28 June, 2007
26 June, 2007
Remain Neutral
Was visiting with one of my J.D. buddies in the afternoon and he told me he had stumbled across one of HS buddies blogs totally by accident. Stunning. This was the "remain Neutral" dude in the nicknames post of last week. Wow. Again, puts my blog to shame fer its unprofessionalism. Werke in progress. Remain Nutral's is pretty good! fun story, nonetheless.
Well, since I'm the one with the blog, let me announce to the world that the successful team of Dragon and Hilts are @ it agian. It's 11 August, a saturday, and it's reasoning is to get lots of people to-gether....wait, no, its to celebrate Big Franks return to his home area w/ his wife. It's still 6w away, but it's on fer sure @ this point, so please set aside that date.
Dr. Anti Jenke
Went to the HMO for some salve to my worried mind. I piss a lot, but do believe that it is justb the metabolism, not prostrate stuff. Bloodwork this week. Then I had to drop my pants because my....left testicle felt strange. Nothing, just a paranoia flich on my part.
I had a good talk w/ him. Talked about my health and how I should cut out all terrible habits. I'm workiing on it, but what else does he expect me to do @ 9.30am and there is a brand new NYT and hot cafe just waiting? I know, he's rite.
I had a good talk w/ him. Talked about my health and how I should cut out all terrible habits. I'm workiing on it, but what else does he expect me to do @ 9.30am and there is a brand new NYT and hot cafe just waiting? I know, he's rite.
25 June, 2007
six new-four mine
So, finally, stop hanging around with a certain M.J. and out comes four enteries. More disgust with my working habits, actually. Two new posts on dcs, none mine but maybe 2 to-morrow. Good. Hated that Lull.
patriots game
Sent by gallo years ago (well, maybe one)
A song I grew up with- all us foreigners of a certain nation did. The Bluebelles, an early 80's Scots group, changed the line about John Bulls tyranny to somthing less scetarian. Funny. Anyway, when I think of my 1970's, this video is papt with familier images of that time. Long haired 70's irish revolutionaries. Boy, 1970's europe was so crazy
A song I grew up with- all us foreigners of a certain nation did. The Bluebelles, an early 80's Scots group, changed the line about John Bulls tyranny to somthing less scetarian. Funny. Anyway, when I think of my 1970's, this video is papt with familier images of that time. Long haired 70's irish revolutionaries. Boy, 1970's europe was so crazy
punk rock fer starters, 1980 summer

Went to Ireland for a month that summer, and I came back the nacesent punk rocker. What had changed was that my sisters (esp Z#4), old enough to be into WXRT (it was 1980, guys, not 2007)and had a slitely different take on music. No XRT in IRE, so they taped some of thier favourite LP's on cassette and took them overseas.
What caught my ear was Nick Lowe's "Pure Pop For Now People" (aka "Jesus of Kool" in Europe). Stunningly good 1st side, good 2d side: one of my favourite LP's instantly. Although "Cruel to be kind" was a radio hit, This LP opened me up to the fact that not all good music came from the 1960's and that there are new artists you haven't heard of coming out each day. very empowering.
Plus i can't escape the fact that I'm a wee bittine of a Freak. I like to be different. Methinks that a big attraction to the music was that no one else listens to this shit. There were scant few punks in my hood growing up. None, in fact. My early influences were older sisters and my cousins in Manchester. Funny. They'd say "Hey- you've heard the Buzzcocks, rite?" and shit like that, and instantly i'd run out to get it. But it was Nick Lowe that showed me a window of otherness that i was quick to exploit.
Nick lowe has a new LP out. No LP was as good as Pure Pop, but the following Lp's were good for 3-4 songs- some excellent. I've been listening to his latest online, and its the same: 3-4 good songs, but trite as well. However: I do owe the debt.
New song of his that's the best: "People Change"
You should hear what they say about you//
Editors note: all names and whatnot have been…….um……changed…to protect my valuable sources.
I was thinking with a friend of mine last nite about all the differing ways he used to……….get out of paying fares on the C.T.A. This guy, Winky, started out early. His dad worked for the C.T.A., and this 8-9 yo was taught to play along when his dad claimed him to be 7 yo- just young enough to ride the buses for free back then.
Early student days were different. There were two great methods back then: the Backdoor Sneak, and the Rush*. The backdoor sneak was simply to get on the backdoor of the bus when the driver was distracted. It worked when a tonne of people wee getting on, but it wasn’t foolproof. The Rush was a lot different. Ten of the gang would get on all @ once, making up a minor disturbance and being loud to create a small problem for the driver. They threw all sorts of small change into the fare box, and all demanded transfers. The driver, just wanting to shut them all up, would just let them pass. They did both countless times when they were young.
University added another facet of intrigue. Winky went to a North Side university which forced him to take the el from the South Side. For the first three years, however, he was able to claim to be a hs student and thus was eligible to ride for ½ price. This was accomplished by creating false documents (this was a gang that grew up on Hogan’s Heroes and the Great Escape, so faked documents was just a matter of course.). Needed documents were a CTA card and a ’valid’ hs id. Both were gotten from contacts inside a South Side hs. One of Winky’s frenz was on this schools football team--this being a typical Catholic school where football was god, he was able to get away with certain things. One was that he was put in charge of taking I.D. pictures. He gave Winky an empty id from this hs --an easy photo booth visit for a black and white head snap followed. Then put the ID and picture in a towel, ironed it so that it ‘melted’ to-gether, and for his first three years in university, Winky was also able to claim being a HS student. The most difficult time for this trick --otherwise it was 100% foolproof-- was when winky grew a major grizzly beard over xmas in his 2d year. Solution? It was winter, so a large scarf was carried every day to and from school and put on for 45s a day. His senior year was h.s.I.d.less= his hs contact had finally joined the college ranks. The funnest part of the whole deal was being able to create new names for himself-he remembers one being from a war movie and another from a 60’s English secret agent tv show.
There were two methods apres university. One was the Drunken Clamber up the side of the Albion stop concrete wall- Winky was one of the two top climbers in the neighbourhood growing up- after a fite with his girlfriend decided that a 2am trip on the el home was better than being with her that nite.
The other apres university method was the Pfenning Challenge. Word got out that the German ½ cent (called the pfenning) was a perfect fit in the old token slots in the el turnstiles. Put in a pfenning and a quarter and you get both a ride and a tansfer. Strange!! Frenz of Winky who had been to Europe supplied him with -well, lets just say a real lot of pfennings- that enabled him to more or less ride the el for free for about two years. These pfennings only worked in el turnstyles- if you needed to get on the bus, you needed to @ least stop @ an el stop, get a transfer, then get on the bus. Eventually CTA started to update their turnstiles, but several key stops still allowed pfennings: Loyola, Wilson, Belmont, and some subways in the Loop. Since Winky is a cheap bastard and a huge bit of a walker, he though nothing of walking a mile or two just to save the $1.50 ride. Pfennings no longer work in any turnstile.
The last maneuver worked only a few times in certain circumstances. Winky had found an el key, which allowed him to sit in the conductors compartment during rides**. For a brief period there, C.T.A. didn’t have people working in the ticket booths very late @ nite. So Winky would get on the train and sit in the back conductors compartment. When the ride started and the conductor came around to claim fares (think Metra), Winky would just smile and wave through the closed compartment door @ them -C.T.A. people rode for free of course, and only employees should be in that compartment. They never asked.
*=they were not known as such back in the day.
**=yeahyeahyeah, I’ll document that stuff one of these days as well.
I was thinking with a friend of mine last nite about all the differing ways he used to……….get out of paying fares on the C.T.A. This guy, Winky, started out early. His dad worked for the C.T.A., and this 8-9 yo was taught to play along when his dad claimed him to be 7 yo- just young enough to ride the buses for free back then.
Early student days were different. There were two great methods back then: the Backdoor Sneak, and the Rush*. The backdoor sneak was simply to get on the backdoor of the bus when the driver was distracted. It worked when a tonne of people wee getting on, but it wasn’t foolproof. The Rush was a lot different. Ten of the gang would get on all @ once, making up a minor disturbance and being loud to create a small problem for the driver. They threw all sorts of small change into the fare box, and all demanded transfers. The driver, just wanting to shut them all up, would just let them pass. They did both countless times when they were young.
University added another facet of intrigue. Winky went to a North Side university which forced him to take the el from the South Side. For the first three years, however, he was able to claim to be a hs student and thus was eligible to ride for ½ price. This was accomplished by creating false documents (this was a gang that grew up on Hogan’s Heroes and the Great Escape, so faked documents was just a matter of course.). Needed documents were a CTA card and a ’valid’ hs id. Both were gotten from contacts inside a South Side hs. One of Winky’s frenz was on this schools football team--this being a typical Catholic school where football was god, he was able to get away with certain things. One was that he was put in charge of taking I.D. pictures. He gave Winky an empty id from this hs --an easy photo booth visit for a black and white head snap followed. Then put the ID and picture in a towel, ironed it so that it ‘melted’ to-gether, and for his first three years in university, Winky was also able to claim being a HS student. The most difficult time for this trick --otherwise it was 100% foolproof-- was when winky grew a major grizzly beard over xmas in his 2d year. Solution? It was winter, so a large scarf was carried every day to and from school and put on for 45s a day. His senior year was h.s.I.d.less= his hs contact had finally joined the college ranks. The funnest part of the whole deal was being able to create new names for himself-he remembers one being from a war movie and another from a 60’s English secret agent tv show.
There were two methods apres university. One was the Drunken Clamber up the side of the Albion stop concrete wall- Winky was one of the two top climbers in the neighbourhood growing up- after a fite with his girlfriend decided that a 2am trip on the el home was better than being with her that nite.
The other apres university method was the Pfenning Challenge. Word got out that the German ½ cent (called the pfenning) was a perfect fit in the old token slots in the el turnstiles. Put in a pfenning and a quarter and you get both a ride and a tansfer. Strange!! Frenz of Winky who had been to Europe supplied him with -well, lets just say a real lot of pfennings- that enabled him to more or less ride the el for free for about two years. These pfennings only worked in el turnstyles- if you needed to get on the bus, you needed to @ least stop @ an el stop, get a transfer, then get on the bus. Eventually CTA started to update their turnstiles, but several key stops still allowed pfennings: Loyola, Wilson, Belmont, and some subways in the Loop. Since Winky is a cheap bastard and a huge bit of a walker, he though nothing of walking a mile or two just to save the $1.50 ride. Pfennings no longer work in any turnstile.
The last maneuver worked only a few times in certain circumstances. Winky had found an el key, which allowed him to sit in the conductors compartment during rides**. For a brief period there, C.T.A. didn’t have people working in the ticket booths very late @ nite. So Winky would get on the train and sit in the back conductors compartment. When the ride started and the conductor came around to claim fares (think Metra), Winky would just smile and wave through the closed compartment door @ them -C.T.A. people rode for free of course, and only employees should be in that compartment. They never asked.
*=they were not known as such back in the day.
**=yeahyeahyeah, I’ll document that stuff one of these days as well.
Hummingbirds and Butterflies and Vegetables
Spent a bit of the noon day period rite in the sun and working the soil. Mud. Sweat. Ick.
I’ve wanted to grow a flower garden for the Hummingbirds and Butterflies but it’s taken forever. I bought a Hummingbird and Butterflies mix two years ago and followed directions for use. It basically said to take a clear patch of soil and sprinkle the flower mix (seeds for Hummingbirds and Butterflies plants) on top of it. However, when I did that (thinking it would be all simple) and the seeds sprouted, they were accompanied by tonnes of other plants==weeds!! I simply did not know which pplants were good and which were weeds. So this year instead of spreading it into the ground, I put the mix directly into boxes of soil. I kept these in the garage window so that no seeds spread by the wind would happen to plop into the box and confuse me. What grew I knew to be good. Today was finally the day where I transplanted these delicate flowers from their temp. box into the patch outside the garage (plenty more room left). I‘m to plant another bunch of seeds soon as I tire of writing.
Oh, veggies are in this title as well. Cucumbers are one of the most amazingly high yield plants there are. I had seeds from 7-8 y.a. and planted six. Two sprouted, one survived long enough to be planted. We’ll see. And the next generation of peas- the last devastated by the bunny- has started to sprout in their trays (all year there will a progression). Finally, beans, probably THE most high yield thing I’ve ever grown-have finally started to sprout in their boxes. Last year the second set was destroyed by a bug infestation- but that first set was stunningly good.
I’ve wanted to grow a flower garden for the Hummingbirds and Butterflies but it’s taken forever. I bought a Hummingbird and Butterflies mix two years ago and followed directions for use. It basically said to take a clear patch of soil and sprinkle the flower mix (seeds for Hummingbirds and Butterflies plants) on top of it. However, when I did that (thinking it would be all simple) and the seeds sprouted, they were accompanied by tonnes of other plants==weeds!! I simply did not know which pplants were good and which were weeds. So this year instead of spreading it into the ground, I put the mix directly into boxes of soil. I kept these in the garage window so that no seeds spread by the wind would happen to plop into the box and confuse me. What grew I knew to be good. Today was finally the day where I transplanted these delicate flowers from their temp. box into the patch outside the garage (plenty more room left). I‘m to plant another bunch of seeds soon as I tire of writing.
Oh, veggies are in this title as well. Cucumbers are one of the most amazingly high yield plants there are. I had seeds from 7-8 y.a. and planted six. Two sprouted, one survived long enough to be planted. We’ll see. And the next generation of peas- the last devastated by the bunny- has started to sprout in their trays (all year there will a progression). Finally, beans, probably THE most high yield thing I’ve ever grown-have finally started to sprout in their boxes. Last year the second set was destroyed by a bug infestation- but that first set was stunningly good.
24 June, 2007
"Summer Jenks"
There is an explanation. I blame it on summer. Thought there would be an explosion of work from me the instant work failed this summer, but instead there has been a lot of……..staring off into space. I’m always lazy, and the releasing of the 9-4.30 for the last week has devasted my work habit. Remember those heady days of a month ago when I was bursting with so much stuff to write? I have scant responsibilities now: Gf and make the café the nite before- but my other great responsibility- what yr reading- has suffered. There is a diffenence betwixt me awake @ 10am and a live computer in front of me and waking @ noon and having to walk to the lib. to get online. Rattle mouth me likes dash offs- much easier and ’out with it’ simply.
I know who to blame: Matt Jenke!! And I though he was a friend!! But he’s to blame, or , rather, I.
So, lame updates from the past fortnites life.
Civic nature
Tomatoes are the Kings. Four. Strong as Arnold, and it’s not even close to July yet. Maybe my best ever.
Speaking of best ever, what of the brussel sprouts? Looking good.
And the mixed results for the peas. They have a pest- its my funny wunny wittle wabbit that’s been growing in front of my eyes this summer. Fucker- I’m sure it’s him- has been killing the peas. Solution is to criss cross it with barriers so that it looks like the Normandy beaches in ‘44. Obsticle course no rabbit can squeeze itself through. Either that or invest in giant fences for the sensitive areas (no one eats tomatoes, fex)- shouldn’t be that expensive.
I’ve also figgered a new plan to
Again remember when; my yard was to be awash in baby robins and humming buzzing birds nectaring up the flowers?? Robins nest fell during one of those very heavy storms we had recently- byr byr birdies. And that one visit by the hummeringbird last month turned out to be it so far. Double bust bad.
It’s like I’m in school. I’ve written a bit back that ‘m trying to set a course of study that will hopefully make me a Spanish speaker in 2y or so- it’s going well. I figger I study about 2-3h a day- yes, 2-3h a day- and would even go further but realise that I don’t want to burn myself out. It’s going really well, though. Maybe I should take classes, but for now this is good. I have decided that in absence of a real job this summer, I will study Spanish the 2-3 h a day that I have been.
Artistic Output
Well, the blog has been a disaster for 2w now, but the plan was to use the summer to really write a lot. Added to the regular blog stuff was going to be-- will be-- a short story or something longer and strecher than the gluff that makes it’s ways in these pages. Oh, and all the plans for films- the 1000’s and 1000’s of ideas that I was bursting with in terms of cinema? Still on. Iv’e decided to make a number of short, 1--15s films that deal with only me and Hitler and shit. Because I have to label everything, these short films will be under my Mercury Productions. Mercury will include film, original music (think Neu), maybe a performance piece or six*.
Funny thing about the films. I’ve written before about the tremendous amount of good will felt by me because of the blog from lots of people (or, just in general- the human being is the greatest invention god ever made -well done, jesus- I just love sending God some love). To throw the spainard in the works, I’ve already asked Dragon to be my main camera guy, especially for the Mercury part. I understand that eventually I’ll know the whole deal uside down, but for now…… When Mercury Productions turns into Gemini Productions, then I’m going to need to cash in all that good will in the form of- actors and actresses, ideas, film scores, more camera angels, locations. For some projects I can use my neices and nephews etc… I feel the good will and, as ‘we’re all frenz here’, will try to cash in on it. Be ready this summer. And remember, in my productions, there is only one star: Hilts. Don’t get any ideas.
*=Dr. X interlude trivia had been weighing on me for years now. Lazers has an old old Dr. X wrestling mask that I have always wanted to bring into trivia one nite. I’d play the part of a wrestler, complete with constant ripping off of t shirts, flexing 100,s of times, yelling @ the other teams, calling the host not by his name but “Mcmahon” like jesse ventura did back in the day. Well, we could talk about this for years, like I have, or…………
I know who to blame: Matt Jenke!! And I though he was a friend!! But he’s to blame, or , rather, I.
So, lame updates from the past fortnites life.
Civic nature
Tomatoes are the Kings. Four. Strong as Arnold, and it’s not even close to July yet. Maybe my best ever.
Speaking of best ever, what of the brussel sprouts? Looking good.
And the mixed results for the peas. They have a pest- its my funny wunny wittle wabbit that’s been growing in front of my eyes this summer. Fucker- I’m sure it’s him- has been killing the peas. Solution is to criss cross it with barriers so that it looks like the Normandy beaches in ‘44. Obsticle course no rabbit can squeeze itself through. Either that or invest in giant fences for the sensitive areas (no one eats tomatoes, fex)- shouldn’t be that expensive.
I’ve also figgered a new plan to
Again remember when; my yard was to be awash in baby robins and humming buzzing birds nectaring up the flowers?? Robins nest fell during one of those very heavy storms we had recently- byr byr birdies. And that one visit by the hummeringbird last month turned out to be it so far. Double bust bad.
It’s like I’m in school. I’ve written a bit back that ‘m trying to set a course of study that will hopefully make me a Spanish speaker in 2y or so- it’s going well. I figger I study about 2-3h a day- yes, 2-3h a day- and would even go further but realise that I don’t want to burn myself out. It’s going really well, though. Maybe I should take classes, but for now this is good. I have decided that in absence of a real job this summer, I will study Spanish the 2-3 h a day that I have been.
Artistic Output
Well, the blog has been a disaster for 2w now, but the plan was to use the summer to really write a lot. Added to the regular blog stuff was going to be-- will be-- a short story or something longer and strecher than the gluff that makes it’s ways in these pages. Oh, and all the plans for films- the 1000’s and 1000’s of ideas that I was bursting with in terms of cinema? Still on. Iv’e decided to make a number of short, 1--15s films that deal with only me and Hitler and shit. Because I have to label everything, these short films will be under my Mercury Productions. Mercury will include film, original music (think Neu), maybe a performance piece or six*.
Funny thing about the films. I’ve written before about the tremendous amount of good will felt by me because of the blog from lots of people (or, just in general- the human being is the greatest invention god ever made -well done, jesus- I just love sending God some love). To throw the spainard in the works, I’ve already asked Dragon to be my main camera guy, especially for the Mercury part. I understand that eventually I’ll know the whole deal uside down, but for now…… When Mercury Productions turns into Gemini Productions, then I’m going to need to cash in all that good will in the form of- actors and actresses, ideas, film scores, more camera angels, locations. For some projects I can use my neices and nephews etc… I feel the good will and, as ‘we’re all frenz here’, will try to cash in on it. Be ready this summer. And remember, in my productions, there is only one star: Hilts. Don’t get any ideas.
*=Dr. X interlude trivia had been weighing on me for years now. Lazers has an old old Dr. X wrestling mask that I have always wanted to bring into trivia one nite. I’d play the part of a wrestler, complete with constant ripping off of t shirts, flexing 100,s of times, yelling @ the other teams, calling the host not by his name but “Mcmahon” like jesse ventura did back in the day. Well, we could talk about this for years, like I have, or…………
The Sticks Show
Written by D.L.
It was a shorthanded group of veterans out to defend its trivia championship (J&B light?). I’m not talking about an Bigart show in Pittsburgh or an ArtTit show for which he dons silver body paint and a robot costume to entertain tourists on Michigan Avenue. No, it was Sticks putting on his game face, stepping in for the missing Hilts for challenges and all over a second half music category. But would it be enough?
J&B represented by: Chemical Man, Sticks and Lazers
The Competition: Bar, Got Milf, and Bushmen (added for the second half)
TC Pub represented by: Glasses and the new Wheel of Drinks (for $3 one could spin the wheel and receive whatever drink on which it subsequently lands). The bar was later represented by a gal that Sticks thought looked like she could be Glasses’ sister.
First Half: Locations/TV/White Sox
VH-1 started in what year?
2006- Jermaine Dye hit 8 of his 44 homers against which team?
Played “The Rifleman”?
That last question singled out due to the Hangman selection by Got Milf. After an incorrect guess, the Bar took control and played their usual “guess every letter even though they know the answer” move. Unfortunately for the Bar, they made the mistake of guessing the same letter a second time (“C”). Control moves to J&B for some very easy points.
Tons of “Ladies Only” challenges tonight, which sucked more than usual since none of the three initial teams had a lady. The first was a “Throw” challenge for which Got Milf paid $3 to Glasses to throw for them. Since there were a good 6 such challenges tonight, J&B wondered if Got Milf paid $18 to Glasses to help them try to net $15 in profit.
Glasses later does a “Long Distance Roll” for Got Milf. The Bar then asks Glasses to roll for them. A Benkowski ruling disallows that situation: “No playing with yourself in the bar.”
Another “Ladies Only” challenge involves the most tattoos. The Bar selects Theresa to represent them. Benkowski, apparently aware of the number of tattoos on likely challenger Glasses, asks Theresa, “can you show me two?” Good laugh from the patrons. Somehow the challenge turned into a “Long Distance Throw” from behind the bar.
Benkowski never gave the scores at the half. I’m pretty sure both J&B and the Bar had high scores. Got Milf did not have any points from a source other than Glasses.
Now it’s time for the Afflac J&B Trivia Question: In a classic Bohica trivia moment, Moho, Chemical Man, Lazers and Peppys each provided one of the names for the four main stars of what 1960s sitcom (Peppys' addition as he was just arriving at our table), even though the question required that only two be provided?
Second Half: Current MLB/US Facts (2000)/Female Music Artists (70s & 90s)
1975- sang “Have You Ever Been Mellow”?
Of cities with at least 100,000 people, only one that is at least 83% African American?
Which two Asian countries are most represented in the US population?
With the onslaught of “Ladies Only” challenges, Benkowski decides to switch one to a Men’s “Long Distance Toss from an Angle.” Pitting J&B against Bushmen, the challenge’s first throw comes from Sticks and was based by the front door of the bar. The Bushman representative then makes his throw, which hits Benkowski and appears to end up further from the box than Sticks’s. A random TC Pub patron, apparently thinking he’s being helpful, then picks up the ball before Benkowski can measure. Benkowski decides to let Bushmen throw again, but no controversy arose as Stick's throw held up for the points.
A “Ladies Only Long Distance Throw” has the added element that the lady has to use a slow-motion pitcher wind-up. Other than entertainment value, that addition played no part whatsoever in who won the challenge. However, for me, entertainment value was enough.
Scores into Final Question: J&B 3110 Bar 2560 Got Milf 1150 Bushmen 830
A “menu of topics” for the Final Question: Newspapers & The Word, Names in America, or National Enquirer.
Sticks lobbies for National Enquirer, but Chemical Man and Lazers vote for Names. The Bar selects Newspapers, and the other two teams select the tabloid.
After some discussion over utilizing a smaller bet, J&B ends up wagering the classic (2011).
Names (6 of 10 wins wager, bonus available): Per the 2000 Census, the 10 most common last names in the United States?
Newspapers (3 of 5 wins wager, bonus available): From a 2003 survey, the 5 countries with daily newspaper circulation of at least 24 million?
National Enquirer (3 of 5 wins wager, bonus available):
60-year old actor James Woods is dating Ashley Madison. Within 2, how old is Ashley Madison?
In 2006, Christina Aguilera did a nude photo spread for what magazine?
Mario Lopez is in a love triangle with a woman from “Dancing With The Stars” and a Megan Cooper- who does Megan work for?
“Seinfeld” creator Larry David is getting a divorce. Within $20 million, how much fortune is at stake in the divorce?
A recent MTV Unplugged taping was ruined and Jon Bon Jovi ended up infuriated by the drunkenness of whom?
Looks like it was a good thing that Lazers and Chemical Man outvoted Sticks…
Part II
J&B is pretty certain Benkowski has used the last name question before, but we don’t recall what the answers were. J&B guesses: Jackson, Smith, Rodriguez, Lee, Gonzalez, Jones, Williams, Wilson, Anderson (in honor of Kearney Meats), and Johnson.
First Half answers:
Detroit Tigers
Chuck Connors
Afflac J&B Trivia Question answer:
Second half answers:
Olivia Newton-John
Gary, Indiana
China and Philippines
Final answers:
Bushmen- 830- National Enquirer- guess 23 years old (close enough), Maxim (no), Sports Illustrated (no), $121 million (no), and Courtney Love (no)- wagered 825- down to 5.
Got Milf- 1150- National Enquirer- guesses 27 years old (no), Vogue (no), ABC (no), $160 million (no), and didn’t catch their last answer (Scott something or other- no)- no “Ladies Only” challenges for this question- wagered 1150- thanks for playing.
Bar- 2560- Newspapers- guesses USA (yes), China (yes), Brazil (no), Russia (no) and United Kingdom (no)- a tricky wager of 1- Bar down to 2559.
Benkowski announces that J&B made a substantial wager and will need to win it in order to beat the Bar.
J&B- 3110- Names- guesses Jackson (yes), Smith (no), Rodriguez (no), Lee (no), Gonzalez (no), Jones (yes), Williams (yes), Wilson (yes), Anderson (yes)- and for those of you keeping score at home, that is only 5 correct with one answer to go- Benkowski plays up the drama- Johnson (yes)- J&B is victorious for the second trivia night in a row!
Correct Answers:
National Enquirer- 21 years old, GQ, Hooters, $250 million, and Richie Sambora. Looks like Don needs to do a bit of Internet research for 2006 issues of GQ.
Newspapers- USA, China, Japan, India, and Germany.
Names- Jackson, Johnson, Jones, Williams, Wilson, Anderson, Davis, Thomas, Harris and Martin.
Next trivia in two weeks: Thursday, July 5th.
edited by hilts -names and empty spaces only
It was a shorthanded group of veterans out to defend its trivia championship (J&B light?). I’m not talking about an Bigart show in Pittsburgh or an ArtTit show for which he dons silver body paint and a robot costume to entertain tourists on Michigan Avenue. No, it was Sticks putting on his game face, stepping in for the missing Hilts for challenges and all over a second half music category. But would it be enough?
J&B represented by: Chemical Man, Sticks and Lazers
The Competition: Bar, Got Milf, and Bushmen (added for the second half)
TC Pub represented by: Glasses and the new Wheel of Drinks (for $3 one could spin the wheel and receive whatever drink on which it subsequently lands). The bar was later represented by a gal that Sticks thought looked like she could be Glasses’ sister.
First Half: Locations/TV/White Sox
VH-1 started in what year?
2006- Jermaine Dye hit 8 of his 44 homers against which team?
Played “The Rifleman”?
That last question singled out due to the Hangman selection by Got Milf. After an incorrect guess, the Bar took control and played their usual “guess every letter even though they know the answer” move. Unfortunately for the Bar, they made the mistake of guessing the same letter a second time (“C”). Control moves to J&B for some very easy points.
Tons of “Ladies Only” challenges tonight, which sucked more than usual since none of the three initial teams had a lady. The first was a “Throw” challenge for which Got Milf paid $3 to Glasses to throw for them. Since there were a good 6 such challenges tonight, J&B wondered if Got Milf paid $18 to Glasses to help them try to net $15 in profit.
Glasses later does a “Long Distance Roll” for Got Milf. The Bar then asks Glasses to roll for them. A Benkowski ruling disallows that situation: “No playing with yourself in the bar.”
Another “Ladies Only” challenge involves the most tattoos. The Bar selects Theresa to represent them. Benkowski, apparently aware of the number of tattoos on likely challenger Glasses, asks Theresa, “can you show me two?” Good laugh from the patrons. Somehow the challenge turned into a “Long Distance Throw” from behind the bar.
Benkowski never gave the scores at the half. I’m pretty sure both J&B and the Bar had high scores. Got Milf did not have any points from a source other than Glasses.
Now it’s time for the Afflac J&B Trivia Question: In a classic Bohica trivia moment, Moho, Chemical Man, Lazers and Peppys each provided one of the names for the four main stars of what 1960s sitcom (Peppys' addition as he was just arriving at our table), even though the question required that only two be provided?
Second Half: Current MLB/US Facts (2000)/Female Music Artists (70s & 90s)
1975- sang “Have You Ever Been Mellow”?
Of cities with at least 100,000 people, only one that is at least 83% African American?
Which two Asian countries are most represented in the US population?
With the onslaught of “Ladies Only” challenges, Benkowski decides to switch one to a Men’s “Long Distance Toss from an Angle.” Pitting J&B against Bushmen, the challenge’s first throw comes from Sticks and was based by the front door of the bar. The Bushman representative then makes his throw, which hits Benkowski and appears to end up further from the box than Sticks’s. A random TC Pub patron, apparently thinking he’s being helpful, then picks up the ball before Benkowski can measure. Benkowski decides to let Bushmen throw again, but no controversy arose as Stick's throw held up for the points.
A “Ladies Only Long Distance Throw” has the added element that the lady has to use a slow-motion pitcher wind-up. Other than entertainment value, that addition played no part whatsoever in who won the challenge. However, for me, entertainment value was enough.
Scores into Final Question: J&B 3110 Bar 2560 Got Milf 1150 Bushmen 830
A “menu of topics” for the Final Question: Newspapers & The Word, Names in America, or National Enquirer.
Sticks lobbies for National Enquirer, but Chemical Man and Lazers vote for Names. The Bar selects Newspapers, and the other two teams select the tabloid.
After some discussion over utilizing a smaller bet, J&B ends up wagering the classic (2011).
Names (6 of 10 wins wager, bonus available): Per the 2000 Census, the 10 most common last names in the United States?
Newspapers (3 of 5 wins wager, bonus available): From a 2003 survey, the 5 countries with daily newspaper circulation of at least 24 million?
National Enquirer (3 of 5 wins wager, bonus available):
60-year old actor James Woods is dating Ashley Madison. Within 2, how old is Ashley Madison?
In 2006, Christina Aguilera did a nude photo spread for what magazine?
Mario Lopez is in a love triangle with a woman from “Dancing With The Stars” and a Megan Cooper- who does Megan work for?
“Seinfeld” creator Larry David is getting a divorce. Within $20 million, how much fortune is at stake in the divorce?
A recent MTV Unplugged taping was ruined and Jon Bon Jovi ended up infuriated by the drunkenness of whom?
Looks like it was a good thing that Lazers and Chemical Man outvoted Sticks…
Part II
J&B is pretty certain Benkowski has used the last name question before, but we don’t recall what the answers were. J&B guesses: Jackson, Smith, Rodriguez, Lee, Gonzalez, Jones, Williams, Wilson, Anderson (in honor of Kearney Meats), and Johnson.
First Half answers:
Detroit Tigers
Chuck Connors
Afflac J&B Trivia Question answer:
Second half answers:
Olivia Newton-John
Gary, Indiana
China and Philippines
Final answers:
Bushmen- 830- National Enquirer- guess 23 years old (close enough), Maxim (no), Sports Illustrated (no), $121 million (no), and Courtney Love (no)- wagered 825- down to 5.
Got Milf- 1150- National Enquirer- guesses 27 years old (no), Vogue (no), ABC (no), $160 million (no), and didn’t catch their last answer (Scott something or other- no)- no “Ladies Only” challenges for this question- wagered 1150- thanks for playing.
Bar- 2560- Newspapers- guesses USA (yes), China (yes), Brazil (no), Russia (no) and United Kingdom (no)- a tricky wager of 1- Bar down to 2559.
Benkowski announces that J&B made a substantial wager and will need to win it in order to beat the Bar.
J&B- 3110- Names- guesses Jackson (yes), Smith (no), Rodriguez (no), Lee (no), Gonzalez (no), Jones (yes), Williams (yes), Wilson (yes), Anderson (yes)- and for those of you keeping score at home, that is only 5 correct with one answer to go- Benkowski plays up the drama- Johnson (yes)- J&B is victorious for the second trivia night in a row!
Correct Answers:
National Enquirer- 21 years old, GQ, Hooters, $250 million, and Richie Sambora. Looks like Don needs to do a bit of Internet research for 2006 issues of GQ.
Newspapers- USA, China, Japan, India, and Germany.
Names- Jackson, Johnson, Jones, Williams, Wilson, Anderson, Davis, Thomas, Harris and Martin.
Next trivia in two weeks: Thursday, July 5th.
edited by hilts -names and empty spaces only
20 June, 2007
Watch It !!

This is J.A.V.A's dits:
" The Shuttle and Space Station are going over again tonight around 9:52 starting in the NW and heading SE. Be sure to check it out. It was pretty cool last night seeing them separated by a short distance one following the other. From the times it looks like they'll be closer together tonight. "
Watch It !!
19 June, 2007
The Lighthouse Man
I was thinking of someone lately (well, 2m ago now) who had had a nickname back in the day. This led me to thinking of all the nicknames we had for people back in the day. What follows is a partial list, but most of the best (and those that fit a literary need) are represented here. I'm not gonna be my usual insufferable self and say "we had the greatest nicknames of anytime ever", but here is an attempt to document some.
There was a guy who had hair in the style of Rod Stewart circa 1978 and the last name of Richards; he was known as Rod Richards. There was a guy who lived in an alley house and had long dirty fingernails on the ends of his weirdly scarred arms; he was known as The Lighthouse Man. There was a kid who carried most of his prodigious weight around his midsection; he was known as The Bigman.
Famous names abounded. Some were named because they resembled famous people; I went to high school with Joe Montana, Michael Palin, and The Fonz. Others were so named just cause it sounded rite; grammar school included Hitler, El Greco and Mick Guinness. Blotto lived on California.
But listen: it wasn't just boys who got names. There was a girl whose reputation was, shall we say, delightfully challenged; she was known as Grab Bag. There was the Little Sister to a girl Hilts had a really big crush on in 7th and 8th Grade; she was known as Splinks. Spur of the moment tagging going on back there, I do declare. And, of course, there were The Silo Sisters. Silo why? Silo no why.
There was a guy seriously off who always went around asking for cigarettes; he was known as Tony Moke, although some called him Tony the Moke . There was a kid who jets and army stuff; he was called Adolph or Ades for short. There was a deeply delusional dude who was certain he was some sort of priest and walked around wearing mad amounts of buttons of popes, bishops, and priests; he was famously feted as Father Bob.
Teachers and coaches got names. I had Vindow for fourth grade and Bubba for ninth. I had Skippy for science and track. One of my football coaches was Smelly Guster. And speaking of sports, I played football with Head and Doe Doe, ran on the track that had w/ Orange Cap, and still compete in trivia with the Flying Toothpick and Big Tit .
And other girls got names. There was a girl who had cavewoman like features; she was known as Dawn of Man. There was one girl with the rep of being spoiled as shit: she was known as Spoiled Milk. And then there was Brenda get your belt, presumably because ..........um...........shit, I dunno.
There was two sets of twins. The girl set were like whisps of air growing up. They were wonderfully known as The Skinny Minnies. The boys were called ……………… em……… well, alright…………… The Twins It had a logic to its own.
All sorts of literary devices were used in nicknames. Goose G. and Tommy T. and Pauly Pavillion were exceptional examples of alliteration, while Chris Piss and Jill Dill (aka Dildo) great showcases for internal rhyme. Throw the Skinny Minnies in that category too. Given time, I bet I could find that JJK and EZD are grammatical somethings.
There was one unfortunate woman lived in a garden apartment. She was regularly visited by crowds of horny boys who were attracted to this not-that -attractive woman simply because they could look down into her apartment and spyglass. Cold days, hot days, autumn afternoons, summer nites--hell, it coud have been miserable pouring freezing rain days if she was wearing something rite- there were organized treks to the viewing windows. There, right on the street, would be six 13yo’s on their stomachs peering into an apt. buildings basement windows, all totally silent so as not to give the game away.- they knew the steaks. There were times when one group of young boys would be heading over to watch were met by another group headed back from doing the same. Very understandably, this woman quickly became known as The Hooker.
There were some neighbourhood nicknames that seemed repetitive: We had several Booies and one Aboo. There were several neighbourhood nicknames that were phrases: Heymanbecool was a Greek guy who lived near Big Man. Must have been on of his favourite sayings. Another kid got the tag Remain Neutral when a note asking him to do just that in the shifting alliances of the after school Dungeon and Dragons game was intercepted and read out loud by a teacher. And there were some neighbourhood nicknames that seemed to come from the country: Froggy, Mouse , Squirrel, Oats, Straw and Piggy, and Muscrat .
The neighbourhoods Royal Family of Nicknames comes from one family who traded rough in them. The dad was Big D. , supposedly because he was a big dick to the neighbourhood kids. The name came from some hooligans on that block- I always thought he was cool. The oldest brother was a perfect Stosh , although some claim he was also called Whopper . Big guy back then. The middle brother somehow got the name Shavid or Shave as it rhymed with his first name. This I always thought was the best name in the whole family. Later his rough skin gave rise to the alternative Gator . Ouch. And then the youngest, when young, asked for a ‘gink’ of water- he was forever Gink or Ginker , except later in life when he became Schla . Gink is better. I wonder- did the mom have any name?
And there were other neighbourhood kids outside this family who also got multiple names. One kid was called Woji as his most popular name, but he could also becalled Waju, Wojo, Little Woj, and Pepper. However, I think I got him beat. Above I have name checked myself with Adolph, Hitler, Ades, Michael Palin, and Orange Cap , and here is one more not mentioned:
There was a guy who never had any money and was forever flinching last fries off frenz plates; he was known as Mooch .
However, I will throw Pepper a bone. To give him the last word, here are his, edited but a bit:
“Some of you guys older than me might not know __, graduated from Rita H.S. in 8_ and lived on 60th and California but he was referred to as: Happy Boy . Kind of strange.. Everyone calls him this.. Mom, Dad, sisters, friends... Even in normal conversation.. Like, ‘Hi Happy Boy ...what are you doing tonight Happy Boy ?... pass the salt Happy Boy , etc..’ ”
There was a guy who had hair in the style of Rod Stewart circa 1978 and the last name of Richards; he was known as Rod Richards. There was a guy who lived in an alley house and had long dirty fingernails on the ends of his weirdly scarred arms; he was known as The Lighthouse Man. There was a kid who carried most of his prodigious weight around his midsection; he was known as The Bigman.
Famous names abounded. Some were named because they resembled famous people; I went to high school with Joe Montana, Michael Palin, and The Fonz. Others were so named just cause it sounded rite; grammar school included Hitler, El Greco and Mick Guinness. Blotto lived on California.
But listen: it wasn't just boys who got names. There was a girl whose reputation was, shall we say, delightfully challenged; she was known as Grab Bag. There was the Little Sister to a girl Hilts had a really big crush on in 7th and 8th Grade; she was known as Splinks. Spur of the moment tagging going on back there, I do declare. And, of course, there were The Silo Sisters. Silo why? Silo no why.
There was a guy seriously off who always went around asking for cigarettes; he was known as Tony Moke, although some called him Tony the Moke . There was a kid who jets and army stuff; he was called Adolph or Ades for short. There was a deeply delusional dude who was certain he was some sort of priest and walked around wearing mad amounts of buttons of popes, bishops, and priests; he was famously feted as Father Bob.
Teachers and coaches got names. I had Vindow for fourth grade and Bubba for ninth. I had Skippy for science and track. One of my football coaches was Smelly Guster. And speaking of sports, I played football with Head and Doe Doe, ran on the track that had w/ Orange Cap, and still compete in trivia with the Flying Toothpick and Big Tit .
And other girls got names. There was a girl who had cavewoman like features; she was known as Dawn of Man. There was one girl with the rep of being spoiled as shit: she was known as Spoiled Milk. And then there was Brenda get your belt, presumably because ..........um...........shit, I dunno.
There was two sets of twins. The girl set were like whisps of air growing up. They were wonderfully known as The Skinny Minnies. The boys were called ……………… em……… well, alright…………… The Twins It had a logic to its own.
All sorts of literary devices were used in nicknames. Goose G. and Tommy T. and Pauly Pavillion were exceptional examples of alliteration, while Chris Piss and Jill Dill (aka Dildo) great showcases for internal rhyme. Throw the Skinny Minnies in that category too. Given time, I bet I could find that JJK and EZD are grammatical somethings.
There was one unfortunate woman lived in a garden apartment. She was regularly visited by crowds of horny boys who were attracted to this not-that -attractive woman simply because they could look down into her apartment and spyglass. Cold days, hot days, autumn afternoons, summer nites--hell, it coud have been miserable pouring freezing rain days if she was wearing something rite- there were organized treks to the viewing windows. There, right on the street, would be six 13yo’s on their stomachs peering into an apt. buildings basement windows, all totally silent so as not to give the game away.- they knew the steaks. There were times when one group of young boys would be heading over to watch were met by another group headed back from doing the same. Very understandably, this woman quickly became known as The Hooker.
There were some neighbourhood nicknames that seemed repetitive: We had several Booies and one Aboo. There were several neighbourhood nicknames that were phrases: Heymanbecool was a Greek guy who lived near Big Man. Must have been on of his favourite sayings. Another kid got the tag Remain Neutral when a note asking him to do just that in the shifting alliances of the after school Dungeon and Dragons game was intercepted and read out loud by a teacher. And there were some neighbourhood nicknames that seemed to come from the country: Froggy, Mouse , Squirrel, Oats, Straw and Piggy, and Muscrat .
The neighbourhoods Royal Family of Nicknames comes from one family who traded rough in them. The dad was Big D. , supposedly because he was a big dick to the neighbourhood kids. The name came from some hooligans on that block- I always thought he was cool. The oldest brother was a perfect Stosh , although some claim he was also called Whopper . Big guy back then. The middle brother somehow got the name Shavid or Shave as it rhymed with his first name. This I always thought was the best name in the whole family. Later his rough skin gave rise to the alternative Gator . Ouch. And then the youngest, when young, asked for a ‘gink’ of water- he was forever Gink or Ginker , except later in life when he became Schla . Gink is better. I wonder- did the mom have any name?
And there were other neighbourhood kids outside this family who also got multiple names. One kid was called Woji as his most popular name, but he could also becalled Waju, Wojo, Little Woj, and Pepper. However, I think I got him beat. Above I have name checked myself with Adolph, Hitler, Ades, Michael Palin, and Orange Cap , and here is one more not mentioned:
There was a guy who never had any money and was forever flinching last fries off frenz plates; he was known as Mooch .
However, I will throw Pepper a bone. To give him the last word, here are his, edited but a bit:
“Some of you guys older than me might not know __, graduated from Rita H.S. in 8_ and lived on 60th and California but he was referred to as: Happy Boy . Kind of strange.. Everyone calls him this.. Mom, Dad, sisters, friends... Even in normal conversation.. Like, ‘Hi Happy Boy ...what are you doing tonight Happy Boy ?... pass the salt Happy Boy , etc..’ ”
18 June, 2007
Day of Battle
One day, after all the posts on the battle of Jutland and Daydream Nation are all written and nice, then I'll write up on Waterloo. Well, let me get back to sulking...*
*=just kidding.
*=just kidding.
Two nites! Two bands! Written days apart!!

On Thursday and Friday yesterday I was able to take in two shows. Thursady nite was the Bully Pulpit show in Evanston. Billed as their first show after maybe a decade, it really wasn’t: they played a few weeks previously @ a house party. They played @….Bills Blue Bar, which was just west of the Metra trax on Davis. Nice place- we could sit in comfort @ the bar whilst listening to the band. Band played well. They played my of-late favourite in a new guise- before it was just this lick; now they added a beginning to it and stretched it. I can deal with the beginning. They also played that one song that’d been played on the John Peel show “sight unheard”, or whatever his phrase was. Best song was a song I’m not familiar with- near the end, had a catchy yodel that vocalists would do more or less in unison. This was very catchy and obv. the prize song of the show. Oftentimes one can tell when a band is happy with their performance by their body language.
It was their first show in a long time!! It was a good show, but obv. not perfect. They were kinda like stix onstage. Music could be off. Sometimes the sound mismashed to-gether - way many guitars washing in @ same time. Didn’t play their bestus song- yellow and blue make green.
Nice crowd- those I knew and those I didn’t. Nice to see Gallo and Dragon and Blackie, but others from the LT crowd showed up-well, I guess to see loved ones play. It was a nice evening.
I cut immed. after show. Nice nostalgia Evanston downtown.
friday nite
this now was now the turn of the Broom Trusters. someone was smart and shacked them up in some glamourous nitehapping hopping place. i totally expected a shitty dark wooden shanty barn style for the show, but instead got a place i woulda loved to of hung around in when i was 20stylin'. air conditioned. roomy. chix a go go.
i got there kinda early and there were few there but the opening band. say, they were pretty good. an early song of there's was really groovy and i dug it- later someone said 'hey, they're pretty good' and i had to tell this person that they'd missed their best song. but the place filled p, and made me kindanervous at the fact that since there were many people, i'd have to talk and interact with them. y'see, sometimes i'm not so good in social situations, and these two nites were two of them. i did badly thursday, spacing out on the band and my thoughts, arriving during the show and leaving rite after-- friday nite was a grand challenge, because i was so early and there was plenty of time before the show. Plus loads of people i new came. but i did passable. in social situations i rely on gf a lot. it's not good to say, but i lean on her to do the talking for the both of us. she missed both nites, so i was by my lonesome. but luckily, my frenz are a bit of an outgoing group, so they make it easy.
like i wrote, lots of people showed up- a rare showing of loyola types Sleepy Eyes, Fritz, and Blaz. there was a lot of people so one could walk from one place and then hang out with people over there. lots more lt people this nite. indiana types- jimmy shoe. lots of cameras and flashes.
band was bigtrust tonite. drummer, bass, percussion, singer, dancer, multi guy adddd to dynamic duo. no horns. show started off kinda slow and it lasted three songs. my favourite song these days was the beginner, and it was an off version. funny, newsexytouch live is usually an improved versionover than on LP- funkier, faster, liver. i thought this version was maybe too fast. the bass couldn't be heard as well. the band chopped up making love in the natural light- another song that i though should have been liter. imagine me, wanting songs liter.
then the band finally started to rock swell. like a soccer team duing a game on, a so-so first half can turn into genius after half time. this nite, it was after three songs they trusted it up. this nite, the songs i wanted to hear didn't stick with me; song i rarely play in my mind were the ones i drove home thinking about. seems by acclaim the best song was stages- always liked it, but it made the crowd hot this nite.
i realise i like the bass playing a lot. it was really missing from nsexyt- something mechanical @fault this nite, i think. but this nite i realised its always an enjoyable part iof this group. i think that the bass-player-before (phillymac) in the band left a rather imprint on some of the songs- this being one 'o 'm. girl singer is outstanding as well. gf kept talking of her greatness after seeing the band in a basement a bit back. without thinking of what gf was saying, reflections fond she was rite. finally: wanted to hear the the congas. couldn't.
good nites. both nites beautiful.
Tuesday Last in Evanston Town
w/ Gf: Took the dog to Rockies place
all the way up driven
-regular dog time w/ others
-whenever I spot a chance
Rockies dog=Fluffy
-similar size
-both white
Bo=rotund, guttural
Fluffy=fluffy, sticklike
Bo=exhausted going up there
-played well and hard
-had goodnaps / waybacks
Bolo=a good little doggie boy:
-no barking
-no fighting
-no floorslopped brown stylings
-nor piss to be slipped on
Good little dog!
all the way up driven
-regular dog time w/ others
-whenever I spot a chance
Rockies dog=Fluffy
-similar size
-both white
Bo=rotund, guttural
Fluffy=fluffy, sticklike
Bo=exhausted going up there
-played well and hard
-had goodnaps / waybacks
Bolo=a good little doggie boy:
-no barking
-no fighting
-no floorslopped brown stylings
-nor piss to be slipped on
Good little dog!
12 June, 2007

This was my fave page, not necesssarily the home page to the web site.
Blood on the Risers
Lyrics to one of my favourite songs, from 'Band of Brothers', sung by paratroopers (in that case, 101st Airborne, in this case, the 173d). It's sung to the tune of "Battle Hymn of the Republic". I continue to search for a picture of Jones.
Blood on the Risers
He was just a rookie trooper and he surely shook with fright.
He checked off his equipment and made sure his pack was tight.
He had to sit and listen to those awful engines roar.
You ain't gonna jump no more.
Gory, gory, what a hell of way to die.
Gory, gory, what a hell of way to die.
Gory, gory, what a hell of way to die.
He ain't gonna jump no more.
"Is everybody happy?" cried the sergeant looking up.
Our hero feebly answered, "Yes", and then they stood him up.
He jumped into the icy blast, his static line unhooked.
And he ain't gonna jump no more.
He counted long, he counted loud, he waited for the shock.
He felt the wind, he felt the cold, he felt the awful drop.
The silk from his reserve spilled out and wrapped around his legs.
And he ain't gonna jump no more.
The risers swung around his neck, connectors cracked his dome.
Suspension lines were tied in knots around his skinny bones.
The canopy became his shroud, he hurtled to the ground.
And he ain't gonna jump no more.
The days he lived and loved and laughed kept running through his mind.
He thought about the girl back home, the one he left behind.
He thought about the medicos and wondered what they'd find.
And he ain't gonna jump no more.
The ambulance was on the spot, the jeeps were running wild.
The medics jumped and screamed with glee, rolled up their sleeves and smiled.
For it had been a week or more since last a 'chute had failed.
And he ain't gonna jump no more.
He hit the ground, the sound was "Splat," his blood went spurting high.
His comrades they were heard to say, "A helluva way to die."
He lay there rolling 'round in the welter of his gore.
And he ain't gonna jump no more.
There was blood upon the risers, there were brains upon the 'chute.
Intestines were a-dangling from his paratrooper suit.
He was a mess, they picked him up and poured him from his boots.
And he ain't gonna jump no more.
Blood on the Risers

He checked off his equipment and made sure his pack was tight.
He had to sit and listen to those awful engines roar.
You ain't gonna jump no more.
Gory, gory, what a hell of way to die.
Gory, gory, what a hell of way to die.
Gory, gory, what a hell of way to die.
He ain't gonna jump no more.
"Is everybody happy?" cried the sergeant looking up.
Our hero feebly answered, "Yes", and then they stood him up.
He jumped into the icy blast, his static line unhooked.
And he ain't gonna jump no more.
He counted long, he counted loud, he waited for the shock.
He felt the wind, he felt the cold, he felt the awful drop.
The silk from his reserve spilled out and wrapped around his legs.
And he ain't gonna jump no more.

Suspension lines were tied in knots around his skinny bones.
The canopy became his shroud, he hurtled to the ground.
And he ain't gonna jump no more.
The days he lived and loved and laughed kept running through his mind.
He thought about the girl back home, the one he left behind.
He thought about the medicos and wondered what they'd find.
And he ain't gonna jump no more.
The ambulance was on the spot, the jeeps were running wild.
The medics jumped and screamed with glee, rolled up their sleeves and smiled.
For it had been a week or more since last a 'chute had failed.
And he ain't gonna jump no more.
He hit the ground, the sound was "Splat," his blood went spurting high.
His comrades they were heard to say, "A helluva way to die."
He lay there rolling 'round in the welter of his gore.
And he ain't gonna jump no more.
There was blood upon the risers, there were brains upon the 'chute.
Intestines were a-dangling from his paratrooper suit.
He was a mess, they picked him up and poured him from his boots.
And he ain't gonna jump no more.
I’m attempting to learn Spanish. I took French @ SRHS and at university and have tried to keep up with it since then--this allows me to claim “tourist French”. My description of “tourist French” means a halting literal translation of every third word when I see French in print. Don’t expect me to understand anything spoken.
But I’ve always been curious about languages and have been around Spanish a lot. Over the years, I’ve picked up lots of words and ideas- from school, soccer, food, etc… I have a lot of frenz who speak it, and there are so many speakers in Chicago. So many of the students and players I coach speak Spanish. Also, Spanish shares a lot with French and English, which I like and helps in learning it. Given these positives and that I have some education and presumably have proven I can learn new things, I can do it.
And now, attempting to make myself (ready for the jargon) more ‘marketable’, has me on a real Spanish kick. I have a 30yo Berlitz book that learns me some vocab. Weak, but has taught me a bit. Then Gf alerted me to handyportable mp3 type players called- I think- walkaways- available from CPL; some of which come in the handy ‘Learn Spanish” variety. This has been great - portable, easy to follow, easy to replay, pause, go faster/slower, etc… I’ve picked up bits- the rote way of learning can actually bear fruit. And now I’ve gotten an 8 cassette “Learn Spanish” collection from CPL- so far an uninspiring experience, but I plan to make it dominant in my cassette only car.
But put all the strands to-gether, and I’m trying to Frankenstein my way in to understanding. Mite be too tepid a go. Thought about taking classes and getting certified or whatever, but we’ll see. Mt current lesssons including taking Bolo out for walkies and using the Walkaway- some new lessons, a lotta review of older lessons, a lot learned. I also pledge to learn two new vocab words every soccer game on Spanish language tv I see. To-nite U.S. plays somebody, so we’ll see what my words of the day will be.
But I’ve always been curious about languages and have been around Spanish a lot. Over the years, I’ve picked up lots of words and ideas- from school, soccer, food, etc… I have a lot of frenz who speak it, and there are so many speakers in Chicago. So many of the students and players I coach speak Spanish. Also, Spanish shares a lot with French and English, which I like and helps in learning it. Given these positives and that I have some education and presumably have proven I can learn new things, I can do it.
And now, attempting to make myself (ready for the jargon) more ‘marketable’, has me on a real Spanish kick. I have a 30yo Berlitz book that learns me some vocab. Weak, but has taught me a bit. Then Gf alerted me to handyportable mp3 type players called- I think- walkaways- available from CPL; some of which come in the handy ‘Learn Spanish” variety. This has been great - portable, easy to follow, easy to replay, pause, go faster/slower, etc… I’ve picked up bits- the rote way of learning can actually bear fruit. And now I’ve gotten an 8 cassette “Learn Spanish” collection from CPL- so far an uninspiring experience, but I plan to make it dominant in my cassette only car.
But put all the strands to-gether, and I’m trying to Frankenstein my way in to understanding. Mite be too tepid a go. Thought about taking classes and getting certified or whatever, but we’ll see. Mt current lesssons including taking Bolo out for walkies and using the Walkaway- some new lessons, a lotta review of older lessons, a lot learned. I also pledge to learn two new vocab words every soccer game on Spanish language tv I see. To-nite U.S. plays somebody, so we’ll see what my words of the day will be.
11 June, 2007
The cook out
It was Holy Communion Time for one of Gf’s homies sons. Vas ist dis, peek neek?? Nice food, good company, not too many Gestapo spies attempting to ferret from me my parents voting record in the 1960 presidential race. Goodens.
Plus 88%Pauly from Goodfellas was there. He truly looked and acted like a rude Pauly, except that he was about 88% as big. He maddened women sitting ‘round him by saying how disgusting the Dove soap models are in the popular advertising campaign; later he put a rubber snake in his zipper-ho ho ho.
His best was when an actor walked into the backyard and started talking to 88%Pauly. The girls @ my table immed. started talking about when this or that guy came out of the closet. 88%Pauly asked the actor “Hey. Do you remember that one guy-he was kinda fruity, like you. He was a lot more fruitier than you.”
Plus 88%Pauly from Goodfellas was there. He truly looked and acted like a rude Pauly, except that he was about 88% as big. He maddened women sitting ‘round him by saying how disgusting the Dove soap models are in the popular advertising campaign; later he put a rubber snake in his zipper-ho ho ho.
His best was when an actor walked into the backyard and started talking to 88%Pauly. The girls @ my table immed. started talking about when this or that guy came out of the closet. 88%Pauly asked the actor “Hey. Do you remember that one guy-he was kinda fruity, like you. He was a lot more fruitier than you.”
Give it a rest, won'y ya...

From the moment the British Press caught on that something unique was going on in Manchester in early 1983, Morrissey was given an avenue to yammer on about his views and ideas about anything through the press. He was an expressively different personality the press initially loved. He appealed to certain types who loved to hear his pronouncements. They may be heard through the press that came with releases or tours, this or that famous interview where he came out with whatever controversial saying was current, tv appearances that w ere like the restaging of Ed Sullivan style Beatlemania, etc… Much like Marx or Jesus, all Morrissey’s sayings and writings were read and copied out and endlessly debated and always new missives were yearned for by his public to set it all straight.
Record release time was an important in the press cycle. The band had a great output of singles for a longtime. It seemed that every few months they had a new song to release and market, and that meant loads more press and interviews. The way the craze about his views and the constant new Smiths material, especially via 45’s, again reminds me of an early-mid 60’s music scene. The constant press craze was neat, and The Smiths carried it off well. This sort of thing can go wrong. A maddening attempt to create such an atmosphere (maybe it wasn’t manufactured, but it seemed so @ the time) resulted in the Style Council releasing their material on mismatched Lp’s and Ep’s and 45‘s all over the world. It sucked, and their attempt seemed contrived.
But Morrissey, though he gathered his fair amount of stick over the years, rode the way larger reservoir of good will through the early part of his solo career. Despite details over the break up of the band and the general silliness of the entire Morrissey phenomenon, he was able to surf the love fer a long bit. Morrissey was able to back it all up by the excellence of his output. His first LP, Viva Hate, is as good as any Smiths release back to front.. That it was so good was a sensation when it was released.
As for 45‘s, “Suedehead”/“I know very well how I got my Name”/“Hairdressers on Fire” can only be equaled, not topped, by any Smiths 45’ release. He released singles that were quality releases- for a time.
Here is a chart of his single releases:
Suedehead 2-88
Lp-Viva Hate 3-88
Sunday 6-88
Playboy 2-89
Interesting Drug 4-89
Ouiji Board 11-89
November 4-90
Piccadilly Palare 10-90
LP(old stuff)-Bona Drag 10-90
Our frank 2-91
LP-Kill Uncle 3-91
That’s eight singles in three years. Not that large an output, really. However, a lot of this shit is tuff as hell. Suedehead and Sunday were blessed events, and Playboy was the first single after the outstanding Viva Hate. It’s message was that after such a great LP, Morrissey had yet more great stuff to get out to the masses. We waited, joyously, digesting whatever Holy Words and Bread were distributed every 2-89 or 4-89.
But then, there was a general decline. Drug, Board, November, and Palare were all so-so efforts -lazy, I bet Morrissey would have called them if they were someone else‘s work. It really tested our faith. We were suppliced temporarily with the release of Bona drag, a collection of singles, b-sides, and unreleased material akin to the Smiths perfect "Hatful of Hollow". It had the first seven singles listed above, plus the great b-sides “Disappointed” and “Hairdressers on Fire”. These songs collected to-gether, even the tepid ones, were a powerful reminder of the strength that Morrissey still had- like the Wermacht ireeling in retreat after Stalingrad still capable of turning out a Karkhov.
“Our Frank”, a single that I rank high in the Morrissey Canon for the simple reason that it marked the last moment of the Morrisey triumph , was released in Feb. 1991. Unlike the last four singles, it was fast and was lively. It had a great intro, was nicely propulsive and buoyant , and had several clever Morrisseyisms. It had two verses and a chorus and the slitest of nicest drum and piano brush bridge and a long fiddle solo’s fadeout. Nice song, a good song, unlike three of the last four singles, I felt. It bode well for the imminant LP.
Morrissey- He had Spoken, as Morrissey, for The Last Time.
The next month the LP. “Kill Uncle” came out. It led off with “Frank”, and there it ended. What a terrible LP. Every song on it was a soft little shuffle- and now, looking up, we could see that all of us had been deceived-those last four singles- they were all softy shuffles types- WE WERE LIED TO!!! Suddenly, on the realization that indeed we were not wrong- the last four singles sucked, and the whole of the LP, with the single exception of “Our Frank”, sucked. It didn’t suck:
Kill Uncle was a clownish disappointment.
Suddenly, Morrissey was not the perfect God- he was the Flawed God.
But for all of us, it was there to listen. There was a moment before, and a moment after. I’ve always thought that that moment for Morrissey came @ the 2.20 m point of “Our Frank”, when the long fadeout starts. The fadeout is what stands out for me. The release of the LP made this clear.
In the context of a 45’ release, it was a catchy song worthy of his catalog. It’s 3.36m long- great pop song.
But in …
...the context of the Lp, such a great tune like it in the midst of such aggressively bad crap-on top of the string of weak cheap shit he tried to peddle on us-- really changed my feelings on the song in the context of Morrissey's career. On the Lp, the start of the fade out/fiddle in “Our Frank” signals the end of the really rockin’ kool part of the song and the start of the dreadful death dirges that follow. About 2.20m into “Kill Uncle”, it all changes. Forever.
I feel, when I hear that fiddle start, alabaster cashing down….
More Sunday Morning than Saturday Nite
Went to Mass Sunday, and enjoyed it a bit. Each Catholic mass is built around a certain theme or message, methinks. I guess its some department in the Vatican that decides years in advance what the theme of the mass will be, and what 3 main readings will be read to support that theme. I think the local parish decides on which songs and prayers will be used to support the theme.
I’m not necessarily a good Catholic. It’s embarrassing, but I’m one of those labeled a ‘pick and choose’ Catholic. No matter what I p’n’c, it’s a decent enough label for me. However, one thing I totally let the Catholic Church do is lead my spiritual journey--so to speak-- for the week. What this means is that I pay attention to what this weeks theme is and read/study what the three readings are. At the end of the three readings, the priest then has a sermon- 10-30m- about this weeks theme for all to hear. This I listen to and compare what he has to say (and it's always a he) to what I took from the reading. It's one of my favourite things to do, and I do believe it's considered the 'Protestent' thing to do; concentrate on the word and he sermon, and not so much on the holy rituals.
Sometimes the package of readings, sermons, hymns, to-getherness, is wonderful, and real piritual connexions are made for me*. Sometimes, its all rubbish and God do I want to leave this pew so boring!!
The general theme Sunday was culled from readings from Genesis 14, about some dude who blessed Abraham by breaking bread. Then 1 Con. 11 called us to be witnesses, or something- but bread breaking again. However, the famous reading was the famous gospel, Luke 9- where Jesus had to feed the massive crowds that had come to hear him preach. As nite fell onto a day of preaching, there was only a few pieces of fish and bread to feed the multitudes. Jesus had the scrabble put before him, said a few prayers over it, and told his disciples to feed the many. When feeding time was done, they gathered the leftovers, and there was enough to fill 12 fishybready baskets !!
Of course, this famous story of His life is taken to be one of the big miracle stories and therein lies it's importance (ritual, holiness, miracle); but also it's w/in the Catholic tradition of action (good works, love...) For me, it was an obvious call to share the wealth of the world- physical, mental, emotional, spiritual- with each other. See- if we work to-gether, what seems too little is actually more than enough to go around and then some.
I admit I wish there was some sorta lay preacher role in the Catholic Church. Some thought I’d be good. Probably have to spend my energy defending the idea of priesthood in a time of abusive priests in the open. But any lay role for me’d be ’d have to be in the Church.
By the way, don't remember anything the priest said in his sermon. Such material to wok with...
*=i think !
I’m not necessarily a good Catholic. It’s embarrassing, but I’m one of those labeled a ‘pick and choose’ Catholic. No matter what I p’n’c, it’s a decent enough label for me. However, one thing I totally let the Catholic Church do is lead my spiritual journey--so to speak-- for the week. What this means is that I pay attention to what this weeks theme is and read/study what the three readings are. At the end of the three readings, the priest then has a sermon- 10-30m- about this weeks theme for all to hear. This I listen to and compare what he has to say (and it's always a he) to what I took from the reading. It's one of my favourite things to do, and I do believe it's considered the 'Protestent' thing to do; concentrate on the word and he sermon, and not so much on the holy rituals.
Sometimes the package of readings, sermons, hymns, to-getherness, is wonderful, and real piritual connexions are made for me*. Sometimes, its all rubbish and God do I want to leave this pew so boring!!
The general theme Sunday was culled from readings from Genesis 14, about some dude who blessed Abraham by breaking bread. Then 1 Con. 11 called us to be witnesses, or something- but bread breaking again. However, the famous reading was the famous gospel, Luke 9- where Jesus had to feed the massive crowds that had come to hear him preach. As nite fell onto a day of preaching, there was only a few pieces of fish and bread to feed the multitudes. Jesus had the scrabble put before him, said a few prayers over it, and told his disciples to feed the many. When feeding time was done, they gathered the leftovers, and there was enough to fill 12 fishybready baskets !!
Of course, this famous story of His life is taken to be one of the big miracle stories and therein lies it's importance (ritual, holiness, miracle); but also it's w/in the Catholic tradition of action (good works, love...) For me, it was an obvious call to share the wealth of the world- physical, mental, emotional, spiritual- with each other. See- if we work to-gether, what seems too little is actually more than enough to go around and then some.
I admit I wish there was some sorta lay preacher role in the Catholic Church. Some thought I’d be good. Probably have to spend my energy defending the idea of priesthood in a time of abusive priests in the open. But any lay role for me’d be ’d have to be in the Church.
By the way, don't remember anything the priest said in his sermon. Such material to wok with...
*=i think !
08 June, 2007
Hilts comments
So, I now have my own small style revirew of trivia last nite== just some note- scroll down, hit comments, and.........how does rockitxxzze do that on his blog????
From the prom
Two songs struck me, both olde schoole;
"Buddy" by Musiq
"Watch my feet" by Dude & Em'
"Buddy" by Musiq
"Watch my feet" by Dude & Em'
Slop Bookended by Perfection

It was a good thing that Hilts provided the title summation of last night’s trivia at TC Pub, otherwise the summary could have ended up with an adult-themed reference to Rachael Ray pleasuring herself with salmon. Initially, it didn’t look like the pub held enough people to hold a decent trivia battle, but the regular Bar crew rolled in just in time to defend their victory from two weeks ago.
J&B represented by: Chemical Man, Hilts, Stix, Dragon and Lazers. J&B Hall-of-Famer Moho made a post-trivia appearance.
The competition: Bar, War Pigs, and Team 14.
TC Pub represented by: the return of Glasses. Dragon suggests that nickname should be updated, as we haven’t seen her wearing glasses in ages. I vote to keep the primary nickname the same- it stirs good memories.
First Half: Piniella & Guillen/Movie Lines/Celebrity Birth Years
A different look to “Throw the ball” tricks as Benkowski unveils a spankin’ new Hammermill box.
In Piniella’s 19 years of managing, average number of ejections per year?
Guillen is 10th in Sox history with 68 _______?
Guillen is 10th is Sox history with 240 _______? (bad guess from Team 14: homers)
J&B takes the early advantage with a massive first quarter, nailing 9 out of 9 questions (twice being halted by the recent “no more than 4 in a row” rule). Hilts: “Could this be that elusive J&B perfect game?”
The perfect game is broken up early in the second quarter with a movie line: “You know, a lot of people go to college for 7 years.” “I know, they’re called doctors.” (bad guess from J&B: Animal House)
The Bar has a huge second quarter, leaving halftime scores at: Bar 1570 J&B 970 War Pigs 550 Team 14 440
Second Half: General Sports/National Enquirer/Music
The music category includes a “sing for 10 seconds” option when a team doesn’t know an answer. The option never is used.
1985- sang “We Built This City” (one word)
While sitting with Team 14, Glasses answers two music questions on behalf of the Bar. Someone complains that she isn’t part of the Bar. However, she earlier won a Ladies Only challenge on behalf of the Bar. Benkowski: “She showed her tattoo for the Bar. That’s like being blood siblings.”
Once again, the Bar is faced with a Ladies Only challenge with the Biggest Tattoo option. From the earlier challenge, the Bar knows that Glasses has a larger tattoo than the only other woman playing in the trivia game (from War Pigs). When the Bar selects the Biggest Tattoo challenge again, Benkowski hesitates. Benkowski: “That’s not in the spirit of the game.” Coincidentally, I had earlier mentioned that the third main Bar guy didn’t have a nickname. Stix had reminded me that we once nicknamed him Lawyer. As if to emphasize Stix’s reminder, Lawyer went into full defense mode to argue the Bar’s case. Benkowski lets the second Biggest Tattoo victory stand for the Bar but promises, “you won’t get me again.”
After the Bar correctly guesses the name of the place where the French Open is played, Benkowski: “The Bar, with posters of French structures on their ceiling, gets the points.” The Bar also was accused of having posters of Joan Rivers and Barbara Bush on their ceilings.
Controversy erupts with the last question of the second half: Ladies Only- choice either to “act crazy on the microphone for 5 seconds” OR lose your turn and lose 200 points. Neither the War Pigs’ woman nor Glasses would agree to take the microphone. The Bar is incensed when Benkowski deducts 200 points from their score (as I assume he did to War Pigs).
Scores into Final Question: J&B 2490 Bar 2140 War Pigs 1170 Team 14 1080
Choice of Final Category: White Sox History, Yankee History, or most recent edition of Rolling Stone magazine.
War Pigs selects Rolling Stone. All other teams select White Sox.
3 of 5 wins wager. All 5 wins 3000 bonus points.
J&B wagers 1791 (aka “The Classic).
White Sox: From the 1960s to the 2000s, name the Sox pitchers who led the team in single-season victories the most amount of times in each decade. Clues-
· 60s- Two pitchers tied with leading the team in victories twice.
· 70s- One pitcher led the team three times.
· 80s- One pitcher led the team three times.
· 90s- One pitcher led the team four times.
· 00s- One pitcher led the team three times.
Yankee all-time leader in RBI with 1,995?
Yankee all-time leader in triples with 163?
Yankee all-time leader in stolen bases with 326?
Yankee all-time leader in hits with 2,721?
Yankee all-time leader in at-bats with 8,102?
(Note: since nobody selected the category, we asked Benkowski to give us the Yankee questions after trivia ended.)
Since J&B immediately delved into discussion of the White Sox question, I didn’t catch most of the Rolling Stone questions. Sorry.
Part II
After much debate (mainly for the 80s), J&B guesses: Gary Peters and Joel Horlen (60s), Wilbur Wood (70s), Britt Burns (80s), Jack McDowell (90s) and Mark Buehrle (00s).
First Half Answers:
Tommy Boy
Second Half Answers:
Roland Garros
Final Question:
Team 14- 1080- Sox- guess Phil McCracken, Seymour Butts, and a series of similar names that Benkowski refused to read- wagered 1080- thanks for playing.
War Pigs- 1170- Rolling Stone- guess $8500 (no), Cheap Trick (no- correct answer was Ratt), Bob Segar (no- correct answer was Ben Folds), “Hot Hot Hot” (no- correct answer was “Sick Sick Sick”), and Bo Diddley (correct)- wagered 1165- down to 5 points.
Bar- 2140- Sox- guesses Hoyt Wilhelm and Ted Lyons (no), Wilbur Wood (correct), Richard Dotson (no), Jack McDowell (correct) and Mark Buehrle (correct)- wagered 351- up to 2491 (and hoping J&B doesn’t win its wager).
J&B- 2490- Sox- guesses Horlen and Peters (correct), Wood (correct), Burns (correct), McDowell (correct) and Buehrle (correct)- wagers 1791- with bonus, up to 7281 (although Benkowski announced it as 6000 and change) and a return to the Winners’ Circle.
Yankee Answers:
RBI- Lou Gehrig
Triples- Lou Gehrig
Steals- Rickey Henderson
Hits- Lou Gehrig
At-bats- Mickey Mantle
All Yankee answers verified this morning, per baseball-reference.com (Bill questioned the Mantle answer). J&B would have won its wager but probably not the bonus.
As follow-up to the J&B debate over the 80s Sox answer (and curiosity over leaders in the late 80s seasons):
1980: Britt Burns (15-13)
1981: Britt Burns (10-6)
1982: Lamar Hoyt (19-15)
1983: Lamar Hoyt (24-10)
1984: Tom Seaver (15-11)
1985: Britt Burns (18-11)
1986: Joe Cowley (11-11)
1987: Floyd Bannister (16-11)
1988: Jerry Reuss (13-9)
1989: Melido Perez (11-14)
Boy, those late-80s were a golden era for White Sox baseball, eh?
As indicated earlier, Moho made an appearance after trivia ended. Best result was a great J&B tirade speculating on Benkowski Trivia being played in Japan. There also was a bit of Speed Racer discussion with Glasses (as well as Bill indicating displeasure with the casting of Christina Ricci as Trixie for the upcoming movie).
Next trivia night in two weeks: June 21st.
(names edited by hilts)
07 June, 2007
It's now 19y.o. college players I play soccer with now
Neice.1 seems to be the most mature and grown up of the kids. She's kid 2 of 8, but seems the best 'older sibling' and watches out for mom big time. Good kid, amongst ther best.
She watches out for me as well. She plays with kids that she went to school with or played on someteam or other with. They had pickup games all last summer, but the pace seems to have picked up now. They'r'll all 19 or so, and very easily could kick my ass playing soccer.
Now, when neice.1 was enterting high school, I was still better then her- something about outweighing her by 70lb means a lot. But I always thought that by the time she graduates, she'd better be better than me. I was one who would never let her win- I knew she was good and wanted to develop her talent and her competition skills. It's not only the other kids that are better than I = she's a lot better.
So, the call came last nite to play, and I bounded out. It was good. It was 4-4 on a big field. The kids took it easy on me- they heard me complain last year about "Take it easy on an old man", and I haven't practiced any since then- unless y count kicking it about @ 1/2time w/ neice.1 @ neice.3's games. I'm really scared that this 2score&1 dude would get some horrible pull or tear or-----wait, no fear of heart attack, since I don't smoke cigerettes. But there was fear and a certain slowness of play on my part.
Didn't get hurt, played ok, and will play again.
The point of this post was to praise neice.1 for showing signs that she will be an excellent mature adult soon....................and did y see that one goal of mine?? The one where I was bothered on my left by someone more that 1/2 my age and plays in college, yet still managed to pull up, dash it to my left, and score!!!! yeah yeah yeah, that's the point!!!
She watches out for me as well. She plays with kids that she went to school with or played on someteam or other with. They had pickup games all last summer, but the pace seems to have picked up now. They'r'll all 19 or so, and very easily could kick my ass playing soccer.
Now, when neice.1 was enterting high school, I was still better then her- something about outweighing her by 70lb means a lot. But I always thought that by the time she graduates, she'd better be better than me. I was one who would never let her win- I knew she was good and wanted to develop her talent and her competition skills. It's not only the other kids that are better than I = she's a lot better.
So, the call came last nite to play, and I bounded out. It was good. It was 4-4 on a big field. The kids took it easy on me- they heard me complain last year about "Take it easy on an old man", and I haven't practiced any since then- unless y count kicking it about @ 1/2time w/ neice.1 @ neice.3's games. I'm really scared that this 2score&1 dude would get some horrible pull or tear or-----wait, no fear of heart attack, since I don't smoke cigerettes. But there was fear and a certain slowness of play on my part.
Didn't get hurt, played ok, and will play again.
The point of this post was to praise neice.1 for showing signs that she will be an excellent mature adult soon....................and did y see that one goal of mine?? The one where I was bothered on my left by someone more that 1/2 my age and plays in college, yet still managed to pull up, dash it to my left, and score!!!! yeah yeah yeah, that's the point!!!
Librarians on ther blog kick
Two new Librarian blogs have come up in the last two days:
the hipster one I,ve only clicked @ so far:
and Linbloom HS, a cps school near my own 'hood, has this to offer:
I'm curious to know which y like better....
Much love to Rockford.....I'm curious to know which one y think roxxlinx sent along...
the hipster one I,ve only clicked @ so far:
and Linbloom HS, a cps school near my own 'hood, has this to offer:
I'm curious to know which y like better....
Much love to Rockford.....I'm curious to know which one y think roxxlinx sent along...
Speed Racer
This just in from Lazermann on the new ....well, read...
Casting for the Speed Racer movie (due out May 2008):
Speed- Emile something or other (don't know him, but he looks Speed-ish)
Racer X- Matthew Fox (apparently on "Lost", which I've never seen)
Trixie- Christina Ricci
Pops Racer- John Goodman
Mom Racer- Susan Sarandon
I like the casting of Goodman as Pops (I assume Matt Millen was unavailable), but I'm undecided on Ricci as Trixie.....thoughts?
Casting for the Speed Racer movie (due out May 2008):
Speed- Emile something or other (don't know him, but he looks Speed-ish)
Racer X- Matthew Fox (apparently on "Lost", which I've never seen)
Trixie- Christina Ricci
Pops Racer- John Goodman
Mom Racer- Susan Sarandon
I like the casting of Goodman as Pops (I assume Matt Millen was unavailable), but I'm undecided on Ricci as Trixie.....thoughts?
I liked them better when they were the Bully Pulpit West

I don't feel at all bad about this shameless bit of self-promotion, since we hardly ever play in Chicago.
We will be unveiling a new four-piece lineup with lots of new material on Thursday, June 14th at Bill's Blues, Evanston.
It will probably be one of the only times we play this summer. Best part of the deal is that there is no cover before 7pm, so rally your comrades!
Shake off that apathy because the time IS and the music QUALITY! I have never played with a group of musicians in my life.
w/ Bossa Sarvah (opening)
& Slazenger 7 (closing)
Thursday, June 14th
7:30pm (sharp)
Bill's Blues
1029 Davis Street
Please, do not hesitate to freak yourselves before coming out.
Baywatch (or is it Pulpit?)
06 June, 2007
I liked them better when they were the National Trust

I don't feel at all bad about this shameless bit of self-promotion, since we hardly ever play in Chicago.
We will be unveiling a new eight-piece lineup with lots of new material on Friday, June 15th at Darkroom, Chicago. It will probably be one of the only times we play this summer before recording a new album. Best part of the deal is that there is no cover before 11 pm, so rally your comrades!
Shake off that apathy because the time is NOW and the music quality HIGH! I have never played with a better group of musicians in my life.
w/Maradona (opening)
Friday, June 15th
2210 W. Chicago Ave. (2 blocks West of Damen, North side of street)
Please, do not hesitate to freak yourselves before coming out.
Nat (or is it Tru?)
What about O'Tul??
Got an email about impending shows.
Friends and Family
Please join us on July 21, 2007, as a long standing group of musicians and friends host an all out jam at Klas Restaurant in Cicero, IL. The intent of the event is to see old friends and celebrate the rich history of music that started at Lyons Township High School, grew in the Lawrence, KS and Champaign, IL music scenes, and in some cases garnered worldwide attention.
Bands scheduled to appear (from headliner to opener):
Poster Children
National Trust
Bully Pulpit
Panel Donor
LT Weightmen
The Doctor
Klas of the Titans
Date: Saturday, July 21, 2007
Time: Doors open at 6 pm. Bands start promptly at 8 pm.
Klas Restaurant
5734 W Cermak Rd
Cicero, IL 60804
(708) 652-0795
For Hilts, it's several thingx.
get to see/hear
get to hang/frenz
get to see Gold Cup semifinal @ Soldiers field 21 Juin instead of makinf difficult choice
Hilts prognostication for the show--would have been immeserably stronger with Peter O'Tul added to the lineup.
Also, next bully show is ++ next thursday, june 14th, @ Bills Blues Bar in Evanston
Friends and Family
Please join us on July 21, 2007, as a long standing group of musicians and friends host an all out jam at Klas Restaurant in Cicero, IL. The intent of the event is to see old friends and celebrate the rich history of music that started at Lyons Township High School, grew in the Lawrence, KS and Champaign, IL music scenes, and in some cases garnered worldwide attention.
Bands scheduled to appear (from headliner to opener):
Poster Children
National Trust
Bully Pulpit
Panel Donor
LT Weightmen
The Doctor
Klas of the Titans
Date: Saturday, July 21, 2007
Time: Doors open at 6 pm. Bands start promptly at 8 pm.
Klas Restaurant
5734 W Cermak Rd
Cicero, IL 60804
(708) 652-0795
For Hilts, it's several thingx.
get to see/hear
get to hang/frenz
get to see Gold Cup semifinal @ Soldiers field 21 Juin instead of makinf difficult choice
Hilts prognostication for the show--would have been immeserably stronger with Peter O'Tul added to the lineup.
Also, next bully show is ++ next thursday, june 14th, @ Bills Blues Bar in Evanston
05 June, 2007
Saturday nite and Sunday nite

Went out both nites. Saturday nite was a return to the Rainbo for the first time in awhile. Gf came over and we had battle plans- well, i did- to link up with ORF and then....... Decisions to ride the Dragon train, so a call was put in to see if linkage could be achieved @ a moments notice: born fruit/rainbo was he
First, we decided to wander Wicker Park have showandtell time for Gf- this is where Drax once lived/Jackson once../Vampdom // This is where we swam/walked/played/take a souvineir. Saw Matt Jenke in the park and hung for a bit-then to Rain.
Kinda not crowded for a Sat nite-Dragon said Summer but there were spurts and stuff. They had the cider, and i guffed up a bit- remember how I keep saying that i'm'a drinking no more 'fore the overhangs?? Had three, where my outerlimits lie these days. We sat on the bar, but an ill-advised move to a booth was rued. Sometimes the booths are best- not this nite.
Gf and I threatened to use the photobooth- never have I in rain- but unffor. the moment passed. Next time for this rite of couples to be added to by our story.

Went to Fire game. Was late, game was ok except for win hi-lited by last goal, a 100yd sprint by Chad Barret. Section 8 used to sing the "Wayne Rooney/There's only one Wayne Rooney" song for Barret, who bears a strong resemblence to.......Man. U's Wayne Rooney. Always makes me laugh, that one.
Was by myself. Nephew.2 was in Section 8, but he has his frenz and I wanted to stay out of sun. Goodkixx was there, but I didn't feel up to braching defences into the $$ seats, so i sat where I was ...(albeit it on 50yd line, 15 rows up.)
Went home, stayed up way too late listening to 10 diff lp's that Joker had burned for me. not all 10, but 2-3 songs from each. A lot of stuff comically mismatched for my ears, but two great lp's in the whole: I will update w/ name later and you can laugh @ me for how behind the times I am.
Saturday afternoon and Sunday afternoon / Domestication happy
What’s been happing lately- this wkd - is unprecedented; 2d running, was able to hang out w/ Gf in the morning so soon after waking up. Walked w/ my lades* and Bolo Vox to the park one day, went to the p.o. for passport papers for her another, and both days went out to eat @ breake-fast time. We went to places where we had ½ priced coupons that were near. One place was really good - a coffee shop type place-- once called “Arabia” and now “Paiani something” -- on 119th west of Harlem. They had fancy (for me) sandwiches we both liked. The next day we ½ priced a diner-less the experience and tastyness. Both places were fun to go out to- we never get to eat breake-fast to-gether ever. I got to use 2 ½ coup’s, so I was happy. Also sat around reading the dailies drinking coffee-- like an ol.marr.cou. It was a double novel, doubleplus good wkd-mornings for the little unit that is our couple.. Tant mieux pous nous.
*=a galloist expressive if ive ever seen one
**=“Arabica” was really good , too. We have three more ½’s!!!
*=a galloist expressive if ive ever seen one
**=“Arabica” was really good , too. We have three more ½’s!!!
02 June, 2007
All sorts, all on ewetubers

I've discovered a new subculture on YouTube, guys running vintage aircraft engines in their garages.
One of the 75 trillion perfect things about 'Band of Brothers' was the need to "Get it rite". Part of that was the sound was perfect*. I must admidt that to many, hearing the chattering of an Mg-42 or pack-pack-pack of an M-1 or the snap of the 88 isn't a big deal, but
WE ALL MUST ADMIDT: our blood stirs when we hear the engine of a Tiger Tank
*=well, as much as i could tell. maybe it was like the moon landings, and they faked all of world war 2. Damn, that would mean my Aunt was lying about nazi bombers attacking her town. Shit.
productive day
Friday was a productive day on so many fronts. The events...
I lost my battlefield commission
Most importantly, this was the day that I lost my battlefield commission in the media center. Queen Bee, in whose 'position #' I have been working in* since early October (basically the whole year), came back today. Very excited to get her back, the whole day I was in the library was a sorta celebration. She took so much time off; it was good to see her happy and working. However, this also was the day I reverted back to sub pay. It was expected, and I had a great run.
I was:
I paid as a regular teacher with benefits and holidays and all that.
I was able to get so much more experience @ a media center that really functions well. My experience running a library myself last year combined with the 1.75y @ this school have been incredible. I need ever more experience, but I have such a good handle on the immense possibilities of a well run media center now. I do believe that I am exactly where I should be in my career, and the future is so open. It's exciting to know that so much is not far off in the future, but, well, i', living in it now......although I still need that permenant job. That scene in the Matrix where either Tank or Dozer is strapping up Neo to run programs through him and (either tank or dozer) says along the lines of "Morpheas has told us you are The One- if it's true.....so exciting...". My time, now 1.75y @ this school, has allowed me to feel like I can stop bullets without ever moving. gotta get that job.
I got so much love being here. I've always had the feeling of being loved by many my whole life- kool family, frenz etc... but the absolute force of love the kids just pour on us is immense. Very bittersweet is the end of the year we face now- lovely sleep is just 2w away, but those daily doses of love our kids dish is very empowering. The most lovely water we have ever drank. I have 2 examples later when i write on the prom, but two general examples would be:
1==Mr. Hilts, to the packed media center @ large "Say, I need 2 or 3 strongs boys to help me move this stuff- c'mon guys, I need it." and suddenly they all stand up to help.
2==All the librarians here (two full, me=one, and two clerks)have their favourite kids and kids who like them best. The kids love us all, but some have better relationships with certain kids. One of 'my' kids waiting @ the front desk while I finish something. If they're one of mine, they'll wait because they want to be dealt with by me, and not one of the others.
Both of these are small little things, but make live nice. Nice feeling.
I felt I did a job well. When I was a classroom teacher, it was a nail in the coss and my hand every day. so hard. being a librarian is so natural to me, or maybe I just took so long to mature. But I got so much love from the other librarians, teachers, higher ups, etc..... I know I did a good job, and that's very important to someone whose huge concern is/and has been functioning @ the work level.
So, getting into school, I have to go to the central office to sign up as a sub. Central office can sometimes be a chore, but it took no time and I got it all done. I signed up as a fulltime cadre sub, and i will have that distinction for a whole year-I fully intend to get a job next year, but if I don't, @ least I'll get max sub pay (Too embarrased to publish what it is, but I'll tell ya in secret). I also get--guess what-- full benefits!! I get my health and dental for the year as well. And, to top it off, it took no time and the people were very helpful. Stopped by the Harold Washington library, got a dvd (again,no Trilogy) and the news that Sandra Cisneros will be @ HWL in Juin. She's very cool, though I've only read her poetry so far.
Back to school, el style, the cicadas, lunchenette @ Gilmarts, go home.
I went to prom
I haven't been @ this school for that long, so many of the kids are mysteries to me. However, I feel its important to support them in all ways- I go to a lot of sports events for a 1/2 or so just so the kids will see me there. It was time to say goodbye to the seniors this nite. I hoped that more teacher would have gone, but maybe 30 went. Out of 200+ teachers and more staff, I expected more. It’s such a good school. Lesser schools have had better turnouts. However, I now have much more good feelings for the ones who did go: Mr. C., the soccer coache, the one who got the bobcut 3w back , the former principal, etc… Said hello to the principal (always a good deal to be seen by her, though @ my last school it didn’t help much).
Prom was held @ the Museum of Science and Industry. Nice place. There was a central dance area with 3 wing areas to chill. One could danse, hang out @ a table, or visit the exhibits. I saw the train layout: however, ride of place for exhibits went to the Stuka divebomber suspended from the ceiling. Can’t beat a prom that features a Stuka.
His year the white zoot suit with baby blue vest was in for guys. I hear that the girls look was toned down from the near naked girls who showed up last year. I was casual.
Free food, water and pop. I stuffed myself.
My two favourite moments, alluded to above, were with kids I knew.
One was with a couple who always hung in the library. They raced over during the dancing and tried really hard to get me to danse. they asked some of the lady teachers to danse w/ me, but we demurred. I promised I’d danse, but it was only late late late and me shuffled out in the midst of all swaying and turning and sweating : I bumbld my feet but a bit, to the beat, for 6sec, felt promise fulfilled (albeit in such a jive way), and left the prom.
Two was leaving the building all-to-gether when I ran across one of the graduating seniors. I said “Heeeey!” and the response was “Hi Virgil”. Mockingly: “What did you just call me?” and again: “Virgil.”. Very funny.
The nite
From the near South Side I punished the Strasser North and West to arrive @ the garden party on 22d and Central. Despite a pitstop sizzlestop in an alley off the Eisenhower, I made it in good time. I went to KLAS, a restaurant/bar whose owner went to hs w/ several dudes I know. Some of these same dudes are using this connexion to get to-gether some shows and parties @ this place- Bully Pulpit and National Trust are supposed to be playing, and rumours of some other shows too. This party would be one of a string of hipster stuff going on here this summer. There was talk of a differing happening each month or so- that’d be kool if a productions could be pumped out of this place- the owner seems willing and the crowd @ this first event looked rite and smart. Was too late to hear much of the music, but generally I like both Nat and Tru on the tables.
No live music this. This nite I was there for a party. It was strange territory. I knew that Nat and Tru were playing @ d.j.’s , but beyond that I had no clue what to expect. I also wondered what to expect because Gf was there w/out me-I figured she’d be fine hanging out with everyone there. When I got to the door, there was Gf w/ a cigarette in her hand-not a good sign. ((However, all was well- she was fine, and the place was easily navigated)). We were in the back of the place, in a walled in garden outside. Late as I’d come/Lots were there/circular tables/Gf here .
I came rite, more or less, as the Rockers, the Homers, and Wib. were splitting. Plopped down @ a table of allies. Jam Master Jay and I talked for a bit on blogs, and I passed on this address to him. Hopefully he reads as I write... Code Name Paul split soon. Army Z was there with yet another female. Always him with the femme female. (WhichWayWorkestHim???? I think the story was that they are jobbed up to-gether paycheck style)
Nat and Tru both had some talks at the allies table--drinx as well!!
We stayed way to late and battledrove south to Mt.G.
I lost my battlefield commission
Most importantly, this was the day that I lost my battlefield commission in the media center. Queen Bee, in whose 'position #' I have been working in* since early October (basically the whole year), came back today. Very excited to get her back, the whole day I was in the library was a sorta celebration. She took so much time off; it was good to see her happy and working. However, this also was the day I reverted back to sub pay. It was expected, and I had a great run.
I was:
I paid as a regular teacher with benefits and holidays and all that.
I was able to get so much more experience @ a media center that really functions well. My experience running a library myself last year combined with the 1.75y @ this school have been incredible. I need ever more experience, but I have such a good handle on the immense possibilities of a well run media center now. I do believe that I am exactly where I should be in my career, and the future is so open. It's exciting to know that so much is not far off in the future, but, well, i', living in it now......although I still need that permenant job. That scene in the Matrix where either Tank or Dozer is strapping up Neo to run programs through him and (either tank or dozer) says along the lines of "Morpheas has told us you are The One- if it's true.....so exciting...". My time, now 1.75y @ this school, has allowed me to feel like I can stop bullets without ever moving. gotta get that job.
I got so much love being here. I've always had the feeling of being loved by many my whole life- kool family, frenz etc... but the absolute force of love the kids just pour on us is immense. Very bittersweet is the end of the year we face now- lovely sleep is just 2w away, but those daily doses of love our kids dish is very empowering. The most lovely water we have ever drank. I have 2 examples later when i write on the prom, but two general examples would be:
1==Mr. Hilts, to the packed media center @ large "Say, I need 2 or 3 strongs boys to help me move this stuff- c'mon guys, I need it." and suddenly they all stand up to help.
2==All the librarians here (two full, me=one, and two clerks)have their favourite kids and kids who like them best. The kids love us all, but some have better relationships with certain kids. One of 'my' kids waiting @ the front desk while I finish something. If they're one of mine, they'll wait because they want to be dealt with by me, and not one of the others.
Both of these are small little things, but make live nice. Nice feeling.
I felt I did a job well. When I was a classroom teacher, it was a nail in the coss and my hand every day. so hard. being a librarian is so natural to me, or maybe I just took so long to mature. But I got so much love from the other librarians, teachers, higher ups, etc..... I know I did a good job, and that's very important to someone whose huge concern is/and has been functioning @ the work level.
So, getting into school, I have to go to the central office to sign up as a sub. Central office can sometimes be a chore, but it took no time and I got it all done. I signed up as a fulltime cadre sub, and i will have that distinction for a whole year-I fully intend to get a job next year, but if I don't, @ least I'll get max sub pay (Too embarrased to publish what it is, but I'll tell ya in secret). I also get--guess what-- full benefits!! I get my health and dental for the year as well. And, to top it off, it took no time and the people were very helpful. Stopped by the Harold Washington library, got a dvd (again,no Trilogy) and the news that Sandra Cisneros will be @ HWL in Juin. She's very cool, though I've only read her poetry so far.
Back to school, el style, the cicadas, lunchenette @ Gilmarts, go home.
I went to prom
I haven't been @ this school for that long, so many of the kids are mysteries to me. However, I feel its important to support them in all ways- I go to a lot of sports events for a 1/2 or so just so the kids will see me there. It was time to say goodbye to the seniors this nite. I hoped that more teacher would have gone, but maybe 30 went. Out of 200+ teachers and more staff, I expected more. It’s such a good school. Lesser schools have had better turnouts. However, I now have much more good feelings for the ones who did go: Mr. C., the soccer coache, the one who got the bobcut 3w back , the former principal, etc… Said hello to the principal (always a good deal to be seen by her, though @ my last school it didn’t help much).
Prom was held @ the Museum of Science and Industry. Nice place. There was a central dance area with 3 wing areas to chill. One could danse, hang out @ a table, or visit the exhibits. I saw the train layout: however, ride of place for exhibits went to the Stuka divebomber suspended from the ceiling. Can’t beat a prom that features a Stuka.
His year the white zoot suit with baby blue vest was in for guys. I hear that the girls look was toned down from the near naked girls who showed up last year. I was casual.
Free food, water and pop. I stuffed myself.
My two favourite moments, alluded to above, were with kids I knew.
One was with a couple who always hung in the library. They raced over during the dancing and tried really hard to get me to danse. they asked some of the lady teachers to danse w/ me, but we demurred. I promised I’d danse, but it was only late late late and me shuffled out in the midst of all swaying and turning and sweating : I bumbld my feet but a bit, to the beat, for 6sec, felt promise fulfilled (albeit in such a jive way), and left the prom.
Two was leaving the building all-to-gether when I ran across one of the graduating seniors. I said “Heeeey!” and the response was “Hi Virgil”. Mockingly: “What did you just call me?” and again: “Virgil.”. Very funny.
The nite
From the near South Side I punished the Strasser North and West to arrive @ the garden party on 22d and Central. Despite a pitstop sizzlestop in an alley off the Eisenhower, I made it in good time. I went to KLAS, a restaurant/bar whose owner went to hs w/ several dudes I know. Some of these same dudes are using this connexion to get to-gether some shows and parties @ this place- Bully Pulpit and National Trust are supposed to be playing, and rumours of some other shows too. This party would be one of a string of hipster stuff going on here this summer. There was talk of a differing happening each month or so- that’d be kool if a productions could be pumped out of this place- the owner seems willing and the crowd @ this first event looked rite and smart. Was too late to hear much of the music, but generally I like both Nat and Tru on the tables.
No live music this. This nite I was there for a party. It was strange territory. I knew that Nat and Tru were playing @ d.j.’s , but beyond that I had no clue what to expect. I also wondered what to expect because Gf was there w/out me-I figured she’d be fine hanging out with everyone there. When I got to the door, there was Gf w/ a cigarette in her hand-not a good sign. ((However, all was well- she was fine, and the place was easily navigated)). We were in the back of the place, in a walled in garden outside. Late as I’d come/Lots were there/circular tables/Gf here .
I came rite, more or less, as the Rockers, the Homers, and Wib. were splitting. Plopped down @ a table of allies. Jam Master Jay and I talked for a bit on blogs, and I passed on this address to him. Hopefully he reads as I write... Code Name Paul split soon. Army Z was there with yet another female. Always him with the femme female. (WhichWayWorkestHim???? I think the story was that they are jobbed up to-gether paycheck style)
Nat and Tru both had some talks at the allies table--drinx as well!!
We stayed way to late and battledrove south to Mt.G.
01 June, 2007

One brought in the cicadas in a nice little cage.
Another said, Hilts, yr good w/ computer finding bird songs, find cicadas songs, lets play them, and get the caged cicadas chattering.
Hilts did as his burden dud.
cicadas (not on staff), hearing the females and wanting to hit that shit, made sounds that presumably went along the lines of :
"FUCK!! What the fuck going on in this tree? Those mutherfucking wings make make a cicada wanna fuck. Get in the car, cick!"
Then once the word got out, some of my very favourite teachers brought their classes to listen and enjoy.
I found these
White Sox 0, Cubs 2,
Went to cubs game on Wednesday with Jackson, Bonnix, and Frankie Diamonds. Another case of me never seeing my frenz anymore, and god bless the opportunity to habg when it came up. Will see jackson @ upcoming Trust show. So will you.
Game was great, although cubs got clobbered. This made the crowd testy. A 0-9 loss will make you do "booooooooosssss!!!!".
Again, the star attraction was th women....nono, it was wrigley field.....nah, it was the women. Again, and i know I've said this 75m times, and i will quote this again and again, upwards of 45m x again:
I see the girls walk by dressed in their summer clothes/
I have to turn my head until my darkness goes
Undoubtly, the greatest couplet ever in blogging history. beats anything the beatles ever wrote.
However, this is the second baseball game ive been to this year, and both have been cubbies. Fucking Sox.....
Jackson had the insite of the nite. This year was the first time I'd been to nite games @ Wrigley ever. I used to go to tonnes of games growing up, but by, say, July of 1984 the cubs were no longer cool and I've only been to a few gaems since then- all day. To this day, a nite game @ W. on tv looks strange. But jackson said that the lighting on the field and crowd (and undoubtly w/ all the bricks inside and outside the stadium) makes it looks like and old city street scene: the street lamps, the buildings, people wandering, the girls in their summer clothes, etc...
Another thing that was kool was that i hung with the boys. I'm w/ Gf so much, I forget how much I like to hang w/out worrying about her (Friday nite in Berwyn). It is a concern, because I'm usually bad in social situations. I'm such a strange mix of outgoing socialable person and wilde loner.
Also, I took the el. I so rarely do these days, but wed. and then fri. I did roundtrips. It was fun to be @ 95th and state again, after so long being away. nothings changed. From wrigley I walked to belmont to experience the neighbourhood. Love to walk.
Game was great, although cubs got clobbered. This made the crowd testy. A 0-9 loss will make you do "booooooooosssss!!!!".
Again, the star attraction was th women....nono, it was wrigley field.....nah, it was the women. Again, and i know I've said this 75m times, and i will quote this again and again, upwards of 45m x again:
I see the girls walk by dressed in their summer clothes/
I have to turn my head until my darkness goes
Undoubtly, the greatest couplet ever in blogging history. beats anything the beatles ever wrote.
However, this is the second baseball game ive been to this year, and both have been cubbies. Fucking Sox.....
Jackson had the insite of the nite. This year was the first time I'd been to nite games @ Wrigley ever. I used to go to tonnes of games growing up, but by, say, July of 1984 the cubs were no longer cool and I've only been to a few gaems since then- all day. To this day, a nite game @ W. on tv looks strange. But jackson said that the lighting on the field and crowd (and undoubtly w/ all the bricks inside and outside the stadium) makes it looks like and old city street scene: the street lamps, the buildings, people wandering, the girls in their summer clothes, etc...
Another thing that was kool was that i hung with the boys. I'm w/ Gf so much, I forget how much I like to hang w/out worrying about her (Friday nite in Berwyn). It is a concern, because I'm usually bad in social situations. I'm such a strange mix of outgoing socialable person and wilde loner.
Also, I took the el. I so rarely do these days, but wed. and then fri. I did roundtrips. It was fun to be @ 95th and state again, after so long being away. nothings changed. From wrigley I walked to belmont to experience the neighbourhood. Love to walk.
Fleet Action is Imminent

"Fleet action is Imminent"
This is the...... well, the Battle of Jutland happened on 31 Mai and 1st Juin 1916. As a jesusfreak, yes I know that I should be ashamed of being interested in warfare- I'll take that up with Him after I die. But Jutland was part of my becoming a man. I first learned to love it by reading Marders 2.5k page history of the Royal navy in that period- soon I became a Jutland freak, explored the life of Nelson, then etc etc etc back to ancient times. Funny, the first ever thing I ever did in this blog was jutland.
Why a man? Because i left behind my fasination with the US Navy in WWII- AmericanWarboys growing up in my generation were forcefed America in WWII, be it in books, Hogans Heroes , The Great Escape,and vets living all over and telling their story. Jutland was the first time I went elsewhere- the Eastern Front followed, Greek warfare, Waterloo, strategic bombing in WW1 and Korea and etc.....
I'll write @ lenght on Jutland when I have time-- I'll link it back to this article- but the touchy march of time........
And, yes, the signf. of "Fleet Action is Imminenet" will come...
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