28 February, 2009

Chess club meets in the library - generally it's chess - and a lot of kids. Two of the most devoted also are Mah Johg players - and yes, I have played. twice. 0-2. The two boys - students - will talk in front of me and actually say "Well, at least he's better than that one guy". I'm learning - I will beat these guys soon.
The Eastern Front

So, w/ great pride, I am resuming my reading on WW2. It seems that the religious reading has finally abated - thought it still has some kick left - but by decision, I've decided finally to dirty myself on the new literature exploring the conflict between the Nazis and Russians - the greatest land war ever fought (9 of every 10 German soldiers killed in WW2 was killed on the Eastern Front). "New Literature" is important - since 1990, lots of more archives and shit are available to scholars, and since the major part of my study of that conflict revolved around the years 1984-1988, it's about time to dip back in.
That fist book - Barbarossa, by Alan Clark - blew me away and opened up to me a conflict that didn't deal w/ the Americans. A whole new world opened up*. So, almost twenty years since I basically sated meself on it, I now feel the urge to go back in. I'd tried before - the huge scholar is David Glantz, and I tied to get through Colossus Reborn: The Red Army at War, 1941-1943 (2005) before surrendering @ about page 100 - i need to go back and fix that. But the book i decided to start w/ is Richard Overy's Russia's War, a nice 325 page short intro into the war. And it's great! So good, hard to put down. The frightening thing is the terrible cruelty of the Soviets. I'd finished Burlegh's A New History of the Third Reich w/in the last few months and was shocked @ the complete brutality of the nazis. Why yes, I know of the Holocaust - and however horrible it was, it was only part of what those fucks did. So horrible to read of their violence. But guess what? The Soviets were just as bad. W/ starvation's and ethnic cleanings, they were almost as bad as the Nazi's.
A very many times I feel horrible because our army could be used to really bring good to the world instead of endless wars. I know we did horrible things in Vietnam - horrible things in Iraq and Afghanistan - horrible things in Central America - boy, where this was going was I was gonna put down that at least America is better than the Nazis and soviets - but whats stopping me is the basically same treatment that the Nazi's dealt the Poles or Russians, and the Soviets did on peasant farmers and outspoken leaders, we gave to the Native Americans, the Philippinos, Central Americans, Africans, etc etc etc. ok, so I'll end this string.
But the Soviets were as crazy and evil as the Nazi's - just fucking horrible. Savages both.
Despite my wanting to read the new lit, I still have to read what replaced Barbarossa as the English 'bible' to the Eastern front - 1975's (15y before that magic 1990 date I was writing about earlier) The Road to Stalingrad by John Erickson. It was on the list and hungered over my whole undergrad career - but when it ended, whatever else was on th plate @ the time replaced it. I've got the book - a thick paperback - and want to get to it next. 1975, huh?
*Jutland and dreadnoughts were also opened up to me in 1984 -same time. Richard Houghs Dreadnought was picked up, read, hit the fascination button, and then followed Arthur J. Marders From the Dreadnought to Scapa Flow: the Royal Navy in the Fisher era, 1904-1919 - five volumes @ about 400-500 pages each - the longest book I have ever read.
Keegans Friday nite
Ah, a post on what i did last nite - what is this, a proper blog? LFP is opening up an Irish bar near Gf's and Midway airport. Neither of us wanted to really do something, so we stayed @ home - but if LFP's bar was up, we woulda had a drink there. Not yet.
So, around 11.30p, I figured I'd go out for a drink. Starassered to Keegans, twenty in hand and the bar on my belly - and @ '2oclock' is LFP. He was w/ a lawyer buddy - not an oldtimer, but a neighbour. We talked a lot- I eventually had 3.5 drinx and am feeling it now - and it was good. The guys were out w/ their wives @ some political function, and the wives went home (im always interested in couple dynamics - I like it when I see in a relationship when half of a couple leaves and the other stays - healthy).
We talked of BCD. There were many stories, but the best was an old one - when he was 23, he was dating a much older CTA bus driver. Our laughs on that situation. That he would NEVER date a white women. Then there was his present girlfriend who he met on LFP's Wedding Day. Nine years ago. Wow. Many stories, but no all here ...
We talked shop. LFP is all hooked up w/ the city and knows everyone. I always like to hear citytalk - of these inspectors, those contractors, that document, and the two doors that have to be redone.
We talked of 'others' hoodlum past. Of windows being put out in houses where incorrect signs were put up. Of debris raining down on classmates and citizens unfortunate to get into out gunnery range.
And my favourite story - passed onto LFP from Mr. B. (who i'll be seeing tonight) - about my Dad. He was far far far cheaper than I, and more stubborn. He worked in America - in Chicago - for the C.T.A. When he retired, he could take the buses for free. So, we never had a car until real late - im sure he never had a drivers licence - and he always took the bus.
So, one day, Dad was carrying a 4ft ladder under his arm and tried to get on the bus. The driver - a jerk, since my dad was a retired CTA guy - didn't let him get on w/ the ladder. So my dad got off the bus, motioned to Mr. B. to hold the ladder, got back on the bus and moved to the back. There he pushed open the window - they swung out in these days - and motioned Mr. B. to hand up the ladder. My dad held the ladder fast to the side of the bus and off it took.
Mom got a laugh out of this one when I told her it this morning.
So, around 11.30p, I figured I'd go out for a drink. Starassered to Keegans, twenty in hand and the bar on my belly - and @ '2oclock' is LFP. He was w/ a lawyer buddy - not an oldtimer, but a neighbour. We talked a lot- I eventually had 3.5 drinx and am feeling it now - and it was good. The guys were out w/ their wives @ some political function, and the wives went home (im always interested in couple dynamics - I like it when I see in a relationship when half of a couple leaves and the other stays - healthy).
We talked of BCD. There were many stories, but the best was an old one - when he was 23, he was dating a much older CTA bus driver. Our laughs on that situation. That he would NEVER date a white women. Then there was his present girlfriend who he met on LFP's Wedding Day. Nine years ago. Wow. Many stories, but no all here ...
We talked shop. LFP is all hooked up w/ the city and knows everyone. I always like to hear citytalk - of these inspectors, those contractors, that document, and the two doors that have to be redone.
We talked of 'others' hoodlum past. Of windows being put out in houses where incorrect signs were put up. Of debris raining down on classmates and citizens unfortunate to get into out gunnery range.
And my favourite story - passed onto LFP from Mr. B. (who i'll be seeing tonight) - about my Dad. He was far far far cheaper than I, and more stubborn. He worked in America - in Chicago - for the C.T.A. When he retired, he could take the buses for free. So, we never had a car until real late - im sure he never had a drivers licence - and he always took the bus.
So, one day, Dad was carrying a 4ft ladder under his arm and tried to get on the bus. The driver - a jerk, since my dad was a retired CTA guy - didn't let him get on w/ the ladder. So my dad got off the bus, motioned to Mr. B. to hold the ladder, got back on the bus and moved to the back. There he pushed open the window - they swung out in these days - and motioned Mr. B. to hand up the ladder. My dad held the ladder fast to the side of the bus and off it took.
Mom got a laugh out of this one when I told her it this morning.
27 February, 2009
Football au Printemps : The Coral Sea
The Battle of the Coral Sea was, more or less, the first naval victory of the Americans over the Japanese in WW2. In truth, if one takes total tonnage as an indicator - then our loss of Lexington far outweighs the enemy losses of that battle. But the Japanese lost a light carrier and horrid damage to two of their fleet (large) carriers - so much so that in the next big battle (Midway), the absence of these two Japanese fleet carriers let the Americans (only 6m after Pearl Harbor) achieve local parity and eventually the stunning victory that totally changed the war in the Pacific.
Up to this point of the war, it'd been an unending run of 6m of Japanese victories. The Japanese wanted to fully take over the island of New Guinea (after Greenland, the world 's biggest) but were having problems. They controlled the north part of the island, but the massive jungle that covered the Owen Stanley Mountains that ridged the island made an overland route to the other side nearly impossible. So, instead of going overland, the Japanese took a part of their fleet w/ troops to land on the other side of the mountains.
Into this breach, however, stepped a USN carrier force headed by two fleet carriers, the Lexington and the Yorktown. The battle went back and forth - in addition to Lexington's loss, Yorktown was damaged. However, the Japanese lost their light carrier (name?) and heavy damage to the two fleet carriers that were involved.
Midway is a great story - the endless sending of American planes to be shot down trying to get @ the Japanese carriers - and then the 5m when planes from three different USN ships came across the enemy fleet basically @ the same moment.
So - coral Sea, a victory for the Allies, though not so clear cut as Midway. And the work done in this battle would contribute to the later American victory. And I must learn.
And so I feel towards my team. Yesterday, a bit of peace on the situation passed into me. Despite the 'ravages of war' in my mind going on, our team will persevere. It's been terrible to have no practice for the last two weeks - but we will carry on. My varsity players have been bit by bit getting their paperwork in, and a flash of new freshmen - w/ paperwork in hand - have been dribbling in. I really feel I fucked up - but I knew I'd make mistakes. I'm letting the girls down - but they can see I'm trying my hardest. But the spirit of the girls, the excitement of the new girls to be involved, and the gravity of the responsibility has me again looking forward. Just chastised.
But, earlier in the week, when I was scared that I wouldn't even have a team because of the paperwork deal - now I realise that I will have a roster by the time the first game - St. Patrick's Day - turns up. The Coral Sea was a step forward for the fortunes of the US military in WW2. Not a great victory like Midway - there were terrible losses - but the necessary work was done for the later victory.
Our Midways will come this year. Should I start calling myself Fletcher?
Into this breach, however, stepped a USN carrier force headed by two fleet carriers, the Lexington and the Yorktown. The battle went back and forth - in addition to Lexington's loss, Yorktown was damaged. However, the Japanese lost their light carrier (name?) and heavy damage to the two fleet carriers that were involved.
Midway is a great story - the endless sending of American planes to be shot down trying to get @ the Japanese carriers - and then the 5m when planes from three different USN ships came across the enemy fleet basically @ the same moment.
So - coral Sea, a victory for the Allies, though not so clear cut as Midway. And the work done in this battle would contribute to the later American victory. And I must learn.
And so I feel towards my team. Yesterday, a bit of peace on the situation passed into me. Despite the 'ravages of war' in my mind going on, our team will persevere. It's been terrible to have no practice for the last two weeks - but we will carry on. My varsity players have been bit by bit getting their paperwork in, and a flash of new freshmen - w/ paperwork in hand - have been dribbling in. I really feel I fucked up - but I knew I'd make mistakes. I'm letting the girls down - but they can see I'm trying my hardest. But the spirit of the girls, the excitement of the new girls to be involved, and the gravity of the responsibility has me again looking forward. Just chastised.
But, earlier in the week, when I was scared that I wouldn't even have a team because of the paperwork deal - now I realise that I will have a roster by the time the first game - St. Patrick's Day - turns up. The Coral Sea was a step forward for the fortunes of the US military in WW2. Not a great victory like Midway - there were terrible losses - but the necessary work was done for the later victory.
Our Midways will come this year. Should I start calling myself Fletcher?
26 February, 2009
Football au Printemps: disaster
Boy, all my proud fucking talk about all of this and that and me bringing in shit for the team - and because I didn't harangue the kids into getting their 'physicals' before, our team has basically stopped. And it's on St. Patrick Day's Day that we play our first game - and because I don't have enough girls legal on the roster as of now, I really don't even have a team. It's a serious disaster - here I was conditioning the girls and all these great plans, but because I underestimated the time and effort involved in getting this done - the team suffers. Now - I realised that I would make mistakes going into this, and I'm still ok with making mistakes - but right now, this mistake IS right now - and it's killing me.
Frustrating. Some girls are naturally lazy, and some are breaking on the rock of 'having to schedule it so long in advance'. They also have to have two other forms - a 'parental consent' and a 'steroids' form that only need a parents signature- but it's the physical forms that are the defile.
So, I have fucked up. I feel like a fuck. Two weeks the girls have been sitting. Luckily nest week we get to "try out" girls for two days - that means everyone gets to play - but after that, I bet I still won't have a roster.
Frustrating. Some girls are naturally lazy, and some are breaking on the rock of 'having to schedule it so long in advance'. They also have to have two other forms - a 'parental consent' and a 'steroids' form that only need a parents signature- but it's the physical forms that are the defile.
So, I have fucked up. I feel like a fuck. Two weeks the girls have been sitting. Luckily nest week we get to "try out" girls for two days - that means everyone gets to play - but after that, I bet I still won't have a roster.
The Castle
edited by Hilts
Stix greeted at 7pm by Benky who is pleased we are here as well as by Jim the bar owner/manager who thanks us for coming and later moves our table up front by the pool table. A much smaller bar than TCs, but perhaps a more intimate setting. J&B represented by Chemical Man, Hilts, and Stix.
TEAMS: Last trivia's winner Muff Divers (who throughout the night have no shortage of self-amusing comments about "boxes"), Castle Trash, T&T (who've been at TCs under another name) and the Wild Bankers.
First round: Music, In the News Tuesday, Fast Food South Side Qs:
**71st and Harlem, food on east side of street.
**115th and Pulaski, fast food
**City that just named the archbishop of Milwaukee it's new archbishop**1996 did "Pepper"
**2002 did "Love at First Sight" (answer given by Hilts, mocked by the Muffs)
J&B lead after 1Q and at the half.
Second round: TV/ Sports/ Celebrity Birth
**Gavin Floyd's highest MLB win total prior to 2008
**Tori Spelling's character name on 90210
**72-10 Bulls had what home record that year.
**65-66 TV season Ronald Reagan hosted this 3 word show.
(200 point and best answer of the night, given by T&T)
**Since 1980, the # of Bears championships.
J&B had a bad 3rd quarter blanking on Tori and picking 2 different "ladies only" throw questions. STILL, J&B leads after 3Q and at the end leads with 2190.
T&T 1690, Bankers 1370, Muff 1230, Castle 1180.
Final round: Sox, NBA finals 86-06, Stevie Wonder in the 70s, 80-90s TV
Wisely nobody picks NBA. J&B follows what textbooks (and Wikipedia) now call the Peppys/Hammer theory and picks Stevie Wonder along with Wild Bankers. Muff and T&T pick Sox, Castle Trash picks TV. J&B bets the classic but errs by using 1370, not 1690 as the second highest total. Stix is disqualified from future computations until such time as his Finance MBA is completed in 2010.
CURRENT SOX: 1) Sox player born in Hollywood, CA.
2) Adam Russell's listed height within 2 inches.
3) Was a major college football QB.
TV:1) Played Kevin on Raymond, 96-98.
2) Played Kelly on 90210.
3) Played Mindy on Mork & Mindy.
STEVIE: Benky's 3 fave Stevie songs of the 70s, all #1s, 10 total words with initials in alpha order of A D L M 0 S S S T Y
1) 1972 ?
2) 1973 ?
3) 1977 ?
Will the Peppys/Hammer theory pay off? Gentlemen?
J&B has the Gatorade bucket prepped after writing down SUPERSTITION '72, YOU ARE THE SUNSHINE OF MY LIFE '73 and I WISH '77.
**71st and Harlem, food on east side of street.--ZACATACOS
**115th and Pulaski, fast food--NICKY's
**City that just named the archbishop of Milwaukee it's
new archbishop--NEW YORK CITY
**1996 did "Pepper"--BUTTHOLE SURFERS
**2002 did "Love at First Sight"--KYLIE MINOGUE
**Gavin Floyd's highest MLB win total prior to 2008-- FOUR
**Tori Spelling's character name on 90210-- DONNA (oh, so close Don)
**72-10 Bulls had what home record that year.-- 39-2
**65-66 TV season Ronald Reagan hosted this 3 word show.
1) Sox player born in Hollywood, CA. JERRY OWENS
2) Adam Russell's listed height within 2 inches. 6 FOOT 8
3) Was a major college football QB. JOSH FIELDS
1) Played Kevin on Raymond, 96-98. KEVIN JAMES
2) Played Kelly on 90210. JENNIE GARTH
3) Played Mindy on Mork & Mindy. PAM DAWBER
Had trouble keeping track of the wagers, but J&B knows only Muff has all 3 answers, they bet it all to go to 2460+3000= 5600, not enough to top J&Bs
2741+ 3000= 5741, adding the Castle to the list of J&B arena victories.
See you at Bede's if Hilts ever gets us the:
1) time
2) contact name we're under
Nitenurse is making linguni salad. Yum
**71st and Harlem, food on east side of street.--ZACATACOS
**115th and Pulaski, fast food--NICKY's
**City that just named the archbishop of Milwaukee it's
new archbishop--NEW YORK CITY
**1996 did "Pepper"--BUTTHOLE SURFERS
**2002 did "Love at First Sight"--KYLIE MINOGUE
**Gavin Floyd's highest MLB win total prior to 2008-- FOUR
**Tori Spelling's character name on 90210-- DONNA (oh, so close Don)
**72-10 Bulls had what home record that year.-- 39-2
**65-66 TV season Ronald Reagan hosted this 3 word show.
1) Sox player born in Hollywood, CA. JERRY OWENS
2) Adam Russell's listed height within 2 inches. 6 FOOT 8
3) Was a major college football QB. JOSH FIELDS
1) Played Kevin on Raymond, 96-98. KEVIN JAMES
2) Played Kelly on 90210. JENNIE GARTH
3) Played Mindy on Mork & Mindy. PAM DAWBER
Had trouble keeping track of the wagers, but J&B knows only Muff has all 3 answers, they bet it all to go to 2460+3000= 5600, not enough to top J&Bs
2741+ 3000= 5741, adding the Castle to the list of J&B arena victories.
See you at Bede's if Hilts ever gets us the:
1) time
2) contact name we're under
Nitenurse is making linguni salad. Yum
22 February, 2009
a saturday nite
this was a gathering of the young guard - and what was noted mainly was the strenght of the gathering. in this day and age of age and children and longterm boyfrenz, the fading of the former dynamic of the social component of this group - resembling leipzig more than waterloo - has always been appearnt. but this nite, it was a nite when the squadrons reassembled and it wasn't just the Lifeguards...
obs. this gathering was fer bdays - an historic bday grouping of the Lifeguards in the past has produced wondernites throughout the years, and this was the reason given to gather this nite. funny - i felt like talking- really did - but somehow sequestered meself into a corner -towering Lifeguards arund me, no doubt - but selfsequestered, esp. in the context of 'mouthwantingtorun' ... but selfsequester...
but, satisfied that this group can still pack a deadly punch...
worried that the last stop of the nite would be wronged, we then sailed east by north to see bully pulpit playing their guitars and drums for us... first playing - we raced to get there on time, only to be an hour early - was spouse - and he/they (liz bustamante drummed a bit) was/were good. one song was outstanding - that one where he played what, bass only? funny to watch liz bustamante on the side of the stage rocking totally out during the set when she wasnt on stage.
curtis was kinda there - not seen until seemingly druken walking out. sat w/ orf, dragon, and bittle visits from the musicians and such. we left late.
20 February, 2009
Mayo and the Bus
W/in the last few weeks, Mayo came up to me to ask the meaning of the word "nuisance". Well, I knew it was used to describe him in his presence - where I dunno. But he now is shuffled out of school because to most he is a nuisance ; he's been put ' on the bus ' , so to speak. Instead of loitering around the school - in the media center - until he' kicked out when it closes @ 4.30, and then loitering around outside until lord knows when and then taking CTA home @ 9pm -somebody has decided to put him on the yellow bus with the other special ed kids and make him leave the area in the aternoon.
What a change!! One of the aides came to the library @ @.30 or so to walk him to the bus, and he was weeping - lost frenz, from a switched schedule, but also he has to leave his little home hours early. I suppose he will make new frenz and he will visit us a lot, but I will amidt that I liked him around staring @ the computer screen muttering till no one else ware there except he and a few other die hard (who stay till we kick them out of the libary). So, instead of 1.15-4.30, Mayo will have to make due with 1.1.5 - 2.25.
I'll miss him, but he'll be around as well. I really like that he's been accepted by all the regulars in the media center - and worried a bit by how he'll take up his free hours. The funny thing is is that people were saying that he was 'put on the bus' to protect his saftey - I'm sure it was to rid the area of him.
What a change!! One of the aides came to the library @ @.30 or so to walk him to the bus, and he was weeping - lost frenz, from a switched schedule, but also he has to leave his little home hours early. I suppose he will make new frenz and he will visit us a lot, but I will amidt that I liked him around staring @ the computer screen muttering till no one else ware there except he and a few other die hard (who stay till we kick them out of the libary). So, instead of 1.15-4.30, Mayo will have to make due with 1.1.5 - 2.25.
I'll miss him, but he'll be around as well. I really like that he's been accepted by all the regulars in the media center - and worried a bit by how he'll take up his free hours. The funny thing is is that people were saying that he was 'put on the bus' to protect his saftey - I'm sure it was to rid the area of him.
19 February, 2009
The J & B Flying Circus
T.C.'s, J & B's home for the past five years (no, not a lonely cold Norwegian fjord) has stopped hosting Benkowski Trivia. We are presently in our "Little Interregnum", although we are also in our "Galloping Ghost" Tour as well. Ok, I'll explain.
We'd been going to T.C.'s since early in 2003. J & B had been around since the early 1990's (1980's?) in a format I'd taken little part in. These were the days of Q and Madonna and all that, so women were top of the pops 2 that point. I went twice, I think, But Moho, Chemical Man, Stix, Lazers, Peppys, and maybe other people went all the time. However, around ?, J & B stopped competing. I really do not know what happened (I've been wanted to write a small history of J & B for a long time now), but the Interregnum had started and didn't stop until Jan. 2003. Then, finally, J and B went back into action - and I was "in". From Spring 2003 to Jan. 2009, our home every other Thursday was T.C.s.
But that's all over now. Economic times have erased trivia from TC's. But there are lots of trivia competitions out there. Benky himself has maybe 8 other bars where he does trivia. A famous-because-of-vinnie bar, Grauchos, does it every Sunday night. We were there last Sunday. And on the 28th, we return -as Cup holders - to St. Bedes trivia.
So - and yes, it's only me calling it an interregnum and a galloping ghost tour* - but we are sampling different trivia in different areas and w/ different groups. So, Sunday @ Graucho's was a return for Peppys who did Grauchos in the 80's. Next Wednesday, we are going to a Benky location on Ash Wednesday (gotta find ashes early, mannnn), The castle on 79th and Harlem. Bedes Cup on Saturday. And seemingly, a return to Graucho's on Sunday. So - believe it or not, I gess I gotta call an end to caling it the 'little Interregnum" since we are triving it up on A Wednesday, a Saturday, and a Sunday. Three times in five days.
We'd been going to T.C.'s since early in 2003. J & B had been around since the early 1990's (1980's?) in a format I'd taken little part in. These were the days of Q and Madonna and all that, so women were top of the pops 2 that point. I went twice, I think, But Moho, Chemical Man, Stix, Lazers, Peppys, and maybe other people went all the time. However, around ?, J & B stopped competing. I really do not know what happened (I've been wanted to write a small history of J & B for a long time now), but the Interregnum had started and didn't stop until Jan. 2003. Then, finally, J and B went back into action - and I was "in". From Spring 2003 to Jan. 2009, our home every other Thursday was T.C.s.
But that's all over now. Economic times have erased trivia from TC's. But there are lots of trivia competitions out there. Benky himself has maybe 8 other bars where he does trivia. A famous-because-of-vinnie bar, Grauchos, does it every Sunday night. We were there last Sunday. And on the 28th, we return -as Cup holders - to St. Bedes trivia.
So - and yes, it's only me calling it an interregnum and a galloping ghost tour* - but we are sampling different trivia in different areas and w/ different groups. So, Sunday @ Graucho's was a return for Peppys who did Grauchos in the 80's. Next Wednesday, we are going to a Benky location on Ash Wednesday (gotta find ashes early, mannnn), The castle on 79th and Harlem. Bedes Cup on Saturday. And seemingly, a return to Graucho's on Sunday. So - believe it or not, I gess I gotta call an end to caling it the 'little Interregnum" since we are triving it up on A Wednesday, a Saturday, and a Sunday. Three times in five days.
As I used to toast when I got my cider and it was always Lazers, Chemical Man, and I there first ="It's J & B Winning Time"
*=what, you fuxx don't have the same cachet reserved for the English Revolution and the early history of the Bears as I do??
Football au Printemps: coaches
The coaching staff is full. Two basically non soccer people have come aboard to join Koack K and I. Last years assistant coach is coming on to take on limited role. She will be doing paperwork, as well as the candy sale (by the way, @ some point in April - I'm sure I'll see if you want to buy a candy bar for $1. What - You won't? you hate girls? You hate me? Why do you hate America??). She will also go to the park early and start the girls exercising - I get out @ 4pm generally, but most of my team gets out @ 2.45 (Seniors get out earlier - the school is crowded and we have staggered starts so all the kids can have classrooms). So, she'll play a limited role - same as last year - but it will hlp a lot.
I also have a freshman coach. I'd wanted a woman, hopefully able to speak Spanish, and young. My first two choices didn't work - Neice.1 is in Roma, and a girl who showed up a lot last year also didn't work out. However, my next choice was delighted to take the job. I explained to her that she'd have to come on Saturdays and that I would be having a large job in training the girls (they are my future team in 2 years or so), but she seemed gung ho for the position. I'm happy she 's in. She is thought of highly here, and is always a pleasant person. That she doesn't really have a soccer background don't matter. And, I'm glad to get someone a paycheck.
I also have a freshman coach. I'd wanted a woman, hopefully able to speak Spanish, and young. My first two choices didn't work - Neice.1 is in Roma, and a girl who showed up a lot last year also didn't work out. However, my next choice was delighted to take the job. I explained to her that she'd have to come on Saturdays and that I would be having a large job in training the girls (they are my future team in 2 years or so), but she seemed gung ho for the position. I'm happy she 's in. She is thought of highly here, and is always a pleasant person. That she doesn't really have a soccer background don't matter. And, I'm glad to get someone a paycheck.
Well, bit by bit, it seems there are slightly small sign everywhere that i'm turning into an adult. Y'all w/ kids (and property an' all'o' 'at etc as well, but esp. the kids) - I ain't @ that level). I know I wrote of my Mom and my fears a bit yesterday, but again- finally, I seem to have realized not to take my Mom for granted so much. I'm finally realizing that time is finite, and she who by definition has been around forever (well, for me least) will not be around forever. I'll admit to being a pretty worthless son - not evil, or whatever, but just the 'taken for granted' part - but I've been pleased that lately i haven't been so self entered. When it comes to her.
But - is it selfishness @ the bottom of it?
So, among other things, the same Patience I have w/ Mayo or the kids @ school - I'm starting to have for her. And again - so much time when I have been a greedy son, I can't get that back. But I can go full force in the future. What are the lines? From Magnolia Sky? Each day is a new chance to ......? what was it?
I can't remember them all - so i'll leave you w/ that last glorious scene from the Matrix - well, not th LAST scene, but The Scene of Scene: Me, err...... Neo, bullets flying for him, and all he says is "No" I think, slowly, finally, that "No" is coming into my vocabularily.
About time.
But - is it selfishness @ the bottom of it?
So, among other things, the same Patience I have w/ Mayo or the kids @ school - I'm starting to have for her. And again - so much time when I have been a greedy son, I can't get that back. But I can go full force in the future. What are the lines? From Magnolia Sky? Each day is a new chance to ......? what was it?
I can't remember them all - so i'll leave you w/ that last glorious scene from the Matrix - well, not th LAST scene, but The Scene of Scene: Me, err...... Neo, bullets flying for him, and all he says is "No" I think, slowly, finally, that "No" is coming into my vocabularily.
About time.
17 February, 2009
Football au Printemps:Physicals
Physicals cost about $15. The various programs Ive been @ send the kids to Dr. Patel on Archer. To play in CPS - or Illinois in general - ya gotta have one of these.
That includes preseason - so all of my wonderful attempts to get the girls running and moving have been torridly defiled at that defile of sports teams known as known as "The Physical". Simply put, we gotta get the girls to go there them selves and get it. I'd had trouble before in trying to get the girls out to practice so early - now, to try and get them to go to pay %15 for a physical so far in advance of the season ....... hard. Next year I'll force'm to get it in September - but for now, a total halt in conditioning has occured.
Simply, for me, a disaster. I need to be there - and because of my oversight, we now have lulled, a full week, a month before our fist game in the 16th of March. I'm not beating myself up about it - it's regrettable - but after the main panic thought of we gotta get back onto the pitch asap the thought of ok, this is gotta be done months before the season next year also takes hold.
I accept that this is alearning process - or, what Drax told Cranface and I about the Bulls early in a playoff game 2-3 years ago - "It's a progression"
I accept that this is alearning process - or, what Drax told Cranface and I about the Bulls early in a playoff game 2-3 years ago - "It's a progression"
Alan's War : The Memories of G.I. Alan Cope

Wonderful new graphic novel I have finally read. It's about Alan Cope, his war years, and after. No matter what the subject matter - war and women - it's death that effected me the most. Truly - I'm so deeply worried about my Mom these days - no, nothing going on besides the touchy march of time, so don't worry - but it's the touchy march of time/ that binds (us) and the ineluctableness of the whole thing - that worries me.
Anytime I see an old person, inevitibly I think of my parents. This wondeful book, hundreds of pages long, and it's this page and the page before it that I keep refering to. Alan Cope , whose story it is, died in 1999. The illustrator, Emmanuel Guibert, did a fine job - and there is the possibility that he will put out more books on Alan Cope soon. "Promised" is a book on Copes childhood - and my great hope is that his grandmother will be a main character in it.
Seriously - every hour or so last night, I'd find the book again and reread those two-three pages.
But I must realise that they are gone, they will not come back, and the deal is is to go forward.
But I must realise that they are gone, they will not come back, and the deal is is to go forward.
16 February, 2009
J abd B galloping ghost toour
written by Lazers
names edited by Hilts
It has been a long time since I’ve set foot in Groucho’s- a long, lonely, lonely time. This past Sunday night, J&B decided to invade Groucho’s trivia night. There were no monuments to recognize the Twin Towers or Trixie.
Update will be sent only in one part, with answers at the end.
J&B was off to a bad start, as the website advertised starting time was half an hour later than the actual starting time. No J&Bers were around for the first few questions of the 2-point round.
The competition was 9 other teams, most of whose names we didn’t hear. One team was named Comfortably Dumb- I assume the same group that were semi-regular at TC Pub, but not known for certain.
J&B was represented by: chemical Man, Stix, Peppys/Hammer, Hilts, Gf and Lazers
The fee for the night was a hefty $20, although Stix got a free pen for fronting the money.
Questions would be asked in rounds, with each team getting to write their answer on a post-it. The moderators would read some of the funnier guesses after informing the group how many teams had the answer correct. If only one team had an answer correct, that team received double points. Most if not all rounds ended with an audio question, asking for the singer or group that performed the song used as a segue way to allow the moderators to add the scores.
Question from the 2-point round: What do Ruth Wakefield, Wally Amos and Margaret Rutkin have in common?
J&B was 4 points out of first place after the initial round.
Next up was the 5-point round:
What is the most popular Pepperidge Farm cookie?
The New York Dolls, David Bowie, T-Rex, and Gary Glitter were all examples of what genre of 70s music?
J&B was 9 points back in 5th place after this round.
Next up was the 10-point round:
Miley Cyrus- what is her real name (as reflected on her birth certificate)?
After the NFL/AFL merger, what 3 NFL teams were mixed in with the AFL teams in their conference?
Thus far, Groucho’s trivia features overall tough questions without much sports and pop culture. Peppys / Hammer: “We’ve gotten soft.”
Nonetheless, J&B eked its way into second place with 109 points after the last round. The leading team had 148.
Final round was the 15- point round:
Prior to “McGyver”, Richard Dean Anderson was a co-star on this popular TV show?
What is made with the following ingredients: chopped raw beef, onion, parsley, capers, a hot sauce (usually made from Worcestershire), and raw egg?
That last question singled out because J&B was the only team that was wrong.
After a random drawing for free t-shirts (won by Comfortably Dumb), the winning teams were announced:
4th place was a tie with 143 points. The prize was a pizza.
3rd place was 156 points, winning a free round of drinks (won by Mr. Peterson)
2nd place was 186 points, winning $50.
1st place was 208 points, winning $100.
As previously mentioned, J&B won a “free” pen with what I think would have been 124 points (getting only 1 of the 4 answers for the final round).
Overall, there were some very tough questions across many categories. Without a “Final” question, the “History of J&B” lacks its dramatic natural break for the chance for online players to answer questions followed by the often amazing finality of that night’s game. With the earlier start, the game was over around 10:00.
Cookie makers
Glam rock
Destiny Hope
Baltimore Colts, Pittsburgh Steelers, Cleveland Browns
General Hospital
Steak Tar tare
Upcoming J&B:
Discussion of attending Benkowski trivia at “The Castle”- 5700 W. 79th Street. Next option is Wednesday, February 25th at 7:00. Benkowski hadn’t responded to Art’s email, so Art was looking at options via website. Coincidentally, Gf ran into Benkowski at the library and indicated he suggested “The Castle”. I’m just astounded that he was doing actual research rather than relying on his sometimes-less-than-stellar memory.
I’m listing myself as a “maybe” for that night.
St Bede’s- coming up on Saturday, February 28th. Hilts has fronted our fee and will pass along details regarding start time, etc. I think we have our 10-person roster set with the same crew as last year.
names edited by Hilts
It has been a long time since I’ve set foot in Groucho’s- a long, lonely, lonely time. This past Sunday night, J&B decided to invade Groucho’s trivia night. There were no monuments to recognize the Twin Towers or Trixie.
Update will be sent only in one part, with answers at the end.
J&B was off to a bad start, as the website advertised starting time was half an hour later than the actual starting time. No J&Bers were around for the first few questions of the 2-point round.
The competition was 9 other teams, most of whose names we didn’t hear. One team was named Comfortably Dumb- I assume the same group that were semi-regular at TC Pub, but not known for certain.
J&B was represented by: chemical Man, Stix, Peppys/Hammer, Hilts, Gf and Lazers
The fee for the night was a hefty $20, although Stix got a free pen for fronting the money.
Questions would be asked in rounds, with each team getting to write their answer on a post-it. The moderators would read some of the funnier guesses after informing the group how many teams had the answer correct. If only one team had an answer correct, that team received double points. Most if not all rounds ended with an audio question, asking for the singer or group that performed the song used as a segue way to allow the moderators to add the scores.
Question from the 2-point round: What do Ruth Wakefield, Wally Amos and Margaret Rutkin have in common?
J&B was 4 points out of first place after the initial round.
Next up was the 5-point round:
What is the most popular Pepperidge Farm cookie?
The New York Dolls, David Bowie, T-Rex, and Gary Glitter were all examples of what genre of 70s music?
J&B was 9 points back in 5th place after this round.
Next up was the 10-point round:
Miley Cyrus- what is her real name (as reflected on her birth certificate)?
After the NFL/AFL merger, what 3 NFL teams were mixed in with the AFL teams in their conference?
Thus far, Groucho’s trivia features overall tough questions without much sports and pop culture. Peppys / Hammer: “We’ve gotten soft.”
Nonetheless, J&B eked its way into second place with 109 points after the last round. The leading team had 148.
Final round was the 15- point round:
Prior to “McGyver”, Richard Dean Anderson was a co-star on this popular TV show?
What is made with the following ingredients: chopped raw beef, onion, parsley, capers, a hot sauce (usually made from Worcestershire), and raw egg?
That last question singled out because J&B was the only team that was wrong.
After a random drawing for free t-shirts (won by Comfortably Dumb), the winning teams were announced:
4th place was a tie with 143 points. The prize was a pizza.
3rd place was 156 points, winning a free round of drinks (won by Mr. Peterson)
2nd place was 186 points, winning $50.
1st place was 208 points, winning $100.
As previously mentioned, J&B won a “free” pen with what I think would have been 124 points (getting only 1 of the 4 answers for the final round).
Overall, there were some very tough questions across many categories. Without a “Final” question, the “History of J&B” lacks its dramatic natural break for the chance for online players to answer questions followed by the often amazing finality of that night’s game. With the earlier start, the game was over around 10:00.
Cookie makers
Glam rock
Destiny Hope
Baltimore Colts, Pittsburgh Steelers, Cleveland Browns
General Hospital
Steak Tar tare
Upcoming J&B:
Discussion of attending Benkowski trivia at “The Castle”- 5700 W. 79th Street. Next option is Wednesday, February 25th at 7:00. Benkowski hadn’t responded to Art’s email, so Art was looking at options via website. Coincidentally, Gf ran into Benkowski at the library and indicated he suggested “The Castle”. I’m just astounded that he was doing actual research rather than relying on his sometimes-less-than-stellar memory.
I’m listing myself as a “maybe” for that night.
St Bede’s- coming up on Saturday, February 28th. Hilts has fronted our fee and will pass along details regarding start time, etc. I think we have our 10-person roster set with the same crew as last year.
St. Valens
Poor Gf, loser like me to pay attention to her.
Well, she was the one who wanted pizza.
She has taste - wanted Giordanos - but I tried Palermos first.
First seats 10pm. No thanks.
...but on afterthought...
Went to the same lovely Giordanos I eat @ most Fridays of the school year (baby stuffed cheese).
I never have to wait on Friday aftrnoon. But St. Valentine's Saturday Night?
One hour. Standing wait.
Shoulda planned it a lot better. Gf deserves better than me.
Well, she was the one who wanted pizza.
She has taste - wanted Giordanos - but I tried Palermos first.
First seats 10pm. No thanks.
...but on afterthought...
Went to the same lovely Giordanos I eat @ most Fridays of the school year (baby stuffed cheese).
I never have to wait on Friday aftrnoon. But St. Valentine's Saturday Night?
One hour. Standing wait.
Shoulda planned it a lot better. Gf deserves better than me.
John Mahoney
Yay!! Finally got to see a play I wanted to see - "The Seafarer", wttn b. Conor McPherson Steppenwolf. I'd been turned onto him by luck last spring when asked to chaperone a field trip to the Goodman's version of his "Shining City" - it was brill. Already Steppenwolf's done another of his plays this year - both playing @ the same time - but this was the only one we could get to. We'd tried to get the $20 + $2.50 tickets a month before - no go on a Friday- but this time we got the tix on the Wednesday before Lincoln's Birthday - an off day for both Gf and I and so ideal.
It was a big day. It was officially "USA - MEXICO World Cup Qualifier in Columbus Day", and to be a target of abuse, I wore my - what was it, the Copa America '95 version?- US jersey. Although one might think this is America, sometimes we're reminded that this is actually North America -since my school is 70% Hispanic, plenty of people were wearing Mexico jerseys - lotsa trash talking. I had to tape the game and watched it late into the nite on gettin' home.
The play - wonderful. Five dudes sitting about a dingy basement. Drunken. Dispare. Disfunction. And delightful. We got nice seats, quite close and on stage right. John Mahoney, from "Fraiser", played one of the roles - I knew he was in the play, but I hid it from Gf until he hit the stage - a suprise. Another suprise was on us both - Tom Irwin, presently on "Lost" and previously on "My So Called Life" - played Mr. Lockhart.
It was a big day. It was officially "USA - MEXICO World Cup Qualifier in Columbus Day", and to be a target of abuse, I wore my - what was it, the Copa America '95 version?- US jersey. Although one might think this is America, sometimes we're reminded that this is actually North America -since my school is 70% Hispanic, plenty of people were wearing Mexico jerseys - lotsa trash talking. I had to tape the game and watched it late into the nite on gettin' home.
The play - wonderful. Five dudes sitting about a dingy basement. Drunken. Dispare. Disfunction. And delightful. We got nice seats, quite close and on stage right. John Mahoney, from "Fraiser", played one of the roles - I knew he was in the play, but I hid it from Gf until he hit the stage - a suprise. Another suprise was on us both - Tom Irwin, presently on "Lost" and previously on "My So Called Life" - played Mr. Lockhart.
There's Sharkey, trying to quit the drink and his memories of Eileen; Richard, the blind druken brother; Ivan, the druken sidekick; Nicky, the drunken lover of Eileen; and Mr. Lockhart. They sit around, argue extremely shrilly, drink, talk of old times, chase gypsies, and drink. And then they play cards .... The card games are excruciating, as the stakes become quite elevated.
Thunderstrike. Quite welcome. Waves of feelings.
Gf liked it. I knew. I had early practice for the next day, and dropped her off -she kissed me once then twice good night. Im always happy when things go like that.
Gf liked it. I knew. I had early practice for the next day, and dropped her off -she kissed me once then twice good night. Im always happy when things go like that.
09 February, 2009
st. sabaninas mass / 8 feb.
St. Sabinas is an South side Roman Catholic church with mainly African American parishioners. Growing up black catholics were a very exotic thing - of course I didn't know any - but this parish is a big deal. It used to be an Irish parish (I lived in St. Kilians, one mile south of Sabinas on 87th, before moving to Marquette Park) but @ the same time my family left St. Kilians all the other white families also left St. Sabinas. The church survived this mass exodus, however, and its current pastor (since 81) Fr. Pfleger has built it into a great parish. The parish is very active and its services are packed. It has lots of outreach programs that seem to do good in the parish. Father Pfleger is a good priest who does what he can to keep pushing.
And the parish is as rich as fuck. The parish and the church itself may @ some point not have been in perfect condition - but all are stunning now. It collected $34k in its Sunday collection the week before - more than twice what my parish normally takes each Sunday. It has a lot of stuff to fund, so it needs the cash infusion. i'm glad people believe enough in it to give it that $$. The church is gorgeous inside - lots of wood and banners and intricate stained glass windows. A great setting.
The mass itself is a mix of Minimum open Catholicism and Maximum African Americanism. The catholic mass can be radically changed to fit whatever celebratory context it's in, but it always has certain elements: the three readings, a sermon (usually a sermon - not on, say Palm Sunday, Good Friday, etc...but usually a sermon or its substitute), the Lords Prayer, and communion. And an Alleluia or two. I always thought that stuff like the Nicene Creed and other stuff were also included, but I guess not, since i didn't witness it Sunday.
But the structure of the mass -v- what i'm used to - now that was radical. It opens w/ 20m of announcements. In St. Christina, there's 30s of hurried announcements rite before the last song and procession out. And those 20m were real engaging speakers - they had shit they wanted to say and get people interested in. And then mass started.
Wait- did i say mass? And remember when I said the parish was rich as hell? It wasn't mass (yeah yeah I know it was) and it wasn't a church - we were, for forty five minutes, treated to... well, I guess we took in a gospel concert. Really. The acoustics of the place, the fact that the band was tite as hell and ready to rock, and .... the spirit of the place added up to quite the experience for me. And since we weren't in a concert hall -we were in a black church - there were people up and down, yelling and shouting, swaying and clapping, singing along (I didn't know a song), all that shit. It was for me a unique meld of rock show and catholic church and black culture.
It was a little different for me - new circumstances generally are hard. I'd been to Sabinas maybe five years before to see Dr. West's sermon- but just the once. I was a little nervous about fitting in, especially since I knew I'd be there for the next 3 1/2h. However, I got into the swing of things. I wasn't jumping around or anything, but the music was so good and everybody was ready to perform; it was hard not to move and clap along. In all reality, although we were there to praise Jesus, I found we were also there to rock out big time.
And I just liked that you could act loud when you wanted to. During the one hour sermon by Dr. West, time after time people were yelling and agreeing, laughing and clapping, jumping up and offering mini ovations. There was a wonderful sense of chaos. I was early empowered and stood frequently during the sermon - imagine that at St. Christina - and hooted as loud as I wanted whenever. Very freeing. My favourite part - there were so many - but my favourite part- was the second reading (((1 Corinthians (16-19,22-23) ))) It wasn't so much the reading itself- instead it was the people, all hunched over, intent on listening, and the reader, enjoying the Word - and then -when the reader indicated the reading was over and Amen - people -not a lot, but people - started spontaneously cheering and clapping. It blew me away - they were cheering for a gospel reading!!! Giant too much!! I was way too nervous to do so that reading - but I did clap a bit after the Gospel reading.
The church was packed. The ushers were like the white gloved guys on the Tokyo subway jamming people into the pews. I stand most masses, but I left myself be pew'd this one. I sat in the 'back section' of the church - the 'front section' near the altar and the band are (I assume)taken up by the regular parishioners. Someday I should arrive very early so I can get a clear view of the band - and choir - and dance troupe - all of massive proportion - spread all over the place up there. From where I sat ..... well, the cheap seats.
Lotsa whites - you'd be surprised - but also Hispanics, Indians, etc etc etc... It was a pretty multicultural - but mainly black. I have a feeling that this mass was a bit different simply because Dr. West was giving the sermon, and people came to see him. I sorta did come to see him that first time - but it was more of 'ok this is he time to visit'
But - like in 2002 or when ever, Cornell West was the sermonizer. And again, he was great. Wanna hear what I heard? The sermon itself is on this page. Go ahead, y won't be tainted. It's Dr. West. go ahead. Lasts an hour, but give it a minute or so. It was titled "African American History Celebration", but it touched on a lot of subjects. He told the congregation that the Cross was mightier than the government - scandalous stuff - but he said it was to "inform" the choices of those who govern. I liked that. He said we have to still watch President Obama - his gift is in governance, a different thing than the "prophetic gift". It's out job to push him on that account. And that this is not a 'post racial' society - it's just less racist, evidenced by many non blacks voting for BHObama /superior qualifications, and not voting for a 'white guy'. gain, just listen to it. I know many will be deeply scandalized and would feel dirty or thought of as crazy for listening to something catholic - but again, what do you have against Dr. West and progressive politics? Why do you hate America???
And then the collection and the end of mass. I suspected this was true when I first went to Sabinas years ago, but now I'm sure. Again, the structure of the mass is vastly different than the regular masses I've been to, although they have the necessary "Catholic" stuff that makes it a mass and not, say, an Episcopalian service. The readings @ the beginning. An alleluia. and then they have the sermon - Dr. West today.
But there comes a time when it really takes on heavily the Catholic features that make it a Mass. What could reasonably -I assume - be expected in a non catholic African American mass comes to a more or less end, and the Roman catholic stuff takes over. It's a funny process to watch.
My guess is that this system came in over time. After the sermon, more songs and such. Then there is an extended, long collection system. @ St. Christina's for example, they have people to 'pass the basket'. They have a basket @ the end of a pole, and the collectors go to each row and run the basket/pole up in front of the people. If they give cash, they just drop it into the basket put in front of them. I really like passing the basket, too. I have in my head that each time i go to my local church that I'm a 'rambler' looking type and people look @ me funny - but that's contradicted by the number of times the ushers have picked me to 'pass the basket'.. i like being picked. (And, of course, I have to be different. Each time a person drops in some $$ or an envelope, I whisper "Thank You" to them. I especially try to make sure the little kids get a good reaction out of it).
However, @ Sabinas, it's done totally different. Each and every pew is emptied and people walk up to the altar to drop off their alms into a basket. Then, people wandered back and sat down - in their own time - to their seats. Takes about 20-25 m. I'd wondered last time if I was rite in guessing their strange to me collection system - but now i'm sure. By getting everybody outta their seats and walking around, it's easier for the non Catholics - who'd been praising Jesus along w/ the rest of us - to leave th church and mass. For what came next - Consecration and Communion - was totally the same as it's done @ Christiana's. Same words, basic cadence, basic order - and then the long lines to recieve communion.
Good mass. Long mass. Inspires me to: go again to Sabinas when Father Pfleger gives the sermon - and go to a different black Catholic church - a less famous one - to see how it's done there. Well, I'd mentioned that i'd been a few years in St. Killians Parish @ the beginning of my life - seems that's a good start.
collection of $ takes forever - people get up and put $$ into basket @ front.
ths allows for people to get up and leave - forces them - so that the holy celebration of catholicism can then take place - the host, the lines to communition, etc...
ths allows for people to get up and leave - forces them - so that the holy celebration of catholicism can then take place - the host, the lines to communition, etc...
08 February, 2009
xMAs reading part 2 : Exile on Main Street by Robert Greenfield

However, some parts were great. Escpecially about that cat Jagger. Endless fascination about the way he goes about things. Read these:
"On May 21, 1969, Mick and Marianne were busted at Mick's home at 48 Cheyne Walk for heroin, LSD, and marijuana. Mick, being Mick, claimed that Detective Sergent Robin Constable had framed him by planting the herion in a white Cartier box on a tabletop. According to Mick, Constable then offered to sort the matter out in return for the sum of a thousand pound, a charge Constable denies to this very day while sorrowfully adding, "We shouldn't have arrested him. Anyone else!" (p.41)
'Walking over to Mick, who had always been the soul of kindness to him in the south of France, he introduced himself as "Jakey, from Nellcote." As is his wont when confronted by someone from his past, Mick said "Oh, right ....That was a long time ago, wasn't it?" After a pause, Mick asked if Jake had seen Dominique Tarle's book. Jake said that he had and that the photos were beautiful. "Are you having a good time tonight?" Mick asked. Aware he was being brushed off, Jake excused himself and went back to his table. At some point later in the evening, Mick and his party moved out to the garden. Although Mick found himself sitting beside Jake, the two never exchanged another word, not even when someone with mick began talking to Jake. About an hour later, Mick left without acknowledging him.' (p. 220)
"On May 21, 1969, Mick and Marianne were busted at Mick's home at 48 Cheyne Walk for heroin, LSD, and marijuana. Mick, being Mick, claimed that Detective Sergent Robin Constable had framed him by planting the herion in a white Cartier box on a tabletop. According to Mick, Constable then offered to sort the matter out in return for the sum of a thousand pound, a charge Constable denies to this very day while sorrowfully adding, "We shouldn't have arrested him. Anyone else!" (p.41)
'Walking over to Mick, who had always been the soul of kindness to him in the south of France, he introduced himself as "Jakey, from Nellcote." As is his wont when confronted by someone from his past, Mick said "Oh, right ....That was a long time ago, wasn't it?" After a pause, Mick asked if Jake had seen Dominique Tarle's book. Jake said that he had and that the photos were beautiful. "Are you having a good time tonight?" Mick asked. Aware he was being brushed off, Jake excused himself and went back to his table. At some point later in the evening, Mick and his party moved out to the garden. Although Mick found himself sitting beside Jake, the two never exchanged another word, not even when someone with mick began talking to Jake. About an hour later, Mick left without acknowledging him.' (p. 220)
'....Bill Wyman recently noted, Keith used to say Mick's a lovely bunch of guys....I can go into a room and he will be like "Hi Bill, lovely to see you man!", give me a hug and all that. Then I can go in a room three days later when there's some celebs there and he don't even come over to talk because whoever's in the room. It's bizarre.' (p. 221)
' "As a song writer," Keith will later say, "Gram (Parsons) worked very much like I do, which is knock out a couple of chords, start a spiel and see how far it can go. Rather than sitting around with a piece of paper and a pen, trying to make things fit neatly together." Which was precisely how Mick liked to do it.' (p. 120)
' "As a song writer," Keith will later say, "Gram (Parsons) worked very much like I do, which is knock out a couple of chords, start a spiel and see how far it can go. Rather than sitting around with a piece of paper and a pen, trying to make things fit neatly together." Which was precisely how Mick liked to do it.' (p. 120)
I dunno much about Gramm Parsons, excepting Jackon's love of his version of "Wilde Horses", but the crazy atmosphere of the Exile sessions and that whole life there make this story kinda funny:
'Gram and Gretchen Parsons were an integral part of Keith and Anita's entirely self contained traveling group. Unlike Keith, who could ingest a staggering variety of substances without losing control, Gram Parsons seemed so out of it at one show that someone had to be delegated to lead him to the stage so he could watch the Stones. Promptly getting lost, Gram Parsons and his guide climbed endless sets of stairs to a door that they then swung open only to find themselves standing on the balcony of the cinema next door where Mayra Breckridge was playing on an enormous screen in an otherwise empty house.' (p. 118)
'Gram and Gretchen Parsons were an integral part of Keith and Anita's entirely self contained traveling group. Unlike Keith, who could ingest a staggering variety of substances without losing control, Gram Parsons seemed so out of it at one show that someone had to be delegated to lead him to the stage so he could watch the Stones. Promptly getting lost, Gram Parsons and his guide climbed endless sets of stairs to a door that they then swung open only to find themselves standing on the balcony of the cinema next door where Mayra Breckridge was playing on an enormous screen in an otherwise empty house.' (p. 118)
And then there's Keith. Keith's car, rigged w/ outdoor speakers jamming the unreleased Sticky Fingers this was in Sanchez, I believe. (p. 42)
'(Mick Taylor) has to pass the test that even Brian Jones, who founded the Rolling Stones only to lose his band to Mick, the women he loved to Keith, and then his life as well, failed. Much like Brian, Mick Taylor will in time also come to realise that he cannot survive close and constant contact with Mick Jagger and Keith Richards.' (p. 124)
the power forward
The pace of the game. In the early Ninties, I cribbed w/ Jackson and Hon in Uptown. One fine watching a West Coast/Western Conference NBA frentic shootout, we both instinctually started to laugh @ the so different than the slower Eastern Conference style of play. As Hon and I watched, each possesion was a long pass followed by a jump shot, and either a basket or a long rebound which led to yet another fast break and quick shot. Shot after shot after shot we finally just started to laugh @ the insane pace. I remembered that watching nephew.3's game, since there was a huge premium on "getting off the shot" here.
Big Men on the outside. Both teams had some tall kids. It was a slightly jarring sight seeing the tallest of the kids on both sides taking tht open shot repeatedly from the out side. After a bit, I realised that the taller the kid @ this age the more likely he has played ball. The more likely he has played, then the better his shot. So, in context, the tallest kids on both sides taking outside shots isn't wierd @ all.
Coaching and the barking point guard. It was obvious these kids were coached well. They passed the ball and guarded players. But my favourite was th barking point guard - he yelled two basic things - a screaming, piercing "GIMMIE THE BALL" when hi team rebounded and he was in position to bring it up - and "PUT IT UP" when the tall player rebounded and was in a positon to shoot unfettered, even if this tallest kid didn't know he had a nice shot. This was coached into them - to instantly respond to a harsh yelled barking voice - an it sometimes hurt them. There was a steal of such a "GIMMIE THE BALL" pass when the point guard himself didn't see an opposing player who stole the ball.
SHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!. God this crowd was quiet. So quiet, that the coaches had to give instructions in a hush when there were timeouts. Strange, since most crowds I sit in @ basketball games are always engaged in creative insult competitions with each other - i join in as well.
But the best site? The battling nephew, spinning between two and reverse laying it up, stepping in front of the pass and going the other way, and the free throw shot after free throw shot - not necessarily all made, but so many opportunities.
07 February, 2009
On darien's trip
Yes, up before eight, courtesy the rythm. Sure and well enough, since i have stuff in far away Darien this afternoon. The true stimulus of the trip is to get my hair cut - i've been 'told' that maybe i really look like a wilde slob - by someone who loves me, not hates me - and so I've taken it to heart. I'd called Aldo, the old 63rd Street barber, if he was gonna be around Saturday - and luckily he'd just gotten back from Florida (winters there). Though he's retired, he'll take old clients and do them up in the b arbers chair in his basement. Gf thinks I should just switch to getting my hair cut locally @ a cheap shop, but i enjoy going out there. He used to have a very convientnet shop where I could totally stop by on the way from school to home, but no longer. No more impulse haircuts. But, I really look like a fucking ragtop rit now - the hair is that horrid consistency of stringy thin flyaway tangled combo I hate so much.
Also am I attending nephew.3's basketball game @ 11pm. Sister.3's kids - nephew.3 ans niece.5 - I barely get to see doing activities, and so it's great I get to catch something from these kids. The other two families live in the neighbourhood, and I've been able to watch the kids from those two families activity though the years. @ some point or other, I've been their soccer coach - three for years, three others for just one season.. Other times, it's always just easy to take them to games or movies since they live in the hood. But those two darien kids take special planning. That has always sucked. So, an eighth grade basketball game today w/ a haircut on the side.
Also am I attending nephew.3's basketball game @ 11pm. Sister.3's kids - nephew.3 ans niece.5 - I barely get to see doing activities, and so it's great I get to catch something from these kids. The other two families live in the neighbourhood, and I've been able to watch the kids from those two families activity though the years. @ some point or other, I've been their soccer coach - three for years, three others for just one season.. Other times, it's always just easy to take them to games or movies since they live in the hood. But those two darien kids take special planning. That has always sucked. So, an eighth grade basketball game today w/ a haircut on the side.
05 February, 2009
Football Au Printemps:The Pay Packet
Koach K, the assistant, told me that the person he asked about coaching said he couldn't do it. And I am glad. First off, although things actually are great w/ koach K and i - we need time, and that's all - I want to be the one to hire people. Fuck - my first city patronage -i feel so city -and I get to hand out two jobs - yet one of the patronage opportunities was almost taken away from me. I will say, that this patronage deal is.....so kool.
So - Siren. My first choice. I've mentioned her before, and this is what I said: she graduated in 2007, but since the team was all underclassmen @ that point, she'd come to practice and games all the time. I noticed that she LOVED being part of THE TEAM -so much so that I knew that if I got the top job here, I'd make sure she'd be back in some form. So, rite in fall when I started to get this all together, guess what - she popped up again around the team. So, then, I started to think "she's for the freshman team". However, when I formally offered her the position - she couldn't get paid for it. The deal is is that she got a 9h job running after school programs @ the school - and her contract doesn't allow her to work another job @ the same school. Siren told me she'd still do what she can - practice twice a week during the week w/ the freshies and coach them on Saturday (game day). I'd actually told a student who helped out last year - P. - that he'd coach the freshies - then turned him into an assistant when I thought I could pay the girl - and now he's been re elevated to "Co-head coach" of the freshies.
So - I still have two contracts to hand out. Some wishes I have for the two would be: Women, since my team is all girls; Hispanic, since all my girls are Hispanic; and young, so they have energy and will listen to me. I feel funny - am I a racist for anting a woman, or a sexist for wanting a woman? I dunno? But rite now, it's two dudes coaching the team - I'd like some women as well.
But the other deal is thus- I'm fairly certain that the women I'm considering are really not soccer women. They don't know the game. I really wanted Siren, but it seems I'll have to wait for a year to get her on staff. And I also want to hire Niece.1 - she's a mondo soccer girl and she has the coaching bug in her. Next year i'd like both on staff. But this year I soccer people to cover everywhere. I'm the coach of it all - Koach K.'s got the next level - and then the Freshies will be coached by Siren and P. But the two open positions will assist everywhere. They can be the 'official' person riding the bus to games, for example, or be the adult to start practice if I have a 10th period.
So, to-morrow I will find out more. I'd asked one of the AP's to fly by the idea past the Mom of one of possible coaches (the Mom is directly my boss - she loves me, too), and if the Mom thought it good, then we'll see if she is interested. Then the last position. 65h, maybe $1000 before taxes. We had a teacher do it last year, but she did it because there was a check and an open position. She never ever made bones about that she nothing more than a non soccer person doing what she could. She handled paper work and the candy sale- that was great. Last year she said that 'if I get the position this year and that i wanted her back, she would do it again' - but this year, she was thinking 'no go'. I have a feeling that she said that so I could make a decision my own - I totally appreciated this. However, I know that eventually I need all soccer people - so, we'll see.
So - I still have two contracts to hand out. Some wishes I have for the two would be: Women, since my team is all girls; Hispanic, since all my girls are Hispanic; and young, so they have energy and will listen to me. I feel funny - am I a racist for anting a woman, or a sexist for wanting a woman? I dunno? But rite now, it's two dudes coaching the team - I'd like some women as well.
But the other deal is thus- I'm fairly certain that the women I'm considering are really not soccer women. They don't know the game. I really wanted Siren, but it seems I'll have to wait for a year to get her on staff. And I also want to hire Niece.1 - she's a mondo soccer girl and she has the coaching bug in her. Next year i'd like both on staff. But this year I soccer people to cover everywhere. I'm the coach of it all - Koach K.'s got the next level - and then the Freshies will be coached by Siren and P. But the two open positions will assist everywhere. They can be the 'official' person riding the bus to games, for example, or be the adult to start practice if I have a 10th period.
So, to-morrow I will find out more. I'd asked one of the AP's to fly by the idea past the Mom of one of possible coaches (the Mom is directly my boss - she loves me, too), and if the Mom thought it good, then we'll see if she is interested. Then the last position. 65h, maybe $1000 before taxes. We had a teacher do it last year, but she did it because there was a check and an open position. She never ever made bones about that she nothing more than a non soccer person doing what she could. She handled paper work and the candy sale- that was great. Last year she said that 'if I get the position this year and that i wanted her back, she would do it again' - but this year, she was thinking 'no go'. I have a feeling that she said that so I could make a decision my own - I totally appreciated this. However, I know that eventually I need all soccer people - so, we'll see.
However, I think it funny that the moment Hilts gets some patronage up his sleeves, the first unfettered secondary choices are the hottest young staff members.
Some patronage.
04 February, 2009
Footbal Au Printemps: Jan into Feb
Just back from conditioning @ the park district field house we sometimes condition at. It went well. We had most of varsity - a few didn't show, but most did. Most worryingly for me is that my star form last year - who I have giant plans for - is missing. By now, the serious girls have been showing up mostly. She has showed up only once. We are still well in advance of the season - but not so far off is the first game (16 March).
So - impressions? Three for now -wait -a clean captains Five.
Is spectacular - and it's something I have said before. These girls are just so much better than they were last year. I have giant plans - win our conference and thus be promoted to the Premier Division, win the city playoffs, and finally win some hardware in the State Playoffs. With this team, I believe we can win the conference, advance @ least to the final four of the city - and hope that our Section is as weak as last year so we can win @ least the Region. It's heady stuff, but these are the goals. And develop the JV for next year. But these girls are so much better than they were last year that I think we can actually attack our goals and try to get them. We have started early - that is important.
Track!! I am also now a track coach. I actually was on track in hs - really! - but I remember nothing. So - to the soccer conditioning books I go. The most important -in this regard - is Anson Dorrance's Vision of a Champion. It seems that in conditioning for soccer, the type of workouts one should conduct should mimic the playing conditions of the game - lots of hard hard hard fast running, interspersed by ....... resting periods. I think the %'s are 70% of the game players are 'recovering' . So, my plans for now are thus:
Track!! I am also now a track coach. I actually was on track in hs - really! - but I remember nothing. So - to the soccer conditioning books I go. The most important -in this regard - is Anson Dorrance's Vision of a Champion. It seems that in conditioning for soccer, the type of workouts one should conduct should mimic the playing conditions of the game - lots of hard hard hard fast running, interspersed by ....... resting periods. I think the %'s are 70% of the game players are 'recovering' . So, my plans for now are thus:
-1/2m warm up jog,
-20-40-60-80-100-120 runs, all @ full explosive pace, running through the endline, w/ full rest /recover periods.
-'suicides'= 5-10-15-20-25 yd lines, each player bursts to the 5 and back then to the 10, etc etc etc....
For now, we will run this schedule - and as the year and the year goes by i will add and tweak and subtract and try to get it best for three kids.
-20-40-60-80-100-120 runs, all @ full explosive pace, running through the endline, w/ full rest /recover periods.
-'suicides'= 5-10-15-20-25 yd lines, each player bursts to the 5 and back then to the 10, etc etc etc....
For now, we will run this schedule - and as the year and the year goes by i will add and tweak and subtract and try to get it best for three kids.
Arnold! The girls have expressed and interest in lifting weights. Shit - I know nothing about it -well, about how it would best benefit the girls and how it should be done safely. The idea was to email Jackson the pages of a soccer conditioning book along w/ pics of our weight room's equipment so he could make suggestions. (I have a camera in my pocket as we write.)
Connexions - as in, who is connected to who and who gets along w/ who. And in particular..... my two captains. In many ways, my team is an inherited one. I was the JV coach last year, and when I inherited the program as a whole, I instantly promoted three JV girls to Varsity - but the rest of the team were last years returning varsity. So - since these girls have been playing to-gether for three years, they have more or less set positions - and they have been playing them w/ the other girls for these last few years. So -it is almost impossible for me to come in and say "This This and This..." because they are very used to the way it has been. And the deal is is that I really do not want ot actually switch these girls around - it's a good setup and I'm not a fool. But there is that resistance that I have to deal with.
However, also set is the strange alliance between my two captains. One was a captain from last year (along w/ her sister). very hard to get a read on this girl. She wants best for her team - but is also very insistent on 'what she knows is best' .. Sorta like me. And then there is Sweeper. I have written about her before. Deeply respected by her teammates, the moral leader - but I also know that she and the other captain are not 100% eye to eye. Don't get me wrong - they totally get along - but there is friction. Just how much??
However, also set is the strange alliance between my two captains. One was a captain from last year (along w/ her sister). very hard to get a read on this girl. She wants best for her team - but is also very insistent on 'what she knows is best' .. Sorta like me. And then there is Sweeper. I have written about her before. Deeply respected by her teammates, the moral leader - but I also know that she and the other captain are not 100% eye to eye. Don't get me wrong - they totally get along - but there is friction. Just how much??
Money. I know it was the bug a boo last week, but several kool items have come up. One is that I finally checked the girls soccer $$ in the schools account. Now I'd already "Spent" about $500 paying for two non conference games and buses - and was thinking we had ZERO in the fund and that I would have to pay the $500 oyut of my pocket. But guess what? We got it. Shoot, we can even go heavy after that one Catholic school and schedule them, and then ..... go after another to try for a last game on the docket. Then I found out how much I'm making for the season. I hadn't realised that a head coach gets paid ........ well, I'm sure not anywhere near as , say, the St. Rita football coach or the New Treir badminton coach* - but shit - I'm getting a hell of a lot more than I thought. It's a lot. Well, in context. But seriously, it's like I found out i was getting a raise. And the last $$ bit is that I now have the power to not only hire one person - I have the power to HIRE TWO PEOPLE to assist me. Wow - this is kool. I understand that, say, Dagwood hired Rocky, and that ....well, whatever - some people have that ability. And my ability is only to hand out shortterm 2m jobs that'ss net about $1000 each. But to be able to reward people for their hard work. Skye is my first choice to coach the Freshman team - she graduated two years ago but always showed up to practice and games to see her old teamamtes. Since she wa salway there, I told her @ beginning of the year hey, come and practice w/ us ... Now she knows I ams erious and has been showing up - but she told me someone else told her that she couldn't hold a job whe alreayd ahs @ the school AND a coaching job. I asked people in the library, and they said bullshit. I have to talk to one of the 'important' people to see on this matter. For many reason sit would be good to have Skye on staff.
But - my schools BBall team, inthe first round of the playoff, are calling me rite now. 4pm tipoff.
*= I bring up New Trier all the time not because y went there, but because it is a class school in so many ways and thus capable of a lot - in this context, it's as rich as fuck and the compensation for coaches I'm sure is 3-4x what i get - but could it be??).
03 February, 2009
02 February, 2009
01 February, 2009
some dang king ; early 90's pop - 'bust it'
Two stories to explain, but actually to aggrandize Hilts and explain just how kool he is ... and to spread the knowledge to those young
One was repeated long before - punk rockers, university crackers, sitting in a university type boyapartment squatters type den down below (for it was 1207's dank basement w/ a giant sheet thrown over for a wall) , kids around, and amongst the thugs is Cult Woman And I. We real kool. We rock Zeppelin. We exchange superior glances when outside square (unaware that we were so hep that we were beyond hip) asks if we really liked that loud music presently being rocked. Smiles yes.
Second Story The son of an Irish bar owner on West 63d Street - epicenter of Irish drinking in the 70's and even early 80's (comments, BCD?) -was my first close friend until he moved away to the suburbs when he was 8 or 9. Yet we maintained contact till about 1988. I remember his quote about "we missed the best music -if only we were alive in the sixties..." I remember when I first became into music as a defining thing about me, and feeling the same - shit, when would the Stones put out another Aftermath type LP?. However, by the time the bar owners son hd uttered these words, i knew them to be laughably false - he was just laughably underexposed to good shit.
So - well - whatever - one of my favourite times in all of music history is all of music history. And my favourite time in all of music history rite now is that wonderful period of high disco culture of the early 1990's. Partly hip hop, partly danse, this period - yesyesyesyesyesyes - also coincided w/ a wonderful era of going out and dansing - so, ys, there s a bit of .......
Anyway, here 'tis - try not to get too sick of all this stuff this week ...
"Bust a Move"
What a great great great song - and what a perfect live version of it. Stated before, I've always loved when artists go on shows like this - the great Arsenio Hall show - because usu sally the sound system and all else production wise is top gear. here - Young M.C.'s "Bust a Move" - couldn't be presented better. As a stage performer myself I appreciate the staging of this song for the crowd/tv viewers. it's all so good: the handshake @ the beginning, the little skip jumps as he prepares to addres the audience, the synced danse moves of the backup singers (i mean , they look ridicilous - those danse moves? punk rock in whatever form it takes, sometimes), "dressed in yellow/she says hello", and the cleanness of the sound - it's all canned music, of course, but the riffs shine out and always that lovely scattering drums and bass, tite as hell ... and Young MC, again, delivering a perfect rap (one fault) that also includes a great bonus: on the released single, "Bust A Move" has a kool instrumental break - but in thislive version, Young MC just raps over it.
I've always loved this song. Even more so, this version of the song. Great live complement. Love the sound. And as , well, a choreographer, when some does the wondrous - I notice and see where i can steal.....err, be inspired. My mind works always on "How could I present this song on stage if it started to play now and i was on stage and there was an audience in front of me - and do it in the stupidest way possible?".
So, from Hilts the stage person to Young MC the stage person: Bust It!
Here 'tis:
One was repeated long before - punk rockers, university crackers, sitting in a university type boyapartment squatters type den down below (for it was 1207's dank basement w/ a giant sheet thrown over for a wall) , kids around, and amongst the thugs is Cult Woman And I. We real kool. We rock Zeppelin. We exchange superior glances when outside square (unaware that we were so hep that we were beyond hip) asks if we really liked that loud music presently being rocked. Smiles yes.
Second Story The son of an Irish bar owner on West 63d Street - epicenter of Irish drinking in the 70's and even early 80's (comments, BCD?) -was my first close friend until he moved away to the suburbs when he was 8 or 9. Yet we maintained contact till about 1988. I remember his quote about "we missed the best music -if only we were alive in the sixties..." I remember when I first became into music as a defining thing about me, and feeling the same - shit, when would the Stones put out another Aftermath type LP?. However, by the time the bar owners son hd uttered these words, i knew them to be laughably false - he was just laughably underexposed to good shit.
So - well - whatever - one of my favourite times in all of music history is all of music history. And my favourite time in all of music history rite now is that wonderful period of high disco culture of the early 1990's. Partly hip hop, partly danse, this period - yesyesyesyesyesyes - also coincided w/ a wonderful era of going out and dansing - so, ys, there s a bit of .......
Anyway, here 'tis - try not to get too sick of all this stuff this week ...
"Bust a Move"
What a great great great song - and what a perfect live version of it. Stated before, I've always loved when artists go on shows like this - the great Arsenio Hall show - because usu sally the sound system and all else production wise is top gear. here - Young M.C.'s "Bust a Move" - couldn't be presented better. As a stage performer myself I appreciate the staging of this song for the crowd/tv viewers. it's all so good: the handshake @ the beginning, the little skip jumps as he prepares to addres the audience, the synced danse moves of the backup singers (i mean , they look ridicilous - those danse moves? punk rock in whatever form it takes, sometimes), "dressed in yellow/she says hello", and the cleanness of the sound - it's all canned music, of course, but the riffs shine out and always that lovely scattering drums and bass, tite as hell ... and Young MC, again, delivering a perfect rap (one fault) that also includes a great bonus: on the released single, "Bust A Move" has a kool instrumental break - but in thislive version, Young MC just raps over it.
I've always loved this song. Even more so, this version of the song. Great live complement. Love the sound. And as , well, a choreographer, when some does the wondrous - I notice and see where i can steal.....err, be inspired. My mind works always on "How could I present this song on stage if it started to play now and i was on stage and there was an audience in front of me - and do it in the stupidest way possible?".
So, from Hilts the stage person to Young MC the stage person: Bust It!
Here 'tis:
and the original video : Stop!
tomorrow:the middle/the middle
tomorrow:the middle/the middle
Football au Printemps : Oh!!

I'd told my captains - from months ago -that this is my first time doing this, i'm gonna do the rite thing and try to make this like Nek and Lek and Lit and etc etc etc etc etc and all that. On Friday I had my second massive crisis of confidence in myself - and I've reflected on it - consulted the books, the Good Book, song, spirit, wondered what my hero Heinrich (honcho of all of them involved in Nek HS soccer- and yes, a hero of mine) would do (and yes, W.W. (another hero of mine). D. ? - and rocked jagger and the stones LOUD for the first time in a bit - and, wrapped up finally w/drinx @ Lanigans (new bartender now knows us and our drinx and the correct proportion) and Gf next to me, I finally figured a good solution - but more importantly, insite - for the team.

I'd been pondering on about the girls wanting to run more and me wanting them to play more, and then it hit me. The big insite was this:

as much as I want to create a program here @ this school, and how hugely important that is to me, and all that other usual Hilts-as-Christ self aggrandisement - and its as important as life to me - it's ....... maybe ......... even more important to these Varsity girls.

The insite stunned me - I really really thought the sun shines out of my backside when i became the head of the program* - look @ me, I coached @ Nek under Heinrich and I was @ Lit under R & R - I know it all and look what i'm gonna do and all that - Wasn't I the one to be here for the next 20y and turn this program into one of the best in the world? LOOK AT ME !!!

And now I know that it wasn't me need ing to pus them - they are the ones pushing me. I know that now and accept it - and will use it for us. Again - the varsity has been playing to-gether since they were freshmen - this is the fourth year they are to-gether - and their last. They have a long history before I ever came onto the sence. I have to get to know them much much more - and they have to get to know me. So, now I know that they won't fucking hate running -they all want to (that's the varsity - not JV or freshmen teams). They all want to train on the weights. So - I have to seriously get some running in and some weight training in. I've spent some of yesterday and today studying the books on it. I'm gonna fax/email Jackson some workout plans / pictures of our weight room and get his take on what we should do (combined w/ a weight specialist @ our school - some football coach, im sure - as well because they know the kids bodies maybe better than M.D. Ar-nald). Lets do it. The girls want running on Mondays, more on Wednesdays, and then acceded to my demands of soccer on Fridays. Both distance and forced sprints. We'll work out a schedule. Lifting maybe twice a week till the season starts, then some more during (?). And exercises on weekends now and in season (short stretches and maybe a mile each on Sat and Sunday)

And another insite. I have two captains, and now I know that both are to be listened to. I underestimated the support that one had. She's a little different and a bit harder to talk to then the other one. Good hard working kid, but a little distant to me. That's ok. But I think it lead to me going totally through the other one (first girl, as she is now named to keep them straight for you)for important matters - she has tremendous authority in the squad- and generally just giving lipp service to the other (second girl) one. However - now I know - that both captains are to be treated equally. I have learned. There is more to learn. But, w/ work, I am again confident that I m ready to do what I can. Time is lost - I know that now - but way time exists still.

I've referenced this before, but that wonderful almost tearful revelation in the movie Patton when George C. Scott tells someone that all his life he's wanted to lead a lot of men in a desperate battle. And, although it's not men, it's girls - it'ss till a desperate battle. What Patton said? C'est moi. .

*even notice the term 'head of the program' - yeesh, Lord Hilts.
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