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Trixie tries to stay @ Mothers |
18 December, 2013
28 September, 2013
hold it right there
So, we had a double header 7/8 played the first game on Friday, and 5/6 played the second. Top guys won the first game 3-2. Of course we had no ref, so I had to do it - coach both teams, ref a game - thank you Rham for fucking our educational system so badlty just so your rich piece of shit buddies can get their soiled hands on the money. - and I had to call a penalty in the last minute of the game which was tied. (converted to make it 3-2)
Not bad. It was a spirited game, and I was glad to get in another friendly before the real games count. But then the 5/6 grade played. Ouch, and ouch ouch ouch. Was it 0-7? 0-8? I had to change goalies 3x in the first 6m of the game. We were totally outclassed - the other team was extremely skilled and well coached. My guys were staggeringly underprepared - my fault (or, rather Rham's, in total truth) - and underskilled (hey, they need more soccer).
So, again, although I generally love to coach soccer, it's become so much harder as more and more people and resources are taken away from the kids. Between teaching and coaching, it's only 6weeks in and I am exhausted.
Don't go into teaching, @ least in Chicago. The system is being destroyed so that the Romney types can pick and choose where to make their cash off of our childrens future.
These people are so disgusting.
a judge decides...
I have an actual friend who is a ritewing whack on most issues. Here is aFB exchange w/ her and others who I do not know (the "Whoever" peoples)
Karma's a bitch. Ain't no other group more deserving of job cuts and contract benefits than the members of the SEIU! Gosh, you have no idea how this makes my day!!!
Whoever #5
Yes!! I do know how it makes your day!!! MINE TOO!!!
Whoeverr #3
If it weren't for the union, the minions couldn't figure their way out of a paper bag!
I think what Gary was alluding was they're all going to be unemployed on the dole.... lol
Whoever #2
I know, everybody was betrayed.
Say, was this the union your dad was in, which allowed you and your two siblings to go to catholic schools for 16 years on one salary - sorta like my family, except that five of us were sent to catholic schools and university on the basis of my fathers single union paycheck? God - just loved the American Dream.
No. This wasn't the union my dad belonged to. My dad didn't have a choice in paying union dues because of collective bargaining. He never "joined" a union, he joined the Chicago Police Department.
My dad never supported his union in any fashion, other than having to pay them money on a monthly basis. And my dad never supported any government entitlement program. MY dad worked three jobs to send us to school; it sounds as if your dad had it much better -- five children on one job, and sent them to university. Nice work, if you can con it. My dad has absolute respect for others that he wouldn't push this shit on anyone. And lastly, MY dad wouldn't have EVER arsoned anyone as they did to me. GOD - just gotta love those unions.
You don't know my dad, Hilts. If you did, you would have known he HATES unions. He absolutely loathes them.
And oh, one more thing... My dad, unlike others apparently, puts our Church before some fucking political party and government entitlement program created to decimate Catholic organizations... You should try it, or if not, stop calling yourself Catholic because what you're supporting is everything in direction violation of Catholic doctrine.
My dad never supported his union in any fashion, other than having to pay them money on a monthly basis. And my dad never supported any government entitlement program. MY dad worked three jobs to send us to school; it sounds as if your dad had it much better -- five children on one job, and sent them to university. Nice work, if you can con it. My dad has absolute respect for others that he wouldn't push this shit on anyone. And lastly, MY dad wouldn't have EVER arsoned anyone as they did to me. GOD - just gotta love those unions.
You don't know my dad, Hilts. If you did, you would have known he HATES unions. He absolutely loathes them.
And oh, one more thing... My dad, unlike others apparently, puts our Church before some fucking political party and government entitlement program created to decimate Catholic organizations... You should try it, or if not, stop calling yourself Catholic because what you're supporting is everything in direction violation of Catholic doctrine.
Hilts-- but the point is is that whatever he felt about his union, the union supported him and all the others like us in the union neighborhood that we grew up in. That's why it was such a solid place to live - again, immigrants w/out any education but w. a solid union job- like my father -could raise five children while my Mom stayed @ home raising us. Sound familiar? That was Marquette Park. So all your posturing about "Oh I'm SOOOOO Marquette Park St. Rita Marquette Park St. Rita" seems all a bit either uninformed - and , if not uninformed, then false - to me.
And the point about being Catholic is to put what you have learned into practice - not to put your finger in the air and exclaim for all to see "Look how Holy I am because I support this institution!!!" Remember what Jesus said about those who go down to the market lpace a whiten their face during fasttimes so all can see their piousness . All that about putting the meek first - you missed all that? I mean, any of the four gospels - well, not so much John - are chock full of it. Your attempt to tie religion as an attempt to say that the meek should be left totally open to the predations of the mighty. I dunno. Maybe you learned that @ Maria (again, @ St. Rita HS, we weer taught social justice and care for the meek) , but certainly not @ st. Rita grammer school. @ least in my day we were taught social justice and care for the lessers of our society, Again, how'd you miss that? I for one never remember Pharoah being championed @ the expense of the Jews. Maybe I was sleeping in mass/class the day a substitute teacher taught religion class.
No. The union didn't support him. HE supported himself. It sounds, Hilts, as if you making analogies. My mom worked. My mom wanted to work. My dad worked several jobs. Whatever job your dad had to send you and five kids to universities must have been akin to dealing dope because I don't know anyone's folks who were able to do that... I read my dad your post this morning. He stared and asked, "No union did anything for me the last 51 years I've worked for the city, ESPECIALLY when I was jumping fences. Tell him to go scratch." So yeah, I'm sorry. Of course it sounds unfamiliar to you my recollection of growing up. I didn't come from some family whose daddy sucked the thumb of some union hack to thieve... You gotta admit, five kids, universities... No extra income... As my dad said, "Huh? His old man must have been lining his pockets, if he was able to pay all that off, and then some." So yeah... We did come from two very distinct families, with two distinct values. My dad lived a bit more independently than yours... LOL. But yeah... You turned my dad's head with your comments... He also asked "what the hell does he know about me or what any of those political ponzi schemes did for anyone??" You're not impressive...
But hey!! KARMA still is good. FUCK THE UNIONS.
Dude... My dad was not -- I repeat NOT -- impressed with your assumptions about him. As if you know him. So pathetic. Take, take, take... Go get a fucking job.
Oh yeah, I'll repeat it... My dad has zero loyalty towards unions... But he sure does our Church... THAT'S a real guy for you, Hilts... I don't hear ONE word about your Church. I don't hear one word about how your father raised you in faith.... Yeah man, I'd much rather have my dad than yours... What was wrong with your dad? Didn't he realize church was there for us to service him? Didn't he teach you and guide you about our doctrine? All it sounds as if he taught you was to take and take and take... Unions have opposed every measure of our Church and yet you support them. Being Catholic is a an action verb, Hilts. Ain't no union B.A. in church to protect you... Putting your wallet before your faith and church. Small man... And... Someone I wouldn't trust...
but...he did have a good union job with all the protections that go w/ it against Pharoah. Regular working class people like us - and everybody in the neighborhood we grew up in - need those protection against bosses who can do whatever they like to workers. America was @ it's height when union membership was @ it's highest. Since America has stopped the progression - totally coinciding w the Reagan presidency - regular working class people like our families have stagnated. Too bad America halted in 1980 and has been sliding ever since.
again, the schools and church I went to taught us the holiness of people. The New Testement we were taught us we were equal to Pharoah.....and God. Now I know the slave mentality mite be really easy to just say "Yes master", but that's not what we were taught @ st rita grammer and high.
You're so incredibly full of yourself. "Working people like us..." You make $100,000 a year or in that ballpark. You're so full of shit. Average family income is for a family of four in this country is $40,000. You're a fucking public servant. Ain't no "boss," there but the taxpayer. Yeah, gotta screw the middle class, you public service employees. And again, you don't know my father. He was absolutely unimpressed with you assuming you did. Unions did nothing for him. Absolutely nothing. Ever wonder, Hilts, WHY support for unions plummet once there's no collective bargaining? Ever wonder why unions members want to leave unions? They fucking suck. They're horrible for the economy. Look at this city, Detroit, DC, LA, the list goes on and on and on... All huge union cities. All huge public service cow unions... All going bankrupt.
Yes, you are right - police, fire, army, marines etc etc etc - we do serve America, and proudly. (not making 100k, btw). And, again, the America Dream for my parents - maybe gringos like you have a different experience than an immigrant family like mine - was to make a better life than them.
and again, remember - union membership means that you have any sotra protection from a boss who would fire you because ...... maybe he didn't like the length of your hair etc etc etc... That's fair? Then multiply the billions of reasons Pharoah has has to get rid of you on the job - except some people have union protection from people like your buddy rommney Rham people you are like minded with.
Wow.... You are NOT equal to God, Hilts. Not in any sense of the means. You were never taught you were equal to God. Not once. You can't compete with God. You can never compete with God. You will never be able to compete with God. St. Rita Grammar School never taught you this. St. Rita High School never taught you that. Nor did any Catholic Church doctrine teach you this.
You lie about your faith. You seem to just circle the drain more and more and more...
I was taught to fend for myself. I was taught Church First. I was taught that nobody owes you anything, and the only people you should ever expect anything free from are your parents...
Have someone read your comments, BTW. They're LITTERED with misspellings, and you're a teacher and being paid with my money? Hilts, come on...
You are doing nothing on your own. You can barely put together a grammatically sentence.
I thank GOD my sister has learned the ills of the public schools quickly, and will be eventually home schooling her children. The last thing we need is to have them around the influences of people like yourself...
You lie about your faith. You seem to just circle the drain more and more and more...
I was taught to fend for myself. I was taught Church First. I was taught that nobody owes you anything, and the only people you should ever expect anything free from are your parents...
Have someone read your comments, BTW. They're LITTERED with misspellings, and you're a teacher and being paid with my money? Hilts, come on...
You are doing nothing on your own. You can barely put together a grammatically sentence.
I thank GOD my sister has learned the ills of the public schools quickly, and will be eventually home schooling her children. The last thing we need is to have them around the influences of people like yourself...
We were taught god is everything. I am part of the whole. Yeah, we are all holy.
"The New Testement we were taught us we were equal to Pharoah.....and God." <------ span="">
You need to put yourself in check, Hilts. No. You are not equal to God. READ what you write...
We all could be holy, but we are not... Being holy means supporting LIFE. You don't.
You need to put yourself in check, Hilts. No. You are not equal to God. READ what you write...
We all could be holy, but we are not... Being holy means supporting LIFE. You don't.
And, the $40,000 remark - that's it ? The race to the bottom that your buddies Rham and Romney (and, if they are not your buddies, I just thought so since you are using their arguments as your own) are trying to inflict in America? We all should be making $100,000 - especially in the richest country in the world - indeed the world has ever known. What's the problem. Race to the top , not to the bottom. Union up all those people, give them any sorta protection agasit pharaoh, and we will put America back to health.
We're not the richest country in the world... And wasn't Rahm Obama's chief of staff....? And I didn't vote for Romney... And this is your response to YOU ARE NOT EQUAL TO GOD?
Total useless idiot.
Total useless idiot.
"We were equal to paroah.... and God."
I explain how incredibly stupid and ill you sound.
You respond with a rage against Obama's chief of staff and Romney.
Fucking awesome...
I explain how incredibly stupid and ill you sound.
You respond with a rage against Obama's chief of staff and Romney.
Fucking awesome...
Hilts Again, one argument - and I totally support having views against abortion, which I assume are trying to introduce so that you again can have the one finger in the air showing how holy you are. But what about all the other teaching of the churchs you just shunt aside - like respect for actually people born? Hey, don't be like the simple minded and try to boil down all of politics to one issue. I don't want to hear about gubs, either, which I suspect is your next issue.
"I explain how incredibly stupid and ill you sound." = actually, I feel i'm kinda sounding nuanced and with arguments based in fact - thank you St. Rita schools for teaching me !!!!!
If you're so grounded in facts, you would have NEVER equalized yourself to God.
Get over yourself.
hey - was Lanigan's Irish Pub last nite, looked for you. Sundays are no longer an option for me, as Monday- Friday working is just too tough anymore to go out @ night. Love the music on Sundays!
KAT And another thing... Abortion? It's a BIG thing, Hilts. A very, very big thing...
I was at Rita. Alumni band. Rita / Carmel game. They all went out to Cork & Kerry's afterwards, and I sooo love their beer garden, but I had way, way too much stimulation for me by half time and retreated back home....
Yes, it's vey big - but again, it's one of the churches teachings. Hey, what about hating the gays? or the death penalty? or ......................... respect for the lessors in our society. ALL are important, and I respect that you are all about that one issue. But, Im a bit more -to use the word agan - nuances and multidimensional, and realize that there are many many many issues in our church. You got stuck on one, but don't tell me it trumps everything. Death penalty.
I was so tired from the week I just watched the game on TV. Itb was a big day for the Rita Band. too ad the team couldn't have done better
The church doesn't teach us to hate gays???
And what about the death penalty????
Neither, again, are comparative to abortion, BTW...
And what about the death penalty????
Neither, again, are comparative to abortion, BTW...
Yes. I'm one dimensional... Missed you at the anti war rallies going on... Now and in 2008.... Where the hell were you?
Opps - you are right. (sincerely, too, here) - you actually so support many issues, which I totally support too. My bad.
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