And, for many reasons, I'm glad he won.
First and formost, that international -err, galactic - err, universal embarrassment called Bush and all his ilk were rejected. Eight years too late, but good bye.
And the wonderousness of the reaction of many people-and particularly African Americans - that the man won. Actually, specifically black people. The whites, Latinos, Asian, Arab? They gave the same reaction when Clinton won in 1992. Yes, you do remember, and don't lie. But the stunning joy - it was just a joy to behold. I loved it. I read in the Trib yesterday or today where an African American lady was talking about the day after the election that passing white people and saying hello was noticably different - there was something different. That's cool - I will amidt that that for days I got a secret thrill seeing everyone - well, black people - thrilled w/ the election as well. It's been cool. It's been very cool- a treat. That shared feeling amongst people - think the South Side after the '05 World Series when people w/ Sox hats passed each other and just laughed - or the deep sadness after the terrible terrorist attacks in 2001. This was an outstanding reason to be happy.
America looks good for once amongst progressive people around the world. I love the country bigtimes, and am saddened such a wonderful people so often look like stupidfucks because of capital and government.
He's educated as fuck, and he was a professor. And not only that, w/ his training, he's able to make eloquent arguments. I love when he outlines a problem, staring w/ his trademark "Look... ". Thoose deeply anti American Republicans who spout out nonsense about him being a Muslim or an Arab or a communist or etc etc etc............ disgusts me. A well argued, footnoted opinion is much better than brutal Nazi type rabbit punches that type lives by. He's kool.
White Sox fan.
Chicago in the news all the time. Even though Hawaii could equally claim him, I guess we claim him more. Good. Didn't Grant Park look cool last Tuesday nite? It looked just as kool in 1968 - for other reasons - but I appreciated it last week. Reports of all the joy evident - and pictures of the people in the streets celebrating - the car horns. Brilliant. Plus, I just hope that we get lots of transit funding in the near future. Well, what? I can't hope for some pork??
The impromptu celebrations all over the world. Loved that they were impromptu.
McCain's speech. Like Rocky last week, I was really impressed w/ his concession speech. Spoken like a real, patriotic American. Really.
So, knowing full well that the Green Party is a work in progress in the country - you should check them out, Americans - I understood that it was Barack or bust.
And after eight years of gutter - no bust. And don't forget other progress.
McCain's speech. Like Rocky last week, I was really impressed w/ his concession speech. Spoken like a real, patriotic American. Really.
So, knowing full well that the Green Party is a work in progress in the country - you should check them out, Americans - I understood that it was Barack or bust.
And after eight years of gutter - no bust. And don't forget other progress.
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