29 November, 2009

Thanx for the kids deux.
From 1998 - boy, they were fucking young - Ive taken the kids to Fire games whenever they want/can. Two now go all the time - Neice.1 and Nephew.2 - and are as tied to the team as much as I am. I dont even take them anymore - I pay for their tix, but generally they go w. frenz and stand in the Harlem Stand. I had been going w. Gf until she checked out of Fire games before checking out of the relationship, but now generally go by self, or maybe take Mayo or Chipa - this coming season Ill be able to take some of my schools kids to games.
However, they have made frenz w. the general Section 8 leadership and have hosted a pickup soccer game w. fire fans for the last three years every Thanksgiving Friday. They contacted the St. Christiana people to get permission to play on their field and spread the word out to to Fire fans. Always a good showup - it was 13 on 13 on Friday. Lovely footabll weather.
Im terrible. Shot shape. Skills rusty since not seriously played since 2000. Hazy head. Better players. Had a nice play or two, but mainly stunk. But played and enjoyed. Plans - smae as last year - are to expand it to a 7-7 tourneyment or so. They should try it, tho' headaches in organization.
Ive written it before, but they also got a tiny piece in wikipedia. Section 8 is made up odf various suports groups, and they started The South Side Scoundrels. lovely name, I know - funny to me would have been a name reminisent of the 1970's leftest groups from Europe (around this time I'd watch "On the Run", part of the trilogy of films by ..... well, whoever it was.), but they got us into wiki. check it out- there are some famous groups involved - Barn burners 1871, Fire Ultras '98, Ultras Red-Side, Mike Ditka Street Crew, Whiskey Brothers Aught Five, Sector Latino - but we are there as well.
However, they have made frenz w. the general Section 8 leadership and have hosted a pickup soccer game w. fire fans for the last three years every Thanksgiving Friday. They contacted the St. Christiana people to get permission to play on their field and spread the word out to to Fire fans. Always a good showup - it was 13 on 13 on Friday. Lovely footabll weather.
Im terrible. Shot shape. Skills rusty since not seriously played since 2000. Hazy head. Better players. Had a nice play or two, but mainly stunk. But played and enjoyed. Plans - smae as last year - are to expand it to a 7-7 tourneyment or so. They should try it, tho' headaches in organization.
Ive written it before, but they also got a tiny piece in wikipedia. Section 8 is made up odf various suports groups, and they started The South Side Scoundrels. lovely name, I know - funny to me would have been a name reminisent of the 1970's leftest groups from Europe (around this time I'd watch "On the Run", part of the trilogy of films by ..... well, whoever it was.), but they got us into wiki. check it out- there are some famous groups involved - Barn burners 1871, Fire Ultras '98, Ultras Red-Side, Mike Ditka Street Crew, Whiskey Brothers Aught Five, Sector Latino - but we are there as well.
Thanx for the kids
Many don't like holidays, but I really like them. It's the kids - still kids, tho some be 23+. We have the three kidded families come over in echelon. They have the other side of the family to go to first, but then come here. So, we three and Sister.1's family came over to eat the dinner proper, then the other two families make their way over.
And dinner was good. I had absolutely nothing to do cooking wise - mark me as a hopeless deficiency and yes I feel guilt - but this day I was hopeless.
The kids get along well. Two families have basically grown up to-gether - not the same neighbourhood or grammer school, but they spent a lot of time in this house vivisting or being babysat, and they all went to the same HS to-gether. As we speak, the last generation is going through this HS - Neice.3 is a senior, and her cousin Neice.4 is a freshman. Four have preceed them, also overlapping @ times. So, they all hav hs in common. But there are divisions.
The grand division is between the first five and the last three. There was a lull in the kids coming of about 5-6 years. the first group are all close. But when the next three came, they very assuradly were "kids" or "babies" to the first five. However, soon enough, the youngest of the first five (Neice.3) started to also play w. the younger three. She had a lot of youth still in her. So, it was always knda funny looking for th younger ones and find Neice.3 w. them playing school or house or office or whatever. I think that Neice.3 really liked to play the older person part w. the wee three - she being the baby of the first five.
And now n.3 and n.4 are in HS to-gther. N.4 is a bit of a shy kid, always very young to us - we prized her and the other young2 these last few years because we missed the lost youngness of the first five. She was always rank#1 frenz w. n.5 - they being closest in age and fun play partners - lots of sleepovers, etc... But now I wonder - really wonder - as n.4 is growing up, will she leave n.5 behind as she assumes more and more of , um, growing up? N.4 is still a kid to mst of us, and n.5 is a total kid so far. But N.3 and.4, since they go to school together (drive in morning, etc), suddenly are to-gether all the time. It used to be that when I came up w. a plan to take the 2 younger kids out they would be a team. (This still lives - I want to take the kids to the latest House Threater production, and yesterday asked parents of n.5 - the hardest to coordinate - and she said 'if n.4 goes .... " - but I am also going to ask N.3 if she wants to go). But, again, the team of n.3 and n.4 are also strong - often I like to get a pizza or some fare from a resturaunt etc so that Mom has some thing different to eat - I always call these two to see if they want to come over. They do. Then again, two of the others are in Charleston Il., another in rogers Park, one in the West subarbs, and finally nephew.1 - very elusive and the first to start his own life. So, when we need the deep love of the kids in our life, we can especially call up n.3 and.4 for a quick injection of life.
There are many great things I have. The deep satisfaction of having watched these eight grow has to be the toppermost. We have our problems, but luckily even more strongly we have our kids. I will never have kids - too old and too immature - so they, and eventually their kids, is all I will have.
As a post script, the 'family H.S.' (Not St. Rita, thats MY hs) played in the State 8A football championship game in Champaign yesterday. Six of the eight kids and two parent units went to the game. I watched on tv.
And dinner was good. I had absolutely nothing to do cooking wise - mark me as a hopeless deficiency and yes I feel guilt - but this day I was hopeless.
The kids get along well. Two families have basically grown up to-gether - not the same neighbourhood or grammer school, but they spent a lot of time in this house vivisting or being babysat, and they all went to the same HS to-gether. As we speak, the last generation is going through this HS - Neice.3 is a senior, and her cousin Neice.4 is a freshman. Four have preceed them, also overlapping @ times. So, they all hav hs in common. But there are divisions.
The grand division is between the first five and the last three. There was a lull in the kids coming of about 5-6 years. the first group are all close. But when the next three came, they very assuradly were "kids" or "babies" to the first five. However, soon enough, the youngest of the first five (Neice.3) started to also play w. the younger three. She had a lot of youth still in her. So, it was always knda funny looking for th younger ones and find Neice.3 w. them playing school or house or office or whatever. I think that Neice.3 really liked to play the older person part w. the wee three - she being the baby of the first five.
And now n.3 and n.4 are in HS to-gther. N.4 is a bit of a shy kid, always very young to us - we prized her and the other young2 these last few years because we missed the lost youngness of the first five. She was always rank#1 frenz w. n.5 - they being closest in age and fun play partners - lots of sleepovers, etc... But now I wonder - really wonder - as n.4 is growing up, will she leave n.5 behind as she assumes more and more of , um, growing up? N.4 is still a kid to mst of us, and n.5 is a total kid so far. But N.3 and.4, since they go to school together (drive in morning, etc), suddenly are to-gether all the time. It used to be that when I came up w. a plan to take the 2 younger kids out they would be a team. (This still lives - I want to take the kids to the latest House Threater production, and yesterday asked parents of n.5 - the hardest to coordinate - and she said 'if n.4 goes .... " - but I am also going to ask N.3 if she wants to go). But, again, the team of n.3 and n.4 are also strong - often I like to get a pizza or some fare from a resturaunt etc so that Mom has some thing different to eat - I always call these two to see if they want to come over. They do. Then again, two of the others are in Charleston Il., another in rogers Park, one in the West subarbs, and finally nephew.1 - very elusive and the first to start his own life. So, when we need the deep love of the kids in our life, we can especially call up n.3 and.4 for a quick injection of life.
There are many great things I have. The deep satisfaction of having watched these eight grow has to be the toppermost. We have our problems, but luckily even more strongly we have our kids. I will never have kids - too old and too immature - so they, and eventually their kids, is all I will have.
As a post script, the 'family H.S.' (Not St. Rita, thats MY hs) played in the State 8A football championship game in Champaign yesterday. Six of the eight kids and two parent units went to the game. I watched on tv.
28 November, 2009
Keith Oberman indicates my friend is going to to Hell / thanx to BCD

She is a tea bagger type - wait, she the Archtype Tea bagger (if i used that term corectly, that is)- or what keith likes to call them "...manipulated tool(s) of big business and fear mongering and shapeless hopeless greed and selfishness..."
So, my friend "...manipulated tool(s) of big business and fear mongering and shapeless hopeless greed and selfishness..." (yes, i know her name is out there, but the term is too good) loves that whole tea bagger thing. She has quite the reputation - and her political statements are as thoughtless and clueless as the ones on Oberman. We were frenz on Facebook, but since I would always call her on her ranting corporate talking point political shit - the responses would sometimes go 40 back and forths - she 'unfriended me' Strictly for the political stuff - we are not enemies and will hang out again no problem, since I know many w. strange, Martian, Anti- American political views and I am a man of lite touch. But since her facebook comments would be rad by all the people on her facebook list, she couldnt have any sorta facts or morality to be shown to the other tea baggers. My guess is that a lot of thestuff I'd be putting in wouldnt have been seen by the other tea baggers and she didnt want to let them see it.
Her political views are, of course, whatever the latest corporate talking point is. It was always kinda kool when i talked to her since i would be getting the absolute latest corporate talking points. Her political views, of couse, are worthless -she gets to say them, of course, but any educated person or person of goodwill will reject them completely. But even people from the other, less gifted side, also have their problems w. her. They have actually set up a web site about her: http://catherinawojtowicz.com/
Here's some news about her. Here's a newspaper report of the event. Here's another blogger report on the event.
But here's Oberman:
Here's Ed Shultz:
And here's the bottom line .
Just extremely funny to have a frind make national news - even if she embarrisingly comes off looking like a deeply antiamerican corporate boob. But trust me: off of the political stuff, she's an ok kid. Remember, I know her outside of the political stuff, so i know.
25 November, 2009
height, weight, experience
First time since spring 1995, I was involved in a staff-student basketball game. Heh - thinking im athletic! It was a 48m long game- but no tv timeouts, so it didn't last 2.5h. We won. In reality, we could have killed them - but the final score wasn't that much. However, we weren't tested at all in the fourth quarter.
How was I? I was THE 12th man, as my 11 teammates towered over me in ... well, height, weight, experience. I played some minutes - maybe 10-12m overall - and scored no points. 0-2 in free throws, and maybe 0-3 from the floor. 1 board. But it was fun. Plus She was there, watching.
The teachers really took it pretty seriously. Lots of talk of aching bones and all that - but we were determined to win. The kids @ our school are so out-there in their behaviour, I think all of the staff had no need to hear the kids yabbering the rest of the school year if they had won. In 1996 when we played the kids, the teachers won that game as well - but it took three teacher free throws w. time expired to SEND THE GAME INTO OT. This time it wasn't that stressful.
And it is very important, I feel, for both kids and staff: it's always nice to have the kids in non classroom situations interacting w. responsible adults. We'd gone to the circus last week, and some of the teachers have aken kids to various functions. I'd like to take some of the kids to different places - there are deals for Bulls tix and I was thinking of taking a few - plus Sox season is coming up. Always a good deal to get the kids experiencing stuff they normally do not get to (Very very poor kids @ this school - we probably got the poorest and most disadvantaged kids in the city). It'll happen.
Speaking of 1996, I wore my 1996 Playoff Pippens - those awful Nikes w. the giant "AIR" on the side of them. "Playoff" because they are black, as opposed to the white regular season versions. And no, I am not a show guy, but .... They are probably my favourite sneakers of all time - and they are finally really starting to wear. Only sometimes do I wear. Garish beyond belief, yes I know, but: tho they black, they seem florescent.
And a nice day. We have uh, real specal kids. Our school is unique in the city. These days the kids go really nuts (we have 2-3 fights a day - and we have only 55 kids!!), so the school amps in down for the day before the holiday. SO, we had some chill classtime in the AM, then the game began @ 10.30, then lunch, then chiil time. Its a special school filled w. special kids. And man, they can go wilde. Just so much today, thank Jesus.
How was I? I was THE 12th man, as my 11 teammates towered over me in ... well, height, weight, experience. I played some minutes - maybe 10-12m overall - and scored no points. 0-2 in free throws, and maybe 0-3 from the floor. 1 board. But it was fun. Plus She was there, watching.
The teachers really took it pretty seriously. Lots of talk of aching bones and all that - but we were determined to win. The kids @ our school are so out-there in their behaviour, I think all of the staff had no need to hear the kids yabbering the rest of the school year if they had won. In 1996 when we played the kids, the teachers won that game as well - but it took three teacher free throws w. time expired to SEND THE GAME INTO OT. This time it wasn't that stressful.
And it is very important, I feel, for both kids and staff: it's always nice to have the kids in non classroom situations interacting w. responsible adults. We'd gone to the circus last week, and some of the teachers have aken kids to various functions. I'd like to take some of the kids to different places - there are deals for Bulls tix and I was thinking of taking a few - plus Sox season is coming up. Always a good deal to get the kids experiencing stuff they normally do not get to (Very very poor kids @ this school - we probably got the poorest and most disadvantaged kids in the city). It'll happen.
Speaking of 1996, I wore my 1996 Playoff Pippens - those awful Nikes w. the giant "AIR" on the side of them. "Playoff" because they are black, as opposed to the white regular season versions. And no, I am not a show guy, but .... They are probably my favourite sneakers of all time - and they are finally really starting to wear. Only sometimes do I wear. Garish beyond belief, yes I know, but: tho they black, they seem florescent.
And a nice day. We have uh, real specal kids. Our school is unique in the city. These days the kids go really nuts (we have 2-3 fights a day - and we have only 55 kids!!), so the school amps in down for the day before the holiday. SO, we had some chill classtime in the AM, then the game began @ 10.30, then lunch, then chiil time. Its a special school filled w. special kids. And man, they can go wilde. Just so much today, thank Jesus.
23 November, 2009
Hung w. out w. Jacob on Saturday nite and Sunday. Collected him from 95th El Saturday nite, and we jangled away parts f the nite. Went to Keegans for a couple - I had three and felt ok. Nice nite. We didnt have any giant religions point-counterpoints. The most amusing religious thing to comeout of the nite was that Jacob told me that Der Feurher (the real crazy religious guy who had a decade long dominance over jacob's mind) was insisting that the end of times is coming and that (here's the funny part) that both jacob and he have to be "the sixth and seventh candlestick" in some end of time scenario or other. That was a brand new one. At least jacob cab laugh @ the absurdity of it all - well, maybe 97% of it for Jacob.
We tried to go to Lannies first - totally packed as some band was playing. Lannies has lost a lot of customers since that November Saturday in 2002 when I fist set foot in - but not to-nite. It was first choice - but , again, not to-nite.
Horribly had to wake @ 7am for the dog needling, then slept till 11 or so. Needed sleep, as Friday nite Me resembled Hamburg in late July 1943. Still not goodslept - but who aint?
He hung out all of Sunday. We had doggiewalksinthepark early, the battle drive to Russia waters midday, a 5pm walk to mass, excellent Fox's pizza, and then Bears /MLS championship on the telly/pc.
Horribly had to wake @ 7am for the dog needling, then slept till 11 or so. Needed sleep, as Friday nite Me resembled Hamburg in late July 1943. Still not goodslept - but who aint?
He hung out all of Sunday. We had doggiewalksinthepark early, the battle drive to Russia waters midday, a 5pm walk to mass, excellent Fox's pizza, and then Bears /MLS championship on the telly/pc.
19 November, 2009
J and B in action Wednesdaynite
The Castle:The breakup of J&B and Benky's new box/ Trivia championship update
writen by Stix
names edited by Hilts
When I arrived at the Castle at 6:40, Bill's friend Mike and I made the total headcount in the bar SIX. When Benky arrived, he made the executive decision to have all trivia participants play on their own. With eleven teams, the pot was $40 first and $15 second.
J&Bs teams were Mindworm-Hilts, C&L-Chemical man, MG-Mike Trivia and Art's Music.
1st half: Current TV/ Birth/ The top 50 MLB career batting averages of all time
1) Bruce Willis' birth
2) Talk show host whose show replaced MadTV on Sat nights
3) The 2 current batters on the list, one AL/ one NL with minimum of 9 years history who appear in the top 50.
2nd half: Pro Athletes on TV shows/ VH1 top 50 of the 80s/ NFL 2009
1) Cartoon show Pro Stars had 3 famous athletes animated, 2 black 1 white representing the major sports (fantastic answer by Mike)
2) Sang Everybody Have Fun Tonight
3) Sang 867-5309/Jenny
4) LaDanian Tomlinson played inspired football. What event did he credit as his inspiration?
5) NFL athlete who appeared in a regular role on Saved By The Bell
We found out at haftime that Benky's 12 year old car started smoking around 183rd and Cicero, he pulled over, and was immediately consumed in FLAMES! He borrowed the GFs car (and brought with him a new, taller, box).
Mindworm broke to an early lead and held it til the final Q. Art's Music through the combined strategy of losing a 180pt throw challenge to C&L in order to score the 200 point music question shown above, and saving a throw for a 200 point Benky's personal life pro athlete on TV...was in 2nd. MG in 3rd, C&L 4th, J&B hold 4 of top 5 spots.
Final Q--PLayboy Dec 2009, 90s movies, 80's world seriesJ&Bers picked movies except the Mindworm who went baseball
1) the 2 stars with top billing in The Matrix
2) the name of the director of and the name of the main star of Groundhog Day
3) Famous actor who directed the movie Quiz Show
1) only team with 2 WS wins in the 80s
2) only team to appear 3 times in the 80s
3) 3 teams went exactly 1 win/1 loss in the 80s, name TWO
I didn't write down all the Playboy
***CHAMPIONSHIP at Salerno's January 2, 2010 at 7:30pm *** I put down $50, total will be $130 if we do 8 players. Tentative roster: Stix, Nitenurse, Miketrivia, Hilts..... ANSWERS ???
writen by Stix
names edited by Hilts
When I arrived at the Castle at 6:40, Bill's friend Mike and I made the total headcount in the bar SIX. When Benky arrived, he made the executive decision to have all trivia participants play on their own. With eleven teams, the pot was $40 first and $15 second.
J&Bs teams were Mindworm-Hilts, C&L-Chemical man, MG-Mike Trivia and Art's Music.
1st half: Current TV/ Birth/ The top 50 MLB career batting averages of all time
1) Bruce Willis' birth
2) Talk show host whose show replaced MadTV on Sat nights
3) The 2 current batters on the list, one AL/ one NL with minimum of 9 years history who appear in the top 50.
2nd half: Pro Athletes on TV shows/ VH1 top 50 of the 80s/ NFL 2009
1) Cartoon show Pro Stars had 3 famous athletes animated, 2 black 1 white representing the major sports (fantastic answer by Mike)
2) Sang Everybody Have Fun Tonight
3) Sang 867-5309/Jenny
4) LaDanian Tomlinson played inspired football. What event did he credit as his inspiration?
5) NFL athlete who appeared in a regular role on Saved By The Bell
We found out at haftime that Benky's 12 year old car started smoking around 183rd and Cicero, he pulled over, and was immediately consumed in FLAMES! He borrowed the GFs car (and brought with him a new, taller, box).
Mindworm broke to an early lead and held it til the final Q. Art's Music through the combined strategy of losing a 180pt throw challenge to C&L in order to score the 200 point music question shown above, and saving a throw for a 200 point Benky's personal life pro athlete on TV...was in 2nd. MG in 3rd, C&L 4th, J&B hold 4 of top 5 spots.
Final Q--PLayboy Dec 2009, 90s movies, 80's world seriesJ&Bers picked movies except the Mindworm who went baseball
1) the 2 stars with top billing in The Matrix
2) the name of the director of and the name of the main star of Groundhog Day
3) Famous actor who directed the movie Quiz Show
1) only team with 2 WS wins in the 80s
2) only team to appear 3 times in the 80s
3) 3 teams went exactly 1 win/1 loss in the 80s, name TWO
I didn't write down all the Playboy
***CHAMPIONSHIP at Salerno's January 2, 2010 at 7:30pm *** I put down $50, total will be $130 if we do 8 players. Tentative roster: Stix, Nitenurse, Miketrivia, Hilts..... ANSWERS ???
18 November, 2009
Day 1 of his new life
So, Bolo now has to be on a specfic spaced diet, stabbed twice daily, and have unique new pills on his docket 3x daily. But, he lives. We are happy.
For the rest of his life, we have to introduce a whole new way of eating for him. So, indstead of shoveling food again and again and again @ him all day - we now have to feed him but twice - and a strict small amount. Since he'd been on steroids for years - and they add mightly to his appetite - he has been over weigth for ever. To feed him but twice - a very difficult thiung. After we finally got started on his program yesterday, he starved till 6.60p - and then he ate his meal. But didnt you know it - both Sister and Mom both ewanted to feed the fucker more - after we had planned to kill him the day before. They felt guilty, but I will make sure the vet tells them how dangerous it is so they will stop it.
Stabbing him isnt the bad thing - its waking up, making sure he just ate, and then waiting 10m. I have to get up @ 7am every day now. 7 am every day. Not too bad, but it can be frustrating when he takes foreve to eat his breakfast - we must wait the 10m or so. So, seeding his feed w. a little bread (i shouldnt) in the AM leads to a hungry dog. Then wait and stab.
His new pills are to replace the steriods he is on. We are weaning him off as we speak - and are worried about his allergies taking ahold as we speak. What he got every day he now gets every two - and then next week every three days. AFter that .... nada. So, we are worried that the reasons for the sterods originally - his scratching - will come back. However, he has been pretty good so far - and there is the hope that he will outgrow them.
LAst little nugget - his piss. For the next 2-3 weeks, the vet wants us to get a sample of his urine twice a day and test it w. a little strip of paper to see if the dangerous levels of "Key____" (?) have returned. I must amidt that standing in the rain in the backyard @ 7am got old fast - and I skipped this part od the dogs recovery.
The maddening need to see the dog continues. He has responded to us all so far, and knows he is being worried over. Which is good.
For the rest of his life, we have to introduce a whole new way of eating for him. So, indstead of shoveling food again and again and again @ him all day - we now have to feed him but twice - and a strict small amount. Since he'd been on steroids for years - and they add mightly to his appetite - he has been over weigth for ever. To feed him but twice - a very difficult thiung. After we finally got started on his program yesterday, he starved till 6.60p - and then he ate his meal. But didnt you know it - both Sister and Mom both ewanted to feed the fucker more - after we had planned to kill him the day before. They felt guilty, but I will make sure the vet tells them how dangerous it is so they will stop it.
Stabbing him isnt the bad thing - its waking up, making sure he just ate, and then waiting 10m. I have to get up @ 7am every day now. 7 am every day. Not too bad, but it can be frustrating when he takes foreve to eat his breakfast - we must wait the 10m or so. So, seeding his feed w. a little bread (i shouldnt) in the AM leads to a hungry dog. Then wait and stab.
His new pills are to replace the steriods he is on. We are weaning him off as we speak - and are worried about his allergies taking ahold as we speak. What he got every day he now gets every two - and then next week every three days. AFter that .... nada. So, we are worried that the reasons for the sterods originally - his scratching - will come back. However, he has been pretty good so far - and there is the hope that he will outgrow them.
LAst little nugget - his piss. For the next 2-3 weeks, the vet wants us to get a sample of his urine twice a day and test it w. a little strip of paper to see if the dangerous levels of "Key____" (?) have returned. I must amidt that standing in the rain in the backyard @ 7am got old fast - and I skipped this part od the dogs recovery.
The maddening need to see the dog continues. He has responded to us all so far, and knows he is being worried over. Which is good.
17 November, 2009
16 November, 2009
To Try
We have decided not to put the dog asleep this day and instead try - tho' it may be windmills and tilting - to save Bolo. On Thursday it kept going thro' my mind that we couldn't just let him go, even tho his health may be so compromised that ...... it may just be a delay. But we are going to try.
So on Friday when I got home Sister.4 told me that we should wait and not put him to sleep until his health really deteriorated - but I had one better: it was gonna take lots of effort and money, but lets jut see. It seemed too much to let him go w/out a struggle. So, Friday afternoon, our mood lightened.
A big part of it was the money. My sister just couldn't afford the treatments - but I can - thanks to my new job (need to keep). On Friday, it looked like it would take about $3-4000 this year, and then maybe $1500-$200 after that. I got a break over the wkd as well - but later on that. However, he's gonna cost a tonne.
Another big part of it is that he is on so many meds, that they cancel each other out. The big trouble w. the dog up to now was his panoply of allergies: 100's of allergies to many things that keep him scratching each day. To combat that, he was put on Pretizone - which works ok, but has many side effects. Now that the dog has started to show signs of dishealth, one of the side effects is really troubling - the Pretizone really messes w. his (hopefully) upcoming insulin treatments. So, our choice, as we see it now (upcoming vet visit today) is to reduce his pret. - or maybe x it ouit completely - and hopefully the insulin will work. This may set him off to scratching all day long -but our choices are limited.
And then there are the insulin shots he needs. Twice a day we will have to stick him w. a needle (again, if the vet visit today goes well), and Mom can't do it. So that means @ the 7.30's twice a day he will get the needle - and we have to be around. We'll have to teach the kids to be able to do it as well since there will be days when we will not be able to do it. Say goodbye to any chance of me now getting a flat in Bucktown. And his diet - people have been flooding him w. treats and human food all day long - but this will have to stop.
It was nice Friday. Sister.4 determined to keep him as long as possible, and me saying lets do it. Good for us, a common cause. I called late Friday to his regular vet to see what we could do, and they said its a long and involved process, but the first step is to bring him in so he can do 48h overnites @ a pet hospital to stabilize him: then the next several steps can take hold.
So, on Saturday morning, I took him to one of the 'emergency' pet hospitals that open up when the regular vet places close. He was gonna have to stay overnite for the wkd, so he had to be taken here. But when the vet did some tests, the immediates danger had passed: Bolo had shed the very dangerous amount of stuff in his bloodstream and it was back to normal. This totally obviated the need for him to be in overnite for the 2 days. A good start (and a savings of anywhere from $800- $1,800) and a hopeful start.
On Monday, Bolo gets taken to the regular vet for an outlining of the course of treatment ahead. Will be very rough, but ....
So, we are happy, yet apprehensive. We are happy to have the pet still - but fearful of his delicate condition. We'll see.
12 November, 2009
on bolo
Hard already to lose the dog. For a few more days, @ least. That last scene in "The Field".
A few more days.
We have had him for about five years. He has terrible allergies, which is why he came to us in the first place: whoever had him before us wanted to get rid of him then, and a person on the block figured we would kindly take him in. We guessed that his constant scratching drove them mad. We took him to the vet back then and they gave us a long list of medicines that would help control- slitely-the scratching- but w. the price tag of an early death due to the toxicity of the drugs. We knew. We put it out of our minds - but we knew.
Recently he has had to piss constantly. Constantly - he started to have accidents inside. Worried, we let it go for a week - but knew that yesterday was the day to Find Out.
Funny how I run from everything. My sister took the dog to the vet while I went our grocery shopping and picking up Popeye's. When i got home, Mom and my sister were talking of the Imminent Leaving in the front room - but I just held back in the kitchen, listening......
It doesn't have to be Monday. But my sister decided that that was best - we'll have him for a few more days - a weekend! - and then tell him goodbye. After school on Monday.
So, his amazing backload of treats and cookies- now he's getting them shoveled to him. Walks? several a day. Funny - when the garage was beiing built, we had to tear down a small tree that'd grown in back. Hated to see it go, but it would have destroyed the base of the garage eventually. W. help, I cut it down to the stump and stored the old branches in the yard - the garbage men would not take them away. So, I have been taking one branch - a huge gnarled tangled thing - out on walks w. the dog to get rid of them one by one. Since the dog adores alleys, it's an easy thing to rip apart the smaller branches from the thing and toss the pieces in the alley. Stupid, i now - I could just put them small bit by small bit in the trash can - but decided I'd have fun this way. I figgered that we could take our time doing this - but now it needed to get done by Sunday nite. Sticks up and down my alley scattered.
And soon that'll be all that's left of him - I'll walk up my alley in 3-4 weeks, and I know Ill see the sticks. And tyhat's all that will be left.
So, it's a sad house - Mom and sister and I.
07 November, 2009
05 November, 2009
relativity of time
W/out soccer, again suddenly hours and hours more appear on my freetime docket. havent led the nonbluest of emotional lives recently - it's 6pm and Im thinking "Im so bored- how am i going to get through till when I sleep?- and suddenly I remember what it was like a bit ago, when I would go out all the time and allt hat. Part is just age - im feeling a bit'o'it. The other is "do what?": most frenz by now have kids or seriously relationships w. their house. And part is the feeling that I should just stay @ home and keep Mom company.
I have the serious feel to move out these past few months - I can afford it and I have a feel for it. Nice Bucktown crib, not so fancy, a slite 3m bike ride to school, hipster chixx, Rainbo on demand. Plus I could stay @ @ home a day or so a week. Relieve tensions betwixt Sister.4 and I. But .... too hard to leave Mom to her devices ...
But, w. all this time suddenly granted to me again (Hey - NO WAKING UP EARLY ON SATURDAYS !!!), I really need to get out.
For the first time in forever, I went to no halloween party. Strange to see on fb all the poepl out, all the girls dressed up like sluts, etc ect etc...
I have the serious feel to move out these past few months - I can afford it and I have a feel for it. Nice Bucktown crib, not so fancy, a slite 3m bike ride to school, hipster chixx, Rainbo on demand. Plus I could stay @ @ home a day or so a week. Relieve tensions betwixt Sister.4 and I. But .... too hard to leave Mom to her devices ...
But, w. all this time suddenly granted to me again (Hey - NO WAKING UP EARLY ON SATURDAYS !!!), I really need to get out.
For the first time in forever, I went to no halloween party. Strange to see on fb all the poepl out, all the girls dressed up like sluts, etc ect etc...
04 November, 2009
a psalm i'd like sung @ my funeral
Sure its some creepy catholic song, and dreadfull to hear for rock and roll ears ... but i watched the funeral of Pope JP2 5 yars ago, and amidst the sadness of it all came this song - beautiful. It's Psalm 64, and only today did i figger i should ty to youtube it.
Has its long not so compelling parts - but thn there is that single organ note, and the uplifting wonderful part comes. The kids, singing, swelling, wonderfull.
In the midst of so much death, there is even more life. I kknow because i can hear the children singing, always singing.
If y happen to be @ my funeral, hopefully many years hence, and they pass out sheets for you to sing, remember these are the songs I want sung to me as we say our goodbyes. I'll be listening.
Has its long not so compelling parts - but thn there is that single organ note, and the uplifting wonderful part comes. The kids, singing, swelling, wonderfull.
In the midst of so much death, there is even more life. I kknow because i can hear the children singing, always singing.
If y happen to be @ my funeral, hopefully many years hence, and they pass out sheets for you to sing, remember these are the songs I want sung to me as we say our goodbyes. I'll be listening.
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