28 September, 2011
27 September, 2011
cranx again
Been on a crank calling jag reecently. Have listened to WCPT, the local liberal radio station that has Thom Hartman, Ed Shultz, Bill Press, Norman goldman, etc etc etc.... for several years now, but never thought to call any of them.
Until recently.
From 9-midnite Alan combs takes callers, is usually insulted by rightest types, and discusses the issues of the day. Pretty good show - Thom Hartman is The God of radio and is easily the best - but all the shows have good dtuff. However, the last 2-3m of Alan Combs show he allows callers to call in and say whatever they want - as long as it's one sentance. So, finally, i called... and discovered that it isn't that hard to get on in this period - it's one call after another, one sentance - so the line sopne up soon.
I decided to do several characters. My fave is "the German Guy", who originally called in to extoll everything German like he was the head of Deusth Tourism. "Zere ist nothing better den to enjoy zee German summer on zee baltic coast", "Ze Germann mountains are zee most beautifuler in zee vorld"... etc until the character was established - and then it became "zee best house paionters in zee vorld are from... Germany..." and etc etc etc... The vunderbar part of this character is that i Can come up w. somethiig to say instantly - open my eyes and whatever is n front of me can be commented on. It's fun and silly.
And more characters - the MArquette Park references abound. "Anyone with a time machine and wants to play me in fast pitch should set the time to 1979 and the local to 62d and Mozart". Superhero characters we made in grammer school have come back to life: "This is Captain 5 warning Chemical Man that YOU WILL BE BROUGHT TO JUSTICE!"
And others join: Chemical Man himself has started to call - once I was on hold and he came on, and Iw as next - I changed what i was gonna say to match what he just said. Mothers does her part. And gloriously Jakoff started that he wanted to ask "What will God make of allthese capitalist types..." Funny.
If it's 11.55pm M-Friday, and you are near a radio, turn in to 820AM.
Until recently.
From 9-midnite Alan combs takes callers, is usually insulted by rightest types, and discusses the issues of the day. Pretty good show - Thom Hartman is The God of radio and is easily the best - but all the shows have good dtuff. However, the last 2-3m of Alan Combs show he allows callers to call in and say whatever they want - as long as it's one sentance. So, finally, i called... and discovered that it isn't that hard to get on in this period - it's one call after another, one sentance - so the line sopne up soon.
I decided to do several characters. My fave is "the German Guy", who originally called in to extoll everything German like he was the head of Deusth Tourism. "Zere ist nothing better den to enjoy zee German summer on zee baltic coast", "Ze Germann mountains are zee most beautifuler in zee vorld"... etc until the character was established - and then it became "zee best house paionters in zee vorld are from... Germany..." and etc etc etc... The vunderbar part of this character is that i Can come up w. somethiig to say instantly - open my eyes and whatever is n front of me can be commented on. It's fun and silly.
And more characters - the MArquette Park references abound. "Anyone with a time machine and wants to play me in fast pitch should set the time to 1979 and the local to 62d and Mozart". Superhero characters we made in grammer school have come back to life: "This is Captain 5 warning Chemical Man that YOU WILL BE BROUGHT TO JUSTICE!"
And others join: Chemical Man himself has started to call - once I was on hold and he came on, and Iw as next - I changed what i was gonna say to match what he just said. Mothers does her part. And gloriously Jakoff started that he wanted to ask "What will God make of allthese capitalist types..." Funny.
If it's 11.55pm M-Friday, and you are near a radio, turn in to 820AM.
Seems mick is in a new film to begin shooting - this lynx dos'na werke just yet, but it's in todays Guardian
Sorry for the delay
26 September, 2011
On Retreat
Many famous retreats in history. Rommel from El- Alamein, 2000k miles in 1942. Napoleon from Moscow in 1813, w. Ney leading the rearguard. Americans in that initial rush in Korea, the summer and fall of 1950. Washington and the Americans running from the british from boston all the way to Valley Forge.
It's waht i feel rite now. In many ways, im undergoing a giagantic retrerat from life. It's happening - I really feel that in many ways i'm just wasting time until away 'till there is no time left (aging stylr). Killing time. Wasting away.
I'll amidt it - there are SOME places where there is somethins positive. Coaching, fex: last spring coaching the girl JV we had a pretty good positive attitude, and I really began to fel more confident in hat I was doing there. Need lots of help, still, from the othjer coaches - but on a good road. Now, w. boys JV in the Fall, those positive steps continue. @ least i have some worth.
Romance, as well. There is a girl, and we've been hanging out. Fully i know she diggs me, and this is greast. I still have holes in me from Gf, but fully realise that that was then and now is now. So, these nacesent steps are good.
Oh, and the whole music thing. "Cafeteria Christ" being the obvious cover star of the Gary lp. Self taught recoreded lessons proceeding slowly - but fun to add a horn to my tiny capabilities. Verse part of "Gary's broad collection" almost making me happy. Lynx betwixrt "Miss Him" and the overture. Extremely nice demo of that one untitled 'happysongaboutmeetinggaryfromanackolytespov' that popped up a few weeks ago jamming w. a 8yrold @ Snowdens. Good stuff.
But, everywhere else - runation. I have two things I have to do - but I feel Im failing @ these asa well. One is MOm. Since I'm home all the time, it's my job to take care of her mainly (sisters do a little, sister.4 more that the others, but...). And there is Bolo. W/out me, they would put this life to sleep. So, therev are compelling reasonns to live.
But, in all honesty, I really feel that if Mom and Bolo were gone, there there really is no point to whatever. Wait - i dont want to be too omnious and scarey and threatening: you dont have to worry - it's just im not motivated by much anymore - and if they go, all motivation goes. They go, and I stare @ the wall fro the rest of my life.
Unemployment. Killing me. Terrified that I will never be hired again, and that would be a deep shame. At this point, I really feeling that I'll never teach again.
Unemployment - it's killing me spirit. Again.
So, what I need to do is channel Ney. Manage the rearguard hheroically. Stop the bleeding. Fight that the main body can make it's retreat and insure a future where my forces cab again be applied to offensive battle.
But, again, rite now it's full and terrible retreat.
It's waht i feel rite now. In many ways, im undergoing a giagantic retrerat from life. It's happening - I really feel that in many ways i'm just wasting time until away 'till there is no time left (aging stylr). Killing time. Wasting away.
I'll amidt it - there are SOME places where there is somethins positive. Coaching, fex: last spring coaching the girl JV we had a pretty good positive attitude, and I really began to fel more confident in hat I was doing there. Need lots of help, still, from the othjer coaches - but on a good road. Now, w. boys JV in the Fall, those positive steps continue. @ least i have some worth.
Romance, as well. There is a girl, and we've been hanging out. Fully i know she diggs me, and this is greast. I still have holes in me from Gf, but fully realise that that was then and now is now. So, these nacesent steps are good.
Oh, and the whole music thing. "Cafeteria Christ" being the obvious cover star of the Gary lp. Self taught recoreded lessons proceeding slowly - but fun to add a horn to my tiny capabilities. Verse part of "Gary's broad collection" almost making me happy. Lynx betwixrt "Miss Him" and the overture. Extremely nice demo of that one untitled 'happysongaboutmeetinggaryfromanackolytespov' that popped up a few weeks ago jamming w. a 8yrold @ Snowdens. Good stuff.
But, everywhere else - runation. I have two things I have to do - but I feel Im failing @ these asa well. One is MOm. Since I'm home all the time, it's my job to take care of her mainly (sisters do a little, sister.4 more that the others, but...). And there is Bolo. W/out me, they would put this life to sleep. So, therev are compelling reasonns to live.
But, in all honesty, I really feel that if Mom and Bolo were gone, there there really is no point to whatever. Wait - i dont want to be too omnious and scarey and threatening: you dont have to worry - it's just im not motivated by much anymore - and if they go, all motivation goes. They go, and I stare @ the wall fro the rest of my life.
Unemployment. Killing me. Terrified that I will never be hired again, and that would be a deep shame. At this point, I really feeling that I'll never teach again.
Unemployment - it's killing me spirit. Again.
So, what I need to do is channel Ney. Manage the rearguard hheroically. Stop the bleeding. Fight that the main body can make it's retreat and insure a future where my forces cab again be applied to offensive battle.
But, again, rite now it's full and terrible retreat.
17 September, 2011
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