev. 11:10, it is a lesser abomination than homosexuality. I don't agree. Can you settle this? Aren't there 'degrees' of abomination?

6. Lev.21:20 states that I may not approach the altar of God if I have a defect in my sight. I have to admit that I wear reading glasses. Does my vision have to be 20/20, or is there some wiggle-room here?

7. Most of my male friends get their hair trimmed, including the hair around their temples, even though this is expressly forbidden by Lev. 19:27. How should they die?

8. I know from Lev. 11:6-8 that touching the skin of a dead pig makes me unclean, but may I still play football if I wear gloves?

9. My uncle has a farm. He violates Lev.19:19 by planting two different crops in the same field, as does his wife by wearing garments made of two different kinds of thread (cotton/polyester blend). He also tends to curse and blaspheme a lot. Is it really necessary that we go to all the trouble of getting the whole town together to stone them? Lev.24:10-16. Couldn't we just burn them to death at a private family affair, like we do with people who sleep with their in-laws? (Lev. 20:14)

I know you have studied these things extensively and thus enjoy considerable expertise in such matters, so I am confident you can help. Thank you again for reminding us that God's word is eternal and unchanging. It must be really great to be on such close terms with God and his son, ... even better than you and your own Dad, eh?

J. Kent Ashcroft (and others).


Today's has just been a buzz. what a rush last nite when I read online that The Man was gonna run again.

So, the haters, responding to the red cape in front of them, full of their sound and fury, charge @ nothing, full of what ...... ever........

But consider these things.

One: You agree with Nader on everything. Everything. Tell me one area where any of those others fit the bill better.

Thought so.

Two: The Democrats are different? Tell me, how did we benefit under President Clinton? Remember all the Change and all that that was supposed to flow from his font? Oh, there are excuses and all that, and a Republican congress and whatever. But in Bill Clinton, all I saw was a radically right wing politico who did nothing positive. And look back - "Change/change/change"

Whatever... never mind.

Three: We, as we should, made fun of the USSR when 98% of the vote would go to the Communist party in their elections. Iraq, North Korea, Nazi Germany= same thing. The Democrats and the Republicans garnered 99% of the vote in 2004. Two parties. Meaning, no better than any of the before listed countries. You can have their electoral systems. That means all of them.

Four: Two parties? Two?? Both of them say nothing to me about my life. I reject them both. They both suck. Why can't we have a system where there are multiple views on the multi faceted layers of our country? Oh, the haters will come out, but again - the two parties - beyond the rhetoric to make it look like we actually have a choice, what real difference is there? Think back to the government shutdown in 1994. Oh, they were so different and so combataive- but it was over relatively (in context) a little bit of money. The two sides were not that far off. But it came out as some Great Big Difference between the sides. Right. They still play it that way.

Five: The deal is this: we must build more parties in this country. The sort of hegemony of the parties that exist these days is distinctly against the principles of this country - namely democracy. I had given up voting forever after voting for Clint in 1992. Why bother - what does some rich guy in one party have over another rich guy in the other party? Nothing. they are both going to do for their class - and since I and 99% of America is not in their class - why do these shysters get so many votes?? I reject them, and reject them completely.

However, the ideas of Ralph Nader and patriotic Americans like him should be propgated to all. These ideas should be flowered into many many parties that give full expression to all of America - not just these rich guys or...... well, no 'or', actually, just these rich guys.

America needs change we can actually believe in.

Think for yrself, and do not let the New York Times, ABC News, and the McNeil-Lehrer News Hour do it for you. Really. You are an American. That means something in my book. do not disapoint the generations to come who will look back on this period and deplore "What were these people thinking?"

Truely express the greatness of our people? Yes we can!


24 February, 2008

Fifth time just as Charming.

What do they say - he's evil and rotten?
But he's the only reason I got intrested in politics again....... and he's the ONLY one i'll vote for. No shame for you voting for the Obama/Clinton ticket - but I have endorsed......

Tilda !!

Her and Sandrine Bonnaire = my favourite girls.
Well, you kow, there are others....but, you know.....

This nite Gf and I went to rogers park and watched the Oscars w/ a whole crowd of Oscar peoples. Vampire and sunshine's crib. Love the place, but they wish to sell it - then again, a daily drive to Madison Wi. would be a drag for anybody. It was a well attended nite - lots of th regulars - Smokey Treats and vife, Joker, vife, and kiddy, Funkee and husband and double tots, Snowden, Guitars, and Chartman. There were also ones rarely seen - siblings of the condo's owners.

It was a lotta fun. I like the Oscars, and even though I hadn't seen many -err, ANY -of the flicks up fer awards, it was afun crowd. We had to leave early to get our rest. Stupid no camera.

Loose women

Made sure I went to mass this Sunday, and tried to look sharp as well. Also brought my Spanish translation. The Gospel? Jesus talks to the Samaritin women @ the well, one of the great ones. The priest said his sermon well, but 'mine'* is better. This is another example of Jesus reaching out across boundries to connect with people he - because of the predjucies of the time - and all good Jews should not be talking to.

Mass was boringly sung** , but I did reflect on the changing meanings of prayers that I have heard for two score and two, plus nine months. That line, a castaway line drudgingly repeated through the eras, can move: "Lord, I am not worthy to recieve you, but only say the word and I shall be healed." My Dad always said the old school " ...only say the word and I shall be happy", but he can keep that Irish crap - I'll take the St. Rita version.

John 4: 5-42


*=well, Spong's

**=again, from Stephen Hero. Dedalus (the young joyce) and friend are leaving a mass and one say to the other that "it was a well sung mass". For my uses, since our masses are no longer sung all the way through, it can mean two things: well sung, as the music is great/moving, or the mass itself is moving. Neither today that much.

As promised this Sunday

J and B - to be written up by Lazermann next week when he returns from Cali on business

22 February, 2008

President Obama

To McCain. Sorry. "I appologise" Shouldn't gloat. But, you are a fucking republican- the party of Scum. so it's not that I feel too bad for you. But I shouldn't have gloated.

On Jesus

The author Garry Wills is in a Wilmette Borders to-nite for a book signing. I'm going. Lat Sunday I floated the idea to a crowd, but in the end I wanted to take Jamie - the other big jesus freak I know.

Jamie is the guy who has the 'buddy' who recieves the signals directly from God. Since Jamie is not all that healthy, he tends to believe all that this shyster indoctrinates him to believe.

The shyster? He's called Der Feurher in these web pages, and his technique is simple - he takes the Bible, then has a Greek/Hebrew dictionary, a Hebrew/English dictionary, and an English/Greek dictionary. He'll take a word, strain it through all three dictionaries, then cherry pick through all the definitions to vomit forth his interpretation - and if he is still not happy with the 30 different definitions he can manipulate further.

Context is everything??

Not to this guy. Himself is everything. Pretty laughable for an educated man like myself - pitiful- but he had one disciple - Jimey. An educated man, but troubled (aren't we all - but 'some girls are bigger than others'), he should know better. But his weakness for the wee folk has gotten him into so much trouble over the years, and letting this shyster into his life has wasted him of years of productiveness and tens of thousands of dollars. Wasted.

Jimey has basically seen this guys darkness. The way that Der Feurher uses everybody else in his life has lifted most of the scabs off of Jamiys eyes. Not that Der Feurher deserves hate - he is one of Gods creatures like us all. But for Jimey to be a truely productive member of society, that dual circle jerk had to end and Der Feurher had to be exposed. Almost there for Jimey.

So to-nite: I've wanted him exposed to someone who actually has studied the bible and done serious work on it - not the shopping for translations until one that fits to Der Feurhers satisfactions and that's all you have to think about is what Der Feurher dictates you to believe style. But - I've invited Der Feurher along as well. There are strict instructions - if D.F. gets kicked out, he has to stay in the snow until the program is finished and I am ready to drive them home. But should be entertaining.

I haven't read the book he is touring on now - What the Gospels Meant - but cracked What Jesus Meant today and it's great. I'm just 30p in, but already am very excited about hearing him to-nite. Love scholars who have done the heavy lifting.

The Holy Family

Embarrassingly, but it was said out loud by Jamie yesterday, but I mite as well rend my cloak on line. I've been, uh, somewhat of a miserable family member in my immediate family. @ a certain point throughout my life, all four of my sisters took turns as my favourite. These days, and having the longest run of them all, it's Sister.2. However, my relationships with the other three are terrible.

I live w/ Sister.4, and I usually resent her presence. True. She was always jealous of the 'favoured' status in thre family - the baby and a boy - especially in a family where the previous boy - my only brother - died when he was six. It's funny to look back, but before we moved from the old neighbourhood to Mt. Greenwood, she always complained that it was me going to get the basement spread in the new house. Nope. She gets the giant room, the giant 'living room', her own bathroom, and loads of extra space. I got stuck w/ the 'closet' off of the kitchen. I sleep in the laundry room. And my stuff is spread throughout various sundry rooms. Over time (and not because of this factor - although when she, w/ TEN FUCKING TIMES the closet space as I, tries to take away even the tiny bits and pieces I've managed to scrape up throughout the house........... ). As I said, I have problems with her..... but I am the one @ fault in this relationship. She's fine, but years of trouble have hardened my heart to her. She tries, and I just can't seem to......... I don't know why, but it's not a good thing. All my talk of Jesus......

Sister.3 I originally labeled the Zionist. Apt. In this case, it's all her fault. Even though she has never lived in this house, she acts like she owns it. Her house - I'll publicly state for the first time that I do not feel welcome in her house, and so I refuse to go. It's been two years or so, but I can't ever imagine going there again. I've made a point of missing the xmasses she holds, even though they were always fun. I won't tell her whats afoot, but eventually they'll figger it out. When she's around I do not feel welcome in my own house. Funny. Made sure I made it to the kids stuff, like football games - I do not what them to suffer, as I am ( to a degree, since what I am writing now also needs to be factored in) a good uncle. This fool took down my Edwards poster in the front window, as well as the Nader sign in 2004 ((although the wonderful People's Weekly Worker sign I had up in 2000 - calling the Dem and Republican candidates all war criminals etc was left up)). I wanted to point out that the Voting Rights Act of 1964 prohibits this (although w/out even knowing, tell you the truth- but they see me reading all the time, so I think I could fool them), but haven't yet.

Sister.1, I don't know. Her two oldest kids are the ones I am closest to of all eight. She sometimes recognizes the years and years ....and years and years and years I have coached them and taken them around the city etc, but she usually just grumps around. Don/'t know.

And Sister .2, she's the most chill. We are kool with each other. Or, well, I guess I don't have these resentments built up. She's all rite.

So, it bother me a lot. I swear, I try, but as A Catholic, one can talk all you want - the doings the thing. So, I talk a lot of Jesus, and I know there is much peace in me. But those closest to me? Where is that peace? Why can't I do the right thing in my own family. I talk and talk and talk of saving others - and I just really really know that I can - but what of my own family?

We all suffer. But most of all, it's my Mom. She knows. Don't get me wrong - all my sisters are totally chill with each other. Outside of me, it really is a deeply loving family. But I know when these situations arise, she is hurt. At a time in life when her reserves are to be cultivated, I have the feeling she is burning them off because of me.

And then the kids. They are the real saving grace. Six are all nuts about me, but the Zionists have been a bit fouled by her. They like me - but not like the other six. They are only around me when she is about, and the air is usually thick it that context. However, as they get older, I hope they have open minds. But, again, we are all dedicated to the kids. s.1 and s.2 know it and their kids have reaped great benefits from my 'uncleship'. Delightful rewards. But I worry, as I always do, that they observe this fractured state of affairs and think its a normal family thing.

it is not. Or maybe it is, in families @ large. I know (so, I've been reading about it a lot) that Jesus's family thought he was nuts etc. But Jesus was onto something - and I am not. Beside being petty.

I've been deeply troubled by this, and have been for years. What I need to do is, well, "Wise Up".

Virgil "Thursday" Hilts.1 / Among the Law Courts

I'd had a ticket for sometime now - the police officer claimed I'd been doing 52 in a 30 - uh, I , uh totally deny that. but it was curious - the ticketing officer told me that he was not going to show up in court on the day I was supposed to go in - he claimed that it was the alderman who was ordering the ticketing, and for whatever reason, he would not b there.

Raced , 'cause I was so late, and got to my school to dump N.S.1 Strasser in my schools parking lot and hopped on the El. Got to court - late - and was happy 'cause the officer was not there. Until, of course, he showed up.

He was late by half hour, and I believe he had told me in good faith that he was not showing up - it was just that I was so late he got there for later cases. However, since I 'm a nice guy, the judge dismissed my ticket.

Nice guy entails the following. Telling the court lady (the scribe) the judges rite name. Then making them laugh about something. Then i tried to translate for a Spanish speaker when he tried to register (I had to do so as well- both of us were late). So my Spanish was both ace and oor - I pidgined out tu hablo ella ahorra - which is" You speak her now?" - not even correct anyway you look @ it. I should have said El premier beis tu habla ella ? ("The first time you speak her?") - and it was.

So, me being a nice guy benefitted me this way. When I was called to the docket, the officer was there, and the judge basically said to the city lawyer "Well, is it fair that I have dismissed several cases rite before, and now the officer is here? What do you recommend, lawyer?". He said "It's up to you judge", and th judge responded by handing me back my licence.

Yes, happy mood!

Fun note: Ususally when one gets a new licence, they confiscate the old one. However, I still have every one I have ever been licenced for. This time what let me keep my old licence this time was a trick of timing = My licence expired (in Jan.) when it was in the possesion of the court. The State of Illinois allows drivers to be re-licenced in these circumstances, so I did in early january. The judge had no clue - when he handed it back to me, I just grabbed it and went. So, 100% recovery rate has been kept. I am glad.
This pst origially read:

More later, and I'm sorry to say it may be 'till Sunday.)))

Virgil "Thursday" Hilts.2 / Among the Food Courts

So, I had a plan, and it went well. I knew I was gonna be in the Loop this day for court, so I emailed some Loop people to see of they wanted to get some grub. Although it was originally planned for Fado - I had a wicked amount of 1/2 priced coupons for the Irish bar on Grand - late changers wanted a place more convient to their work (deeply understandable).

I had arranged for Jacob (you mite have previously known him as Jimey, but you will now have to associate him with this new name - I'll help for a bit, but eventually it's Jacob now - sorry Liz, I know it can be confusing..... but to Liz, the person you gave the food to is Jacob- and to everyone else, Liz gave the food to Jimey, Jamie Tree, Jamey, etc...) to meet me @ City Hall, but when it came down to it, he was late. I walked on the quick to Fado's when he wasn't @ City hall by the appointed time to try and get him - I had told him to just meet there, but in between , Curtis and Crank had changed venues for lunch (Liz just went along as well) to the food court @ Macy's/Marshall Fields. Seventh floor. No Jacob @ Fado's or City hall - but he had Curtis's ##.

So, Knowing the venue shift, I took subway down, but I got lost I was sure the pplace was neared harold Wash Lib., and I took it that far south. I had to back track north and was way late. Then, never having been @ the food court before, I circled the whole area twice before I found them.

So fucking good. I'm pretty much a meat and potatoes guy - although j'aime cabbage as well, Ms. Spliffe - but the 'meat and potatoes' line was way full. Instead I went with a sorta soup meal that the other three had gotten from and used chopsticks - Thai ?? fucking perfect. You three will have to tell me what I ordered - I want to bring Gf there (I'm a rube). It was just so good, and unexpectedly. They even had soome kelp in it.

I want to do this on Pulaski Day. However, Liz and I are ganging up - she totally wants to go to Fado this time. it may be too rough for the lunch folk, but maybe we can go back to the food court again. i'm open. So, to C and C and Liz B. - and everyone else in the Loop area who so wishes next Monday- wanna lunch?? Doesn't have to be Fado.

Since I was so late, the 'C's left to rework their day. Liz and I chowed down as we waited for Jacob to reach a new meeting area - the Borders Store seven floors below. Saw him as I finished and Liz had a good idea- since she didn't want to haul her leftovers around, She'd give to him. So, we got to Jacob and then since he had to now eat, we walked to another food court - State of Illinois building.

Listen. Several psts ago I talked about me not caring about 'old mens petty morals' when it came to peoples thinking vis a vis Jacob. However, I fully know he is almost all people's "NOT IDEAL CUP d'CAFE", and I repsect that. He can be too much for me many times, but since I am very chill, generally I can handle it. But I would never bring him over to people's house's etc. and inflict him on them- unless I knew they're kool with him..... although of course people change all the time, some unexpectedly and w/out warning- so I'll keep it safe from now on. But anyway: I was well, kinds worried about Liz meeting him and how he would react. But Liz is chill, and seemingly got a kick out of him. As with most people, she intoned this : Hilts and Jacob are very similar. Scatter brained and LOUD. She's not the first to say that. Gf anyone??

And that as all. I was glad that Liz was not offened by him - he was in good form - and he also didn't offend anyone when we went to get my car parked in my schools lot.

Rest of day = thrifting @ the 65th and Kedzie store. WOW two ass kicking shirts are now mine, and a powerfuly preppy sweater ; I'ma gonna look totally like Kanye in this. I wonder - would Nestor agree w/ my choices??

Late nite delivery of Jacob to El @ 87th and State street. Furitive sleep followed much later - i'm not sleeping well lately.
This pst origially read:

More later, and I'm sorry to say it may be 'till Sunday.)))

20 February, 2008

............/ When I feel Heavy Metal

HA HA, Losers.

It ain't rite, but I hate the Republicans. What - by their policies and actions, you KNOW they hate Americans, so fuck'm. Try it here too.

Can't wait till to-morrow to see what else is happening. She's not bad. I guss he really likes blondes, huh?? I man, allegedly likes blondes. Good riddence to them all - Republicans, not blondes. xcept if they're Ann Coulter. Then again, she's of the virulent strain of that crowd called..... what is it..... National Socialists, or something like that??

Wait, did I say HA HA ?? That lot certainly deserve it.
POSTSCRIPT = Oh, I guess she is not a lover, just a money hound. Still..... nice smile.

Hey there Fuck Face-a

Wicked Memories

19 February, 2008

old foto of snowlo

To morrow in dcs: (And I promise - it's finished) =

Blackee on a gangster tip

you are now

K as Krist




18 February, 2008

Letters from Iwo Jima

Just finished watching it. Was magnificant, of course - I expected it, and was rewarded. Deeply sad, deeply scarey, and with any war film nowadays, I think of the 20 yo's in Iraq and Afghanastan.

That argument where many war films are terrible because they make it seem all glamerous?? This is the type of war film where you do not want to go down to the enlistment office any time soon. Horrible.

No mistakes, either. My hyper critical nature - "Shit, they wouldnt do THAT" wasn't there. No chance.

It really was anice companion piece to "Flags of our Fathers", another very sad show. I think it was Ebert - or Roeper - who pointed out that even though the films are very different, they both have that same vibe - well, I'm not sue I can explain, but they are linked. Then again, it was the same battle, same diredtor, and same-ish secnces.

Excellent, and watch it.

Worlds Intersect - next the beatles will reunite and do an opera about Death Note

To all the Band of Brothers/ Jesusfreaks out there:this is such a great article - and imagine my happiness when I stumbled upon it.

lynk:click rite below

Beloved.1 / I claim Wilde is on my side, but usually it's just Pontius Pilate

In the same sincerity as Johnny Fever saying "As the Lord is my witness, I thought turkeys could fly", I honestly thought that if I stayd over and I gave her THREE HOURS to get ready, it would be enough time for Gf.

So, we raced uncomfortably fast up the Stevenson in a desperate effort to get to The Selfish Giant on time- but we were late. I dropped her off so @ least she could see it en totale, but I was late.

We'd gone to see The Selfish Giant @ the Field Museum. The tix were free - Beloved family of the Gunners had set us up w/ the tix. And the 'play' was great - a huge puppet show run by one guy while a guitar girl folked out the story to all. Very neat, and again - if you have 4-6yo's, it'd be a great deal to take them. I loved the story for 20+ years, and it's always neat to see it in person. Weepy parts.

So - here I am, the selfish giant, because I will amidt that I was vey very mad @ Gf. Selfish me. And I know, I should have let it go. Was that not the theme of the play?? But it took time to do that. We had a full day ahead of us.

After the play we looked @ the exhibits for a bit. We were on a timeline, so we just looked the stuffed birds on displays. Hawks and giant hawks. Passeger pigeons. Etc...

It had rained/sleeted/crazied while we were in the museum - the new weather front had moved in - but we missed the worst of it. What did we not miss? My bad mood and my bad rememberence of where I'd parked the Strasser - I'd ditched it and ran to the museum to try to get to the play on time.

Bless you Gunners and Kat

Beloved.2 / Finally, the Fry

Champions of the fry finally had their day. About a half decade ago was the first and last time I brought up the components of an Irish breakfast - the black pudding, the bacon, sausages, etc. - to a Sunday nite dinner @ the Gallo's. I'd been promising for years - well, promising myself - to bring it up again, all the while wolfing down their good suppers.

"Yeah, yeah"my lazy ass always tries to say, but my lazy ass can't speak - it is just a place for me to sit.

The Faces brought the white pudding, Heinz beans, and potatoes. Gf brought bread and Crunchies. Shipley brought the hen's eggs. And the babies brought the noise (nah- just felt like writing it). Rocky brought some Guiness. Team effort.

Last time - that half decade ago- I brought up the stuff fully prepared to cook it- its the one thing I can cook real well - but Gallo had taken over (don't get me wrong, hat was kool - remember the lazy ass and that...). Gf was lecturing me on 'yd better cook', but from the moment the fry drop happened it was all taken out of my hands. What - are you serious with Gallo, Shipley , and Face in the house? Please. Give me more time to read the Sunday NYTimes- which they get and I do not (I'm a m-f man)

Playing with the kids, reading, kooking, and talking about shit - lots of stuff - and watching them cook. Nice. They obv. love cooking, and it smelled great. Shiply let me sit opposite her husband, which is always welcome. It was all just good. The chicken flavoured potatoes. The bacon. sausages. Black and whites. The beans. Yes, to some eating breakfast for dinner mite seem strange, but to me it's all rite. Note from Monday: I just cooked up extra fry that we didn't use last nite- Last nites three cooks did it better.

Gf, patience and I talked about "Lost". We all have questions. The house. The coffin. Who are the others that make up the "Oceanic Six" Rehashing the "You are everybody/ I'm a Rock'n'Roll Star" connexion. Patience's jetride w/ "Charlie" - seems he's a very outgoing lad. Gallo and I had talked of Winters the Christ-figure in "Band of Brothers" on Friday, and this nite I once reaffirmed my allegience to Jack of Lost - another Christ figure. But is he? So excited about the show now - we all are, it seems, amongst the Lostheads. We kept the faitth through 2 just so shitty seasons, and it seems we are being rewarding. Well, who knows how it will turn out, but........my blood runs warm again.

Again, it's funny. Jesus, Jack, Major Winters. Who I look to for guidence. Well, maybe not Jack. He makes mistakes left and right, and - sudden flash here- what if they end the series - the whole series - with the "We have to go back" scene. So many possibilities.

Rocky came over, but as he is on bigtime daddyduties, he only stayed for a drink and a smoke. I had one of his drinx, but none of his smoxx. What a fuck I am. I have not vivisted him yet - along with Jackson's presidential baby, I haven't seen either of them. And factor in the Twins of LFP - they are what, ten now?? Some frind I am. I bet they all would appreciate a visit from me.

Good time, good food. Lay back in the sun.................

Beloved.3 / "Lord, it is good for us to be here. If thou wilt, let us set up three tents..."

Went to Madonna della Stada, the chapel @ Loyola University, for sunday mass. When I moved to campus in 1987 i went to this late Sundaynite student mass, and immedialely fell in love with it. I am reminded of an old E.R. tv show program from about 5ya, when Kovits (a doctor who was volunterring in Africa @ the time) was taken hostage by bad guys in a Rwanda type situation. I can't remember exactely how it went now, but he was asked if he believed in God, and somehow it got onto the subject of Mass. Kovits said he loved the mass, and he trailed off his explaination by only noting his love of "the singing........" Trailed off, drifted of, that was my favourite ER episode - I was a mild fan for years- of all time. That scence. "The singing....". Should watch that show again.

This late Sunday student mass also has boss singing. Love it. So many of my favourite hyms are from this mass and from St. Rita's Mrs. S. My favourite? "Gather us in". Even the Beatles or Sex Pistols couldn't top the Loyola choirs version. Whenever they had suggestion forms left for us to fill out in the pews, I always mentioned the song.

In many ways, my love of this mass really kept me attending church @ a 93-99% clip for years. But this was the first time in maybe 10y that i've been to it. Attending dinners @ the Gallo's old Rogers Park place in my younger days usually meant I'd leave late, so I got into habit of going to other masses. Then I got so old Sunday nites were tough all over 'cause of the early AM Mondays. I should go more.

It occured to me to run some old memories.

*Being w/ Q and not being afraid to sing the hymns together.

*Seeing Madonna in church when I was w/ Q - and after Madonna had made certain subtle actions my way. (I trid not to look her way).

*The first time ever I went, and when the bread and water were being turned into the Body and Blood of Christ, as was customary @ St. Rita growing up, I took a knee - but NO ONE ELSE DID. Didn't care - that was they way we did it in Mq. Pk, and I'm be damned if I change up on campus.

*Being in the pews w/ Vito once, and it was the gospel. We were listening, but the story was so crazy and took crazy turns that @ a precise moment we looked @ each other and started cracking up. Hey, we were paying attention!!

*That time that Vito, Jamey, Drax (Belgium), and I went to mass but were accosted by a zealot (right when we got in the door) who didn't like the way we......... smelled ......... I took the decisive lead that moment and said simply "Let's go" and lead our little troop in a flanking maneuvre around the chapel................. to another entrance. She was a real jerk. We hadn't done anything except offend this old ladies petty offactalory(sic) senses. All we wanted to do was Praise Jesus.

Well, and oggle the chicks. There was always such a social scence. But, hey, there are many ways to praise Jesus.

And here's another church story, maybe I said before, but I want to cover before I write of last nites mass. In Belcoo, my cousins little village in the Occupied Zone, we went to mass. Like last nites mass, the gospel was the Transfiguration episode.

Two things:

(*)How mad I was while this tiny Irish priest, heavy ass brouge, sent 92% of the sermon talking of "Holy Jesus, and the miraculis jesus, and the glory, and the........" and I kept getting angrier and angrier @ him - GIVE ME FUCKING SOMETHING TO WORK WITH HERE -I DON'T WANT TO HEAR ABOUT THAT SHIT - and he finally relented. The last minute of the sermon told of a story of his youth, and how proud that in his school days the teacher of the class directed students who didn't know how to do a particular thing to the future priest- Basically, just like the cloud fingered jesus, the future priests teacher fingered him. The kicker that got me was his tieing that into the transfiguartion account - where the clouds bark out "This is my Son, with whom I am well pleased" (or the like). The point? Listen to Jesus - he knows best.

(**) There's that line where Jesus says NO to the two disciples who were with him when they wanted to build tents and stay on the mountaintop. Jesus then said "Tell NO one" It made me think, in 1999, that Jesus mite have been saying "Don't make tents here and tell no one what you saw- if that happens, they may try to make some church or religion out of me, and that is not good!!"

Some good Catholic I was. It's in Matthew 17 : 1-9.

But, it's true. Listen to Jesus. He knows. I should, a lot more. I'm a good uncle and librarian, but shit @ EVERYTHING ELSE. No, no, Performnce artist - I'm good at that as well.

Things have changed. To all LU grads, the Jes Res lawn is no more. Seriously. Giant computer building there. And it's all gone. Prince Charles of England once got into trouble in the 80's because he said that modern architecture had done more to destroy English cities than the Nazi bombers in the blitz. Pretty funny. But progress, man. My campus was gone. My beloved campus. I wanted to show Gf where we walked, swam, hunted, danced and sang - but because she didn't care and there was a terrible dearth of remaining landmarks, it was hard. Much like Marquette Park, with it's wondeful 63d street 2-3 three stories starting to be razed (as if the Heikels, Dorniers, and Junkers had started in on us*), one really can't go home again. In this case.

Long ride home. Imagined being Strasser.

No I didn't. But the shout out's just the same.

btw = "Beloved", as mentioned by Father Jerry, was mentioned twice in the three readings this Sunday. That's why. With all of the change on campus, it was great to hear him sing -wait, yr not james joyce hilts, stop stealing from Stephen Hero - I mean celebrate - the Mass. Made a point of recieving The Body Of Christ from him. Old times sake. Fr. Jery's sermon on the Transfiguration?

' Remember, we are not always on the mountain, where we want to be to pitch our tents and stay - there are also vallies. When we are in the valleys - that is when we should hear the clouds voice saying "Listen to (Jesus)". '

Beautifully sung, by one of my two favourite priests. Father Jerry of St. Rita, Fr. Jerry of Loyola. Christlike both.
*=glory be any twist in a story that lts me list off that shit.

Beloved.4 : Le Chagrin et la pitié / Keegans

To Keegans @ Midnite -not Lanigans, cause there is always too many people I knew there and I had too much work to do. The work involves French and German speakers, and the approximation of those languages. It involves two differnet loud bawdy scences of talking and interjecting and laughing - once in French, once in German - @ dinner tables. It involves a downtown walk w/ 'Face as we chat into the camera-on-a-roller in front of us. And Face @ Rainbo or some like.

It involves asking people to do for me (oh,wait, I do that all the time). It involves rejecting italian and Irish. It makes me nervous, but ............. well........... wherever two of you gather in my name........

But above all, it involves Hilts.
But above all, it invloves you.

So, I got a plan, it'll be just 3-4-5m before the joke sours, and finally - when I asked Rocky last nite if Lucia speaks Italian (course I know she does) and got the unexpected response that she also speaks German ((all those operas in Austria she did - some people)) - it was -ok, lets go.

So far, and I know I'm being shy, but you will be approached:
The Shipley's ensemble.
The Patience's ensemble
The di Lammermores ensemble
The Homes ensemble

God did I want to say it last nite, but I wanted something down on paper before I decided to 'go code' it. More will be added, and I promise, my parts will be the hardest. But all of our parts will be stupid and absurd. Et dans blanc et noir.

Roll up for the saturday tour !!

Gfs bro is offa work 'cause'a some eye injury. Spends lotsa time @ home. Gf and I visited this saturday, and it was a lotta fun. he lives up on Belmont and Harlem, and although the area is a lot newer than, say, Marquette Park, @ least it wasn't total suburban type (It's in the city proper, but on the edge.)

I had a 2-1 for a great and packed Italian resturaunt called Caponies. I loved it, and almost finished my plate @ first go. Funny - Italian place, but all accents of the workers were Polish. The area.

Then we went a borders. Secret me wish scout books on Jesus. First books I visited though?? The manga, and the Deathnotes. Still I'm caught waiting on some kids to return #'s 8 and #9 - but i read a few pages into #8. I'm sure the kids lost that book (my library's copy), so I'll have to read it in a Borders...... and soon. And yes, the reason I haven't swooned over it lately is I haven't been able to track down the errent copies.

Back to her bros house after a stop at a (another Polish staffed) cafe for a cafe. We were gonna go home, but we stayed to watch this weeks "Lost" on tape. People seem to like this year. I knew it was a good idea to have the flash forwards.

17 February, 2008

16 February, 2008

Roll up fa da missta ree terr

William Randolph Heurst, Crankface, Gallo, Hilts, Bonniax, Book'm and wife can vouch =
that 'one man' is Hilts
Here, finally, is the lynk to the NPR show that interviewed us from the Darger/ Muggshotz shows from last month. It's the "our buddy..." line link above that will get you there. We were inteviewed live, but as I am @ Gf's and have no speakers to listen, I have to wait to hear. W.R.H. said a bit-o- mine only made the cut on air - funny, 'cause everyone else interviewed better.
All hail William Randolph Heurst k

Acting Out

Got into the printers row place @ 4.47p - 2m off schedule, but joyous to both 'face and 'ilts. 'atience ? 'ick 'rom 'ood 'oisoning - and the next morning it would be my turn to be sick in the stomach: but that was from the drink.

Cabbed it to Water Tower area to 'et 'allo. He was lawyerly taking notes while they were fresh in
his mind. We went to some swanky hotel bar - The Peninsula, I'm sure that's the name. Again, gorgeous set up, plush seats we sat, plush drinx we drank, and plush burgers they ate. So Plush I was lookin' fer Liam, but he was probably in the studio knobbling it up.

I drank what was unquestionably the most expensive drinx I have ever had. Both the Glimmer Twins were cognizant of my cheapness, but it was no problem. I'm pretty cheap, but not always - just think about how much of my $ has gone up in smoke, y'know? I settled on a "Strawberry Fields", and had 2 / $11 each. WOW!! But they were tasty as hell. Amittidly I was worried that I couldn't taste the alcohol, but my guess is is that this was one of those drinx that hides it well.

We talked on a wide range of topix, as always. Blackie, and visiting him is many diff. guises. Gallo's St. Valentines Day massacre in Korea Town. I prattled on about Jesus and the early gospels. Lent. I totally came out and asked Crankface - well, ran it by him - well, actually just brought it up while my hands were over my face as I was addressing him and , oh, wondering if I could do a real interview on Security Out! about the dissolution of the Trust. I really didn't ask, and tell you the truth would be scared to do the interview, but @ least I brought it up. Gallo and I ganged up on Crankface to try to force him to watch Band of Brothers, and we talked a lot about it (and, on second thought, Gallo - I'm now sure you are correct and that I did see the Spiers moment @ yr crib - #6 is the one I'm now pretty sure I missed that half decade ago). And of course, as always w/ these two fuxx, they started to talk of - not 20th century furniture design, but some other pretentious subject. However, they are NOT pretentious - they were talking in earnest by themselves and simply put they like that shit. Wasn't the furniture this time - was it some designer? Talked on the spliffy- err, spiffy -jacket and shoes de Crankface. NICE shit. gallo was in his barrister best - it was I who looked like a fucking slob.

However, looking like a slob REALLY served me well later. And that's the part where we stop for the day.

However, the art exihibit we went to was outstanding, for many reasons. I liked it because I acted out, and i acted out deliciously. Those who I grew up with can remember my wilde Wilde days, when most have not seen in in my 'element'. Well, I returned to the 15 yo Hilts fer a bit, and it really went down well. I was feeling .

Tune in whenever for the continuation of the story.

Delicious turns this story takes.
Part the second.

So, we walked to the exhibit in Lewis Tower, one of the LU buildings. We were on The List, always a kool deal. Face, Crank? On the list. O, Gall? Listed. Hilts, Virgil? Carry on. Hooked up w/ the Hamms - Daddy, Mummy, and baby boy. Hamm werkes @ teh school, and it was he who got us in.

The exhibit? Andy Warhols famous "Silver Clouds" mylar ballons exhibit from the 60's (and done since) was one part of the piece, but it seemed second to the around-the-Factory fotographer Nat Finkelstein's displays. There were also some Warhol prints - though my copains didn't think too much of it.

There were also fonts of campaign and wine and whatever - but free campaign, which is like pop to me, was hard to say no to. So I kept topping my flute from the very nice ladies who were in charge of that. They liked us. It was also nice to ditch my coat on a rack -freedom of action.


The mylar balloons. Fun stuff. Billowing silver clouds fanned and tossed about the space as distinct parties of people became apparent. I'll mention only two sets - the silvery dressed students, most who were kool but some were very obv. Bush/Reagan/Hitler supporters, and the children. The kids - one was Hammson and the other was ME - took obvious delight in turning the balloons about the space. I punted some, used others to mixx the ones caught up in the ceiling so that they didn't congregate, tossed others, 'rode' others, and even did my best Soljesker '99 header impersonation. At a certain point, some deiter type Ran over and said "Easy, easy easy...". That was kool - almost certainly I was being too active, and in toal good faith I immediatly slowed my pace. I was sincere, and also very "yes sir... yes sir...oh, of course sir."* In no way did I want to break anything o get anyone in trouble. Wassn't a big deal.

A kool moment happened when we actually got to talk to Mr. Finkelstein. He was sitting in a corner chair in one of the parts of the gallery that featured his snaps. Incredible shots of Warhol, Dylan, etc etc etc and the Factory. Righteous. Gallo took the lead, but I was totally interested in our conversations. Chicago '68, Vietnam, etc. Mr. Finkelstein had the view that Chicago '68 was not the place for him to be - he relayed the story about training the hippys in 'kung fu' to go up against the Cops. He wasn't anywhere down with that. It was real kool talking w/ him. But there came a time when three gorgeous gallery goers walked up to to have their talk w/ Mr. Finkelstein - Gallo had the immortal frase (parafrased here, though) when we spotted these model looking types walk up "All rite, we know when we're beaten" and we made way. More on that corner later.

We mixed, enjoyed, talked, appreciated, etc.... Eventually, I got back to the balloons, and was having fun, and being very mindful to be mindful in the gallery. Then an Astor @ 106 type walked up and crabbed something @ me - and believe me, I had been very chill this time - and it was very ..."What?.....Huh?" from me. So, whatever, I got away from that plague, but feeling free, I took off my button down shirt, revealing a turned inside out raggy T- shirt. Now understand - I'm rocking the full beard these days and a month past proper haircut time, so already I looked like a slob. So, to mock the dressed up Astor types who probably should have the 17 flutes that had been stuffed up thier asses, I decided this was my peaceful protest.

Time went on, it was great, and we wanted to get back to Mr. Finkelstein. There was a question that I wanted answered: "So, the Beatles and the Stones. Did ya ever, and what were they like??". I really wanted to know. I kept looking over to his corner, but there were always fans there talking to him. Finally opened up the space, and I walked over to talk of Mick and Paul when there formed a cordon about him and the cordon (almost) shouted @ me "NO MORE - YOU CAN'T TALK TO HIM !!!" . I'm not sure if if was because they didn't like my style of dress .............. or, well, because he was an older man and maybe he was just zonked from the activities - a very real possibility - but it was just so deflating. Wasn't this a Warhol exhibit ??

So, and here's where I became very self proud, I decided to do a Matthew Macconaughy and take off my shitty t shirt. Just an instant reaction, nothing planned or whatever. The thought went through my head "Illegal?", but I realized that I wasn't in a store etc.... That's the freedom I was talking about earlier - there was no violence, loudness, scoffing, etc - just my pecs** and the denial of old women’s petty morals to run my time of enjoyment. Yeah, yeah, I know, acting out, but hey - wouldn't've Andy (Warhol) wanted half naked guys walking about his art pieces?

It was a hit. There weren't too many old men there - but that wasn't the important thing. It as a hit w/ me. I like.

Obv. it rocked the Glimmer Twins, and the Hamms were kool with it. All Artists. The Champaign server girls from earlier who I said were kool - their eyes were wide smiles when I went for more of the pink. Some of the silverclad college girls were down w/ it too- they posed for pictures w/ me ((and swear to God, whenever crankface gete thse pics up -they are fone shots - I WILL SEND THEM TO THE "HOT CHICKS W/ DOUCHBAGS" site. Have to. )) I realized that lots of people there artists and kool. And when one of the 12 y.o college girls/ gallery workers told me "All right , that's enough", we had taken enough pictures and the joke had run its course - I was saited. So, one last 'protest' -put my button down on backwards and turban my t-shirt sur me tete.

I'm just hoping that the official fotographer, who was hard @ work throughout the day, got some snaps. If he didn't?

They lost.

We wait for Cankpixx. We still wait for Crankpixx.

Time to split- Crankface go home. Gallo and I stop @ yet another hotel bar , and then we went to yet another. Carzy places, carzy views, and eventually crazy stomach - th last drinx we both had were $2.50 7 ups. (sorry....Bloom). It's funny - I hang out usually @ dank rocker places like Rainbo or Irish bars like Keegans or Lanigans - these places are beyond exotic to me. Another world.

We ended the nite by me 'piloting' the bmw to one of the Pasadita's on Ashland nera division. We ate @ the Southernmost one on the West side of Ashland - for those who need to know - and I had a great plate of quesadillas and beans and rice. Fuckin' allrite !!

Gallo Evaston bound by now, I changed plans immedialty/slightly and instead of going into the subway @ Division I hopped the Ashland bus that was these to take me to the Midway El stop of Ashland- where I could take it back to the Strasser. Fun = when we crossed Madison Avenue, it was the Spice Girls concert crowd flooding the streets and surrounding the bus. Since Gf and Neices .1, .2, and .3 were all there, I took notice of the good spirits of the flocking of Spice Fans and hoped all of my beloveds had had a great show.

Pulaski home. Talk to Gf.

Womb? Weary?
He rests. He has travelled.
*=I can be very good @ that. Although I'm very good @ adding colours to the chameleon when I want, here I was sincere.
**= yeah - but what about a guys?

A taste of last nite

15 February, 2008


Of very real concern, and growing all the time, is this spate of killings on campus. I have a degree from the wonderful school of Northern Illinois University, and yesterday there were mad killing there. I hate that kids can't go to the most wonderous thing ever invented (the university) w/out fear.

What's even worse is that I have three kids in college rite now- (Nephew.1, and Neices .1 and .2)and next year another (Nephew.2). I know most reading this have no one in college, but of the greatest and most closest things in the world are the Kids, and they are in this fucking stupid ass firing line. I have always worried deeply over the safety of the Kids - I covered this long ago in a post, about the 'security' we have always followed when they were tots- and it's even worse now that these fuxx are doing this.

Worry all the time. Especially nowadays.

Satisfaction Guarenteed

Was NOT happy going into school today. Last few days, despite childrens reactions in the theatre and Gf's reaction to my love for her.

Drive in, and the thought of the kids and that I owed them the "happy me" - and yes, that is a part of my thinking process, and too bad to those who object - got me out of the funk for several seconds..... and then rite back.

Radio started to pump out "The Magical Mystery Tour", and thoughts of Paul's overriding influence during those days (not a good thing, in very many way, although - I remain a Paul fan) coincided with the flite of a family- but not a murder - of crows across my path on Pulaski had me happy again - for a bit. I took it not as a SIGN, but as a coincidental sign to do my part and get it done.

Then I got in, was nice to people, and eventually it all soured out of me ok. I'm in a good mood, ready to roll up.

Roll up

Lucked out and lucked out bigtime. Free tix from a Crankquaintince. Crankface and Gallo are waiting, and for fucks sake if I didn't fookin' forget my fucking camera.

Fer fucks sake.