14 January, 2011

and on

Frenz w. all types - including full on Teabagger types. Facebook back and forths a lot. Love afriend of mine - Tealady - but politically she's not just having drunk the koolade - she makes it. here are some FB clips and my answers:

I saw:

#2Teabagger=I think Harry Reid is suffering from dementia. If you watch the whole interview with him w David Greggary, he said are economy is fine and so is social security! Is he on drugs?!?

Hilts responded=Although the economy s terrible, social security is actually in pretty good shape. Full payments for the next 27 years, 85% (or so - whats the exact %_it's like 85%) after that. With a wee bit of tinkering, it'll be in full 100% shape to ...provide security for merica future - just like the last 80 years of success.. It's very important for America that we keep the $2.4 Trillion out of the hands of those bankers etc. who want to get that money into their greedy hands. Social Security should be for th 98% of Americans who need it for America's secuirty- not so it can be looted by the profiteers.

Don't ever believe the rich - and all their fancy college degrees and organizations of the elite- who are crying out that Social security is in terrible shape - they just want to make commissions and profits on our money.

hey -the change the subject - read this??

http://www.rollingstone.com/politics/news/matt-taibbi-the-crying-shame-of-john-boehner-20110105See More
January 9 at 2:38pm ·

#2 ==Social security is in the red starting this year, it will not last 2012.... I'm not buying that ss is in good shape
January 9 at 2:55pm ·

Hilts===‎27 years. sorry to throw out some facts - you can look it up. I know the elite want to get their hands on the 2.4 trillion - and yr probably getting your sountbites from those well educated, well heeled, well financed wall street elite ...- but of course, these people want the money - your money - to make their profits on it.

27 years full solvency. dont let the elite lie to you about your money and your future. Who the hell would trust the rich elites - you really ant to use their talking points - wrong - which??

try this - http://www.ncpssm.org/pdf/truth_booklet_2010.pdf
and this

from there:

"President Bush proposed to privatize Social Security in 2005 by having seniors create individual, privately invested accounts. This Republican proposal would have increased our national debt by $2 trillion to pay for transition costs, gambled the security of seniors’ retirement income on the ups and downs of Wall Street, and imposed management costs of as much as 20%."

2 trillion in debt? After the Republicans just saddled us w. $ 800-900 billion in tax cuts for the elite and (jokingly, i know) posturing about adding anohther $230 billion in debt by trying to cancel Obamacare?

Please. Stop listening to the elite. You start saying elitest things like "Social security is in the red starting this year".

unless, of course, you are part of the elite, to 2% of Americans in wealth - then yr jabble about ss makes sense and I get your take. I'm in the bottom 98% (and i totally suspect you and all rading this as well are) - and we need desperately security.

Dont believe me? Ask yr parents.

#3== I see you have bought into the class warfare scheme. Shame. Don't need the govt. (other people's money)to take care of me cradle to grave. Be responsible and save for your own retirement. Simple. This is America and you are not limited by a caste system.
January 9 at 4:55pm

First of all, we will be paying for Hilts's golden years and PAY we will with his handsome Chicago Public School pension. So, Hilts, if Social Security is good enough for us, peasants, why isn't it good enough for YOU?

Second, ask my paren...ts?

Well, my parents are seniors and they have worked all their lives and if their is one thing they hate is the social security system!!

Come over.

Ask my dad.

Regardless, you are baseless when you talk out of two sides of your mouth... If anyone is elite, it is YOU. Why is God's name am I responsible for paying for YOUR pension and health care? You are not my problem yet I've been saddle with YOUR problems.

When you forfeit your pension this great social security program, then come back and talk to you, okay?

Hilts==Sorry - i dont make enough money to be in the elite status of people like Reid, obama, linbaugh, that bipolar freak - whats his name, the "Food storage dude" (he he he he...sorry....)?

Also, again, ask yr parents their thoughts about about So...cial Security.
Tuesday, 2:07pm

#2== My mom is on ss and bracing herself for the day her checks stop coming in... I am too because I will be supporting her and paying that big bloated mortgage while living here renting a shit hole apartment....

#1San== Virgil, my dad and even more so, my mom, HATE social security... they just HATE it... And BTW, we all store food... We store food, products AND WATER! I'm taking some classes on canning at a Mormon church. My grandma stored a lot and I wa...s always big on it, but not with flour and stuff as I am now.... Honey, I don't know if you realize it, but I'm the biggest tin foil hat you can ever meet... We are having a silver meeting soon, if you would like to attend. Gink and Shavid will be talking to everyone about buying metals... And you will be able to walk out with product, not any of that stuff where they will keep it for you... LOL C..., you coming? 2:18pm

Hilts== um ..... oh, ok. didnt know.

#1San== Virgil, why don't you tell everyone how YOU don't have to live on Social Security because YOU will be living of us!! You will have a nice fat pension... Make sure you tell everyone this while you promote S.S.

#1San= Yes, as my dad says... "Social security is one of the most evil things this country has been forced to endure..."

My mom is another story... Her response is "Damn democrats just want to take everything from everyone who works... Always have,... always will."

I thought you knew this... LOL

#2== I love Rush! For a person w no college or family clout like the Kennedys, he did well. He was also fired 9 times in his life and collected unemployment. We all have the opportunity to start a biz And become wealthy but most don't bother..,,

RUSH IS KING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hilts== Linbaugh is worth close to half a billion dollars - he's as Elite as they come and his every word gushes itDo ypu really feel you have the same values as that guy, or other s of the superrich elite class he reresents?

And yes, i fully under...stand the "Myth of the self made man" deal that some starry eyed americans are whipped into believe in (check out some rap videos) - but the percentages of the very very few who make it into the very SuperElite status is so tiny, i put my lot w. the 98% of us - you too, Catherina, yr one of us and not one of them, no matter how good it makes you feel or whatever. Hey, it's the American way - isnt it funny that upwards of 60% of Americans in a recent Gallup poll want to reduce the deficit by taxing the rich - and not taxing you, Cat.?

Im out - gotta go to soccer practice.

#2==So glad I'm paying for Virgil's pension! Wish I could can... Beck talked about his grannies canning every summer when he was a kid... Precious medals are cute while enduring the depression, but we can't eat them... Yes, I will be there... Yes, I will be paying Virgil's pension! Yes we can! Yes, I can!
Tuesday at 2:45pm

#2== Half a billion is not elite, more the $10 trillion. The Facebook founder is a billionaire and he drives a prius and rents a home. It's not like Rush robbed a bank and used the money to open a radio broadcasting network...

#1San== Amazing... Taxing the rich? Who gives us jobs? Aside from people like you who work for government?

And don't patronize me with remarkds about feeling good. It's not the way I want my government ran! It's wrong.

Why don't you talk about your... flipping fat ass pension, Virgil??? Who the hell pays for that?

Don't even try, C.... He talks out of both sides of his mouth. What is good for the goose is not good for the gander. And his poll results are as sound as Obama's fiscal policies... Losers.

Reducing the deficit cannot be done by "taxing the rich" -- they will move money like you wouldn't believe. They are international. Besides, it's unAmerican. Cut spending. Stop living like there's no tomorrow. Tell those who don't f-ing work to go to work. Let us be free. I don't need jack from any government bureaucrat.
Tuesday 3:19

#1San== Virgil, I hope you lose that fat pension... See how much you'd like S.S.

You're a hypocrite.

#2==But if he lost the pension, he may start a small business that takes off and become a billionaire elitist .... Now we can't have that now can we?
Tuesday at 4:04pm

#1San==OR... Just another small business owner who are one of those who Obama wants to tax out of business.

#1San== Love how I may SS but will never get a check from them even at 80+ yes old... We will be 80 ur olds working while Hilts gives us a high five living la vida loca w his pension!
Tuesday at 4:09pm

#1San== LOL I swear! Such hypocrisy!! He left to go coach his girls' soccer team, which he gets paid extra to do.

#2 == Hope he pays taxes and ss on his earnings from coaching???
Tuesday 7:34pm

#1 San==Yes, but we contribute to his pension, too, when he coaches...
Tuesday at 7:35pm

Hilts== Not sure why yr calling me a 'hypocrit' - read back and cant figger the reference (seriously - not sure) Do tell.

So,Cat, joining the rich in hating us in the working class and wanting the woring classes pensions to fail? Wait - you are ...part of the working class!! Why the self hatred? who taught you to hate yurself and your family.

Hate to say it, but you were born into a working class neighbourhood - not some rich subarb- and we were all working class. Why the self hatred? Who taught you that?? Really? Very sad to see the hateful vitriol against Marquette Park.

I get paid about $1000 for girls soccer - turns out to be about $4/h. Im so evil. Maybe we shoyld just let the kids out after school and - what, gangs. Shooting people?? TV? video games? Orshould they be with hard working responsible adults who care for these kids, learning teamwork, keeping in shape, becoming more confident (and i know, that since our President told the nation when he was sworn in that "Science will be restored to its proper status" that you must be 100% against science now .... i mean, rite?)? And spare me the "im in it for the $" -$4/h - and that's not including the indoor teams we run, weeks early in the summer - trust me, it really gets down to something like $2/h -when all said and done. We are serious here - we work the kids , in the proper cotext, the year round. All of you should be very proud about the job the coaching staff at this school - well, unless you want the kids to just roam the streets after school. Please do tell - proud about a fellow concerned American and their work w. Americas future - or just mutteretd halfunderstood complaints about the "evil working class" or whatever those worth $400 billion are libeling about?

AND - I'm pretty close - it'll take a few years more - to getting SS as well from other work - hard work, like our parents, huh!!!! God bless America. The American Dream - we work hard to build our country, and then when we need it, our hard work and savings let us live our last years/decades in security. I understand. If you are worth $400 billion, or $50-60 million (that'd be linbaum and glenn beck) - you dont need SS. I understand.

And as for the "Hey, he can become a billionare" - i dont suscribe to the "Myth of the self made man" . Why do we have to pass laws and all that completely leaning towards this "Myth" when 99+% of America are not billionares? How is that being a responsible American? Trying so hard to lean the laws towards that leas that 1% - when 99% od Americans are not in that bracket? How is that responsible? Have you ever even heard of this?

Trust me please - just think about it. Try. Unfettered by bombastic statements. Open mind. Read. think for yrself. Then make decisions.

(((Here's Moore on the myth:
“So, here's my question: after fleecing the American public and destroying the American dream for most working people, how is it that, instead of being drawn and quartered and hung at dawn at the city gates, the rich got a big wet kiss from Congress in the form of a record tax break, and no one says a word? How can that be? I think it's because we're still addicted to the Horatio Alger fantasy drug. Despite all the damage and all the evidence to the contrary, the average American still wants to hang on to this belief that maybe, just maybe, he or she (mostly he) just might make it big after all.” ))

from wiki-

CAT - missed bro's Xmas party - i had a Bears thing planned that nite for months and only realised the conflict that aftrnoon. Hated that i missed it.

See 'y'all.

#1SAn==You're not stuck with this miserable social security... You've got a pension paid by THE TAXPAYER!!

So I don't get who you think you are cheering this bankrupt scheme...

Go ahead, try to make me feel guilty all you want... Try to make me f...eel silly all you want... Taking from the government is not what I was raised on... And this class warfare you promote is pathetic.

Yeah, I was wrong on the coaching, but still PAID BY THE TAXPAYER!!

Social Security is a ponzy game... They were NEVER to borrow from it and yet they did...

I don't think most Americans walk around thinking, "Maybe I'll make it big..."

But I do think many Americans appreciate the opportunity and most definitely want to protect the INDIVIDUALISM rather than this damn collectivism that you espouse...

What I make is what I make... Please don't tell me to share, Virgil.

And why are you contining to call this a "tax break" when what they are tax rates... What you are espousing is higher taxes on those who make more money... WHY? WHY PUNISH THOSE PEOPLE...

And PLEASE stop with class warfare and stick to the constitution.

#1San== BTW, I was only somewhat kidding with the soccer... I don't begrudge you for WHAT you do, but HOW you get paid and WHAT you espouse... I think the soccer thing is good and I know you work hard at it...

Hilts==SS has been a successful, worker paid for system to provide social security for Americans in their old age. It will pay Full benefits for the next 27 years and something like 85% for the following 30 years or so (not fully sure of the #'s ...after the first 27years, but it's close - ill get the official numbers for next go around).

So - basically full benefit for over 50 years - and yet, you have people on the right saying it's going in the red NEXT YEAR.

Who told you that - and then start to go over whatever else these people are saying and try to get the validity of these statements.

Then - after you establish that these people are giving you and other right leaning people the wrong facts - then your next job as patriotic Americans is to establish just why these people are forcing this misfacts on you.

And it's not punishing these people - the people who use more of Americas resources should pay their fair share.

--look- the idea is is that they used the stability of this country for their businessesour military, out transortation infrastructure, the electricity and water to run their various factories and business and stores and etc ... - would they have had the same business opportunities in, say, Guiana (sp) or Laos? IS the infrastructure the same there? How many millions would they have made there? Dont think so. Since they use so much of our resourses, they should pay rheir fair share of it.

Right? It's fair. It's the American way. My parents didnt come to this country deliousionally thinking they were gonna sit beside the elites of this country like limbaugh and th others whose millions of dollars can be counted in the hundred of thousands. You reallt hink you share any values with those people?

Thise peole dont share our alues, no matter how badly you wanna
Cat - wouldnt it be nice for our taxes to be lowered by making those who drain the contries resources to pay their fair share?

I like America healthy - not laws skewed towards those in gated communities - which, as we both know, neither of us are ever going to live in (I'd never live in one - I love Americas richness of character and diversity of people and would never want to be cut off from that).

10 hours ago

Hilts== Oh- btw - loved the "Blood Libel" speech for Gov. Palin - finally somebody on the right apoligizing (or at least pointing out the deep unfairness )for villiafing (sp) all Muslims after 9/11. That stunning Anti-rightwing movement that has ...swept the country this past week - I am completely against any sorta of villifying like- "ALL Republicans are terrorists crazy assasins who want to shoot and kill innocent pepole".

(the shooter was a crazy man. Unless they find out more about him, i shy away from tying him to Palin and Linbaum and that sort).

hey - youve seen this, rite?? FUNNY!!!

10 hours ago

#2== Palin is being ripped at every turn for "Blood Libel" comment.... death threats even... Poor Gal.....

The 5 cents they get from SS investing, could be billions $$$ if individuals took the role of managing their own money...take the money ou...t every check and put it where YOU WANT IT, not where big daddy wants it. SAme with pensions...Look how amazing THE POWERS THAT BE INVESTED THOSE! BIG OL PENSION HOLE IN EVERY CITY AND STATE'S BUDGET YEAR AFTER YEAR AFTER YEAR....


#2== Also, every year the SS sends me a statement reminding me how much they stole from me and put into their Ponzi Scheme with a blurb in big bold letters stating, "In 2047 when you retire, you will only be getting 30% of this amount..............you have put in" does that sound fair and solvent to you?

Sure it's great for people right now, but everyone under 50 still paying, gets shit.... Unless I live til 127, and paid in 115 years I may get something....

They pissed the money away, so I get to pay and still am on my own because big daddy SS won't be around for me... But that's fair right? I have an IRA or I will be homeless at 87...or a greeter at WallMart....

7 hours ago.

Hilts== Have soomeone sit down and explain these yearly statements to you (this is not a dis on you, just a suggestion). The 30% simply means you have to put some years into the system to actually get something back. My guess is you haven't worke...d that long, or have an uneven job history (not a dis, just an explination).
Again - there is $2.4 trillion in the system, and it's totally paying out 100% for the next 27 years, and somehting like 85% for the next 30 - meaning, since my guess is that you mite be around 28 years old -if you work till, say, you are 65 (unless the Republicans force us to work even longer than that by raising the retirement age), you will be getting 100% benefits till you are .... 115 years old.

Say - your 30% in @ your age? Well done! (again, not a dis - but yr well on yr way to security in yourolder years -keep working and building our great country!!)

Don't believe me? Take that statement into a ss office and have them explain it to you, step b y step -

Rush limbaagh and the monied Elite of this country - they only care about that $2.4 trillion and the fees and profits they could make off it - not you. To us Americans, SS is for - well, the security of the elders and the security of America's future.

To the elite, they have no care about our future security - just want to take our money and make their profit off of it. remeber when Bush (not the older one - the one who crashed every business he wa sin - but luckily, he had tonnes of frenz w. tonnes of cash to keep him 'going') tried to do destroy SS and America collectively stood up and said "No way!"? Americans can be so kool!!!!
42 minutes ago

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