26 February, 2007
Talented Frenz
I have some talented frenz.....she's the one who '...charmed the audience with her rich, low tones...'
Moving Day/If I only had time
THE favourite child rearing moment I’ve ever seen involved Z# 3 and nephew #3. Z3 had to go out to the car to get something and nephew #3 wanted to go with. She led him to the window and said You can watch me go to the car and see that I’ll be right back. He stood by the window for those 30 seconds and made no fuss. That vingette had a profound effect on me. With kids now, its always “This is what I’m doing, look me in the eyes and believe in me, and to-gether we’ll get it done” . Kids love to do the rite thing, and when they are let in on it and know that their effort is important in the action- and they trust you- you can do wonders.
Neices and nephews, students and players, frenz kids and etc…… I’m sure it’s the DNA/genetics/chemicals of it all telling me this, but I would really love to have kids one day. Seven of them, just like when I was 21 and Q and I named all seven we’de have (awful names, looking back on it). I think it’d be good.
St. Bede's
J & B was in heavy action this nite. Normally DL does the updates, but not this nite. I don’t quite have the energy to do the heavy review of the nite, but sufficite it say, we didn’t do too bad. This was a special competition that had nothing to do with our fortnightly fights @ T.C.’s Pub. The competition was @ a south side church basement (St. Bede’s). It was packed. Our normal games take place against 4-6 teams. The questions tend to revolve around the same categories: music, Sox/Cubs in season, etc… Each team takes turns until they get a wrong answer (or hit a ‘lose yr turn’), and since we know some of the other teams over the years, there’s a lot of “FUCK YOU!!!” just for fun.
This competition was different. It was 12 rounds of ten questions each, and all were written down and handed in before the next set of ten. It was nice to get fresh categories, such as cartoons, women in history, solar system, music (a fave in all triv. comps, I guess), movies, Bears, the Bible, and ’do you know me?’(10 h.s. yearbook pictures of famous adults). Also, the place was packed. I think the total was 45 teams of ten or so each.
J & B roster included Lazers, Max, Chemical Man, his buddy Mike, Stix, Moho, Tim, gf and I. This game was characterized by the total team effort. Everybody had some answers that only they knew. Gf came up with the founder of the girl scouts and correctly got Avril Lavign's 'cornrows yearbook picture' (see above). Tim actually got the ‘eighth station of the cross’ correct (Jesus meets the women) after the judge gave the wrong answer twice. I was proud of my effort in the womans history category (7/10, team effort).
We started off terribly, but progressed nicely through the game. We were keeping score and realized that we were near the top after the third quarter. We think that it came down to our first ten for ten category that brought us into the money. We didn’t win, but we placed and were happy with the $250 we won. Split up amongst us , it was only a $14 profit each of us, but it was a fun nite. We will compete again next year, but the consensus was “We all have to be there on time”. We think that if we’d all been on time, we mite have done better in the opening rounds and won it all.
Again, next year.
23 February, 2007
...but I got caught in the rush hour...
Exactly what you want me to be writing about : the Crosstown Expressway. But. I love rapid transit the world over, and am always interested in the subject. So...
Plans yet again to do something up the train trax thast run from Ford City north to the Kennedy Expressway. The old Daley wanted to run an expressway up that corridor. Also plans to make it only a truckway, so that the crowding on the other expressways is eased. And the El.
Plan I like best is to put an El there. I'm sure some sort of vechicular travel will have to be put in there: the oil, gas, steel, rubber, concrete, and car corporations who run Congress will get their blood money first before they do anything for the 98% of the public. Once in awhile they actually do something that is good for the whole countryrather than the narrow .5% @ the top. Too much welfare (don't be shy about calling public subsidies welfare- call it what it is)goes to that sort of people.
However, a train line on the West side means Chicago can avoid the trap travellers in Chicago and NYC have right now : One HAS to go through Loop/Manhattan to go from one part of the city to the other. London and Paris are more comprehensive in that way. It would be a great option to travel up the West Side to hit the North Side.
Also, it always great when $$ is spent on the people. Yes, steel corporations will make a bundle on a rapid transit line. But we as a country just have to get away from that gas shit. Hopefully, leaders in our country will show some sort of patriotism and start cracking down on gas, car, etc companies..... by their actions, they have shown they really don't care about us.
Build it for the people. make sure its heavy into rapid transit. Then extend the Dan Ryan El from 95th (just peeking its nose into the South Side)all the way down to 130th. daley, yr [eople have been calling me looking for votes (ha ha ha ha).......show me you care about us people in the city.
22 February, 2007
Wojie had read Jared Diamonds Guns, Germs, and Steel years ago, and always loved to talk of it. We went to see Jared Diamond (wogie, da vife, and I)@ Harold Wash. Lib. a few years back on his Collapse tour. He was beyond brilliant. I love scholars, and he was just superscholar, in many fields. I finally happened to c.p.library the DVD copy of GG&S to watch it. Brilliant. Now I rented the book, and am starting on it.
Now, I have almost stopped reading books. Last xmas break, I read five or six 300-400 page books over the 17 days. This break, one measly atlas geared for hs'rs. Wish I was like Wilde, who was one of those bizarro readers.
Was it summer/fall of '04 where I had a long unemplotment streak? back then was the last extended glory period of reading, where (i wasn't working or have kids, remember)I was able to down a book a day or so. very powerful. Now, one book a half year.
I'm wedded to the news, and spend c. 2h a day reading the NYT. This, above all, is the reason my time for book reading has sadly evaporated. However, I'm now getting NYT only on weekdays (I like the daily international news, so as much as I want Sundays, I had to make a decision) so that should free up some book reading time.
So, here comes Guns, Germs, and Steel.
Age really takes its toll.
20 February, 2007
(black) Steel (in the hour of chaos)........A history of the danse floor....etc....Part 2
Once there was this girl. Lovliest example of her sex, in so many ways. She was gorgeous, well dressed, smart (grad student w/ a purpose), and still a kid (she loved seeing movies on its opening night). A buddy and I had huge crushes on this girl, even while she dated our good friend. My buddy(#1) and I(#6) would giggle about how she looked and what she said after one of us saw her and reported back to the other. Our mutual friend (#2) felt possible trouble in the relationship, however. #2 felt that maybe his girlfriend and he were not relating. #2 worried that she might become entangled with #1, (our mutual buddy), with whom she was going to start taking dancing lessons with shortly.
You know Freak, what they say about dancing, the chemistry that’s released , between two people…..I just worry ,with them taking lessons together.....
So, It was kinda shocking to hear my buddy, who I always thought was really strong, discuss his fears. Also, I realised #1 wasn't gonna sleep with this one, even though both of us wanted to. But the real revelation was the link betwixt sex and dansing. I know it is in pop culture big time - wasn't there a Fred and Ginger danse in some movie that ended with both having a post-danse smoke? But this cemented it in my mind for me to use.
So, back in the day, when danse parties happened everymonth or so, (well, 2m or so) I'm sure the operative was to get the chix. In many ways, we (generally, 'we' refers to Frank and I)were the ones really making the party happen (whatever is written, a party can be great w/out dansing--happens all the time. But a house party where the partygoers are hopping around- this is my kind of party((thanx, Jack Dawson)) ). So we were the ones getting the girls to move their hips, we realised it, and we loved it. Great power trip (and with great power trips comes great responsibility- thanx Uncle Ben).
So this connexion betwixt danse and sex- what place does it have in my life these days, when I'm in a longterm deal with a lady. I was thinking of this @ Dragons party. This is terrible to write, but I wonder (and have before) if I just didn't care. If I was single, would I be doing the chalastenics(sc) necessary to get the chix?? I dunno. And I know also that this gets me into several other issues, like...................ok, even I have my limits on truth and blogging, and although I kinda wanna go there, i won't.............for now.....................
This was my second part of the whole "Dance/Chicago/House/etc..." . Kinda boring, kinda self inflating, kinda bloggy, I know. next episode wil be the early parties i used to go to, until that fateful 'Party on Pratt', where, in the midst of the whole thing, suddenly the most desirable women in the world were suddenly moving.............and that ws the start. The really smug and selfcongratugalatory stuff will be starting in Part 4 and after. Do stay tuned.
kids attack !!
17 February, 2007
two movies, 44% French overall
Saw Joyeaux Noel last nite w/ gf on dvd. Nothing i'd recc., but was ok enough not to offend. Itsa movie based on the ordinanary soldiers xmas eve truce in the first winter of World War I. The movie shows the genesis of the truce betwixt the french, scots, and german frontliners. Weak, but passable.
Now, what I really want to write on the subject:
I have a "bad problem" when it comes to any movie w/ military stuff in it. I'm always thinking i'm the genius and love to force my views on anyone w/in earshot (now being done with that selfeffacement, i can now continue...). These views always revolve aroung something happening in the film that would just never happen in real life, @ least w/ anysort of trained soldier. Happens in so many movies.
So, what in Joy. Noel was done stupidly? The opposing trenches were only 20-25m apart = stunningly close in ww1 terms. This did happened, and a lot. what I had trouble with was both sides taking cover in each others trenches. I can't even begin to imagine that the state of accuracy in the first winter of the war could be that good. Well, I mite be wrong on this on. But 25yds is about as close as it gets, and i bet that early in the war........
One movie got it, always got it, and even got me many times...............Hail to the chief, Band of Brothers. My favourite "yes" moment of this type came in the 2d hour of BOB, when the paratroopers, already landed in France, suddenly hear giant wooshing sounds over their heads : the naval bombardment had begun. I remember that nite, 9 Sept 2001 @ Gallos Rogers Park, sitting on the couch, and thinking 'how good is this?' about the quality of the show @ that moment. later, I got a little too much into BOB, but I'll write about that later. No wait, I addressed that beautifully in the lyrics of an old General Strikes song.
The other film I saw, a few days ago, was Ma Femme Est Une Actrice. Got it when I was downtown (Harold W. lib). Nothing special, Charlotte Gainsbourough nonewithstanding. Lots of french and switching between languages.
16 February, 2007
This time its news to me as well J & B in action last nite
written by D.L.
Chemical Man and I entered TC Pub to find it looking like a bar in a ghost town. I could almost hear the creak of the saloon doors swinging to a close behind us. An unenthusiastic Benkowski sat at the end of the bar. At first, not a woman in sight. Stix sat at the usual J&B table, guarding his birthday cake (by the way- kudos to Q-Stix very good cake).
J&B represented by Chemical Man, Stix and Lazers.
TC Pub represented by Glasses (fashionably late).
The competition: Bar, Tres Senoritas, and starting the second quarter, RJ
First Half: Celebrity Birth Years/Recent Sports/Entertainment
The “Wonder Years” Kevin Arnold was going to graduate from high school in what year?
NHL player that passed 1500 points recently?
What happened in the last episode of “Perry Mason” that did not happen in any other episode? (Note: question included in the summary due to the answer given by Tres Senoritas: “He got out of his wheelchair”)
Ladies Only- Most Occupied Piercings or Longest Tongue pits Senoritas against the Bar (since J&B was lady-less for this game). Senoritas have the choice and select Piercings. They claim 4 but don’t show all of them. Benkowski lets them know that if the Bar has 4, Senoritas will have to “show it to win.” Fortunately, Senoritas didn’t have to show to win.
Ladies Only- Drink Faster or Act Crazy for 5 Seconds pits Tres Senoritas against the Bar. I think the Senoritas won this one.
Scores at the Half: J&B 1410 Senoritas 860 Bar 820 RJ 720
Second Half: Grammy Awards/News/#1 Chicago Sports & #1 Music
First #1 hit for Huey Lewis and the News?
Two Michael Jackson #1 hits from the 80s that included girl’s name in the title?
Ladies Only- Long Distance Roll or Biggest Tattoo pits Senoritas against the Bar. The Bar calls for Glasses to represent them for a tattoo challenge. Glasses points out that she showed her tattoo at a recent trivia night for the same contest- since Benkowski has already seen it and knows how big it is, she wasn’t going to show it again. Thus, Senoritas win.
Ladies Only- Biggest Tattoo or Dance on the Bar for 10 Seconds pits Senoritas against the Bar. Senoritas to Benkowski: “You are such a pervert.” It becomes a second Biggest Tattoo contest, but this time Glasses agrees to show. Bar wins.
For the 4th quarter, the “throw the ball” trick involved rolling a bowling ball to within 6 inches of the box.
Ladies Only- Act Crazy for 5 Seconds or Long Distance Bowling Ball Roll pits Senoritas against the Bar. Senoritas win the bowling ball roll. The Bar calls for a disqualification for reasons I don’t know. Benkowski: “Jesus Christ, I’ve never seen a team scrounge for a point like you do.”
Ladies Only- Drink Faster or Biggest Tattoo pits Senoritas against the Bar. Glasses was going to refuse to show her tattoo, so the Bar selects the Drink Faster contest. Benkowski gives the usual rules: “First one to place an empty cup in my hand wins.” After he started the contest, the girl representing the Bar places her full cup of soda on the table and grabs an empty cup that was already there. She places that cup in Benkowski’s hand. You know, I have to respect the angle she tried to play. I might have given her the points just for the effort.
An awful lot of “Ladies Only” challenges tonight…
Scores going into final: J&B 2640 Bar 1940 Senoritas 1550 RJ 1220
Final Category: Sports Illustrated and the Globe (the tabloid)
2 of 3 wins wager. All 3 net 3000 bonus points.
J&B briefly contemplates a wager of 0 but ends up betting the classic (1241).
SI swimsuit issue: includes photo(s) of swimsuit models with musicians, including Kenny Chesney, Kanye West, and Panic at the Disco. What other two musicians/acts are included in the photo(s)?
Globe: famous TV actress (better known for a different role) who dropped out of some psychology course to take a role on the show “Everwood”?
Globe: gay rumors involving Penelope Cruz and Salma Hayek heated up on the red carpet at the premiere of Hayek’s latest movie when Cruz did what?
Cripes- that wager of 0 would have been looking really good right now…
Part II
J&B has absolutely no idea for any of the answers and decides to guess: John Mayer and John Legend, Patricia Richardson, Cruz held Hayek’s hand.
First half answers:
Jaromir Jagr
Mason lost a case
Second half answers:
Power of Love
Billie Jean and Dirty Diana
RJ- 1220- guesses Ludacris and ? (no), Suzanne Somers (no), didn’t quite catch their answer about Cruz, but (no)- wagered 1220- thanks for playing.
Senoritas- 1550- Benkowski gives Senoritas a chance to change their answers if they show the cutest bra- Senoritas refuse and guess Rolling Stones and Beach Boys (no), Ellen Barkin (no- or as Bill said “that’s a man”), Cruz grabbed Hayek’s ass (correct)- wagered 1500- down to 50.
Bar- 1940- Benkowski: “The Bar’s answers are unreadable and include some foreign language”- wagered 1940- thanks for playing.
J&B- 2640- guess John Legend and John Mayer (no), Patricia Richardson (no), Cruz held Hayek’s hand (no)- wagered 1241- down to 1399 and, sadly, victory.
The answers: Aerosmith and Gnarls Barkley, Marcia Cross, and Cruz grabbed Hayek’s ass. I really enjoy that thought: “grabbed Hayek’s ass”…just rolls off the tongue.
That’s three wins in a row for J&B. As Benkowski paid our winnings, he congratulated us on the victory although he pointed out it wasn’t necessarily a well-played game. Might have been a much better game without the barrage of “Ladies Only” challenges.
Next trivia night is March 1st, and the St Bede’s outing looms prior to that.
Round the corner give some gas

Saw it with a bunch of CPS kids from all over the city. The kids got into it. There were nice things noticed about seeing this play amongst the kids. The biggest rouse of the afternoon was when two of the characters - they were also kids, but younger than those present- kissed. Ruckus event, that moment. Then I loved the levels of applause for each character @ the bows. It was an ensemble cast, so there were lots of great parts. The kids were impolite-- they were boisterious for their favourites. Everyone got lots, but one chara. got most = his nod when it was apparent his was the highest support.
10 of 11 characters in the play are black and the audience was maybe 70% black. There was a suggestion of unease in the crowd the first time the white chara said ‘negro’ w/ that accent. All the chara’s had heavy accents and expressions.
Great play. I loved it. And here I was sick. Sucked to drive to El and take it to loop & Rtrip. Well, got a Reader! Had no appitite, but I ate a piece of cheese and cracker neice #2 brought back from a intercontinental trip. Veddy good. When I got back to school, I was so blown (term for cavalry horses exhausted useless after a charge) I did easy stuff, then winged home.
The play was in the Owen theatre, a small part of the goodman complex. I was last there in like 2000, when I saw Amongst the Thugs, probably my fave play ever.
15 February, 2007
14 Feb.
Managed to crawl out and just get her a dozen roses, and I think she liked that i came off my deathbed to get something. But no resturaunt, mix cd i can finally make (but now want my LP player hooked up to my pc==kinna niver be happy!!, or even a boyfriend alive and awake enough. She's good to put up w/ deepsloutch as me.
Shaking Hell
Always a highlight of any fever is he sweating and shaking that accompanies it. A lot of it was too much sweatsoaked clothes. Worries me a lot, 'cause it isn't just influenza times that set me shaking like hell. Too cold out? Shiver. Run to the w.c. @ 3am? Race back to the covers and warmth. Ive discovered gf is a great base to come back to. But I really worry sometimes cause the shaking is stunningly large-I believe that a mite have a heart attack out of it one day, its so unusual and pronounced. Luckily, i'm having some heart teast soon, but we'll see......
Couldn’t drink the acidic tasting juice that I tried, but water went down good style. Loved it. Started to experience a new type of water as I got better: cold water. As I heal, the sugar water that Coca-Cola makes is on my working menu.
No eating. Usual not eating of anything for 2-3 days when I get the flu. Don't know how much weight I lost, but I did weigh almost 170lb.s as of Monday. Tried to eat some bread early on ‘cause I was feeling sore in the empty stomach. All I ate was maybe a thumbnail of hard tack….err, bread. That was enough for a long time. Then I tried some soup. Three soupspoons was enough for a bit. I threw it all uo @ 7pm Tuesday. In time, a bit of yogurt was followed a few hours later by half of the cup. It was early Wed. afternoon when I ate some scoops of oatmeal mommy made for me. So, I’ve really yet to eat anything.
Today I join what I saved yesterday. I'm still very sick. But I made it to school, even though I'm running @ 20%. I'm going to take it easy: we are ordering books, and todays seems like a great time to set up a final list for some. Ate White Castles last nite, but that's been it. Some cheese and crackers for breakfast. I'll be allright.
There're'll be No Trivia To-nite for me. Just dead.
12 February, 2007
Dragons Party
Was great success. Who ever thought. Well, I figgered it’d be good for a few weeks now, with what people said they were coming. But it all came through. I was lazy. I was supposed to pick up drink and eat and other manner of party supply; Dragon, however, did most of that work. Well, I guess is was his show, but I said I’d help more than I did. Came a few hrs after I was supposed to be there to help him out, but he had it all set except for the arrivals. Roxxx was first in, and was the only guest for a long while. He said I don’t care what anyone says………… (wait, I’ll be a disciplined writer and not process some inside joke rite here that only I will get).
So, lots of stuff about the party:
Dragon was a bit worried beforehand that the crib mite be too small for all the people invited, but it turned out to create a crowded house w/out it being insufferable. Good fit. He had the long room divided naturally by the two couches . Two sets of people could hang out sitting. The kitchen was full with two sets. Finally the bedroom was filled when Vampires crew arrived. Nice mass of people. Dragon put stunning loads of work in getting the crib ready. He minimized the place to maximize area for people and for taste. Worked. Cleaned it up, decorated, and provided drinx. Gf and I helped set up. Gf brought eight folding chairs and Gallo four. Good idea by gf and I so people were able to sit.
All four B-day boys had people there. Chart. Me. The Vampire. Joker was least repped, but brang exactly who he was supposed to : Mr. & Mrs. Good job on all four fronts. It was Chartman who, more than any one person, keyed the party’s success. On the evite, Chart said he was bringing 12 people. Thought it was a joke, but he brought, well, like 12 people. But even more important, that essential building blocks of a successful party, party girls, made up a good % of his guests. His contribution was loud, lively, alive, bustling and boisterous. Wow. Fellow birthday boy Vampire brought his large crowd of peoples. Excellent.
Lots of strangers. Exchanged excitements w/ Lipmann about the glory of strangers @ a party. For me, parties are best crowded, spiced liberally w/ frenz, but wit a heavy hand of strangers. That belending of different peoples make things so fresh. Last nite, the crowd was very strange. Even I, who knew more people there than anyone else, had no clue to about 40% there. Fuckin’ Great.
Festive guests: Sea of Jen wore Mardi Gras beads. Homes and wife wore outsized wiggs. 17-18 years ago parties certain hosts used to wear suit and ties (I have pictures) @ their soriees and its something I have sometimes honored through the years. I was thinking of a tie and jacket, but opted for the functional galloface style of black jeans and collared shirt. No festy-ness, just comfy-ness.
Lots of chix, crawling all over, looking good. I should have Oedipus’d my eyes. Ok, I’ll stop writing on this subject, but it is important to testify for future generations to the truth of this…………
I invited people from school. None showed up. Deeply do I love my people from school, but it was ok none showed, to see my other side of me. The starin’ off side, the profoundly loud leidens of expressions, etc……….. Also invited people from grammar school outside the regular crew. None showed, was ok again. That starin’ off side. Would have been a nice surprise.
People I grew up wit showed. Lazerman and Straw were there, joined by Peppys. No Chemical man, who was supposed to show. With Gf, me, Lazers, Peppys, and Dragon, there was a pretty decent J & B squad on the floor.
Through the years some or others of the old guard would show up @ a North Side party. Par example:
Mid 90’s @ Stoi’s Sheffield place across from Wrigley with Moho and Lazerman.
May ’92 @ 1207 W. Morse , when Straw, Big Man of Crime (not to be confused with The Big Man), and S’ed (not to be confused w/ Ed SS) showed up.
1995 @ Khans (Armitage and Western), featuring WWW.wojo.com.
2002, @ 1400 N. Milwaukee Ave featuring WWW.wojo.com
News passed on re. an old lover. Funny the whole ‘small world ‘ stuff. Funnier still hearing bits ’bout an old girl. She was kool. I wish her good luck. More on her below, actually.
Drink was done well. There was a lot bought beforehand, and despite the late hours of the show (I left @ 3.30am), there was beer just about till then. I should have gotten another 12r, but I failed in my duty. I was laso supposed to get Popeye’s chicken, some white wine, and etc……..I messed up a bit, but ‘alls well…..’ Personally, I drank 2 ciders, 3 Belgian beers, then some other Belgian beers, then soda…… Dragon left on a beer run late into the game, but time had expired on liquor sales. In the end, it was ok.
Roxx turns the obnoxious cheek. I hope too many people weren’t offended by the Roxx show. It was nice, not his possibly crazy turn. But he was loud, obnoxious, boorish, drunk…etc…all good attributes of his, actually, if they do not get out of hand. Nice balance, from what I saw. In many ways it was like he was the wee lad with the locomotive obsession let loose in the train depot. Every buzz on the intercom heralding newcomers to the party asking entrance was accompanied by Roxx jumping hurdles to scream expletives into the intercom. And out the window. Rocky has developed the persona of the cranky old man forever. A nurtured part. It pisses lots and lots of people off. I’ve always loved it. Living the life of a performance artist myself and knowing the inherent difficulties, I’ve taken great joy in watching the Show and noting new outrageous highs. The Show has pissed me off many times over the years, don’t get me wrong. Ive’ played the victim to that fucking jackass. But he was plugged in goodly last nite, irritating and on. Some strangers voiced strong antirock assignations. So be it.
I was outlasted. Was not in my proper place as the Last to leave a party. Not to-nite. Left @ 0330h w/ gf. Chickenballs was passed out on the couch, and was feeling ok to leave it to the others to safeguard him. C-balls was blanketed bigtime. He was there early. Hadn’t seen him in awhile. Married w/ kid in the suburbs.
Ok, all I have to add is that it was a good show. Dragon be proud for the shit you pulled off. And get ready for the next go-around. Pass the word.
‘A People’s History of the Chicago Danse Floor: House Parties, 1980-2007’ part 1
Music was a mess. For this, I can only the military reply no excuse. Wanted Johnny Gunners to be d.j. A professional. He knows exactly what he’s doing, and will not let others intrude on his flow. I wanted him bad to do the job, but he was a no show to the party. Unfortunately, it was sorta “Bad Rex Time” in the d.j. front from there on out. Dragon insisted on playing loud feedback and longs stretches of silence. He was busy being host and had no clue of the effect of that music on a party situation. I didn’t want to dj, but tried to apply desperate rearguard actions to salvage the situation. eventually gave up and gave reins to Pepys. Sometimes I can I pull out a “Cal-Stanford/ The Play” in certain situations, but I had neither nerve nor verve to even try this nite. So, as hard as it is to write, there was really no dancing @ last nites show (did see the odd girl shake her ass, but for all intents….). It was all there for a successful danseparty : density, nice floor, correct tunes, fellow soldiers that I knew I could count on to suport the mission when asked, young lovlies who I sensed (I knew it, I sensed it, I did) that a push would be good enough to get them up. There were openings, including what I now I.d. as probably the optimal moment. Face and Gallo got loud @ one point (I Predict a Riot), but I was too tied to the d.j. rig and too scared to start the floor. Three minutes there where the primordial soup of partydansefloor had bubbled up. Face and Gallo had brought potentially violent lightning into the room, but it needed to be conducted into the rite context (context=everything) It would have been easy to take it from there : Rite there, rite then, roil up 2-3 good frenz who always go ino battle with you, 2 wives or girlfrenz, and, the hard part, one or two or three girl strangers, and its done. You have a danse floor with 7-8 people, and that emboldens the rest of the partygoers. Then, 15-20 people, and keep it going. It’s fun to watch it go from nobody dancing to 15 people in 25 seconds. Life can be so sweet sometimes. It’s so easy, just two things: sense when that moment is, then have the confidence to strike. It was there, @ that moment when the commotion started, I should have walked over and done something………………being an officer is hard!! HEY : when you get there, read the next paragraph’s (paragraph is about teamwork) last sentence in relation to this paragraph again. It’s that easy, but also that hard.
What, no officers? Reminds me of the days when Big Frank roamed the Midwest. Then, @ parties, we both worked ensemble getting people to danse. We’d bring caseloads of CD’s and actively plan what we were going to do. It takes a lot of gall and vigor to pull off creating a danse floor because you have to put yourself out there first off to reassure people hey, you can do this as well, come on and danse with us. Then you usually have to actually pull out girls onto the floor. If the conditions are rite, then all jump into dancing. The deal with the tandem team of Frank and I was the deal of the mutually supporting team. We both knew what we wanted to do : danse with girls. We both knew how to go about it. And we knew we could draw strength from each other to often do a hard job. And the partygoers appreciate you in the end, but that first letting loose……………. An example was a party @ Patients and Face’s place on Division street back in the day. The ingredients for a successful danse party were there (good crowd, nice place, etc…), and @ a certain point in the night I approached Frank in the kitchen with the words Hey, its about time to get the dancing started and he responded Right. Lets go upon turning to walk towards the music room. If Big Frank was there last night, it would have been easy to get people dancing, no problem Adult life has taught me the powers of teamwork, playing to strengths, and planning.
Here’s an example of teamwork and the division of labour in operation. When Frank and I (back in the day) would take turns @ parties trying to create danse floors, we‘d have interchangeable roles. We would play whatever parts the situation called for; one of us the d.j., the other one taking the lead in pulling the pretty ones onto the floor. Didn’t matter to us who was spinning and who was pulling @ a given party, it really was Lets ‘get it done’. The unit, so to speak, trusted whichever was d.j. that nite to get the music rite and create that good mood. And it would be easy to get people up. Frank and I could put on a song, walk to the middle of the room, sanitize all self decorum by some seconds of goofy dansing , and then pull people up to get’m going. Easy and takes seconds, if you can do it. Remember the Spice Girls Halloween Party example? A script, it became. I guess a power trip as well, I’m musing for the first time right now.
One thing cemented in my mind about d.j’g this past year is that to create the mood or whatever, its got to be planned out or nurtured. The d.j. has to have confidence to take the crowd ‘there’. Hey, dig this shit !! Or Will this continue to make you shake ? are important concerns. A mood has to be created by the d.j. That generally means just one d.j., not many. I d.j’d two weddings in the past summer, and what I learned is that a mood is created most easy when its just one d.j. head manning the mood forward, either the whole show or for long streches @ a time. Get a rhythm going, and have the trust in yrself to get it done. ((As it was, I didn’t want the task last night as there were too many things to look into, and so the music component went to pot big time)).
Part of the charm of creating a danse floor @ a party was that we wanted to danse with the girls. However, we also felt it was our duty to cresate a danse floor. We wanted to do our all to set people dancing and create that fun environment so the hosts would have that distinction of “a fun party“. We knew hosts wanted it, and since it was w/in our powers to do it, we should do our duty. We were such good frenz, seriously!! (I mean it too). I remember the Ides of March Party in ‘96 @ Gunners and Jokers. It was great glowing success, and I remember I had a lot with getting people to go, but what I remember most was that dancing broke out that nite: maybe not for long, but “Boys and girls” was on, and people were jumping up and down. The big feeling was that Frank and I’s duty was done: people dansed, woman wiggled their bodies, Thank You, Jesus. (((Note: it was Frank, not me, who instigated it and created the dancing by himself that nite. An old lover was there and we were in the process of of not seeing each other ever again, so I wasn’t in a mood for dancing that nite. She could always be counted on to danse @ parties.))) It was just so easy when you were young. Anyway, last nite we had no direction, my fault, and it won’t happen again. Next time it’ll be Big John or bust .
Stop now-- I know I’ve devoted a long stance on dance and it not happening last nite. Let not that obstificate(sp) the main point of last nite: the party was brilliant and already planning for the summer one was commenced by Dragon halfway into last nites show. All of it was great. But people who know me (or read this post) know that the music thing @ parties is close to my heart. Winters and Wellington, officers extraordinaire, would have provided for all aspects in last nites “battle”: but I was no such officer on the dancing detail. BUT: Although some battles may have been lost last nite (there always are some lost battles in war), the war itself was won: Part was a success. Now to find that farm in Pennsylvania. to make war no more……..
Again, it was so much easier in bloom of youth: work had not battened down many hatches, all were not settled w/ kids and couples. Generally gone are nites with possibilities of strange people being met were in the air and chix were chased after. Youth, senors.
I’ve written long on this subject. There’s more to write on it, me guess. So, I have another post concerning ‘dancing and sex’ based on what I think an interesting insight from Rocky. And then there’s another tentatively titled ‘A People’s History of the Chicago Danse Floor: House Parties, 1980-2007’. It’s my appreciation of said subject, very up to date, highlighting change and continuity over time in the genre. I think this was what one of my masters thesis‘s was written on. I guess this post qualifies as first section of the work. The two following treatments will be shorter than this post. However, both will be as self aggrandizing and deeply egotistical as the above tripe. The latter will be less interesting for you, but you may enjoy the former. Note taking commences, expect one in a week or so, the other to follow ? . These things take time, I know that I’m…………………
09 February, 2007
Debt to be paid
I have a valuable cowl from gotham.

08 February, 2007
Bring yr own lampshade
The Loop
06 February, 2007
Hawk in de kitchen wat ima gonna do ? (UPDATE)

I was driving home from work yesterday, and I saw the flash of feathers on the side of the road. Quickly circled the block, and it was what I thought : downed raptor. He was just sitting there, obviously hurt bad and not reacting. But no way was I going to mess with his claws or beak. Had a cardboard box and I kinda shunted him into it. Didn't know if I could save him, but I just couldn't let him sit there in zero weather rite next to a zipping main street.
05 February, 2007
My wrap on the scene:
04 February, 2007
03 February, 2007
It kept me up until 0530h
Consumed rite now with downloading songs straight into d’arms de me spankin’ unsalted laptop. Using others peoples laptops to play music has taught me : all the info and the handiness of it all finally won over my ‘glacial pace’ , and now I’m putting on tonnes of stuff into newtoy.
Lesson: it’s several jobs and a half typing in all the info and pressing buttons and other to get this done. It’ll take weeks to finish going @ a nice pace, nothing radical.
Overwhelmingly, I’m first loading up on all the danse orientated stuff that has come my way over the years to have it all ready, just in case. I’ve gotten a lot of stuff from requests to Big Frank over the years when he was a freewheeling downloading guy ( he itunes it now). The wedding in August added heavy doses of ditties from Gunners, Dragon, Joker, as well as a late surge from Franks again. Blackie has also cut me stuff or made his own mixaux for me.
All of these cats have allowed me to expand my song collection big time. I owe them. They’ve either allowed me to cherry pick their collection over for targets and inspirations or searched and downloaded stuff for me. Nice to have frenz.
02 February, 2007
Blackies Art

Several stories on His Orange Highness

Scarlett Johansson’s Sweater / J & B Mindworms @ it again

The 2007 trivia season has seen a rowdy, packed house fill TC Pub every other Thursday night. Last night was more of the same, as the bar was crowded enough to push J&B to the back table for the second trivia battle in a row.
The competition: The Bar, Save the Chief (again featuring the Asian gal), Tres Senoritas, Kevin’s Still Out, Alice, and Polacks.
TC Pub represented by: Glasses
J&B represented by: Chemical Man, Stix, Peppys, Hilts, Dragon, Gf and Lazers
J&B also was represented by two publications: an NFC Championship Game program, which of course was not referenced, and fortunately was not noticed; and the November 2006 issue of Allure magazine, featuring a cover story on Scarlett Johansson accompanied by one of the hottest photos of a woman I’ve ever seen. Early on it was recognized that photo of Scarlett would be either the inspiration for or distraction from victory.
First Half: News/Fun Music/Bears of the 80s-90s-00s
Led Bears with 10 interceptions in 1990?
Led Bears in receptions in 1993- clue: white player?
Within 2, year of birth of Gwen Stefani?
Ladies Only- Biggest Tattoo contest pits J&B against the Bar. Glasses easily defeats the tattooless Gf.
Ladies Only- Longest Hair contest pits J&B against the Bar: Glasses again defeats Gf.
Scores at the half: Bar had well over 1000, Chief over 1000, Kevin 370, J&B 320, Polacks?, Alice 90, Senoritas 50
Second Half: Music/Entertainment/Bears Players (between 1985-2006)
Best Actor in a TV Comedy: 87-88-89?
By the second half, not only was J&B verbally feuding with the Bar and Chief, but the Polacks seemed to have turned against us, also. While their proximity to the Bar and Chief may have played a role, I’m sure the larger motivation was Hilts’s frequent yells of “Jackson Pollack” towards them.
Ladies Only- Drink Faster contest pits Tres Senoritas against Kevin’s Still Out. Both ladies down their drinks and pound their respective cups into Benkowski’s hands. After a dramatic pause, Benkowski declares the contest a tie that will be settled with a Long Distance Throw contest. Tres Senoritas wins the throw and the points. Benkowski: “The greatest moment in Tres Senoritas history.”
J&B felt it didn’t even need to be there for the second half. The few times a question came to us, we would either get it wrong or get it correct only to find the next question was a “lose your turn” pitfall (not even “free but lose your turn”). I think it was Chemical Man who summed up the evening through this point as “the darkest night in J&B history.”
With only a handful of questions remaining, controversy erupted. The Bar was faced with a question looking for the only Bear lineman (from 85-06) whose last name ended in “ski.” The Bar selects Hangman, but after a few correct letter guesses, they lose control of the Hangman to J&B. J&B uses their remaining “throw the ball” trick to gain the points. After Benkowski puts the points on the board and gives the answer, the Bar notices that there was some mix-up on the Hangman board (involving the first letter of the player’s last name). I didn’t quite catch what was askew, but the Bar was given another Bear question. They used their reinstituted Hangman option to guess the team the Bears defeated the very game after Ditka’s famous quote about them not being able to win a game the rest of the season. Despite getting the first and last letter of the team name, the Bar gets it wrong. Control moves to J&B, who guesses correctly. I have no idea how many points J&B ended up gaining via the Hangman fiasco, but they made our score a little more respectable going into the final question.
The second half ends with a Ladies Only- Drink Faster contest pitting J&B against Tres Senoritas. The Senoritas win.
Scores into Final Question: Bar 2090 Chief 1720 J&B 1200 Tres Senoritas 1160
Kevin 970 Polacks 400 Alice- doesn’t live here anymore- long gone.
Final Category: Music of the 60s-70s-80s-90s
J&B wagers 1130 (enough to beat Senoritas by 10 should they double).
3 of 4 wins wager- All 4 wins 3500 bonus points.
Final Question: for each of the decades listed above, the Billboard Charts top rock acts (based upon hit songs and sales). Clues: 1 is a group, and 1 is a woman.
Part II
Oddly, when Benkowski gave the final category, Stix began to brainstorm by listing the top performer for each of those decades. J&B even joked about handing in those answers prior to hearing the actual question. When the question was read, there was no way any of Stix’s initial notations were going to be changed:
60s- The Beatles
70s- Elton John
80s- Michael Jackson
90s- Mariah Carey
First Half answers:
Mark Carrier
Tom Waddle
Second Half answers:
Michael J Fox
John Wojciechowski
Pittsburgh Steelers
Final Question:
Polacks- 400- guess Beatles (yes), Bee Gees (no), Madonna (no), U2 (no)- wagered 400- thanks for playing.
Kevin’s Still Out- 970- guesses Beatles (yes), Elton John (yes), Michael Jackson (yes), Madonna (no)- wagered 970- up to 1940.
Tres Senoritas- 1160- guess Beatles (yes), Bee Gees (no), Michael Jackson (yes), Madonna (no)- wagered 1189- down to (29) thanks to wagering more than they had.
J&B- 1200- guess Beatles (yes), Elton John (yes), Michael Jackson (yes), Mariah Carey (yes)- all 4 correct wins wager and bonus- up to 5830.
Chief- 1720- guesses Beatles (yes), Elton John (yes), Michael Jackson (yes), Madonna (no)- wagered around 1600- up to over 3300.
Bar- 2090- for dramatic purposes, Benkowski did not read their answers in chronological order- Mariah Carey (yes), Beatles (yes), Michael Jackson (yes), Rod Stewart (no)- wagered 1351- up to 3441.
And a sweet, come-from-behind victory for J&B!
Hilts erupted louder than usual, taunting the Bar and Chief. When the Chief left, they took the long way around the bar just so they wouldn’t have to pass the J&B table. hilts was grabbing the telephone behind us and yelling that it was Rod Stewart on the line.
Art: “I think we’ve hit a new high and new low tonight.”
Trophy (to Hilts): “The only thing better than you coming here is you leaving, asshole.”
One of the Tres Senoritas gals again comes to visit and pay her respects, happy that we defeated the Bar.
More Stix: “It’s my turn to fondle Gf.”
During a discussion on breast size-
Gf: “Wait until you see my daughter.”
Stix: “So it skipped a generation?”
Next TC Pub trivia night: February 15th- for Stix’s Birthday Trivia!
…and now I’m off to the internet to find that picture of Scarlett…
01 February, 2007
Black History Month...
M.J. (in both #23 and #45)
Shirley Chisolm
Walter #34
Nat Turner
James Brown
Pele (well, he played in America)
And there's plenty others, like Oprah, Iverson, Woodson, King, Coleman, and, of course, Jay Z and Beyonce. Uh-o !!
*= I use my language just 'slitely careful', but it means my favourites, or people who have made an impact on me. Like that guy with a gun.