They had their shot. Lost. Went to my alma mater (well, on the university level, it's one of three a.m.'s, I guess) Loyola University to watch L.U. play nationally ranked Butler (more bad guys from Indianapolis). Rarely (never?) went to BB games when I went there, it was a fun nite. #1 neice alerted me that I should go, and gf seconded it. Not a bad drive up, tix only $5 w/ 1/2 price coupon, revisit 2d best 'hood in the city (Marquette Park, still #1, although "#1 w/ a bullet" mite nowadays really mean.............ah, y get it.), and being able to reel off stories to gf and #1 neice
comme Crankface pissing in this doorway; Freak living in dat room dere; it was on this strecht where we used to take PW's truck and eat down @ the water tower campus; there was Wags where, once, me and......................................................
So, a visit to my olde area, my olde era, then.................
I will admidt, and all who know me know, that It was hard for this Peter Pan to ever leave that college mileau (sic). Rite after university, it was straight to grad school on the course to become a prof. Just thrived in that enviroment, but little Peter Pan was too.........................Pannish to buckle down for work, and couldn't get beyond my lazyness. Then I went back to school for the teaching credentials, because my plan was teach for three years, become a mature adult, then finish the Ph.D. Never was asuccess as a classroom teacher, still a boy. Then the disaster of Market Garden (never you mind what happened), where it all just collapsed for a key 12h period, quit my teaching gigg, and just was a child for awhile. Months of recovery. Then, finally, finally, I made the move that, eventually, would get me just about to adulthood= the library move. And even that is a long and winding rue.
But, finally, the lite/tunnel thing has arrived. The library move has been such a good deal, I can't even begin to get you to understand what a revolution in my life this has been. Love the work, love the atmosphere, just love it.
Oh, I can get you to understand : Are you ready?
Being a librarian is just like being in university, except they pay you.
University was always 'the golden place' where I could always be the boy i always wanted to be, and just didn't want to leave. I 'm now out of the university-forever mindset, two score year into my life, and my life is just about there: I've studied the sand tables (ole to 'Band of Brothers' for so many new phrases/terms/ideas/examples of leadership, and the bits of friendships I've had touched by BOB), know how to secure the objective, and am just waiting for that chance again. And when the chance comes, it'll be mine, cause guess what?
I'm great @ this library thing, and every school would be lucky to have me, and I know it !!! There are plenty of librarians that are great, don't get me wrong, but I also know that I'm in that class.
To further the 'Band of Brothers' idea, what I really want out of myself is to be an officer like Winters, the top guy, an officer 101%, in that work of art. He was The Leader, led from the front, had all the answers. The Man. Being a librarian, @ this point, I find myself in the same situation. The kids know me, and they seek me out. My co-wekers totally love what I bring to the school, and I feel deeply appreciated. And I'm pretty happy @ this point in my job performance; only more experience is needed.
What I'm trying to say is, and the visit to Rogers Park triggered it, is that for the first time since I was a wee university lad, I have a comission (military speak for being an officer, not one in the ranks). For whatever reason, to lead is very important to me.
But I'm not a Queeg. J'aint gotta salute me. Unless its my birthday.
AND : got two tix to Doubt, superacclaimed Broadway play, fer just $20, fer to-nite.