in todays dcs
26 October, 2010
manga - Yoshihiro Tatsumi

It's interesting to see how the Japanese manga market works - here you have these 8 page spread, there you have a different type of magazine, here is this type of mange, etc etc etc... Since i dont have to backing in the history of it, it's all very interesting. For example, Push Man was erilized in a magazine - most of the stories are told in 8 pages. Yoshiro also wrote a book about the history of manga and his involvement in that history in A Drifting Life.
This is a full book - not a collection of comix - and it follows Yoshiro as he got into the comix business - and how the business changed. fascinating hitory of something I never would have thought of as interesting - thehistory of mange and it's genres - but great. it's also kool to follow his life story - espcially having read Push Man - you eally wanna find out where this dude got som out there. Long hauling ass book - but well worth it.
Try Push Man.
25 October, 2010
Bombshell…or not?
J&B was back in action at Salerno’s for a little tune-up heading into the Queen of Martyrs trivia coming up on Saturday. During pre-game discussion, J&B finds out that Benkowski and Rich Koz once shared the same agent, who once put them in a room together and told them to “create something.” I think that’s how we ended up with “Goodfellas”.
J&B represented by: Chemical Man, Stix, Hilts, MG, Dragon, and Lazers
The competition: Awesome, Sharks, Peeps, and Auntie Joanne
First half: NFL 2010/Old Love Songs/Blonde Bombshells
Born 1984- appeared in “Horse Whisperer”, “Vicky Cristina Barcelona” and “Iron Man 2”?
Died 2007- was a stripper, centerfold, and reality TV star?
Born 1982- appeared in “The Piano”, the X-Men movies, and “True Blood” on HBO?
Born 1976- appeared in “The Hot Chick”, “The House Bunny” and several “Scary Movies”?
Born 1975- appeared in “Devil’s Advocate” and “Monster”?
Died 1967- appeared in “The Fat Spy”, and daughter Mariska Hargitay was in the back seat of the car during the accident in which she was killed?
Died young in 1937- the original blonde bombshell got her big break from Howard Hughes?
Born 1989- appeared in “Remember the Titans” but best known for TV “Heroes”?
That last question actually was the very first question of the night, given to Team Awesome, which features a young blond girl, young guy, and an older guy. After the question was answered, one of the guys told Benkowski, “if you said born in 1986, I would have guessed BombShell” (the blond girl on the team). One of the Sharks loudly asks, “she’s a bombshell?” BAM!
Scores at the half: J&B 1000 Sharks 970 Auntie J 870 Peeps 720 Awesome 380
Second half: TV/Really Big Countries/Fattening Beer Products
1st largest country- even after the split- at 6.5 million square miles?
2nd largest country- at 3.8 million square miles?
3rd largest country (per Benkowski)- at 3.7 million square miles (think Asia)?
4th largest country (per Benkowski)- at 3.7 million square miles?
5th largest country- at 3.2 million square miles?
6th largest country- at 2.9 million square miles (though not every square mile of what you think is included goes into that area)?
7th largest country- at 1.2 million square miles (think Asia)?
8th largest country- at 1.0 million square miles (think New World)?
9th largest country- at 1.0 million square miles (the largest land-locked country)?
10th largest country- at 967,000 square miles (think Africa)?
I don’t think any of us, including Benkowski, understood the clue for the 6th largest country.
Scores into Final Question: Sharks 1960 Auntie J 1770 Peeps 1420 J&B 1390
Awesome 960
After its less-than-stellar second half, J&B wagers 1301 with no rationale other than knowing it needs all 3 answers correct and a lot of help for a shot to win tonight. Benkowski is disturbed by the many hearts filled with the word “’shell” on J&B’s wager sheet. Unbeknownst to Benkowski, Hilts had become infatuated with BombShell from Team Awesome, bombshell or not. (bombshell-Hilts ed)
The draft:
1- Sharks select 80s Movies
2- Auntie J selects Celebrity Obituaries
3- Awesome selects Halloween
4- Peeps select Music 2000s
5- J&B selects Male Celebrity Year of Birth
Nobody selects NFL 95.
80s Movies (quote from what movie):
“What kind of belt do you have?”; “Canvas. JCPenney. $3.98. You like?”
“I’m staying. Hear that New York? The frog is staying!”
“Wheel of Fortune. Look at the studio filled with glamorous merchandise. Fabulous and exciting bonus prizes. Thousands of dollars in cash. Over $150,000 just waiting to be won as we present our big bonanza of cash on Wheel Of Fortune.”
Celebrity Obituaries- 2010 (age of death, within 2):
Barbara Billingsley?
Simon MacCorkindale (from “Falcon Crest”)?
Jorge Gonzalez (former wrestler and Argentine basketball player)?
Is the eve of which Christian holiday?
In the Legend of Bachelor’s Grove- what caused the 2nd noise heard by the girl?
In what decade did the Legend of Resurrection Mary begin?
Music 2000s:
Sang “Wifey”?
Sang “Girl on TV”?
Sang “I Wish”?
Male Celebrity Year of Birth (with 2):
Elijah Wood?
Ben Affleck?
Mike Myers?
NFL 1995:
Best record in the league (13-3)- what team?
Won the Superbowl against Pittsburgh?
Current college coach was “Comeback Player of the Year”?
Gentlemen…and Vaughn?
Part II
First half answers:
Scarlett Johansson
Anna Nicole Smith
Anna Paquin
Anna Ferris
Charlize Theron
Jayne Mansfield
Jean Harlow
Second half answers:
(Note: the website I used for reference had China and the US in the opposite order)
Awesome- 960- Halloween- guesses All Saints Day (correct), boy hung upside-down, feet scraping car (no), 1960s (no)- only 1 correct- wagered 950- down to 10.
J&B- 1390- Male Celebrity YOB- guesses Wood 1984 (no), Affleck 1968 (no), Myers 1964 (close enough)- only 1 correct- wagered 1301- down to 89- that’s almost 9 times greater than Awesome’s score- J&B in the lead!
Peeps- 1420- Music 2000s- I didn’t hear their guesses, but all 3 were wrong- wagered it all- thanks for playing. The J&B Magic Number is 2.
Auntie J- 1770- Celebrity Obituaries 2010- guesses 94 years old for Billingsley (correct), 80 years old for MacCorkindale (no), 38 years old for Gonzalez (no)- only 1 correct- wagered 1080- down to 690 and the new leaders.
Sharks- 1960- 80s Movies- guess Karate Kid (correct), Muppets Take Manhattan (correct), Rain Man (correct)- all 3 correct- wagered 1581 plus bonus for 6541 and a slaughter rule victory!
Halloween: All Saints Day, fingers scraping car, 1930s
Celebrity YOB- Wood 1981 Affleck 1972 Myers 1963
Music 2000s- Next (Wifey), LFO (Girl on TV), Carl Thomas (I Wish)
Celebrity Obits- Billingsley 94, MacCorkindale 58, Gonzalez 44
80s Movies- all correct from Sharks
NFL 95- KC Chiefs, Dallas Cowboys, Jim Harbaugh
Upcoming events:
-J&B appears on Saturday, October 23rd at Queen of Martyrs school which, based upon payouts, can only be considered an exhibition event.
-Benkowski is planning a $25 per team Southside championship at The Castle on Saturday, November 6th. Is J&B going to attend?
-Thursday, November 25th- Thanksgiving- J&B eats turkey (though not together).