love sleeping, but these last few days have me waking way early. Summer is over, school starts again. Although years past has always fagged me out the last few days of summer - not so much this year. Years of being babyboy and wanting to sleep has graduated into the more adult "Wait, I'm a teacher in Chicago AND I STILL HAVE A JOB?!?!?!?!". SO glad, as the sdult im pretending to be is, that I have to wake up way early and deal w.consecutive classes w. weeping children (wait - last years big weeper - lets she if she's crying yet) and guzzled eightgraders.
BUT - first class in, and I had to stop class and tell the kids "Let me look around @ your faces - i'm really happy to see you all again". True - I spent a minute just looking into each kids face and realizing that althought teaching in he city has gotta be the hardest job in the world (outside of those guys who work in cattlekill plants - horrors...) I was overwhelmed by being back with them and totally appreciating them- our shared world, which only we .... well, share.